
    BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch

    BizZne$$ BuzZ is all about your business. Small business is in trouble and they have been as far back as the “rocking” that occurred in 2008. The 14.2 percent loss of many brick and mortar small businesses happened by the year 2015 (source, NFIB 2015 Report). Already being squeezed by Internet predators, like Amazon, E-Bay, etc. They are literally sucking the life out of small businesses by customer and profit “siphoning.” B2B Networking Groups and social media disappointments abound. Small business needs a “counter” to these Ecommerce tsunamis and that mechanism is the power of UNITY, RELATIONSHIP and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This is an EDGE that is a non-compete. The “perfect storm” of shut down/customer distancing, lack of capital and uncertainty are the devastating effects of COVID19 disruption. Our mission is to provide your business the boost that it needs to recapture your personal visions, rejuvenate your operations and to bring about a platform that represents your interests.
    en-usVoiceAmerica184 Episodes

    Episodes (184)

    Encore Frank and Ninon . . . Kick Off 2024 Together!

    Encore Frank and Ninon . . . Kick Off 2024 Together!
    We are now in the midst of our 4th year on the Voiceamerica.com Business Network and now Ninon de Vere de Rosa, who has so graciously become a large part of the show as our new Hostess and together we have now formed our new moniker of your Dynamic Business Duo for YOU the Small Business Community of America and beyond. Our goal began and continue to be representing your interests as your Advocate and bringing forth YOUR VOICE to speak out and be heard all across this great land and YES eventually within the Halls of Government because one of the greatest fallacies of your existence is the use of the word Small in front of the word Business. You are anything but that. Small Business is responsible for 85% of all the hiring in this country and 50% of its GNP. These two factors alone bring forth the reasons for the removal of that word Small and the recognition that we are more so The Business In America!!! Today, Ninon and I will take the few minutes alloted to us during the LIVE broadcast to give you a better understanding of the reasons WHY we are together and more importantly our goals and dreams to be realized on your behalf. Along with this, there are certainly more challenges that lie before us in 2024 and beyond for our community at large. Join us today as we dialogue in the virtual world with each other, totally unrehearsed. Both of us have no idea where this show will take us but we are excited to work together to bring you the best of what we have to offer to our listening audience. Last year we experienced a 200 percent increase in our numbers of listeners and WE are intent on taking this now base of loyal listeners and expanding it once again and the mission remains the same! We are ALL about Small Business and will continue to be into the far distant future as you empower us with your confidence and support. We also want to take this time to thank our Senior Executive Producer, Robert Ciolino now the General Manager of Voiceamerica.com and his invaluable contributions to the maturing of this show and its impact on society as a whole. Robert, thank you, we could not have done this without your leading and guidance. A special mention to our now Publicist, Dr. Andrea Adams Miller who has been selecting the outstanding guest roster that you have experienced of late and we have no doubts that she will bring forth every bit as many in 2024, resounding with the resources and expertise that you can take advantage of to propel your business to the heights you have envisioned. You will find the contact information of these individuals below. Join us today, as we take BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch into 2024 together and explore the possibilities that we all hope to achieve this together this year and beyond! Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    AC Caswell Visits BizZne$$ BuzZ

    AC Caswell Visits BizZne$$  BuzZ
    A difference maker. That is who our epitomizes today From his humble beginnings as a child in one of the toughest area's growing up in South Central Loa Angeles. His decisions that he made that were life changing at that time and the mentors that he allowed in to council him through the rough spots His God given abilities that propelled him to the gridiron of the NFL with the vaunted Oakland Raiders. AC Craswell is a difference maker who gets the job done! Join us today as we explore the incredible movement that is known as Million Dollar Mingle!Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Genius In 21 Days??? For Real?

    Genius In 21 Days???  For Real?
    Today is what I term to be iconic. Ninon and I both have a passion to engage our younger generation into the world of Small business. Our younger generation is by far the most knowledgeable in history and this is largely due to the worldwide internet which is overflowing with data and most importantly content. You see, content will rule the roost, now and in the foreseeable future as well. I remember a commercial one time that had a line that stated A mind is a terrible thing to waste. You know, sayings like that sorta stick with you and are probably more pertinent to what we are dealing with today. One of the most daunting challenges of our days and times is Who is going to step into these large shoes of the small businesses of America when the Baby Boomers leave this world? This is a huge challenge and mounting more and more each passing day. The need as both Ninon and I see it is for mentoring of these younger generations and NOT from Professors of College's who repeat the same curriculum with nauseating results. What is needed is professionals who are engaged and getting the job done in the nere and now! Today, we have joining us such as individual who is making it happen on a global scale. Knowledge is Wisdom Applied. Join us today as we interview someone who just might have the answer to his daunting problem!how Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Whiskey . . . Going ON!

    Whiskey . . . Going ON!
    I recall when I first came to CA in 1971 and the waving palms tree's, the streets lined with GOLD, It's the Golden State? Right? and the sun washed beaches, the babes! Now, that actually turned out to be for REAL! Well, at age 18 and seeking my destiny, now that I had traversed from the East to the West Coast was all lying before me. One of the institutions that I keot hearing about was a hot spot in Hollywood known as Whiskey a Go Go! I was of course too young at that time to take advantage of all of its particular benefits but none the less it was a somewhat household name in the Southern CA marketplace where entertainment was concerned. Today and i that tradition of the usage of the word Whiskey and the now reach that has been created by our special guest Douglas Smith who is expanding the name and scope of the name Whiskey. Oddly enough, Whiskey a Go Go is still open in Hollywood and ever popular as it has always been. Old ideas with a 21st Century twist has kept the 1964 vision alive and well and operational. Douglas Smith will now give us his perspective and journey of filling the bar of that icon business and other's besides with the literal Whisky varieties that will make the cash registers ring in perpetuity. Join Ninon and I today as we discover just what this unique and entrepreneurial guest it up to right now.Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Who Knows About You?

    Who Knows About You?
    BizZne$$ BuzZ has from it's inception in August of 2020, heralded the following three words. Unity, Relationship and Reciprocity. At the base of all this is a word called knowledge. We, human beings survive and thrive on the power of the relationships that we achieve, nurture and enjoy. Unfortunately and we have all experienced this, we have also been exploited and thus ultimately violated by the very relationships that we have come to know, value and TRUST. Wow, that is a BIG word isn't it? Largely removed from our current society and so hard to recover and re-emerge once again. You see, it all boils down to the word agenda does it not? For when something rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times in the midst of a trusted relationship, many times it was because we did not see that hidden agenda of the person who we were seeking to KNOW better. Today on the show we have a guest who is seeking to have NO agenda in the Power of Trusted Relationships and again our Publicist, Dr. Andrea Adams Miller has found a Diamond In the Ruff of the business world who'se agenda just might be one you are looking for right now. Let's find out what she has introduced to us today as Tom Chenault of Contact Mapping joins us on the show today!ur Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Real Estate . . . From a Much Different Perspective

    Real Estate . . . From a Much Different Perspective
    Welcome to BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne$$ Watch LIVE with The Dynamic Business Duo - Frank Helring and Ninon de Vera de Rosa on Voiceamerica.com! Tune in every Wednesday at 10 am PST and 1 pm EST for a rollercoaster ride through the unconventional realms of business.Today's episode ventures into the mysterious world of discounted Real Estate, where pioneers like Carlton Sheets, Robert G. Allen, Wade Cook, and Craig Hall left their marks. Join us as we unveil the secrets with the legendary Wayne Seminoff, an 80-year-old guru of Bargain Real Estate!Wayne has mastered turning $1000 lots into $400,000 treasures. He's been mining junk real estate for over four decades, and now he's sharing his expertise in his game-changing Bargain Real Estate course. Forget the complexities – Wayne simplifies the process, turning obstacles into golden opportunities.In a world where others see barriers, Wayne sees openings. His strategies not only fill your bank account but elevate your self-concept. Whether you're a novice or an expert, Wayne's lessons guarantee financial freedom. He opens doors for the young dreamers, proving success is within reach.Don't miss this chance to revolutionize your approach to real estate! Tune in LIVE, absorb Wayne's wisdom, and step into a world where junk lots become your ticket to prosperity. Visit Voiceamerica.com every Wednesday – it's not just a show; it's your pathway to financial transformation! ?? #BizZneBuzZ #BizZneWatch #RealEstateRevolution #WayneSeminoff #FinancialFreedom BizZne$$ BuzZ can be found at certaintyteam.com Our Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    PHI??? Did Ya Ever Hear of Money???

    PHI???  Did Ya Ever Hear of Money???
    Get Ready for BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch LIVE and serving the Small Business Community! BizZne$$ BuzZand BizZne$$ Watch LIVE! Join the energetic hosts, Frank Helring and Ninon de Vera de Rosa, the Dynamic Duo of Small Business Advocacy, Resources, and Expertise, on the Voiceamerica.com Business Network. ?? ?? When: Every Wednesday at 10 am PST / 1 pm EST ?? What to Expect: BizZne$$ BuzZ is your ultimate sounding board for Small Business concerns and solutions in America and beyond. This week, buckle up for a game-changing episode! ?? Special Guest: Rob Hagen of Cross-Fire Rob will unravel the secrets of PHI (Preventative Health Initiative) entering the W-2 ranks. Discover how this initiative not only provides significant benefits to employees but also helps in mitigating payroll tax expenses for employers. It's a Win-Win in an Uncertain 2024! ?? Why Tune In? Learn how Small Businesses can thrive with a platform offering both Benefits and Tax Relief. This is a crucial consideration in the current landscape. Find out the unbelievable part – there's NO Out of Pocket Expense for employers! Salary attracts, Benefits retain. ?? Key Takeaway: Enhance retention ratios, prioritize employee welfare, and enrich your business cash register by reclaiming taxes. Uncle Sam is funding this mechanism right now, and you can access it without any upfront costs. The time is NOW! ?? Don't Miss Out! Tune into BizZne$$ BuzZand BizZne$$ Watch LIVE for insights that will transform your small business journey. Your success awaits – seize the opportunity! ???? #BizZne$$BuzZ #SmallBusinessSuccess #TaxReliefRevolution Our Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Introducing . . .The Certainty Collective!

    Introducing . . .The Certainty Collective!
    Welcome to a very unique show. Now 4 years into the LIVE airing of BizZne$$ BuzZ a tremendous amount of activity and FRUIT has been realized by hosting this show and now with my Hostess, Ninon de Vere de Rosa, we are now increasing our listening audience together, week in and week out! Today, joining me on a commercial FREE show is my Co-Managing Partner of Certainty Global, LLC which we both own jointly and recently have decided to have BizZne$$ BuzZ and my partner's Voiceamerica.com show Finding Certainty acquired by this company as well. We will be discussing a move that we have decided to enjoin together to bring to life. The Certainty Collective! Patrick owned two companies prior to our meeting and now we have decided to enjoin the new company that we both founded recently towards the center of the other two entities. The impending results of such a move is what we will be covering today and believe me . . . You are gonna like it! Join us today as we will be discussing the birth and most importantly the realization of as close to a One Stop Shoppe for business both small and large and encompassing ALL of the pertinent 21st Century glaring NEEDS of both of these market sectors. We have created a COLLECTIVE of solutions just for YOU! There is an old saying . . . It doesn't get any better than this! Tune in today and find out what were talking about! .Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Money Is Tight! Consumerism iS The Lifeblood of Small Business!

    Money Is Tight!  Consumerism iS The Lifeblood of Small Business!
    Welcome to the Power Hour. The Dynamic Duo of advocacy. Frank Helring and Ninon de Vere de Rosa. They are on a mission to empower small businesses, bringing you the resources and expertise you need to turn your dreams into reality.In today's episode, we're diving deep into the heartbeat of small business success – capital. Frank and Ninon know that capital is king, the lifeblood that fuels American Small BizZness. Join them as they explore the challenges and triumphs faced by small businesses in obtaining and managing capital, especially in an economy where costs are high and access to capital can be a game-changer.Special guest Todd Aaron, CEO of Numerus Capital, will join the conversation. Numerus Capital is the go-to solution for businesses hearing from customers that lack the cash to buy today. Todd will share insights on how Numerus Capital's innovative financing solutions eliminate lost sales and price objections, providing businesses access to a loan origination platform with 35+ lenders. Learn how this can be the game-changing tool in your toolbox, allowing you to close every sale up to $100,000.But that's not all Numerus Capital goes beyond financing. Discover how their credit card processing services can slash your transaction expenses, putting 2% to 3% back into your pocket as pure profit. Todd Aaron, with his extensive experience in the industry, will also shed light on his journey, having owned and run one of the largest customer finance companies before selling it to private equity.Get ready for a candid and insightful discussion on increasing sales, reducing operational costs, and making the point of purchase a win-win for both businesses and customers. Don't miss out on the Small BizZne$$ Power Hour where small business dreams come to life! Remember, in the world of small business, every sale counts, and capital is the key to unlocking your success. Tune in, get inspired, and take your small business to new heights!

    Frank and Ninon . . . Kick Off 2024 Together!

    Frank and Ninon . . . Kick Off 2024 Together!
    We are now in the midst of our 4th year on the Voiceamerica.com Business Network and now Ninon de Vere de Rosa, who has so graciously become a large part of the show as our new Hostess and together we have now formed our new moniker of your Dynamic Business Duo for YOU the Small Business Community of America and beyond. Our goal began and continue to be representing your interests as your Advocate and bringing forth YOUR VOICE to speak out and be heard all across this great land and YES eventually within the Halls of Government because one of the greatest fallacies of your existence is the use of the word Small in front of the word Business. You are anything but that. Small Business is responsible for 85% of all the hiring in this country and 50% of its GNP. These two factors alone bring forth the reasons for the removal of that word Small and the recognition that we are more so The Business In America!!! Today, Ninon and I will take the few minutes alloted to us during the LIVE broadcast to give you a better understanding of the reasons WHY we are together and more importantly our goals and dreams to be realized on your behalf. Along with this, there are certainly more challenges that lie before us in 2024 and beyond for our community at large. Join us today as we dialogue in the virtual world with each other, totally unrehearsed. Both of us have no idea where this show will take us but we are excited to work together to bring you the best of what we have to offer to our listening audience. Last year we experienced a 200 percent increase in our numbers of listeners and WE are intent on taking this now base of loyal listeners and expanding it once again and the mission remains the same! We are ALL about Small Business and will continue to be into the far distant future as you empower us with your confidence and support. We also want to take this time to thank our Senior Executive Producer, Robert Ciolino now the General Manager of Voiceamerica.com and his invaluable contributions to the maturing of this show and its impact on society as a whole. Robert, thank you, we could not have done this without your leading and guidance. A special mention to our now Publicist, Dr. Andrea Adams Miller who has been selecting the outstanding guest roster that you have experienced of late and we have no doubts that she will bring forth every bit as many in 2024, resounding with the resources and expertise that you can take advantage of to propel your business to the heights you have envisioned. You will find the contact information of these individuals below. Join us today, as we take BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch into 2024 together and explore the possibilities that we all hope to achieve this together this year and beyond! Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Encore, American Warrior Holocaust . . . What Are They Hiding?

    Encore,  American Warrior Holocaust . . . What Are They Hiding?
    On September 9th, 2022, this show covered for the first time in its history a Live Event in Pensacola, Florida sponsored by Whistle Blowers of America.org During that show a now breaking story emerged that has compelled us to revisit what surfaced through one of the guests we interviewed. Bruce Sackman who authored the book Behind The Murder Curtain” whose subject matter is the intentional murdering of “America’s Finest”. Men and Women who picked up a weapon and defended the Constitution and the American People in foreign lands at a juncture in their lives when they are the most vulnerable and in great need . . . Professional Physicians, Nurses and others are violating a sacred trust and assurances that their best interests are truly being served? On the contrary, they are taking the lives so precious to themselves, their loved ones and this nation and destroying them lying in the very beds that they so valiantly fought and many became permanently maimed in the service of their country and the flag under which they did battle. Questions now arise I am sure in your minds . . . When did this happen? They will be answered. How could this possibly happen in America? These will be addressed and answered as well. Why was I not aware of this? You will be fully informed during this show. What is being done about this? This is the very reason we are seeking to raise public awareness of this travesty and stain upon American Honor. You the citizens of this country have been violated because it is your tax dollars who paid the salaries of these felons who are now behind bars to pay for their hideous crimes. Bruce Sackman is now retired and no longer in the service of this nation. His book that was published in 2020 has sold approximately 3000 copies to date. As of the airing of this show not one Major Media Agency has taken the time to personally interview him and cause a wave of journalistic inquiry to investigate and resolve one of the most infamous schemes every contemplated and in this show’s opinion . . . Everyone is involved!

    Foster Children. They Count!

    Foster Children. They Count!
    Welcome to BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne Watch, the dynamic talk show hosted by Frank Helring and Ninon de Vere de Rosa, streaming live on Voiceamerica.com Business Network every Wednesday at 10 am PST, 1 pm EST.In this episode, we're honored to have Richard Villasana, the Founder of Forever Homes for Foster Kids, as our special guest. Richard, a proud Navy veteran, is a leading international expert on immigration issues and foster families. With over three decades of experience, his nonprofit has played a pivotal role in finding families for foster and immigrant children, creating a forever home.Richard's impact goes beyond borders, having been featured on CNN International, Associated Press, ABC TV, and more. Recognized as a California Hero, he has translated for the United Nations and is a prominent advocate for Latino foster children.Tune in to gain insights into the business side of running a nonprofit, as Richard shares his wealth of knowledge on marketing, legalities, and financial sustainability. Discover how Forever Homes for Foster Kids has navigated the intricate landscape of international nonprofits and made a lasting impact on the lives of countless children.To support Richard's cause, visit ForeverHomesforFosterKids.org. Join us as we delve into the inspiring journey of a true humanitarian, bringing you uplifting stories and valuable insights on BizZne$$ BuzZ! andBizZne$$ Watch..Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcon.com

    VA Lending Is a Specialty Meet The Specialist!

    VA Lending Is a Specialty Meet The Specialist!
    Tune in every Wednesday at 10:00 am PST, 1 pm EST for the ultimate power hour in business advocacy with the dynamic duo, Frank Helring and Ninon de Vere de Rosa! Live on VoiceAmerica.com, this game-changing show brings the small business community to the forefront, giving them the voice they deserve.In the midst of an inflationary economy, small businesses often find themselves struggling for survival. Enter Frank and Ninon, your hosts with a mission. Bizzne$$ Buzz and Bizzness Watch is not just a show; it's a lifeline for businesses looking to thrive. Unveiling resources, expertise, and groundbreaking strategies, Frank and Ninon dive deep into the heart of reducing operational costs and driving success.Joining the dynamic duo is the phenomenal Carlos Scarpero, VA mortgage broker extraordinaire from Edge Home Finance. A true maverick in the mortgage industry, Carlos brings over 20 years of real estate expertise, with a focus on VA loans. Recognized as the #1 VA broker in the country, Carlos has transformed over 50 lives, making dreams come true for veterans and their families.But Carlos is not just a mortgage maestro. With a background in online marketing and real estate investment, he brings a holistic perspective to the table. From debt consolidation to freelance loan closing, Carlos's journey is a testament to his commitment to excellence.Known for his passion for networking, Carlos led the Dayton Pulse networking group for five years, cementing his role as a community connector. His dedication extends beyond business to volunteer work with Goodwill and the West Carrollton Pirate Pack program, showcasing a commitment to community that resonates.A Distinguished Toastmaster, Carlos Scarpero is not just a broker; he's a voice of leadership. Excelling in public speaking and leadership, Carlos is here to guide, inspire, and provide innovative solutions for veterans. Join him, Frank, and Ninon on Bizzne$$ Buzz and Bizzness Watch – your weekly dose of business brilliance, Wednesdays at 10:00 am PST, 1 pm EST, only on VoiceAmerica.com. Don't miss the buzz! Your pathway to business resurgence starts here!.Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcon.com

    Hiring takes on a new look and feel

    Hiring takes on a new look and feel
    Welcome to BizZness BuzZ! .Theheartbeatofsmallbusinessrevival!Jointhemagneticduo,FrankHelringandNinondeVeredeRosa,LIVEveryWednesdayat10amPSTonVoiceAmericaBusinessChannelforanunmissableeditionofBizZne Watch. In the relentless battle against e-commerce giants, small businesses yearn for a lifeline. Meet the powerhouses, Frank and Ninon, on a mission to fortify small businesses through unity, relationships, and reciprocity. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 upheaval, they're here to breathe new life into your operations and catapult your business platform to greater heights. This week, brace yourself for a game-changer: Joseph Stimac, the virtuoso in competency-based selection and human capital management. Architect of AccuHire HCMS, Joseph is reshaping recruitment, revolutionizing everything from screening to interview tracking. His tech brilliance, coupled with bestselling titles like Winning Career Strategies, positions him as the go-to expert in top conferences. Joseph isn't just transforming industries; he's an educator, refining interview techniques for recruiters and hiring managers. His client roster reads like a who's who, including Hallmark Cards, StorageTek, and the U.S. Department of Defense. With a background in Biology, Joseph offers a fresh perspective, making him a must-listen for the future BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch – Your pathway to business resurgence starts here!.Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Encore: Recession? Stagflation? Fantasy or Reality?

    Encore: Recession? Stagflation? Fantasy or Reality?
    I remember a term known as Dega Vu during my lifetime. It was a Baby Boomer watchword and it means A Feeling of already having experienced a similar situation. My history includes being in financial services and in the late 1970's early 1980's with at that time President Jimmy Carter at the helm of the USA. During his tenure, the nation experienced a Recession and Stagflation which translated resulted in record high inflation and low economic growth. There is a monument in our nation's capital and etched in the stone are these words, The Past Is Prologue, translation being History Is Destined To Repeat Itself. Recently, we are ALL experiencing a return to the past which is frought with escalating costs that are rising on a cross section of our most valuable resources and assets, being energy, food, shelter and dare I say utilities? Furthermore, recently a report was released that we have indeed lost almost 3 percent of this nations wealth with the dismal GDP report findings. The question is what's being done about this and how is this going to effect YOUR Small Business NOW and in the FUTURE. Joining me today is a very industrious lady who has decided to tackle this recent development Head On and she is making no excuses to her rapidly expanding clientele as well. She also is heavily involved in the networking and relationship building of Small Business in her community and has a very robust following in that realm as well. The future is more uncertain and YOU as a business are experiencing that day in and day out as you endeavor to come back from the COVID 19 Pandemic shutdowns and shut outs that you have experienced during the last two plus years. Join me today as I interview a mover and shaker who is not about to withdraw from these daunting issues but has chosen instead to engage and bring about solutions!

    Encore: State of the Union: Small Business In America

    Encore: State of the Union: Small Business In America
    Frank returns to the city of his birth Washington, DC! What will he find? Frank will be performing his LIVE show from our Nation's Capital and will be joined by another LIVE IP Radio Talk Show Host, who broadcasts from there. Together, they will endeavor to bring forth the Truth, Facts and Reality of Small Business in America, Right Now! The show will be OPEN to more time allotted to Live Call Ins from those in the Small Business Community who are in the KNOW and can uncover what we are not being told through the Fake News media. Frank will be spending 5 days in DC and that will include LIVE BizZne$$ Watch Boots on the Ground, videocopy and interviews out and about the metropolitan DC area. Frank wants to see and hear what small business is dealing with in the heart of the nation. What don't we KNOW? Small Business is the backbone of America! The numbers and future trends are vital to this nation's prosperity and future. Tune in, to find out!

    Chambers of Commerce . . . The Heart Of Small Business

    Chambers of Commerce . . . The Heart Of Small Business
    Title: Chambers of Commerce: The Heart of Small Business Hosted by The Dynamic Business Duo, Frank Helring and Ninon de Vere de Rosa of BizZne$$ BuzZ Join us for a riveting exploration of the Chambers of Commerce, the true backbone of American business. These chambers have a rich history, dating back to the very roots of our nation when community-oriented Town Hall Meetings were the norm, not just political stump speeches. In an alarming era marked by pandemic disruptions and economic challenges, Chambers have faced unprecedented challenges. Join us as we delve deep into the Urban Chamber of Commerce of Las Vegas, led by visionary entrepreneur Brandon Ward..Discover how this chamber weathered the storm and continues to make strides today. Brandon Ward, a force for positive change, Business Development Executive, and Co-Founder of The WE Mentality, will share his insights. His dedication to uplifting businesses and communities, combined with his unique journey as a Business and Life Coach, is nothing short of compelling. Based in Las Vegas, Brandon Ward's impact extends beyond business. He's the Co-Founder of DreamSAFE Project, a nonprofit supporting families in need, highlighting his unwavering commitment to community welfare and social impact Tune in as we uncover the heart of Chambers of Commerce, exploring their significance and resilience, with Brandon Ward guiding us through his remarkable journey of personal growth and community empowerment. Don't miss this insightful, memorable, and compulsive episode of Chambers of Commerce: The Heart of Small Business.Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Las Vegas Small Business? Wake Up Call

    Las Vegas Small Business?  Wake Up Call
    Join Frank Helring and Ninon de Vere de Rosa, the dynamic business duo behind BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne$$ Watch, for an introspective and alarming live talk show that's a compelling call to action. Title: BizZne$$ BuzZ & BizZne$$ Watch When: Wednesdays at 10 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica.com Business Channel Description: In the world of small business, the challenges are profound and enduring. Since the tumultuous events of 2008, small businesses have been grappling with adversity. The NFIB 2015 Report revealed a staggering 14.2 percent loss of brick-and-mortar businesses by 2015. The culprits? Internet giants like Amazon and eBay, who have been siphoning away customers and profits, leaving small businesses squeezed and struggling. The promise of B2B networking groups and social media often falls short. What's the antidote to the e-commerce onslaught? It's UNITY, RELATIONSHIP, and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This is the competitive edge that defies imitation. The perfect storm of COVID-19 disruptions, featuring shutdowns, customer distancing, financial uncertainty, has added to their woes. Our mission is to offer your business the boost it needs. We aim to help you rekindle your personal vision, reinvigorate your operations, and provide a platform that champions your interests. On today's show, BizZne$$ BuzZ delves into the experiences of two business owners in Nevada, specifically Las Vegas, who bore the brunt of the COVID-19 debacle. One is an Event Planner, while the other is a restaurant chain owner with establishments in Nevada and California. What sets the latter apart is that they're running for Congress, aiming to move beyond talk and into action at the highest levels of influence. Tune in as we take you behind the scenes in Las Vegas, unveiling the challenges faced by this iconic city before, during, and after the pandemic that temporarily extinguished the lights in the world's most entertainment-oriented city. BizZne$$ BuzZ & BizZne$$ Watch is your platform for change and transformation in the small business world.

    Vegas Here We Come!

    Vegas Here We Come!
    Welcome to the dynamic and informative BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne Watch live radio show with Frank Helring and Ninon de Vera de Rosa! Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the true story of Las Vegas, a city that faced immense challenges during the pandemic. Las Vegas, once vibrant and bustling, now whispers tales of a slow return to normalcy. We'll explore its pre-pandemic glory, the eerie days during the pandemic, and the current post-pandemic landscape. Like an episode from The Twilight Zone, Las Vegas saw its streets go barren, but it's also a thriving hub for small businesses that cater to the Hotels, Casinos, and its blossoming population.Frank and Ninon are your dynamic hosts, diving deep into the heart of Las Vegas. This show is just the beginning of a series of episodes dedicated to this captivating city, covering politics, business, and social aspects throughout the entire month of October.Join us as we set the stage for this exciting journey, where we'll deliver the latest insights and updates as only the Dynamic Business Duo can. Tune in every Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Business Channel for the BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne$$ Watch show. BizZne$$ BuzZ is here to support small businesses facing challenges in the ever-evolving market. We'll explore the power of unity, relationships, and the law of reciprocity to counter the impact of e-commerce giants like Amazon and E-Bay. Small businesses need a lifeline, especially after the disruptions caused by COVID-19. Our mission is to give your business the boost it needs, rekindle your vision, and provide a platform that represents your interests. Don't miss this opportunity to stay informed, inspired, and empowered with BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch Join us as we set the stage for this exciting journey, where we'll deliver the latest insights and updates as only the Dynamic Business Duo can. Tune in every Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Business Channel for the BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne$$ Watch show. Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com

    Tranzact Card . . .Lookout World! Here comes Z Bucks

    Tranzact Card . . .Lookout World! Here comes Z Bucks
    In 1950, the first credit card ever was the Diners Club. In 1958, Bank of America launched the BankAmericard and the means of payment was transformed overnight. In fact, I recall that when I lived in Las Vegas, my mother was in relationship with a man who had the responsibility of bringing the BankAmericard to the Las Vegas Casino's. I remember that when Hank Aarron hit his momentous home run, it sailed right over the billboard on the outfield wall, this was a blow up of the BankAmericard. Now, ask yourself a question. Do you see the BankAmericard today??? Well, YES you do. It just happens to be a company better known as VISA! I have another question, how would you like to have been a stockholder at the turn? Enough said. You as a small business owner, know the world of merchant/credit card processing because you see the fee's that are deducted at point of purchase and the fee's have been rising as we speak. I will take a moment to say here, this is NOT a Merchant Processing show but I am making a point. Companies, like VISA generate, Billion's of dollars of revenue from the fee income that they charge the merchants who are dependent on this form of cash flow because almost 100 percent of transactions today are either by credit/debit cards. Now, that I have set the stage with something you KNOW, I will introduce you to a new TWIST on the VISA world of commerce that now enrich's you the Small Business with a revenue share of fee's that were off limits and sacrosanct to the banking industry. Am I saying that Chase, B of A or Wells Fargo has now decided to become overly generous and share the wealth with you the business owner. No, I am saying that your local Community Banks who are issuers of a VISA Card platform have decided to partner with a Marketing Engine that is about to turn the heads of consumers, businesses and merchants as never before or most likely ever will. Today, I am joined by one of the principals of this rapidly emerging firm and we will be delving into the financial world he is about to create what will certainly put a BuzZ back into YOUR BizZne$$ and a Big Smile on your customer's faces.