
    Black Boomer Besties from Brooklyn

    This is what the world needs now: two free-thinking “seasoned” Black women speaking their truth and inspiring others to do the same. Shaped by 45 years of friendship that began at the prestigious Brooklyn Technical High School through the Ivy League, medical school, marriages, divorces, triumphs, parenting queer children, life-threatening illness and many many amazing adventures. Each week, besties Leslie Osei-Tutu and Angella Fraser will push against boundaries in love, culture, careers, faith, politics and out-dated assumptions about women of a certain age. Remember, you’re never too old to change your mind…or your hair! (but more on that later :-)All views are our own and do not reflect the views of our institution/company. Information provided is not intended to serve as medical advice.
    en-usAngella Fraser & Leslie Osei-Tutu65 Episodes

    Episodes (65)

    Why Don’t We Know More About The Legacies of Pauli Murray & Bayard Rustin?

    Why Don’t We Know More About The Legacies of Pauli Murray & Bayard Rustin?

    Although Black History month ended last week, we are keenly aware that Black History is every month and for everybody.  After all, Black history is American history. 

    We bring you this week the lesser told stories of two African American pioneers: Pauli Murray and Bayard Rustin. They are two pivotal yet often unheralded champions of the Civil Rights Movement, whose legacies intertwine with the fabric of America's ongoing quest for equality. In this episode Angella and Leslie discuss two screen depictions of the remarkable lives and contributions of these trailblazers, whose courageous battles against injustice were further complicated by their LGBTQIA+ identities. 

    We highlight Pauli's visionary legal strategies that reshaped gender equality laws and Bayard's strategic genius in organizing the March on Washington, revealing a deeper understanding of their lasting impact on the world we live in today.

    My Name Is Pauli Murray - Official Trailer | Prime Video

    Bayard Rustin: The man who transformed the Civil Rights Movement

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Don't Wait to Retire to Rest with Stephanie Perry-Part 2

    Don't Wait to Retire to Rest with Stephanie Perry-Part 2

    Are you in your selfish season? Do you long to be? And do you have the courage to tell others exactly what it is that you need?   

    In this, part 2 of the popular episode with Stephanie Perry, Besties Angella and Leslie continue their conversation exploring the societal norms around our work lives, burnout and the timing around retirement.  Stephanie offers her unique perspective on striving for a life of ease as she “bops around the world” experiencing how other cultures prioritize restful living.Maybe it’s just time for a sabbatical or a career break. 

    Stephanie  shows us how to pivot into a restful period that can allow you to realign your priorities and identify what really matters to you most.
    Stephanie Perry - YouTubeVaycarious.comTrusted House Sitters

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on
    YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Fani Willis and That Black Excellence Thing

    Fani Willis and That Black Excellence Thing

    Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've likely seen and heard about the public hearings of GA District Attorney Fani Willis. DA Willis is prosecuting the alleged Georgia election fraud trial of former President Trump and has found herself in her own legal entanglement. Willis is being accused of hiring a former romantic partner to gain financially from the prosecution. 

    Regardless of which side you find yourself — whether you believe this is her personal business and not relevant to the prosecution case, or yes, she's guilty of inappropriate use of taxpayer funds and thus should be removed from the case, or even 'how dare she behave with such arrogance and disrespect on the stand — one thing is clear: the outcome will reverberate across America and the world.

    Besties Angella and Leslie have been consumed by the proceedings. In this episode they discuss the hearing from an African American cultural perspective by dissecting the trope of ‘Black Excellence’, that familiar category that (in Ange’s view) has present day adjacency to being/or not a ‘credit to your race’.

    Black folks are raised to internalize that we must be, act, dress, enunciate, and strive better than our peers as any mistake is often magnified and discredits the community as a whole by the white gaze. Even more so for Black women, who have the added burden of the judgment of race-agnostic sexism. 

    What is clear is that Fani Willis is a skilled and successful prosecutor and litigator with a long list of accomplishments under her belt. Despite her being the victim of violent threats and vandalism of her home, she has brought an extraordinarily important charge to hold an election-stealing attempt to justice. As such, are we missing the forest for the trees?


    Full DA Fani Willis hearing testimonies - Fani Willis, her father John Clifford Floyd III, Nathan Wade, Robin Yeartie

    The Real Fani Willis 

    The Standard of Proof podcast

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Don't Wait to Retire to Rest with Stephanie Perry-Part 1

    Don't Wait to Retire to Rest with Stephanie Perry-Part 1

    “Waiting until retirement age to start living is a scam!” Well, that is guest  Stephanie Perry’s stance on why she has made it her goal to get Black women to “take career breaks, bop around the world, or move abroad all while embracing ease”

    The Besties have mentioned her several times as a model of free-living, unapologetically choosing ease, and a window into the world of what she refers to as the “adult gap year”. 

    Stephanie’s transformation started when she gave herself free time, through travel, to find the part of herself that she might not have allowed to surface otherwise. Your value, she says, is in who you are, not in what you do. Especially for Black women who carry the weight of the stress of so many societal “isms”

    The Besties couldn’t get enough of Stephanie Perry, creator of the popular YouTube channel, a full time house-sitter, creator of House Sitter School, co-creator with Roshida Dowe  of ExodUS Summit and just all around cool sister-friend.  So make sure you tune in next week for Part 2 of one of their most riveting conversations thus far.


    Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto

    Legacy: A Black Physician Reckons with Racism in Medicine (HC) (2024)

    Stephanie Perry - YouTube


    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    You're Meant to Move with DK Ciccone

    You're Meant to Move with DK Ciccone

    People don’t relish talking about pain. Valid. So let’s talk about pain relief.

    Dana Karen (DK) Ciccone’s journey with pain started suddenly at age 13 while performing a solo in the musical Godspell at a local theater. It was her effort to seek (and find) relief that led to her commitment to help others move their bodies in order to “conquer chronic pain, increase stress resilience, and reclaim an active life”. 

    DK found Pilates to be quite helpful, leading her to later become a certified Pilates instructor with specialized training in pain reprocessing therapy. Her work with clients also uncovers their fears and personal narratives around movement and healing. After the body repairs the physical injury, she discovered that stress and anxiety from potential pain can itself become a source of prolonged disability. 

    You’re Meant to Move is the title of DK’s empathetically written, medically sound, and action-based new book.  

    Think pain is normal as we age? The Besties addressed this common belief once before with guest Chesha Hodge, MPA, RDN (Embrace Healthier Nutritional Choices). These two experts challenge this myth.

    Learn more about DK’s work at  Movement Remedies

    As mentioned: Train with Joan

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on The Besties’ YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Daily Writing (Not Journaling) Changed My Life

    Daily Writing (Not Journaling) Changed My Life

    For several years Ange has adopted a daily writing practice that she attributes to changing her life.  

    She describes this, now ritual, as a stream of consciousness style that strengthens her connection to God, answers questions, challenges assumptions, and allows her to be her most vulnerable, without judgment. Lately, she has opened her writing time for others to join to reap the benefits of their own practice. Leslie, on the other hand, is in awe, believing its power but convinced she could never do it. 

    The Besties have an unguarded discussion about possible reasons for Leslie’s resistance. Is it fear, and if so, fear of what? 

    Join Ange’s writing group here and learn more about her gifts-centered coaching for independent women here.

    The Artist’s Way 

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on The Besties’ YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    We Ain’t Mad at Katt Williams

    We Ain’t Mad at Katt Williams

    Katt Williams said whaaaat??? 

    In his recent interview on
    Club Shay Shay, Shannon Sharp’s popular online show, comedian Katt Williams almost broke the internet.  His nearly 3 hour appearance skyrocketed to 37 million views within hours. He had to “tell the truth couldn’t let the lies stand” after some fellow comedic contemporaries were earlier guests. And boy did he go all in. He had folks clutching their pearls! 

    The Besties (esp. Ang) were hooked and share their candid opinions in this episode. 

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Are You Trippin?

    Are You Trippin?

    How long do you keep your clothing? If you’re anything like Leslie, decades; scores, even. Leslie admits that the sweater she is wearing was gifted to her by their dear friend (guest on S1E10), the actress Kim Coles nearly 30 years ago.  She worries that at this rate, her wardrobe will likely outlive her.  Angie calls her out and Leslie finally admits “I got too much” before her segue into the meat of the conversation - a new adult party game called “Am I Trippin”.

    Reecie Colbert, a no holes barred Black radio host & commentator, presents controversial realistic scenarios that demands partygoers take sides. And the Besties do just that with all the humor and smarts for which they are well-known.

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Copay Blues

    Copay Blues

    To hear these Besties talk, one would think that one of them is a doctor!  But all jokes aside, Leslie is not giving medical advice here. The Besties discuss a recent experience when faced with the high costs of prescription drugs and healthcare in general in America. Leslie’s in shock at learning that her new copayment will be for her migraine medication - several thousand dollars (her headache disappeared immediately!). 

    We are told that America has the best medical care but what about those who don’t have financial or digital access? There are so many countries, even “poor” ones that provide universal healthcare to their populations. Hmmm, perhaps the Besties will consider moving abroad like the ExodUS Summit encourages. It’s a virtual conference for Black women  planning a sabbatical, expat move, or nomadic life abroad. Co-founders Stephanie Perry and Rhoshida Dowe have been advocates for living outside of the US and they’ve caught Ange’s attention. Stay tuned for updates.

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Not Everyone's Cup of Tea

    Not Everyone's Cup of Tea

    Are you OK with not being everybody’s cup of tea or do you prefer that everyone thinks you’re the bee’s knees? People pleasing may be just too much pressure for The Besties.   

    So when Les asks: “Who wouldn’t want to be partnered with you [Ang]?”, a deep discussion ensues about how we bring our authentic selves to relationships with respect, grace, and truth as necessary components. With these in place, one becomes free to choose how to adapt to make partnerships work well. Love can be a powerful motivator for change.

     This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Ho Ho Humbug

    Ho Ho Humbug

    Hope your Christmas Day - if it’s your tradition - was everything you hoped.

    Leslie struggles with this season and couldn’t be happier that January is almost here. No, she’s not particularly looking forward to starting a new year, rather she's thrilled that the Christmas season is drawing to a close.  In this episode Leslie explains to Angella  her “scrooge-esque” reticence to celebrate the joys of the season and why she thinks there needs to be a complete paradigm shift in the way that we celebrate the birth of Our Saviour.  Angella on the other hand urges her bestie to consider some of the older traditions and reminisce about some of the joyful memories that they hold. 

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Why Older Black Women Need a Boudoir Photoshoot

    Why Older Black Women Need a Boudoir Photoshoot

    Would any fears arise if you were to consider having a boudoir photoshoot? This week’s guest may put all of them to rest. Olesha Haskett is a published photographer whose focus on boudoir made her aware of specific needs of Black women/female identifying people that were not being met. She created community for Black boudoir photographers and unapologetically educates on how others can become more deeply inclusive.

    Beyond and before the photoshoot itself, guiding women (most of them older) through the mental reframing of one’s self-acceptance and self-love is a necessary part of the process. You may be surprised by the surprising differences Olesha has found between Black & white clients’ reasons for wanting to capture a boudoir experience on film.  

    Enjoy an episode full of expressions of freedom, releasing old assumptions and scripts, while engaging body and age-positivity. 

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Hit & Run

    Hit & Run

    When Leslie had a little fender bender with a parked car, and the owner nowhere in sight, she had a decision to  make.  Should she leave a note  with  her information or would it be ok if she left, hoping the owner’s insurance would cover the cost? 

    What do you think she did? After all, it was an accident and isn’t that what insurance is for? The besties were not in agreement on every point but as they expected, God intervened and  lessons were learned for everyone involved.

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube.

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    Leaving A Financial Legacy Part 2

    Leaving A Financial Legacy Part 2

    Because it’s the start of the gift giving season, the Besties have decided to give you a priceless gift with Part 2 of the 2 part series with Estate Planning Attorney Karl Chen. In fact, they see it more as a love gift to your families. Angella and Leslie continue their conversation with Karl who offers clear and candid information on how to jumpstart creating your “Generational Wealth Blueprint”. 

    From this episode you’ll  understand why having a clear plan is vital and what items should be included in everyone's toolkit.  So get out your pen and paper, get comfortable and be ready to take control of your family legacy.  You’re welcome.

    Their Family Bought Land One Generation After Slavery. The Reels Brothers Spent Eight Years in Jail for Refusing to Leave It.

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on The Besties’ YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Leaving A Financial Legacy Part 1

    Leaving A Financial Legacy Part 1

    This week they bring to you Part 1 of a two part interview with Karl Chen, Esq.  Karl is an estate and business planning attorney whose practice revolves around Estate Planning, Probate Matters and Business Law issues for businesses and individuals. Before they get into financial matters, though, the old high school friends meander down memory lane.

    Clearly, their classmates from NYC’s elite Brooklyn Technical High School Class of 1980 form quite a successful and supportive village (check out Pam Skinner from S3: Black Legacies Matter, Kay Benjamin from S3: More Stories on Caribbean Ancestry, and Kim Coles from S1: Coach Kim Coles is in the Building

    Karl has been on quite a circuitous journey indeed: pivots galore and a disappointing “un”encounter that led to the book Think & Grow Rich that totally changed the trajectory and outlook of his life.

    Come back for Part 2 for Estate Planning essentials.

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on The Besties’ YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    From the Besties Vault

    From the Besties Vault

    This episode comes out of the Besties Vault, recorded back at the start of our season 2. The Besties began a discussion about a few interesting documentaries and have decided to delve deeper into them as separate episodes this season.  

    The 1619 Project chronicles African Americans from the first enslaved Africans brought to America in 1619. Another is Contradiction, which examines the role of the Black church in the lack of prosperity in the Black community.

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Reimagining Black Hair Culture

    Reimagining Black Hair Culture

    This week has been a week of deadlines for Ang - commitments to theater, making custom wigs, and preparing for her first (of many, God-willing) talk on the topic of Black Hair Culture. Leslie keeps firing questions like she’s sitting at the feet of a sage - LOL.

    There’s so much more than meets the eye when it comes to the culture of Black hair and Ang just wants to shout it from the rooftops. Did you know that there are mathematical and technological connections to hair braiding? Check out the research of two ethno-mathematicians, Dr Gloria Gilmer and Dr Ronald Eglash,and be amazed!

    It’s so refreshing to see the Besties genuinely supporting each other’s pursuits. Thanks for listening. See you next week.

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    Perspectives on Local Elections & Bloodshed in Israel

    Perspectives on Local Elections & Bloodshed in Israel

    The Besties start Season 5 with a  heady discussion about voting and the devastation caused by the war in Israel. 

    Today is Election Day in the US where many local and state representatives will be decided.  Since few voters realize the impact of these elections on their day-to-day lives, focusing instead on the presidential ones every 4 years, Leslie & Angie make a plea for getting out and making all voices be heard.

    Conceding that this is not a politically-based podcast, they find it important to add their views on the bloodshed in southern Israel and Gaza to the cacophony of opinions.

    In fact this podcast was created to bring the perspectives of two free-thinking 60-something year old Black women from Brooklyn. And bring it they did. 

    Senator Natalie Murdock brings CROWN Act to NC Senate floor

    Election Day 2023: What to know from Governor races to Ohio's abortion measure

    Your quick guide to the most-watched races of Election Day 2023 | PBS NewsHour

    Schoolhouse Rock!

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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    It's Our Anniversary

    It's Our Anniversary

    The Besties celebrate their one year anniversary and reflect on some of the hilarity and highlights of the past 12 months.  After it took 22 takes to record the 1 min trailer though, Leslie was convinced that her brief stint at podcasting was over. She pushed through and the rest is, well, history. 

    Enjoy excerpts that take you on a brief journey of the early years, how they bonded despite their differences, grew through hard times and the best of times, together. (Episodes & timestamps below)

    01:58 Trailer Bloopers
    S1 E1: Our Bestie Beginnings: But Can She Sew?
    S1 E3: Mental Health Morning0
    S1 E8: Some Questions Change Everything
    S2 E1: Season 2 is in the Building
    S1 E6: Gratitude: We Get To Do This!
    S1 E9: Kidney Swap
    S1 E4: You Gotta Have Faith
    S3 E4: Ageism & Othering in the Spotlight
    S1 E10: Coach Kim Coles is in the Building
    S3 E3: F*ck Mr Reiner

    Angie and Les look forward to welcoming their 5th season with new guests and new opportunities to continue bringing you their bold, unapologetic selves.

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our
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    Ep 46 S4/10 Why Do We Hide Our Light?

    Ep 46 S4/10 Why Do We Hide Our Light?

    Leslie felt left out when Angella appeared on television and didn't tell her about it ahead of time. She couldn’t understand why Angella downplayed it as “no big deal”.  The incident led the Besties into a discussion about the ways in which we tend to judge ourselves and engage in negative self talk.  Others may recognize our accomplishments while we experience imposter syndrome.

    As Season 4 comes to a close, remember why this podcast was created: to remind you to live out loud and honor the unique ways you show up in the world.  

    The well referenced biblical scripture in Matthew reads:  "No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house”.  Let your light shine.  

    This episode and all previous episodes are available on YouTube. Please join our Besties Quad Squad as a Patreon subscriber at the $5 or $10 monthly level. You'll receive exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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