
    Black Maternal Health Season II

    Certified yoga instructors Dr. Josephine Pugh and Russia Chavis, MA, explore Her Health First’s mission with discussions around the concept of thriving and not just surviving through pregnancy, childbirth, parenthood, and beyond. Through interviews and real-life experiences, this podcast will help you understand all things Her Health First. In addition, how to cope with parenthood setbacks and accomplishments—simultaneously, working to overcome the challenges African American women face leading to higher infant mortality rates and the urgency for more positive pregnancy experiences.

    Tune in for a breakdown of HHF’s pregnancy coaches, doula, lactation support, health, and wellness services. In-depth discussions regarding racial biases in the healthcare system, postpartum stages of motherhood, and preparation for labor and delivery. With each episode, the goal is for you to walk away enlightened and hopeful that you can reclaim the life experiences that you deserve.
    enJameel Pugh16 Episodes

    Episodes (16)

    16 Maternal Health Federal Call to Action

    16 Maternal Health Federal Call to Action
    In this episode we will be discussing the latest federal government efforts to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity. America’s maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the developed world, and they are especially high among Black women and Native American women, regardless of their income or education levels. To learn more about this call to action please visit The White House fact sheet https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/12/07/fact-sheet-vice-president-kamala-harris-announces-call-to-action-to-reduce-maternal-mortality-and-morbidity/.

    15 CA Paid Family Leave

    15 CA Paid Family Leave
    Join us in this conversation as we discuss the most recent updates to California’s Paid Family Leave policy as it relates to pregnancy and bonding with a new child. California has recently made updates to Paid Family Leave policies so listen in on our discussion about the updates and to learn what families qualify for. To learn more about these policies please visit https://edd.ca.gov/Disability/PFL_Forms_and_Publications.htm.

    14 Senate Bill 65

    14 Senate Bill 65
    In this episode we discuss California Senate Bill 65, which passed into law on January 1, 2022. This law which has been termed the “Momnibus Act” requires counties and Medi-Cal hospitals to establish a number of pregnancy-related services, such as improved tracking of infant mortalities and offering doulas to Medi-Cal recipients. To learn more about Senate Bill 65 please visit https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB65

    13 Breastfeeding & Grief

    13 Breastfeeding & Grief
    Episode 13. Grieving the Inability to Breastfeed

    Join us in conversation with Joy Dean, lactation consultant, doulda, student Midwife, and mother of five as we discuss the grief a mother may experience when she is not able to breastfeed. Joy explains why some mothers may not be able to breastfeed and offers ways for mothers to remain connected to their baby during this season of grief. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com/


    12 Pumping

    12 Pumping
    Episode 12. Understanding How to Create a Pumping Schedule and Selecting a Breast Pump

    In this episode we will be discussing some things mothers should consider when selecting a breast pump, including how to work with your medical insurance provider to obtain a pump. Joy Dean, lactation consultant, doula, student Midwife, and mother of five explains the importance of creating a pumping schedule and balancing your pumping schedule with real life demands. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com/.

    11 How to Increase your milk supply

    11  How to Increase your milk supply
    Episode 11. How to Manage Your Milk Supply

    Join us in our conversation with Joy Dean, lactation counselor, doula, student Midwife, and mother of five to discuss ways to increase your milk supply while breastfeeding. Joy shares how pumping can increase your milk supply and what is considered a normal or average milk supply. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com/.

    10 Breastfeeding and Healthy Nutrition

    10  Breastfeeding and Healthy Nutrition
    Episode 10. Breastfeeding Challenges
    In this episode we will be discussing some of the obstacles that may arise while breastfeeding. We will be learning how to work with your baby to improve their latch, and we will also be discussing other challenges like low milk supply and clogged milk ducts. Joy Dean, lactation consultant, student Midwife, and mother of five offers some natural remedies mothers can try out at home before reaching out to a professional for help. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com/.

    9 Breastfeeding Challenges

    9  Breastfeeding Challenges
    Episode 9. Breastfeeding and Healthy Nutrition
    Join us in our conversation with Joy Dean, lactation counselor, student Midwife, and mother of five in a discussion about the relationship between breastfeeding and healthy nutrition. Joy offers some quick snacks that mothers can keep on hand and also shares some common nutrition mistakes mothers make. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com/.

    8 How to wean off breastfeeding

    8  How to wean off breastfeeding
    8. Managing Stigma and Your Own Breastfeeding Journey
    In today’s episode we will be discussing the benefits of breastfeeding past age one and how mothers can work with their children to wean from breastfeeding. We will be speaking with Joy Dean who is a lactation counselor, student Midwife, and mother of five. Joy has been a birth worker for three years and serves as a Doula for Her Health First. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com/.

    7 Benefits of Breastfeeding

    7 Benefits of Breastfeeding
    Episode 7 & 8. Managing Stigma and Your Own Breastfeeding Journey
    In today’s episode we will be discussing the benefits of breastfeeding past age one and how mothers can work with their children to wean from breastfeeding. We will be speaking with Joy Dean who is a lactation counselor, student Midwife, and mother of five. Joy has been a birth worker for three years and serves as a Doula for Her Health First. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com/.

    6 Accessing a lactation consultant

    6 Accessing a lactation consultant
    Episode 6. Accessing a Lactation Consultant
    In this episode we will be discussing breastfeeding and how to access a Lactation Consultant. Our conversation is with Joy Dean who is a lactation counselor, student Midwife, and mother of five. Joy has been a birth worker for three years and serves as a Doula for Her Health First. Joy tells us where mothers can find a lactation consultant and the types of services they provide. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com/.

    4 Doula Care-Postpartum Support

    4 Doula Care-Postpartum Support
    Episode 4. How Doula’s Support Mothers After Delivery
    In this episode we will be discussing how Doula’s support mothers after labor and delivery. We will be speaking with Joy Dean who is a lactation counselor, student Midwife, and mother of five. She has been a birth worker for three years and serves as a Doula for Her Health First. To learn more about Joy and the services she offers please visit https://thenestingstage.com.

    3 Doula Care-Labor and Delivery

    3 Doula Care-Labor and Delivery
    Episode 3. Doula Care During Labor and Delivery
    Learn about Doula support that may be offered during labor and delivery. Join us in conversation with Davon Crawford, a certified Full Spectrum Doula, aspiring midwife, and mother of four. She highlights how having a doula can support pain management during active labor. To learn more about Davon and the services she offers please visit https://www.divinebirthright.com/.

    1 Doula Vs. Midwife

    1 Doula Vs. Midwife
    Episode 1. Doula vs. Midwife
    Learn about the differences between a Doula and Midwife. These roles are distinctly different and can be beneficial for mothers during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the post-partum period. We will be speaking with Davon Crawford, a certified Full Spectrum Doula, aspiring Midwife, and mother of four. To learn more about Davon and the services she offers please visit https://www.divinebirthright.com/.