
    Black Woman Transform

    Transform Your Life Podcast, formerly Black Woman Transform is STILL a podcast where women can see themselves, be themselves and free themselves. Black Woman Transform is STILL being hosted on YouTube with Lanasia Angelina and her friend and now new cohost, Jennifer Hill. Join us on YouTube for some real, raw and righteous talks about about entreprenurial walk, faith walk and walk as black women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9myTWXQJ_E&t=4s

    Transform Your Life is the podcast that will help you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity.

    Your Transformation is an Inside Job


    You've tried "everything......." You've bought the whiteboards, the journals, the planners that you fill with ideas that don't come to life. You're a woman who shows up for everyone else but when it's time to put the time and focus into your own ambitions, something else always seems to "get in the way." If you really came here to be honest, you'll probably admitting now that the "something else" you're referring to is often you. ​Your doubts.Your fears.Your perfectionism. You're tired of time passing you by and your deepest desires along with it and you're ready for a real change. You're starting to feel stuck. You're ready for a change but nothing that you tried works or at least works long enough for you to really make a difference in your life. You're probably reading this thinking: "How does she know my life?" All of my clients have been where you are - I have been where you are. I know the overwhelming feeling of wanting more, seeing it in the distance but not knowing what to do to actually reach out and grab it. I also know that you are lacking nothing and that have everything that it takes to transform your life FOR REAL this time; you just need the proper guidance and support to get you there.

    -----------------Take the first step to your transformation with a call.

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    -----------------Follow Lanasia Angelina on all social platforms

    7 years as a life coach, author and leader in the personal development space and the story repeats itself over and over again; Black women just don't feel like they're good enough. This lie has kept so many of us from going after the best careers, the best love and the best that life hast offer and I am tired of it. I began this passionate journey as my own project. I transformed my mind, which helped me to transform my body, my business, my friendships, my bank account and most importantly the lives of so many women that I have the opportunity to serve within this space. I'm on a mission to help so many black women to see how worthy they are, embrace that truth about themselves and experience the freedom that comes from walking in their authority. Join me every week as I have crucial conversations that will help you to transform your life.
    enLanasia Angelina47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    Ep. #51 Change Your 'Why' w/ special guest Michael Wright

    Ep. #51 Change Your 'Why' w/ special guest Michael Wright
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    Join me and special guest Michael Wright a God fearing husband, father, mentor, community leader and real estate investor as we talk about the importance of re-establishing or recoonecting with your Why.

    Sometimes you have to change you ”Why” because it’s clearly not working for you anymore.

    Some of you MUST change your “Why” because if it’s not motivating you to get up and go after it then you’re lying to yourself.

    “Why” you started will oftentimes not be “Why” you continue.

    The reason ”Why” millionaires and billionaires make it that status is because they upgrade their “Why”.

    You’re still operating off the same “Why” that just wanted to get out of survival mode.

    That “Why” wont help you to become a 7, 8, 9 figure earner, buy your mom house, help to rebuild your community, earn you financial freedom etc.

    You’re still operating off the same “Why” that just didn’t want to be fat anymore.

    That “Why” won’t help you sculpt your body.

    You’re still operating off the “Why” that wanted a man/woman.

    That “Why” won’t help you to have a happy, healthy, thriving relationship/marriage.

    Take assessment FREQUENTLY if you want to continue to elevate your life.

    What got you here wont get you there.

    What new “WHY” will put you back in motion so that you can elevate to your next level?

    Ep. #50 Your life will REFLECT what you ACCEPT

    Ep. #50 Your life will REFLECT what you ACCEPT
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    Have you ever stepped back and taken a close look at your life and thought to yourself:

    "How did I get here?"

    At what point did I accept that this would work for me?

    At what point did I stop putting forth the effort towards what I truly want?

    Every single aspect of your life will be a reflection of what you said demanded and settled for.

    When will you start to get back in the game to get the very things that you desire deeper than anything else?

    You still have time but you must start NOW!

    Ep. #49 Are you running AWAY FROM PAIN or TOWARDS PLEASURE?

    Ep.  #49 Are you running AWAY FROM PAIN or TOWARDS PLEASURE?
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    Did you know that 90% of people are running AWAY from pain while only 10% of people are running TOWARDS what they ACTUALLY WANT?
    I often ask new clients the simple question of “What do you want?”
    And more times than not, the response is always a list of things they don’t want:
    “I don’t want a toxic relationship” “I don’t want to be broke” “I don’t want to be unhappy” “I don’t want to live a life without purpose”
    Sadly, many of you are doing this ALL DAY LONG.
    And the scariest part is that you don’t even realize how with everything word you speak, you’re shaping your world.
    When we spend so much time talking about what we don’t want, we never get moving in the direction of our desires.
    Most people don’t get what they want out of life because they either:
    #1 Don’t even know what they want.
    #2 Won’t SAY what they want!
    They spend most of their lives avoiding their greatest fears and so they:
    ✅Focus on that fear
    ✅Speak about that fear
    ✅Attract that fear into their lives
    ✅Then act surprised as if manifestation only works one way. 🤯
    Your words have so much power! Make sure that you’re using your power for your benefit to create a world of abundance!
    Raise your awareness to the narratives that you play inside of your mind all day and replace them IMMEDIATELY!
    What language will you be mindful of shifting today?

    Ep. #48 I Haven’t Been Consistent: Putting You on Notice

    Ep. #48 I Haven’t Been Consistent: Putting You on Notice
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    Consistency is KING!!!!

    Take assessment of your life frequently so that one week doesn't turn into one year and one year doesn't turn into one decade of you not showing up for yourself.

    Ep. #47 You WILL make mistakes

    Ep. #47 You WILL make mistakes
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    You will make mistakes!!!!!!

    The sooner we accept this and embrace our imperfections, the easier it will be for us to press forward on our purposeful path.

    Ep. #46 Do You Feel WORTHY? Prove it!

    Ep. #46 Do You Feel WORTHY? Prove it!

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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    I can’t fully explain what’s it like to have an idea and believe that it’s worth sharing. I just know that I’ve been this way for a long time and I’ve helped a lot of other people get to that point for themselves.

    Ya know?

    The point of WORTHINESS. ❤️

    Worthiness is one of the most common themes that I discuss with new clients but most people don’t realize it’s a problem before their first conversation with me because it usually shows up as PROCRASTINATION.

    There are 6 types of procrastination:
    ✅Over- doer

    All just manifested EXCUSES to the root problem - UNWORTHINESS.
    It’s not a lack of clarity or resources that stifle your progress - YOU DON’T FEEL WORTHY!
    And the sooner you address this FALSE Belief that’s ruling your life, the sooner you’ll get out of the cycle!

    When you don’t feel like you deserve the reward on the other side of execution because of past trauma, failure or comparison to others, you start to SELF-SABOTAGE.

    This is simply your subconscious mind aka your Belief System working on your behalf to align your actions with your FALSE belief that YOU ARE NOT WORTHY.

    No matter how many times you set new goals, buy new whiteboards or get new accountability partners, the belief system is still the decision making authority and your beliefs are either causing you to take action or causing you to PROCRASTINATE!

    If you fail to address the hidden belief, you WILL remain in the same cycle of procrastinating, stopping short, overthinking, or however else lack of worthiness or any other hidden belief manifests itself within your life!

    You have to be real with yourself in this season! Address what beliefs are REALLY stifling your progress and then get into the process of EXECUTING!

    ‼️You ARE worthy of the reward, you just have to unlearn whatever lie you adopted along the way that makes you think/feel otherwise and therefore makes you a chronic procrastinator.

    Email "Execute" to rise@lanasiaangelina.com if you’re ready to uncover your stifling beliefs and overcome procrastination in 2024!

    Ep. #45 You’re NOT a “Perfectionist” - You're SCARED

    Ep. #45 You’re NOT a “Perfectionist” - You're SCARED
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    Calling yourself a “Perfectionist” has been your excuse to not EXECUTE long enough but the JIG IS UP! Stop over analyzing every detail!Stop allowing the fear of judgment and criticism to stifle you in your growth process! It’s time for you to become an ACTION TAKER! You don’t refine in the possibility! You refine in the process!! Only when you EXECUTE will you really know what necessary adjustments need to be made. Real “Perfectionists” are ACTION TAKERS! Real “Perfectionists” are in the game, getting banged up! Real “Perfectionists” are failing” Real “Perfectionists” are going through a series of trial and error until they refine the product/service enough to determine whether or not it’s reached the actual standard of perfection. And in many cases… IT NEVER DOES! It often either improves enough to be marketed or shared. ….or, like humans, continues to undergo a never ending process of refinement, only experiencing growth and progress - NEVER PERFECTION! Hurry up and fail! Hurry up and learn from those failures. And keep improving! Keep making progress! The “Perfection” is not about the product but rather how well you navigate the process!!

    Ep. #44 EXECUTION creates evidence. EVIDENCE builds confidence!

    Ep. #44 EXECUTION creates evidence. EVIDENCE builds confidence!
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    People often reference the level of confidence I have when it comes to doing new things or doing “everything I said I would do.”
    #1 My faith in God and what He showed me is on 10
    #2 My faith doesn’t just believe - it WORKS!
    I talked about this with the ladies on the 5am call yesterday and I wanted to share a small piece here:
    ‼️Stop thinking, overthinking and dreaming and start to EXECUTE!
    ✅Execution creates the evidence that ultimately builds the confidence!!!
    When you take action, it becomes the proof of the possibility!
    Holding on to possibility is hard without hard core evidence and results!
    So stop playing, stop praying that “God’s gonna do it” He already did when he gave you authority and opened those doors.
    You just have to walk yourself through them and do what He’s called you to do!!!!
    You don’t refine in the “possibilility”
    You refine IN THE PROCESS!

    Ep. #43 Radical Thinking

    Ep. #43 Radical Thinking
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    Radical Thinking: having ideas, beliefs, or actions that challenge the status quo or conventional norms.

    The first radical thought I ever had in my early twenties was “Life Should Be Fun”
    I know now that there are many other people who feel this way but at the time, I hadn’t met any.
    The status quote for my environment was “go to work, pay the bills, get one or two days off from work, maybe go to a movie for a little bit of fun and start the cycle all over again on Monday and then you do this every week until you DIE”

    No matter how many people I saw living this life, it just didn’t resonate with me and so I started to think “radically” I started to dream of a life where I could create my own schedule, travel the world, be my own boss and so work that I not only poured myself into but it poured back into me.
    I was a radical thinker.

    And that courage to imagine differently than 90% of my environment was the very thing that TRANSFORMED my entire life.

    Step one in my IDEAL coaching framework that I use to help my signature clients is Imagination.


    Because getting in motion, creating the motivation to do something differently requires you to first IMAGINE the possibilities that exist for you.

    Imagine yourself healed.Imagine yourself whole. Imagine yourself healthy. Imagine yourself wealthy. Imagine yourself FREE from the limitations that have been passed down through generations.

    YOU CAN HAVE THAT but you must first be radical enough to create a vision inside your mind with YOU IN IT.

    Ep. #42 Make a Decision!

    Ep. #42 Make a Decision!
    Make a Decision

    I often get asked the question: Coach, how are you so consistent?
    My answer is simple: I actually made A DECISION that I would do the very thing that I set out to do.
    Most people think that because they set a goal, they’ve made a decision when that’s the farthest thing from the truth.
    Setting a goal is easy. You create a desire within your heart, you write it down, you may even go as far as to create an actionable plan that will support you in getting to that goal.
    But sadly, that’s still not enough.
    You actually have to DECIDE in your heart that regardless of the set of circumstances that you will encounter while on the path to pursuing this particular goal, that you will STILL stay in the process of hitting it one day.
    When you make a DECISION, there is no barrier of time, money, people or even your own emotions and mindset at a given time that can stop you from pursuing said goal.
    When you make a DECISION, the driving force behind all micro decisions that you make from day to day will align you with the ultimate DECISION that you made for yourself.
    If your decision is to succeed in business, no setback, slow season, confusion on strategy will make you stop pursuing your goal of experiencing success.
    The same principles apply to your fitness life, your relationships and any other goals that you’ve set for yourself once you’ve DECIDED that you would manifest the vision inside of your mind.
    If you’re stuck in a cycle of quitting on yourself it’s not because you’re incapable, it’s not that the universe is conspiring against you or that God doesn’t want you to win.
    The problem is that the process of DECIDING is DAILY! The decision doesn’t stop when you “write the vision and make it plain”.
    You have to decide again when you get out of bed every single morning.
    You have to decide when you put on your clothes.
    You have to decide when you’re driving to work.
    You have to decide with every decision that you make while working.
    Every decision or indecision will either drive you closer to your goal or further away.
    Will you make some definite DECISIONS for yourself this year?
    What will they be?
    Definite decisions will challenge you to grow within your character.
    They will challenge you to expand your creative capacity.
    They will challenge you to enhance your critical thinking skills.
    Make a decision today no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much money you have, how many people support you along the way that YOU WILL WIN!
    You only lose when you quit! DECIDE today that quitting is no longer an option for you!
    Transform your heart.Transform your mind.Transform your DECISIONS.Transform your life.

    Ep. #41 Transform Your Life & Stop Self-Sabotaging - Catch'n Up

    Ep. #41 Transform Your Life & Stop Self-Sabotaging - Catch'n Up
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

    Ep. #40 "24 Affirmations for 2024"

    Ep. #40 "24 Affirmations for 2024"
    24 Affirmations to transform your life in 2024

    Positive affirmations are a form of self-help. Practicing daily positive affirmations can help you overcome fear and self-doubt and reduce self-sabotage. Daily positive affirmations help you believe in yourself and what you're capable of achieving.

    When we go out into the world everyday, we are being sent messages and creating narratives that we repeat until they become our belief system. That belief system starts to rule your life and until you intentionally send new messages to the brain and create new narratives that establish a new belief system, you will operate under an authority that is out of alignment with the truth of God and the vision that he’s given you.

    I will start now. Repeat these affirmations daily. Because it takes more than one time to require your brand and adopt a new belief system. I pray that this podcast supports you having a successful year. I love you.
    1. I am more than enough.
    2. Anything that I put my mind to can and will be achieved in God’s divine timing.
    3. I am filled with fresh ideas and a fresh anointing each day.
    4. God is my source, everything else is my resource.
    5. I have access to every resource that I need to succeed.
    6. Opportunity awaits me today.
    7. When I do my part, God will open doors for me.
    8. The people that I need to support my vision are ready and willing to help me.
    9. I am immersed in love. Surrounded by people who only want the best for me.
    10. I confidently walk away from things that don’t align me with my goals.
    11. There is only abundance that awaits me when I leave my comfort zone.
    12. I confidently do things that stretch me to grow in my character, expand my creative capacity and develop my critical thinking skills.
    13. I only want the best for those around me.
    14. I am happy for others when they succeed.
    15. I take joy in giving to others and supporting worthy missions that serve my family and the communities that I am apart of.
    16. I believe in myself.
    17. I believe in God.
    18. I believe that the possibilities for my life are endless.
    19. I believe that energy is currency. The higher frequency that I am in, the more money I earn.
    20. Money is available to me in abundance. I have access to so much wealth, so many wealthy people, so many wealthy ideas and so many wealth building opportunities.
    21. I am live a free and liberated life. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
    22. When I draw nearer to God, I draw nearer to my abundance.
    23. I have everything that I need right now.
    24. This year will be bountiful. I am limitless, I am boundless and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    I pray that these affirmations stay with you throughout your day and that you replay them as often as you need to. -Lanasia

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    Ep. #27 God is the Real Goal - Trust Him

    Ep. #27 God is the Real Goal - Trust Him
    Matthew 6:33

    Black Woman Transform is a private coaching community for women who want to transform their lives through Christ. Experience Christian Coaching, Real Sisterhood, Accountability & Resources that will help you to grow mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Join the Black Woman Transform Coaching Community Waitlist

    Ep. #26 - Collaboration Over Competition: Season 02. Episode 01.

    Ep. #26 - Collaboration Over Competition: Season 02. Episode 01.
    Black Woman Transform is now on Youtube!!!

    Black Woman Transform Podcast Season 2: Episode 01. Collaboration over Competition Queens don't compete, we collaborate. Join this season opener as we talk about our love lives, business, personal growth journeys and everything in between. Get to know the ladies of the black Woman Transform Podcast and join us every episode. The Black Woman Transform Podcast was started by Lanasia Angelina, life coach, author and professional speaker and kicked off on all podcast streaming platforms fall 2022. It's been a long time coming but we're beyond excited to now be apart of the YouTube family. Lanasia will now also be joined by cohost Jennifer Hill, certified life coach, digital marketing agency leader and sister in Christ. BWT Pod is a safe space for women to see themselves, be themselves and free themselves to live the abundant lives that they've been called to by God. This entrepreneur, homegirl duo will be showing up in vulnerability and authenticity in hopes that other women will have the courage to do the same. MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE!!!! Follow Lanasia on IG @Lanasia.Angelina Follow Jenn on IG @Ajenn.da Follow @BlackWoman.Transform Catch the latest podcast streaming episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify & all Streaming Platforms.

    Ep. #25 Men with Mission Finale w/ Life Coach Sid Scott

    Ep. #25 Men with Mission Finale w/ Life Coach Sid Scott
    On Part 4 of the Men with Mission Series, I want to confidently say that after listening to this episdoe with my fellow author, leader and life coach Sid Scott that you will never be the same again. During this trtansformational conversation, Sid and I discuss the important topics of:

    -Personal Healing
    -Reshaping Identity
    -Gratitude & Service
    -Self Care
    -Mission & Purpose

    and... just listen because you will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!

    -Learn more about Sid & his coaching company Your Best Breakthrough by following this link.

    Ep. #24 Experience Your Abundance

    Ep. #24 Experience Your Abundance
    Follow Lanasia Angelina on Instagram

    Join the Black Woman Transform Community for women

    Black Woman Transform is an empowering coaching community that will help black women to see themselves, be themselves and free themselves. It’s so crucial to our success that we start to see just how worthy we are, embody this truth about ourselves and free ourselves to experience the overflow and abundance that comes from unapologetically walking in our authority.Black women deserve to have the best love, mental and physical health and a whole lot of money to create whatever lifestyle they want. When you join this monthly coaching community you’ll receive:
    • Weekly Mindset Coaching Calls
    • Group Challenges
    • Monthly Book Club
    • Exclusive Discounts
    The monthly investment is only $34/month and you can join the waitlist to join in April by visiting www.lanasiaangelina.com or clicking the link in the description. We have women joining the movement monthly from all over the nation and we would love to have you!

    ------------->Episode Sponsored by: FitMissDanceStudio
    IG (FitMiss_DanceStudio)
    Dance Studio/Event Venue located in a central area of Metro Detroit. Provides several different fun fitness/dance classes for all skill levels from age 3 to adult and affordable rental rates for special events.