
    Bliss Beyond F.E.A.R.

    Bliss Beyond F.E.A.R. (Faith, Elevate, Action, Results) is a podcast hosted by D & G. We are fierce friends and personal development lifestyle entrepreneurs. This is the place where we will help you have confidence, embrace your worth, and find your joy. We believe that an abundant life is sustained by overcoming your fears with a circle that elevates you and rises with you. Each week, we bring you a topic or interview that inspires you to live beyond your fear to manifest your best life.
    en70 Episodes

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    Episodes (70)

    Bold & Brave in Business with Tricia Piquero

    Bold & Brave in Business with Tricia Piquero

    In the house today, we have a brave woman who will inspire you with her journey into publishing. Tricia Piquero is a powerhouse entrepreneur. She grew up in Colorado and after moving to the Bay Area (Northern California), she became a successful Real Estate Agent. When presented with an opportunity to buy a local magazine in Brentwood, CA, she did her due diligence and for the past 13 years strong she has been the proud Publisher of 110 Magazine. Tricia is a visionary, a proud mom and wife, and most recently a fun-loving grandma. Let’s learn about how Tricia was brave enough to take risks that led her to success and a thriving life!

    Episode highlights:

    • Be coachable. There are others who blazed trails that you can learn from.

    • Despite uncertainties that arise, your gut is a key indicator of what you decide to pursue

    • Adversities in life can be added fuel to drive you toward your goals

    • Life is short and we only have this one life we’re given to follow our dreams

    • Your WHY is what keeps you on track and persevering even when you have doubts

    • Belief in yourself and getting back up after you fall builds your resilience and grit

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    Core Confidence – Confidence series part 4

    Core Confidence – Confidence series part 4

    Today is the final episode of our 4-part series on confidence! External and lifestyle confidence (discussed in previous episodes) are important, but the most crucial aspect of achieving sustained confidence is core confidence. This means recognizing and embracing your essence – the attributes and characteristics that make you uniquely you!

    Episode Highlights:

    • Core confidence is about embracing YOU and sustaining a positive mental mindset

    • Recondition yourself to focus on what’s positive vs. what’s negative or could go wrong

    • When you work on what’s on the inside, you’re less concerned with externalities

    • Fulfillment is an inside job. Recognize and embrace your unique gifts and talents.

    • Take the free personality test (https://www.16personalities.com/) to find out your unique profile

    • Daily positive affirmations can help reinforce messages which boost your confidence

    • Also embrace your imperfections – they make you human. No one is perfect!

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    Bliss Beyond F.E.A.R.
    enNovember 12, 2020

    Lifestyle Confidence – Confidence series part 3

    Lifestyle Confidence – Confidence series part 3

    It’s part three of our confidence series! We’ve talked about our personal stories and external confidence. Today, we’re talking about how your associations and affiliations influence your confidence. Who you surround yourself with can propel you! Here are some episode highlights.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Your affiliations can encourage and empower you or discourage and disempower you

    • Identify the passions you have and connect with people who share those same passions/interests

    • You can connect with like-minded people through friends or online/community groups & events

    • Choose people in your life who support, align, value-add, elevate, and rise with you (SAVERS)

    • Be a SAVER – be a person who brings elevation and joy to those around you

    • Assess your affiliations. Ask yourself if they are helping your grow or are holding you back.

    • If there are negative people in your life, focus on bringing more positive people into your life

    • Connect with us if you want to expand your network – our Success Circle may be for you!

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    External Confidence – Confidence series part 2

    External Confidence – Confidence series part 2

    It’s part two of our confidence series! Last week, we shared our personal stories around confidence – what broke our confidence down, how we built it back up, and how we maintain durability and dexterity now. Today, we are talking about external confidence. Confidence is not all about the exterior, but it certainly is a part of how we feel and exude confidence. How you see and carry yourself matters, so let’s dig in!

    Episode Highlights:

    • How you look on the outside influences how you feel on the inside

    • People translate how you invest in yourself into how you might invest into others

    • The clothes you put on changes the energy you channel and emanate into the world

    • Make eye contact – show people you’re engaged and talking directly to them

    • Smile – a smile exudes warmth and is a great way to connect visually without words

    • Have strong posture – carry yourself with a purpose and an action-oriented presence

    • Embrace your uniqueness. Use your style to lean into the things that make you uniquely you.

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    Getting Real with Yourself – Confidence series part 1

    Getting Real with Yourself – Confidence series part 1

    In the next few episodes, we are talking about confidence. Confidence is what we are so passionate about helping women build and sustain. Today, we share a little bit about our personal journeys with confidence and what we believe the cornerstones to confidence are. Join us for the journey and share your story with us! What has your confidence journey looked like?

    Episode Highlights:

    • Your upbringing influences and shapes your confidence

    • Your confidence can get jolted quickly when difficult life events bring you down

    • Remember that what happens to you does not define you

    • Knowing your worth helps your confidence to not waver

    • Embrace the things that make you uniquely you

    • There are 3 confidence cornerstones – external, lifestyle, and core

    • Establishing strong core confidence is what makes you resilient

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    Takeaways Talk (Francine Rivera)

    Takeaways Talk (Francine Rivera)

    On the previous episode we interviewed our inspiring friend Francine Rivera, successful entrepreneur, lifestyle consultant, the founder of FrancineRivera.com, author, certified health and wellness coach, and award-winning saleswoman. We explored what it means to live a life untapped. Here the takeaways that hit home for us!


    • Don’t burn yourself out to keep your family warm; burnout has a negative downstream effect

    • We can be our worst enemy trying to achieve perfection instead of appreciating our progress

    • Social media has highlighted how much comparison is thrusted into our lives (not healthy!)

    • It’s not time management, it’s personal management – how you manage yourself

    • Make yourself a priority even if it starts with 15 more minutes a day just for YOU

    • What’s measured is managed – start writing down the things you want to see results in

    • Don’t be afraid to make a budget and become financially more adept

    • An excuse is a well-played lie, so don’t make excuses, choose to take action


    • The Social Dilemma documentary (Netflix)

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    Living a Life Untapped with Francine Rivera

    Living a Life Untapped with Francine Rivera

    We are in for a real treat in this episode. On the show today is our friend Francine Rivera, successful entrepreneur, lifestyle consultant, the founder of FrancineRivera.com, author, certified health and wellness coach, and award-winning saleswoman. She’s a New Yorker at heart who lives in beautiful Charleston, SC. We discuss how to live a life untapped to achieve the balance and success you deserve.

    Episode highlights:

    • Areas of a balanced guilt free life that Fran works with clients on

      • Identity – diving into who you are and where you want to go (your vision)

      • Limiting beliefs – exploring the beliefs that are holding you back

      • Self-care – understanding how you care for yourself

      • Health and wellness – refining the nutrition that fuels you and your physical well-being

      • Household management – adopting hacks that help you run your home optimally

      • Money mindset – creating an abundance mindset

    • Self-care is particularly paramount because you cannot pour from an empty cup

    • Start where you can to prioritize self-care such as your morning routine

    • It’s about progress, not perfection. Have grace and try to be better than the day before.

    • If you bite it, write it! Measuring what you eat will help you manage your nutrition.

    • Focus on your goal and not your feelings! Concentrate on the outcome you desire.

    • Discipline and consistency matter – do the hard work daily to get the results you want


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    Getting Unstuck to Achieve a Breakthrough

    Getting Unstuck to Achieve a Breakthrough

    Our caller is seeking advice on getting unstuck. She’s gotten through challenges but needs that nudge to truly breakthrough. Tony Robbins shares a recipe for achieving a breakthrough that we’re breaking down in this episode. The recipe includes managing these 3 things: your state, your story, and your strategy. Let’s get cooking!

    Episode highlights:

    • State includes your emotion, what and who you surround yourself with, & the activities you do

    • Reflect on how your state is influenced physically, mentally, and spiritually; adjust accordingly

    • Story is what you tell yourself. Are you living in the past or focused on who you want to be today?

    • Use WAVE (wellness, aspiration, values, elevation); tell yourself something positive for each

      • Wellness – I am healthy and strong

      • Aspiration – I have a growing bank account

      • Values – I am steadfast in my faith

      • Elevation – I will learn something new today

    • Program alarms in your phone with affirmations that you want to remind yourself of

    • Remember that life happens FOR you not to you. Your experiences help you learn and grow.

    • Strategy is your action plan. What are your habits and patterns? What needs to change?

    • Surround yourself with supportive, elevated people and get an accountability partner or group

    Ways to connect with us:

    Send us a comment or question and let us know how we can support you. If you’re ready to level up, ask us about our Success Circle.

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    Getting Back to True North When You’re Thrown Off Track

    Getting Back to True North When You’re Thrown Off Track

    COVID-19 has certainly impacted our lives and routines. Unexpected change like this can take us off “true north” from our goals and even in our relationships. Ginamarie realized that not going to church over the last 6 months impacted her spirituality in a negative way. She got constructive feedback from her partner Wes and she realized her small millimeter shifts took her off true north. Let’s discover how to pivot when we’re thrown off course.

    Episode highlights:

    • Big stressors like a global pandemic can naturally throw us off from being our best selves

    • If you’re taken off course, to get back on track the key is to recalibrate and strategize

    • Take a step back to reflect on where you need to spend more time and attention

    • Accept where you’re at, don’t beat yourself up, and focus on actions for improvement

    • One critical factor to stay on course with your life goals and purpose is accountability

    • Evaluate what accountability looks like for you and readjust if you need to

    • Don’t allow yourself to run on empty; taking care of your health is paramount

    • Practice gratitude, it’s always a great way to center yourself to the present

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    Revitalizing Intimacy in Your Relationship with Dr. Michelle Mugge

    Revitalizing Intimacy in Your Relationship with Dr. Michelle Mugge

    How do you revitalize intimacy in your relationship? Is this something you or someone you know have ever asked? Our caller Diana and her husband have raised a daughter who has required a substantial amount of their time and energy due to her battle with anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder. Over time, they’ve become more like roommates and co-parents than a married couple. We called on our friend and dual licensed clinical psychologist and professional counselor, Dr. Michelle Mugge to help our caller with rekindling a deeper emotional connection and intimacy in her marriage.

    Episode highlights:

    • Reconnecting intimately begins with the emotional connection before the physical connection

    • Communication is the place to start in rekindling connection – set aside intentional time

    • A weekly agreed upon time for uninterrupted communication for at least 30 minutes is ideal

    • A weekly check-in could be as simple as discussing these questions:

      • What went well this week?

      • What did not go well this week?

      • What do you need from me?

      • What are you grateful for?

    • Plan time away just for the two of you. Put effort into making dates special. Get glammed up!

    • Ways to enhance a date: play sentimental music, look at old pictures, hold hands, play a game

    • Communication does not always have to be heavy; it can be playful and fun

    • Make each other as a couple a priority. Schedule the time. Communicate it to others if needed.

    • Consistency is the key to setting the precedence and sustainability that you desire

    Ways to connect with us:

    How to connect with Dr. Mugge:

    Send us a comment or question and let us know how we can support you.

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    Takeaways Talk (Andrea Taylor)

    Takeaways Talk (Andrea Taylor)

    We’re breaking down our inspiring interview with Andrea Taylor.  As a refresher, Andrea is the Creator of “Girl Talk,” a Certified Christian/Career Life Coach, Author, Motivational Speaker, and CEO/Founder of the Non-Profit, The Xchange Mentorship Academy.  We are so grateful for the opportunity to learn from her.


    • Sometimes the career you land in is far from the one you envisioned, and it can be a blessing
    • Powerful coaching can lead to magical and transformative breakthroughs
    • Healing from past wounds is the gateway to a more peaceful future
    • Breaking free from old stories & psychological agreements takes adopting new behaviors
    • It’s important for youth to learn what healthy communication habits and support look like
    • If there is something traumatic that you’re holding on to, it’s time to open up and address it
    • In life, you won’t have all the answers.  Change starts with faith and taking a first step.
    • We all deserve fulfillment and that begins with how we nurture what’s on the inside.

    Ways to connect with us:

    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blissfulfortitude/
    • Instagram: www.instagram.com/blissfulfortitude
    • Website: https://blissfulfortitude.com/
    • Email: hello@blissfulfortitude.com
    • Phone: 1-833-MYBLISS (1-833-692-5477)

    How to connect with Andrea:

    • Girl Talk: https://www.girltalk.me/ 
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andreataylor_lifecoach/

    Send us a comment or question and let us know how we can support you. 

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    Following Your Purpose with Andrea Taylor

    Following Your Purpose with Andrea Taylor

    Andrea Taylor is a life changer! Andrea is the Creator of “Girl Talk,” a Certified Christian/Career Life Coach, Author, Motivational Speaker, and CEO/Founder of the Non-Profit, The Xchange Mentorship Academy. She has impacted and transformed so many lives and her stories will certainly inspire you.


    • Your calling is powerful and may show up in unexpected ways

    • Your talent speaks volumes and those in need of your gifting will come to you

    • Often times your greatest challenge can be your greatest fulfillment

    • Stories of change, transformation, and even pain can keep you true north to your purpose

    • It takes a complete mind shift to break free from psychological agreements people make

    • Breakthrough tools & techniques that are practiced consistently are the keys to sustained change


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    He's Cheating - To Tell Or Not To Tell

    He's Cheating - To Tell Or Not To Tell

    If you saw your friend’s significant other cheating on her, would you tell her about it? This is a delicate situation with possibly substantial impacts. We received a direct message from a listener asking us to process this, so we do just that on this episode! Find out some things to consider as you debate what to do in sticky situations like this.

    Episode highlights:

    • Evaluate the full extent of the situation (e.g., impacted parties, environment, safety, stability, etc.)

    • Be prepared for reactions to be different than you may expect should you decide to speak up

    • If you have the conviction to share, come from a place of love, non-judgment, and support

    • In giving this kind of news, start with sharing your personal worries and be compassionate

    • Another consideration is writing a letter if that method of communication is more comfortable

    • If your friend is coming to you with a gut feeling, you can ask thoughtful open-ended questions

    • Asking questions is a subtle way to provide guidance. It’s an alternate way to bring clarity.

    • There is a price to pay whether or not you decide to tell your friend what you know

    • Ask yourself what you want the end result to be and follow your heart/intuition


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    Are You Keeping Score in Your Relationships?

    Are You Keeping Score in Your Relationships?

    In this episode, our caller asks us to talk about keeping score in relationships – what does it look like when two people are keeping track of who brings what to the table? While most people value reciprocity in relationships, effort and contribution is not always created equal. We are going to dig in to how you manage self-awareness and focusing on your part of a relationship.

    Episode highlights:

    • Evaluate the intention you have when you are doing acts of service for others

    • Sincere contributions come from your heart without expecting something in return

    • If you are keeping score, ask yourself why. What is causing you to keep score?

    • Take ownership for what’s not working in your relationships and communicate your concerns

    • Set boundaries for the relationships that require them to preserve your energy and peace

    • Understand the “price of admission” for the relationships that you choose

    • Relationships are about give and take, not tit for tat

    • In your relationships, clarify the needs and expectations of the other person


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    Don't Should On Yourself

    Don't Should On Yourself

    In this episode, our listener is questioning whether she should start her own business. She has the passion and the money to get started. She fears failure, judgement, financial loss, and lack of balance. Can you relate? Doing something new can be scary, but it can also be phenomenal. Let’s dive into how to shift yourself into a space of possibility and action so opportunities don’t turn into shoulda, coulda, wouldas. Don’t should on yourself!


    Episode highlights:

    • Kick your negative thoughts and replace negative language (e.g., turn can’t into can)

    • When you focus on the prize, you’re less concerned about the price of following your dreams

    • Not everybody needs a front row seat in your life. Preserve your energy for those who deserve it.

    • Channel your energy into what is possible and enjoy the journey of learning and growth

    • Consider the example you set for your kids/others when you make bold moves

    • Those you care about can be a part of building your dreams; involve those you trust

    • Entrepreneurship will help push you out of your comfort zone and expand your development

    • Take stock of what you need to be successful and start with that (e.g., people, skills, etc.)

    • Be resourceful – get a mentor and research all the avenues for business financing/funding


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    Takeaways Talk (Dr. Michelle Mugge)

    Takeaways Talk (Dr. Michelle Mugge)

    In our recent interview with her, Dr. Michelle Mugge reminded us about the importance of self-care, getting in tune with our emotions, and having vulnerable conversations. When patterns like suppressing feelings and emotions occur from traumatic experiences, depression and anxiety can emerge. Developing healthy wellness habits will set us up for a more peaceful and fulfilled life. Here are our key takeaways from the interview.


    • Follow your heart’s calling, not the vision that others have for your life, it’s YOUR life

    • Self-care isn’t only grand acts; it’s also things like setting boundaries and honest communication

    • Everybody has struggles and it’s normal. It’s important to process those struggles.

    • Therapy can be one way to process difficult trauma that needs healing

    • Don’t avoid conversations that you know you need to have

    • Nurturing relationships requires two-way authentic communication

    • Where you lack data, you make up a story; data provides deeper clarity and understanding

    • Creating a safe and non-judgmental environment, fosters more open communication

    • Successful relationships require evolving both individually and as a couple / unit


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    Self-Care and Mental Wellness with Dr. Michelle Mugge

    Self-Care and Mental Wellness with Dr. Michelle Mugge

    It is a privilege to have Dr. Michelle Mugge on the show! Dr. Mugge is a dual licensed clinical psychologist and professional counselor and owner of Serenity Foundations, a private practice in beautiful Phoenix, AZ. Her passion is addressing issues such as trauma and anxiety to help her clients heal and begin vibrant chapters in their lives. She strives to help others achieve balance through practicing self-care, a deeper level of self-awareness, and learning productive behaviors.

    Episode highlights:

    • Depression, anxiety, and trauma are common, and therapy can make a positive impact

    • Honest expression is important in relationships – emotions are valid and shouldn’t be suppressed

    • Vulnerable conversations and active listening are the foundation for healthy relationships

    • Self-care encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being

    • Self-care includes acknowledging/expressing your emotions and taking actions to nurture them

    • It’s important to be intentional about dedicating time to yourself to preserve your well-being

    • Examples of impactful work done in therapy:

      • Assessing where trauma stems from (e.g., relational experiences)

      • Recognizing unhealthy patterns to determine how to breakthrough and shift them

      • Role-playing to practice new behavior such as authentic communication

    Ways to connect with us:

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    Building Your Board of Directors

    Building Your Board of Directors

    Jim Rohn says: “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Our caller asks us about the characteristics of these people. In this episode, we break down who we believe should be sitting on your Board of Directors. We know firsthand that who you surround yourself with has a direct correlation with who you are and how you evolve. Don’t you want to be the absolute best version of yourself? Find out how!

    Episode highlights:

    • Nobody does big things on their own, we all need to be surrounded by people who help us thrive

    • Remember SAVER (Support, Aligned, Value-add, Elevate, Rise); surround yourself with SAVERs

    • Key roles to consider: Connector, Accountability Master, Shoulder to Lean On, Dreamer, Mentor

    • A Connector is someone who helps you with networking (this could be a person or a group)

    • An Accountability Master is a coach who gives you feedback and helps you achieve your goals

    • A Shoulder to Lean On is a person who is your emotional support and is a trusted confidant

    • A Dreamer thinks big, motivates you, is courageous, and pushes you out of your comfort zone

    • A Mentor is someone who is experienced in areas of life that you want to excel at or explore

    • There may be individuals in your life who serve in multiple roles; if so, lucky you!

    • Grab a pen and paper and take a few minutes to jot down who your Board Members are

    • If you need help with filling in your Board seats, reach out to us. We’d love to support you!

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    Turn Your Setback Into A Comeback

    Turn Your Setback Into A Comeback

    We got an email this week from a listener who wants advice on how to deal with setbacks. We’re in the midst of a global pandemic and all of us have had to pivot. This is a time for us to reset, reflect, and reinvigorate. Let’s dive in to how we can turn a setback into a comeback!

    Episode highlights (what to evaluate when experiencing a setback):

    • Start with evaluating what you are grateful for, what you do have, and what you can feel proud of

    • We can’t predict the future, but we can go with the flow and embrace what we have in the present

    • Reset and write down all the possibilities you want to pursue; start dreaming!

    • Remember that life is happening FOR you, not to you

    • Broaden your arsenal by exploring what new things you can learn; be openminded to growth

    • Write a letter to yourself about what life looks like 5 years from now to manifest your dreams

      • What are you doing – career, activities, experiences, etc.?

      • What people do you have around you? Who is your circle?

      • What do your partnerships look like?

      • What gift, joy, skill, value, and expertise are you bringing to the world around you?


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    Takeaways Talk (Tammi Relyea)

    Takeaways Talk (Tammi Relyea)

    Tammi Relyea is a real inspiration! We are fortunate to learn from such a wise, visionary, and level-headed businesswoman. As the Founder of both BRA-sériē and the WO3 movement, she is the epitome of steadfast commitment and mission-driven impact. Here’s the takeaways from our interview with Tammi.


    • Creatively fulfilling a consumer need is a key facet to achieving business success

    • It’s never too late to pursue a dream as maturity and experience are advantages

    • Entrepreneurship doesn’t always need to be a public journey

    • When you build fortitude, the haters and naysayers don’t negatively affect you

    • Small victories can give you big hope; allow those victories to fuel continuous inspiration

    • WO3 Day is truly an opportunity to partner, promote, and support women-owned businesses

    • Be proud of and embrace your unique entrepreneurial experience; don’t compare, be different!

    • You don’t need to wait for things to be perfect to activate your dreams, just get started


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