
    Bob Anders Podcast

    Bob is an International Award-Winning Producer with degrees in Psychology and a Ph.D. In Journalism.
    He has worked for over 30 years in Radio and Television Broadcasting.
    He is presently retired and enjoys spending his spare time creating podcasts.
    Member Society of Professional Journalists
    enBob Anders, Ph.D.119 Episodes

    Episodes (119)

    222 Why people are attracted to drama

    222 Why people are attracted to drama
    For generations, humans have been enthralled by drama, spanning from the classic Greek tragedies to modern-day reality TV programs. It appears that the fascination with drama is deeply rooted in our essence. Today, delve into the psychological factors driving people's interest in drama, examining the underlying incentives, its effects on both individuals and society, and approaches for handling this appeal.

    221 The Power of Home Schooling

    221 The Power of Home Schooling
    Recently, there has been a significant increase in the amount of families choosing homeschooling over traditional public schooling. Supporters of homeschooling argue that this approach offers various advantages, such as adaptability, personalized curriculum, and enhanced academic achievement. This podcast will explore data and studies that reveal why students who are homeschooled often outperform their peers in public schools academically.

    220 Your Worldview Is Who You Are

    220 Your Worldview Is Who You Are
    The way a person sees and understands the world is heavily influenced by their worldview, which is shaped by their beliefs, values, assumptions, and perspectives. This podcast explores the complex nature of a person's worldview and how it influences their identity and place in society. It delves into the components of a worldview, its origins, its impact, and how it shapes an individual's sense of self.

    219 The Media and Propaganda

    219 The Media and Propaganda
    The media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and our perception of the world in today's society. Despite its polished appearance, news outlets and entertainment industries have the potential to influence through propaganda. This podcast examines the complex connection between media and propaganda, delving into its historical background, manipulative tactics, and the impact on society's view of reality.

    218 The Damaging Effects of Desensitization

    218 The Damaging Effects of Desensitization
    In today's-paced and technology-driven world, individuals are constantly bombarded with a multitude of violent, cruel, and unjust images and news stories. This overexposure can result in desensitization, where people become numb or indifferent to such acts. Unfortunately, this desensitization has far-reaching consequences that harm not only individuals but society as a whole. In today's podcast, we aim to shed light on the negative effects of desensitization and emphasize the importance of cultivating empathy and compassion within our communities.

    217 Mimetic Theory

    217 Mimetic Theory
    Mimetic theory, developed by French philosopher René Girard, offers a unique perspective on understanding human behavior and the dynamics of conflict. It explores the role of imitation, rivalry, and violence in shaping society. In this podcast we delve into the nuances of mimetic theory, its core principles, and its implications for understanding human behavior and conflict.

    216 The Art and Science of Persuasion

    216 The Art and Science of Persuasion
    The art of persuasion, a delicate process of influencing others to adopt our viewpoint, has fascinated people for generations. Whether in interpersonal connections, commercial dealings, or public discussions, understanding the fundamentals of persuasion can yield significant influence. This investigation uncovers the seven fundamental principles that form the basis of persuasive techniques, offering insight into the psychological factors that shape decision-making.

    215 How To Be An Adult And Stop Being Offended By Everything

    215 How To Be An Adult And Stop Being Offended By Everything
    Entering adulthood is a transformative journey marked by the acquisition of responsibilities, self-discovery, and the development of a mature outlook on life. One crucial aspect of this evolution is learning how to navigate the complex terrain of emotions, particularly by ceasing to be easily offended by every perceived slight. In this podcast we will explore the multifaceted approach to acting like an adult and cultivating emotional resilience.

    214 Listen To The Music

    214 Listen To The Music
    Listening to music can have a myriad of effects on individuals, encompassing various aspects of emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being. One of the most notable impacts is on emotions. Music has the remarkable ability to evoke and amplify emotions, ranging from joy and excitement to nostalgia or even introspection. Different genres and melodies can create diverse emotional landscapes, providing a means for individuals to connect with their feelings and experiences.

    213 Sexual Morality And The Collapse Of Society

    213 Sexual Morality And The Collapse Of Society
    J.D. Unwin was a British ethnologist, social anthropologist, and historian who wrote extensively on the rise and fall of civilizations. In his book, "Sex and Culture," published in 1934, he investigated the correlation between societal development and the regulation of sexual behavior. Unwin argued that the stability and success of a culture are directly dependent on the strictness of sexual regulations within that society.

    212 The Dangers of Social Media Influencers

    212 The Dangers of Social Media Influencers
    Social media influencers have emerged as prominent figures in the digital age, wielding significant power to shape opinions, preferences, and lifestyles. While they often serve as entertainers and trendsetters, it is imperative to critically analyze the potential dangers associated with their influence. Today we will delve into the multifaceted reasons why social media influencers can be considered dangerous, exploring their impact on individual well-being, societal values, and the dissemination of information.

    211 Why Most People Are Cowards

    211 Why Most People Are Cowards
    Throughout history, the concept of cowardice has been associated with individuals who lack courage, succumb to fear, and are reluctant to face challenges head-on. While it may be tempting to generalize that most people are cowards, it is crucial to approach this subject with nuance. Cowardice is a multifaceted trait, influenced by various factors such as societal pressures, personal experiences, and the fear of failure. However, it is essential to understand why individuals exhibit signs of cowardice and explore possible solutions to promote bravery and resilience. Today we delve into the reasons behind the perceived prevalence of cowardice in society and potential means of overcoming these tendencies.

    210 How Suffering Makes You Stronger

    210 How Suffering Makes You Stronger
    Suffering is an intrinsic part of the human experience, intricately woven into the fabric of life. It can manifest in various forms such as physical pain, emotional distress, or psychological turmoil. However, contrary to conventional wisdom, suffering does not have to be a debilitating force; it can be a catalyst for personal growth and inner strength. In this podcast, we will explore the transformative power of suffering and the ways in which it can forge inner resilience and fortitude. By examining the psychological, emotional, and social aspects of suffering, we will highlight the potential for personal growth and empowerment that arises from embracing and transcending challenging circumstances.

    208 How Living A Simpler Life Leads To Greater Health And Happiness

    208 How Living A Simpler Life Leads To Greater Health And Happiness
    Living a simple life is often overlooked in our modern, fast-paced world, where success is often equated with material possessions and a busy lifestyle. However, adopting a simpler way of life can actually bring numerous benefits that are often not immediately apparent. From reducing stress and fostering better mental health to cultivating stronger relationships and finding greater fulfillment, living a simple life can lead to a more meaningful existence.
    Bob Anders Podcast
    enDecember 01, 2023

    207 Discernment

    207 Discernment
    Discernment is a vital skill that plays a crucial role in our personal development, decision-making processes, and overall well-being. It refers to the ability to distinguish between various options, understand their true nature, and make sound judgments based on careful evaluation. Discernment is not merely about making choices; it is about making wise and informed choices that align with our values, aspirations, and long-term goals. In a fast-paced and complex world, discernment has become increasingly important as it allows us to navigate through a multitude of choices and avoid potential pitfalls.

    206 Absent Fathers Hurt Children And Society

    206 Absent Fathers Hurt Children And Society
    "The absence of fathers stands as the primary cause for the declining well-being of children in our society and is the driving force behind our most urgent social issues. Despite its vast scope and consequences, this problem is often overlooked or denied, as mentioned by David Blankenhorn in 'Fatherless America.'

    205 Hate From A Christian Perspective

    205 Hate From A Christian Perspective
    Hate is a complex issue from a Christian viewpoint. The Bible speaks of both positive and negative aspects of hatred. It is acceptable to hate those things that God hates, which is proof of a right standing with God. For example, Psalm 97:10 says, "... Let those who love the Lord hate evil".
    However, the hatred that is negative is that which is directed against others. Jesus mentions hatred in the Sermon on the Mount, saying that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.

    203 Malignant Narcissism

    203 Malignant Narcissism
    Malignant narcissism is a personality disorder that causes extreme narcissism, aggression, and sometimes abuse of others. People with malignant narcissism may use manipulative means or violence to enhance their own sense of self-importance and may have antisocial personality traits that cause them to abuse others willingly, and sometimes happily, for their own pleasure and personal gain.