
    Born In Trouble

    People say change starts with a conversation, but are we having the right ones? From the mysteries of the music industry to the often misunderstood concept of sex, race and cultures. "Meet us at the intersection of technology, entertainment, music, relationships and everything thought-provoking dialogue should be!. Dive deep into the realities of being Born in Trouble!
    en-usJohn X164 Episodes

    Episodes (164)

    The Price of Gossip

    The Price of Gossip
    Wendy Williams and the wear and tear of being everything and the culture of negative press. The gambling industry and the disrespect of Cam Newton brings Community service in question. 00:00 Introduction and Caribbean Accent Anecdotes 00:43 Reminiscing About the Past 01:45 Introducing the Co-hosts 02:19 Discussing Health and Aging 02:52 Traveling and the Struggles of Airplanes 04:16 The Challenges of Modern Travel 07:11 The Impact of COVID on Health and Lifestyle 07:42 The Importance of Diet and Exercise 09:44 The Struggles of Aging and Physical Limitations 12:07 The Impact of Fame and the Downfall of Wendy Williams 15:17 The Dangers of Celebrity and the Price of Success 17:28 The Reality of Wendy Williams' Situation 22:09 Reflecting on Choices and the Consequences of Fame 23:32 The Impact of Negative Energy and Gossip 28:14 The Power of Negative Press and Social Media 30:05 The Dark Side of Fame and Success 31:03 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Society 31:22 The Importance of the Journey in Achieving Goals 35:03 The Impact of Sports and Gambling on Society 37:56 The Influence of Corporate Greed on Sports 41:14 The Dangers of Losing Sight of the Human Element in Sports 43:26 The Role of Politics in Sports 47:18 The Future of Sports and the Challenges Ahead 51:40 Reflections and Conclusions

    The Colorblind Show!

    The Colorblind Show!
    The 36th episode of 'Born in Trouble' podcast features a engaging discussion about a multitude of topics ranging from racial tensions, social issues, colorblind society, popular culture, music industry to age-old social customs. The hosts also delve into controversial opinions of certain figures and events within pop culture, including Beyonce's country album, the work of a young controversial author questioning racial struggle, and the concept of 'reverse race hustling'. Furthermore, hosts also explore the reality of colorblindness in the society and how it affects views and understanding of contemporary pop culture, music, race, politics, and socio-economic class.

    The Bulls Not Breeding But AI has Answers.

    The Bulls Not Breeding But AI has Answers.
    The 35th installment of Born in Trouble. The discussion gears towards societal issues and the potential implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on personal development and relationships, particularly in the African American community. Guest Andrew Johnson speaks at length about the challenges faced in present-day relationships, focusing on the changing dynamics due to evolving societal factors and technology. The conversation also invades the impression that younger generations have towards marriage, and the diminishing value of organic human interactions in the digital age. Sprinkled with some humor and personal anecdotes the discussion is thought-provoking and covers wide-ranging topics from the role a traditional marriage plays to the potential of AI in manipulating human thoughts and emotions.

    Athlete? N. Please I work for UPS!

    Athlete? N. Please I work for UPS!
    The state of education and labor force in America, particularly addressing the conditions leading to disparity. The gang debates about UPS wages and the overall economic situation in the country. The invitation of Kyle Rittenhouse to speak at East Tennessee State University. With a fresh take on the dating rumors about Jennifer Hudson and Common. Tune in for entertaining discussions filled with humor, insight, and thought-provoking opinions. 00:00 Introduction and Welcoming Guests 00:39 Discussion on the 34th Episode and Personal Stories 02:38 Insights on LeBron's School and Education System 06:48 Reflections on the Impact of Pandemic on Jobs 07:28 Debate on UPS Drivers' Salary and Value of Work 32:39 Understanding the Dynamics of Labor Force 37:10 Concluding Remarks and Personal Experiences 38:48 The Reality of Job Security 40:07 The Controversy of Kyle Rittenhouse's University Speech 41:17 The Absurdity of American Mindset 41:58 The Misrepresentation of BLM 43:08 The Lack of Black Leadership 45:37 The Question of White Leadership 46:13 The Politics of Marriage 48:37 The Struggle of the Younger Generation 01:04:11 The Impact of Housing Market on Wealth 01:10:20 The Love Life of Common

    The Game is Sports and Relationships

    The Game is Sports and Relationships
    -John X and his crew engage in an eclectic discussion. The conversation opens with introductions and check-ins among the Boston-based group, followed by further banter about Martin Luther King Jr. Day and its significance evovling into a broader conversation about societal inequality and racial justice. Insights on media, analytics, and the role of power dynamics in relationships. 00:00 Introduction and Welcoming the Hosts 00:44 Technical Issues and Introductions Continue 02:52 Discussion on Martin Luther King Jr. Day 03:06 Reflecting on Personal Contributions to MLK Day 07:01 Debate on Palestinian Protests During MLK Day 15:10 Transition to Sports: Discussing NFL and Teams 28:20 Analyzing the Role of Analytics in Sports 31:36 The Role of Analytics in Sports 32:45 The Power of Probability in Predicting Outcomes 33:11 The Impact of Credit and Recognition in Sports 33:54 The Influence of Coaches in Player Performance 34:28 The Culture of Taking Credit in Society 34:57 The Role of Plagiarism in History 35:23 The Cycle of Land Ownership and Conflict 35:58 The Truth Behind Stephen A Smith's Basketball Career 42:43 The Impact of Personal Relationships in the Workplace 44:50 The Reality of Infidelity in Relationships 50:15 The Influence of Power Dynamics in Relationships 59:37 The State of American Politics

    Truth, Levels, and Dresses for Success!

    Truth, Levels, and Dresses for Success!
    In the 32nd episode, the hosts explore a hot topic and discuss comedian Kat Williams, his impact, and controversial statements he recently made about success and other comedians in the industry. They also delve into serious socio-political issues such as veterans' alienation, changing work dynamics, growing suicide rates, and the increasingly challenging American dream. Drawing from personal experiences, anecdotes and analogies, the hosts examine the current state of society and then question the future of the American way of life. 00:00 Introduction and Welcoming Remarks 01:11 Discussing the Importance of Self-Care 01:41 Reminiscing About City Wings 02:07 The Future of City Wings 03:18 The Impact of Self-Care on Performance 03:51 Debating Violence in the Black Community 04:09 Analyzing Cat Williams' Controversial Remarks 04:39 The Impact of Cat Williams' Remarks on the Comedy Industry 07:08 Discussing the Success Metrics in the Comedy Industry 24:34 Reflecting on the Impact of the Great Recession 28:15 Discussing the Upcoming Election Cycle 30:55 Understanding Victimhood and Society's Expectations 31:54 The Changing Nature of Work and Its Impact 32:25 The Role of Technology and Its Effects on Society 32:59 The Decline of Hard Work and Its Consequences 34:19 The Mental Health Crisis in Modern Society 35:15 The Impact of Constant Connectivity on Health 35:36 The State of American Life and Economy 36:50 The Impact of Celebrity Culture and Wealth 45:54 The Struggles of Veterans and the Lack of Support 51:33 The Reality of Modern Society and Its Challenges 58:21 The Influence of Sports and Entertainment 01:00:03 Final Thoughts and Reflections

    Taking Back the Barbershops!

    Taking Back the Barbershops!
    In this episode of 'Born in Trouble', The range of topics focus on the impact of social media and its power to dictate public conversations. How the internet and society can distort how we communicate and interact with each other. And questioning the increasing focus on relationships in the black community, especially on the internet. Striving for better financial education, exploring how to improve public discourse, and an interesting discussion about celebrity culture. All this is flavored with a good dose of humor and banter. 00:00 Introduction and Episode Start 00:33 Introducing the Hosts 00:43 Discussing Ohio and Bears 02:40 New Year's Eve Experiences 06:55 Debate on Barbershop Conversations 22:44 Discussion on Relationships 25:15 Impact of Social Media on Relationships 31:48 The Power of Negative Comments and Social Media Detox 33:25 The Impact of Social Media on Personal Life 33:54 The Importance of Digital Detox and Real-life Experiences 34:42 The Influence of Social Media on Public Perception 35:41 The Misinterpretation of Online Comments 36:20 The Misconceptions about Race and History 36:45 The Dangers of Racial Stereotypes 38:16 The Influence of Social Media on Racial Stereotypes 38:39 The Misrepresentation of Wealth and Success 39:51 The Impact of Social Media on Critical Thinking 40:53 The Dangers of Black-Only Economic Strategies 45:28 The Challenges of Online Interactions and Miscommunication 47:33 The Importance of Humor in Difficult Conversations 49:52 The Impact of Economic Systems on Society 52:58 The Struggles of Communication in the Digital Age 54:28 The Nostalgia of Old Communication Methods 56:20 The Influence of Popular Culture on Society 59:25 The Importance of Supporting Black Businesses 59:49 The Challenges of Changing Society's Narratives 01:01:52 The Impact of Technology on Personal Relationships 01:03:21 The Influence of Telecommunication on Society

    A Year in Equity, Entertainment, & Activism

    A Year in Equity, Entertainment, & Activism
    In this 30th episode of 'Born in Trouble', host John X leads a discussion on various cultural topics and societal issues. Covering everything from the cultural impact of celebrities, the state of global affairs, the dynamics of music and entertainment industries, to the modern dating sphere. The conversation revolves around various perspectives offered by the host and the guests, discussing an array of subjects such as the public perspective of Simone Biles' marriage, the socio-political dimensions of supporting Israel, and the transitioning dynamics of celebrity culture in the era of social media. This episode serves as a commentary on the current scenario, providing an introspective look at society's expectations, misconceptions, and judgements.

    Running From Success

    Running From Success
    John X., opens the discussion featuring guests named Rob, Reg, and Grant, along with John himself. The conversation revolves around a recent controversy surrounding Jonathan Majors. We dissect personal privacy, relationship dynamics, legal implications, and the racial aspect involved in the incident. They further delve into societal expectations for successful individuals and the concerns around a biased judiciary system.

    As Much Free Speech as is Allowed

    As Much Free Speech as is Allowed
    "As Much Free Speech As Is Allowed". The speakers discuss a variety of topics including political correctness, power dynamics, the effect of social media on perceptions and biases, racial issues, and their takes on the entertainment industry. They particularly reflect on the ideas of perception and realities in society as they narrate different anecdotes and scenarios.

    Protecting It At All Costs!

    Protecting It At All Costs!
    The 27th episode of 'Born In Trouble', host John X is joined by guests Robert Brooks and Grant L. The discussion centers around cultural and societal issues, with topics ranging from the shift in perspectives of what is considered 'authentic', criticism of societal norms, the impact of commercial influence on creativity, and the controversial global incidents that tend to be overlooked. The problematic dynamics and expectations tied to racial identity and success, the constant need for controversy in media and public discourse. The episode further explores the repercussions of capitalism and the downside of seeking validation through popular appeal in today's society. 00:00 Introduction and Hosts Greetings 00:46 Thanksgiving Recap and Turkey Controversy 02:26 Debate on 'Fucking for Food' and College Life 05:41 Puff's Controversy and Public Perception 16:12 Discussion on Democracy and Capitalism 21:14 Feminism and Gender Equality 29:24 The Impact of Identity Politics 31:46 The World's Obsession with Finance 32:32 The Struggles of Candice Owens 33:02 The Humanitarian Crisis in Israel and Palestine 33:48 The Consequences of Speaking Out 34:04 The Desire to Disconnect from Society 35:01 The Inhumanity of the World 35:37 The Natural Progression of Aging and Empathy 36:49 The Illusion of Popularity in Social Media 38:48 The Authenticity of the Show 41:53 The Struggle of Being Original 44:01 The Problem with Modern Relationships 48:12 The Conditioning to Hate Ourselves 51:44 The Control of Music 53:28 The Downfall of Society 53:57 The Dichotomy of the Word 'Fuck' 54:41 The Final Rant

    Black Tie Masculinity Affair

    Black Tie Masculinity Affair
    An Evening of Distinguished Gentlemen proving we still talking the same mess! Appropriate to sell sex for clothes/food/ shelter/ everything but not talk about it as men? Who gets more love "good or "bad" boys? Superiority complexes from Race to Religion to a region of land near you! Watching how groups deal with tradgedy is a blueprint and playbook. Pay attention and demand the same treatment. What can be learned from the Middle East is how to be inhumane boldly.. The changing landscape of sports, TV and mostly, money. And why we don't lack testosterone. Possibly inappropriate? Born In Trouble walks the line.

    What we Deserve is Inevitable!

    What we Deserve is Inevitable!
    Born In Trouble Comes Back looking at the collective conciousness in times o'Trouble! When Fight the Power sings a song of Freedom is it Actual or Financial? Is this the promise of BBQ'ing with Bobby realized? Tell me what you have so we can asses your Freedom ratio. Classism. The real American Dream. One man, one vote, but noa muffled voice. Why do people feel powerless, invisible and angry?

    Poor Africa? Investigating Oprah?

    Poor Africa?  Investigating Oprah?
    Born in Trouble jumps right in asking Are wildfires in Hawaii on Oprah? Or is she the succesful scapegoat? Is Hawaiin land ownership going down the same path as New Orleans after Katrina? Africa is in play. Who will win the richest continent on earth? The US, China or Russia? Or will Africa set itself up to stand alone like Gaddafia wanted? When will the US take millitary action on the continent? And are the French going to have to pay their own bills from now on? Is the future for American blacks African? Stay ahead of the curve with Born In Trouble!