
    Brain In The Game Sport Mind Coaching Podcast

    Brain in the Game explores the mental aspect of training and competing at an elite level of sport. We’re all aware of the traditional role of a physical coach, people who work with the bodies of athletes. Mind coaching (or mental coaching) focuses on the brain and the cognitive area of an athlete, working with them on their strategies, their structure and their emotional welfare. Brain in the Game is designed specifically for athletes, coaches, parents and crew as we unpack and understand what it takes to thrive as an elite athlete. In each episode we will examine a different facet of sport from the perspective of the mind; covering interviews with some of the top athletes on the circuit and asking them what’s working for them now and what they’re looking at doing in the future. We talk to coaches and gain a better understanding of the changing face of professional coaching. We also delve into biomechanics and understand the different dynamics of the integration of those in professional sport. Some of the techniques discussed will be time-tested and others will be cutting-edge. Brain In The Game provides a practical insight to the mental 'mind-field' of elite sport and demonstrates how a strong mental programme can make all the difference to an athlete’s results.
    enDave Diggle78 Episodes

    Episodes (78)

    Brain in the Game is now on a new feed - come join us!

    Brain in the Game is now on a new feed - come join us!

    Brain in the Game is still here - we have moved to a new feed.

    You will find us by searching for Brain in the Game (we have kept the same podcast artwork so you will recognise it).

    Or go to http://www.smartmind.com/podcast and you can listen from there, or link through to the major podcast listening apps.

    So to all our listeners (elite athletes, caring supporters and parents of athletes, and crew) - we appreciate your attention over the years! We look forward to seeing you on our fresh new feed as we continue to bring you the latest news, training and education on mental performance in sport and the latest sports mind coaching techniques and processes.

    https://www.smartmind.com/podcast or search Brain in the Game on your favourite podcast app.

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #75 
Building a successful team culture - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #75 
Building a successful team culture - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game Episode #75: Building a successful team culture.

    Much is made of the importance of a team culture when it comes to success - it is often touted as the secret sauce to a teams results. In fact, Sir Alex Ferguson Former Manchester United Football Manager (soccer) would often sight his team dynamic as their secret…

    There have been a number of examples of when this has worked when a team “fire” together and against all odds come out on top.

    I mean heck Disney has cornered the market on post-production of these kinds of comeback stories. However, there are countless missed opportunities when a team doesn’t fire together, when a few rogue individuals can completely derail a team and what could have been, never was!

    So, WHY… Why does that happen?

    What strategies are at play during this miraculous turn-around or misfire opportunity?

    • Is it pure Fate?
    • Did the stars align?
    • Was there one lone person who happened-along to galvanise all the missing pieces at that magical moment?
    • Or is it the hand of an almighty as Diego Maradona would have us believe?

    Both Maradona and Disney may have us thinking one or all of these are at play, however, the reality is a little less dramatic and a lot more reliable - In order for us to understand HOW we first need to understand WHY

    And for THAT is what this podcast will focus on, How and Why do some teams work and some don’t. 

    Still, feel like you need more? then check out our Building Champion Minds online video training series: https://rebrand.ly/champion-minds it will walk you through step-by-step actual processes and teach you skill to become that champion athlete.

    Each episode is broken into several 10-15 minutes consumable bite-size video sessions that you can watch all at once or as you wish, with lifetime personalised access. 

    So, enjoy this episode of Brain in the Game, then check out the Smart Mind website ( http://www.smartmind.com.au ) for more information and also check out our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ ) for articles, posts, opinion-pieces and advancements in mental coaching.

    Enjoy this and every episode of Brain in the Game.

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #74 
Cycle of Performance - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #74 
Cycle of Performance - hosted by Dave Diggle


    BITG Episode #74:
    Athletes, when is the right time to improve, to perform or to recover?

    In this the 74th episode of Brain in the Game, the mental coaching podcast, we take a deep look at the typical yearly cycle, most athletes traditionally follow.

    1. The Pre-Season,
    2. The start of season,
    3. The mid to end of season and 
    4. The much-awaited Post-season.

    We uncover the hidden mental and emotional minefield, athletes unknowingly put themselves through every year and we unpack what is often “willingly” done to self-sabotage the season and kill the momentum - all in the name of preparation, results and balance.

    Despite all this doom and gloom, we will also, of course, outline what we can and should be doing to both optimise and build momentum as well as create a sustainable (and realistic) growth mindset over a full season and even into our offseason.

    So sit back, relax and be prepared to have a mind (and behaviour) altering peak inside the brain of an optimised elite athlete.


    Still, feel like you need more? then check out our
    Building Champion Minds online video training series: https://rebrand.ly/champion-minds it will walk you through step-by-step actual processes and teach you skills to become that champion athlete.

    Each episode is broken into several 10-15 minute consumable bite-size video sessions that you can watch all at once or as you wish, with lifetime personalised access to the training videos and updates. 

    So, as you enjoy this episode of Brain in the Game, remember to check out the Smart Mind website ( http://www.smartmind.com.au ) for more information and also check out our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ ) for articles, posts, opinion-pieces and advancements in mental coaching.


    Enjoy this and every episode of Brain in the Game.
    Dave Diggle
    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #73 
Effective Emotional management for athletes - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #73 
Effective Emotional management for athletes - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #73
    Effective Emotional management - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Where to put your emotion to springboard you forward with purpose and control.

    In this episode of Brain in the Game (#73), we will look closely at the importance of our emotions when learning and retaining new skills, however, also our how emotions can help or hinder the consistency of our performance. Where you choose to focus your emotions will dictate the quality and consistency of your performance. 

    Listen in as we utilise two (2) simple but very effective techniques to optimise your performance system. This is an Audio replay of a training video used to train some high-level athletes on skill acquisition, skill retention and skill optimisation, if you would like to view the video and collect some further bonus material then head over to smart mind.com.au/emotion

    Still feel like you want more? then check out our
    Building Champion Minds online training video series: https://rebrand.ly/champion-minds

    Enjoy this episode, then click here to see what else we have for you http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information you can also check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/


    Enjoy this episode
    Dave Diggle
    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #72 
4 Key Frames to Sustainable Performance - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #72 
4 Key Frames to Sustainable Performance - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Episode #72: 4 Key Frames to Sustainable Performance

    In the previous episode (#71) we looked at WHY we build Pre-Season Objectives and Goals and what that does to keep you on track.

    In this episode (#72) we look at HOW we set sustainable Objectives and Goal and the 4 Key Frames necessary to consistently perform Successfully.

    We take a deep look at the reasons why we as humans are designed to just work much better when we have a clear set and defined objective, we look at how we create those objectives in such a way as to optimise our unique characteristics, we understand the importance of not only putting key people around us, also the kinds of people they need to be and we work out what type of archetype you are and why that's important if you truly do want to be a champion.

    So buckle up your mental safety harness in as we go deep into your mind, the mind of a champion.

    Want more? then check out our Building Champion Minds training video series:


    Enjoyed this episode? then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information and checkout our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #71 
Pre-Season Goal Setting - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #71 
Pre-Season Goal Setting - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #71
    Pre Season Goal Setting - hosted by Dave Diggle

    5 Key Steps to staying on track:

    BITG Episode #71: Pre-Season Goal Setting:

    Statistically, they say the third Monday of the New Year is traditionally one of our mentally darkest days in our modern society, as we realise those New Years resolutions that we made with all good intention have already slipped and our plans of glory are out the window before they even got started. And all due to our inability to stay on track.

    And as Athletes, it’s that time of year too, or at least it’s that time of the season when performance Goal Setting springs to the front of thought and our year becomes all to real post silly season. And despite athletes denials, they are human and often suffer the same stickability issues as the rest of us mere mortals. So we thought you may like to know the 5 Key Steps to staying on track with your performance goals.

    1. Clarity and Accountability
    2. Simplicity
    3. Structured Objectives and Goals
    4. Sustainable fuel source
    5. Cyclic Data Collection Systems

    So set aside just 20 minutes as we give you the rundown on the In's and Outs of sustainable Pre-Season Goal Setting.

    Also, check out our Building Champion Minds F.R.E.E training video series: https://rebrand.ly/braininthegame


    If you enjoyed this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information and check out our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #70 - 
Mental Blocks and how we can better deal with them - FOREVER - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #70 - 
Mental Blocks and how we can better deal with them - FOREVER - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #70 -
    Mental Blocks and how we can better deal with them - FOREVER - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Why are Mental Blocks such an issue for athletes?

    Episode #70:

    Almost every coach will understand the frustration and pain that comes from an athlete being mentally and emotionally paralysed by a mental block. That uncharacteristic derailing and shuddering halt of a normally calm, in control and capable athlete by what can only bye described as an irrational FEAR - be that a block on a specific Skill, a venue or even within competition.


    In this episode (episode #70) of Brain in the Game we are going to listen to a lecture I delivered recently (January 2019) on the four (4) core components of Mental Blocks and how we as coaches can best manage the situation.

    4 Core components:

    1. Why we have Mental Blocks
    2. What actually happens inside our minds with a Mental Block
    3. How we can fix the Blockage
    4. What if the blockage keeps returning

    So sit back, enjoy and let's unpack performance mental blocks:

    Building Champion Minds FREE training video series: https://rebrand.ly/braininthegame


    If you enjoyed this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information and check out our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #69 - Rethinking 
the Blame Game

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #69 - Rethinking 
the Blame Game

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #69 -
    The Blame Game - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Who's fault was it really?

    Episode #69:


    When things are going well and athletes are winning then people love to take the credit - however when things fall over those same people are very quick to play the “Blame Game”. "It wasn’t my fault, they didn’t give me the right information, I couldn’t do my job, they distracted me" etc etc etc…

    The reality is when we descend into the Blame war then we are no longer in a position to move forward or grow. So blaming is counter productive to development and momentum.

    In this episode, we are going to examine why people play the blame game and what we should be doing instead. So settle in and let's take an honest and clinical look at the “Blame game” slippery slope and strategies to avoid this unnecessary process.

    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information and check out our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.

    Enjoy this episode

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #68 - 
Do I fit the selectors mould or do I create my own style - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #68 - 
Do I fit the selectors mould or do I create my own style - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sports Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #68 -
    Do I fit the selectors mould or do I create my own style - hosted by Dave Diggle


    Who are you playing for?


    Episode #68:

    It’s an age old conundrum for elite and professional athletes, “do I change who I am and how I play to fit the mould of the selectors' current criteria OR do I back my own unique skills and become the player I know I can be?”

    And the answer isn’t ‘Immediately” that simple - surprisingly. In this episode of Brain in the Game, however, we will examine the pros and cons of each option and then look at the sustainability of growth model “Consolidate - Construct - Implement”, skill development and performance sustainability. We will unpack a number of impacts on you as a performer and as an individual person when selecting to “fit the mould” or “to be you”.

    So buckle in for this controversial topic and let's dive into this rabbit hole.

    Check out this episode of Brain in the Game, where I help rebalance this by showing key strategies in building a sustainable self-belief.   


    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information and check out our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy this episode

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #67 - 
Self Belief is a System not a feeling - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #67 - 
Self Belief is a System not a feeling - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Episode #67:

    Believe it or not athletes more than most tend to suffer with low self esteem and low self belief, which sounds bizarre when you think just how cocky they can appear on the outside.

    That is until you understand the 24/7 scrutiny they are constantly under today as they are expected to be always “available”.

    Beyond their sporting performances where they are publicly judged, categorised and ranked, they are also open to constant assessment of their comments, their actions and their beliefs via social media. With the liberation of information accessibility that the internet and social media brings, it also brings having to be “on” constantly. This can increases our awareness of being inside the “fish bowl” and the athlete mode 24hrs a day.

    This is manifesting a warped view of the athlete by the athlete as they become more externally referenced and less self assured.

    Check out this episode of Brain in the Game, where I help rebalance this by showing key strategies in building a sustainable self belief.   

    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy this episode

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #66 - 
The 4 steps to Beating Mental Fatigue - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #66 - 
The 4 steps to Beating Mental Fatigue - hosted by Dave Diggle

    The 4 steps to Beating Mental Fatigue

    Every athlete gets fatigued, heck we train hard, we push ourselves to the limits and beyond so it’s no surprise we become physically fatigued.

    However there is a “big” difference between Physical Fatigue and Mental Fatigue.. One is sore muscles and dwindling energy and the other can have a catastrophic impact on our ability to function, process and perform.

    In this podcast I will look at 4 Key strategies and steps you can take to avoid the slippery slopes of Mental Fatigue. So lets get back into the saddle and tackle this all too familiar nemesis of the elite athlete.

    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #66 - 
The 4 steps to Beating Mental Fatigue - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #66 - 
The 4 steps to Beating Mental Fatigue - hosted by Dave Diggle

    The 4 steps to Beating Mental Fatigue

    Every athlete gets fatigued, heck we train hard, we push ourselves to the limits and beyond so it’s no surprise we become physically fatigued.

    However there is a “big” difference between Physical Fatigue and Mental Fatigue.. One is sore muscles and dwindling energy and the other can have a catastrophic impact on our ability to function, process and perform.

    In this podcast I will look at 4 Key strategies and steps you can take to avoid the slippery slopes of Mental Fatigue. So lets get back into the saddle and tackle this all too familiar nemesis of the elite athlete.

    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Performance Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #65 - 
The three steps to effective performance preparation - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #65 - 
The three steps to effective performance preparation - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #65 -
    The three steps to effective performance preparation - hosted by Dave Diggle

    A performance limerick from Dublin Ireland:

    Episode #65:


    The second in our series of podcasts on the global tour, this week coming from Dublin Ireland.

    As the internal and external pressures of performing becomes imminent we “can” be influenced to begin to doubt our own ability to perform when it counts. This all too common phenomena can seriously inhibit our performance potential.

    In this episode I discuss the three key skills and stages to performing in a confident and controlled manner irrespective of the expectations of the situation. Sit back and enjoy as we discuss positive mindset and emotional platforming, Key visualisation techniques and effective anchoring.

    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information on our 2016/2017 schedule and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Professional Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #64 - 
Diving for the line and taking your eye off the ball - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #64 - 
Diving for the line and taking your eye off the ball - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #64 -
    Diving for the line and taking your eye off the ball - hosted by Dave Diggle

    A message from Tokyo: 


    Episode #64:

    As the end of many athletes seasons approaches and we begin to think about putting our feet up for a few weeks, we can “almost” be forgiven for taking our eye off the ball and thinking about getting to the end, making that last ditch attempt at finishing on a high.. However that flippant mindset can be very dangerous when we consider what could go wrong… In many sports we are heading into the finals and as such if we do not have an open and growth mindset we can be prone to mistakes..

    So as I walk through the streets of Tokyo this short podcast discussed the perils of diving for the line.. 


    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information on our 2016/2017 schedule and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Professional Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #63 - 
Controlling what you can control and letting go of what you cannot - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #63 - 
Controlling what you can control and letting go of what you cannot - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Controlling what you can control and letting go of what you cannot

    Episode #63:

    Our sense of “Control” or at the very least our sense of taking steps in “controlling” our environment, our preparation and our performance is a core “Need” as an athlete, we need to know what we are doing is the best that we can, be it a new skill or competing for our country at the highest level.. We “need” to know we have prepared well enough to perform, we have ticked all the boxes to be ready - this lowers our anxiety and increases our confidence allowing us to feel “ready’..

    However sometimes that unemotional and structural “Need” process to be in control can turn into an emotional and irrational “WANT” and begin to overlap and engulf our preparation and our performance with unchecked emotional baggage that raises our anxiety and increases our sense “What If” scenarios.

    During this episode of Brain in the Game we will explore how we better manage these “Wants” and “Needs” and what we as Coaches and Athletes can do to eliminate those negative doubts and overwhelming habitual behaviours.   


    So gather round, as we shift your perspective from “What if it goes wrong” to “What if it goes right”


    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information on our 2016/2017 schedule and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Professional Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #62 - 5 steps in how to handle big competition pressure - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #62 - 5 steps in how to handle big competition pressure - hosted by Dave Diggle

    The 5 steps in how to handle big competition pressure
    and h
    ow to value every performance: 

    Episode #62:

    As we settle into the 2016 Rio Olympics and we are consumed by the spectacle that is the summer games and as we turn our focus to the best of the best, those flawless performances, smashed world and olympic records and the apparent super human performances of these athletes.


    Lets take a closer look at how to get to this pinnacle of performance and what we can do to better secure our place in sporting success. Human nature is that we remember like a news reel, we remember the peaks of the highs, those world records falling, those close calls at the line and we recall those depths of underachievement, those heart wrenching fails, falls and stumbles. Whereas reality and statistically the vast majority of performers will not win an Olympic medal, nor perform at their best… And in part that is because on the day they did not perform the way they had trained!


    This can be because of nerves, dealing with pressure or not bringing what they have done in training onto the world stage due to confidence issues or playing it too safe. This is typically not because of a lack of talent, rather a human flaw in preparation. In this episode of Brain in the Game we will look at 5 training techniques that can embed into you, the athlete a better mental and emotional framework that better prepares you for those high pressure performance and allows you to bring your A game, every game.


    So grab a pen and paper and take notes as we jump into a Rio Olympic special Brain in the Game. 

    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information on our 2016 schedule and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/ and keep up with our videos and athlete profiles.


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Professional Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #61 Controlling your performance with a 3 legged stool

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #61 Controlling your performance with a 3 legged stool


    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #61 Controlling your performance outcomes with a 3 legged stool - hosted by Dave Diggle


    Effectively managing your Thoughts, Feelings and Actions: 


    Episode #61:


    When things don’t go the way you planned with your performance, what triggers it for you?

    I mean what REALLY triggers it for you specifically?
    Is it a negative thought that grows from a passing thought into an unscalable mountain that you just cannot see a way past, or an uneasy feeling that quickly occupies your whole body, incapacitating your flow or an action that you keep doing even though you know it’s not working for you that unraveled your winning and well trained performances when under competitive situations?


    What if I told you with a 3 legged stool we could better manage and control your mindset, your consistency and of course your performances!



    Then you best listen to this podcast as we look at a strategy to manage your thoughts, your emotions and your actions. This one comes with a free download to! 


    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information in 2016 and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Professional Mind Coach

    Another Diggle de Doo® Production for the Smart Mind Institute™ ©2016

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #60 - Recognising your performance patterns - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #60 - Recognising your performance patterns - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #60 Recognising your performance patterns - hosted by Dave Diggle


    Understanding how your behavioural patterns influence your performance, your Mindset, your choices and your outcomes.


    Episode #60:


    Humans are hardwired to recognise patterns from our earliest moments, our parents faces, objects in the trees, even animals in the clouds however can you accurately recognise those key patterns that are the difference between a good performance and a not so good performance?


    If humans are nothing more than patterns and triggers then the key to being a successful athlete is high-end consistency, and that replicability of action can only be achieved when you can identify what it is you did to achieve it the first place.

    And so pattern recognition and pattern management becomes a critical skill-set to any aspiring champion. 


    In this episode of Brain in the Game, we will identify what are key patterns, what they can and cannot influence and we will uncover five key systems to owning your performance each and every time.


    If you enjoy this episode then check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information in 2016 and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Professional Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #59 – What are you feeding your emotional monster? - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #59 – What are you feeding your emotional monster? - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Episode #59:

    What are you feeding your emotional monster? - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Keeping an athletes attitude on track is more about the words we choose to use than their want to perform.

    The daily volatility of our emotions and our emotional perspectives can heavily influence the quality of our performance way beyond our physical or technical limitations.

    And when we allow these tumultuous emotions to dictate what we can and cannot produce as an athlete then we leave ourselves open to frustration, inconsistency, and disappointment.

    In this episode of Brain in the Game we will better understand the connection between our emotions, our thought processes, our language and our ability to consistently perform. We will look at what makes up our attitude and how we can better understand and manage its influence over our better judgement.

    So, grab a pen and paper and list closely as we unpack what you do and don’t say for success.


    Also check out http://www.smartmind.com.au for more information in 2016 and checkout our Smart Mind Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmartMindinstitute/


    Enjoy the episode

    Dave Diggle

    Professional Mind Coach

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #58 – A good start can lead to a great finish - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Brain in the Game - Sport Mind Coaching Podcast: Episode #58 – A good start can lead to a great finish - hosted by Dave Diggle

    Episode #58: 

    In this episode we take a look at why some competitive athletes adopt the strategy of starting slowly in hope of building into their performance and why that actually works against you more often than work for you.

    Many athletes do not start their competition performances the way they would have imagined when training, choosing instead in the emotion of the moment to take it tentatively, slowly and defensively. This reactive strategy can often be in an effort to minimise the risks and manage the possible fallout of what could go wrong instead of what should go right

    When you trained your performance, ready to compete you trained to perform at your best, to push your boundaries and be that star, however when the day arrives you can often perform differently and it is this change in strategy that can mentally devalue all that preparation hard work and subsequently render your competition an unfortunate fait accompli.

    Competition anxiety and fear of what may go wrong, can dominate an athletes thoughts and subsequently their outcomes if allowed to, in episode #58 we take a look at why athletes and coaches choose safe over trained and how that can negatively affect the long term performance habits of a potential champion.

    So don’t be shy, dig in and lets understand why you choose the performances you do.

    Also check out http://www.smartmind.com.au/ for our exercise templates and our face to face clinics and courses for 2016: 


    Enjoy the episode 

    Dave Diggle 

    Professional Mind Coach