
    BRAND with Julie Ciardi | Build Your Brand to Grow Your Business

    Welcome to BRAND with Julie Ciardi. I help coaches & consultants create personal brands. Your personal brand is your most important asset in your business. Why? Because YOU are the product. Become masterful at marketing & selling YOU. What YOU stand for, what you believe and who you help. That is the MAGIC of a personal brand. I want to heIp YOU build your brand. I have over 25 years of experience in marketing, as a former IBM VP to building my own companies. I mix timeless marketing strategies with incredible tools like Human Design & the Gene Keys to MINE your brand from the inside out. The power of a personal brand makes you referable and less dependent on social media to grow your business. Ready to BUILD YOUR BRAND? I will talk about personal branding, marketing, social media, podcasting, Gene Keys, Human Design, Abraham Hicks, and lessons from the Life Coach School, Bob Proctor and more.
    enJulie Ciardi509 Episodes

    Episodes (509)

    511 | {BRAND Interview} Jeanne Omlor: Changing Your Money Beliefs

    511 | {BRAND Interview} Jeanne Omlor: Changing Your Money Beliefs

    In today's BRAND Interview episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Jeanne Omlor, who specializes in helping coaches, consultants, and service providers build their high ticket coaching company or business. Tune in as we discuss how your money mindset is holding you back, why action is the only way through the fears, and why leading with value and impact is crucial to becoming a successful entrepreneur. 


    She also shares some of her favorite business strategies and one of my favorite topics -- why mindset is such a huge component to growing your business. 


    Come back on Thursday for the Design Behind the BRAND episode where I'll dive deep into Jeanne's Human Design to showcase how she's living out her purpose and divine design. 


    Jeanne Omlor is a Business Strategist, 7-Figure Online Business Coach, and certified Servant Leadership Executive Coach. At 54 years old she was a solo parent in deep debt and got herself online and to $1M in 17 months, without ads, and has since scaled to multi-millions in 4 years. Her company has helped over 400 businesses to thrive online. She is emotionally connected to helping others make money, as she lived in lack for years and overcame that mindset. She is now helping as many people as she can to maximize profits and reach their full potential while being the visionary they're destined to be.


    Check out Jeanne's website here!

    Connect with Jeanne on LinkedIn here!


    Want to learn more about your own Human Design & Bodygraph and how they are the blueprint to your success? Join me on March 13th for a free 2hr workshop where I'll be showing you why your Bodygraph is the biggest secret in business! Register here: www.julieciardi.com/bodygraph 

    509 | {Design Behind the Brand} Jen Laffin 6/2 Classic Builder

    509 | {Design Behind the Brand} Jen Laffin 6/2 Classic Builder

    Did you catch my last episode where I interviewed Jen Laffin? Today I'm back solo to dive deep in her Human Design and how she is living her design through her brand, through her business, and through the lessons that she's learned. Ready to have your mind blown?


    If you want to check out the visual BG5 Chart of Jen's Human Design, head over to the corresponding blog post for this episode: www.julieciardi.com/podcast 


    If you interested in leveraging your Human Design to build your personal brand, get your FREE report and guide to learn your business/career type, public role, life's work, strengths and more at julieciardi.com/work 

    507 | {IGNITE Her™🔥} Becoming Her ~ 5 min message from Julie

    507 | {IGNITE Her™🔥} Becoming Her ~ 5 min message from Julie

    Hey hey! We have a new format to the podcast and I am thrilled to share it with you! 

    Mondays - {BRAND Interview} - I will interview a female entrepreneur to share her "how she built this" brand edition.

    Thursdays - {Design Behind the BRAND} - I will do a solo episode analyzing the same entrepreneur's Human Design Bodygraph to show her brand by her design.

    Often - {IGNITE Her™🔥} - my brief, powerful, solo messages to help you live your design.

    Join me in my next free workshop called Your Bodygraph in Business.  Register here!

    506 | {BRAND Interview} Jen Laffin: Doing Hard Things

    506 | {BRAND Interview} Jen Laffin: Doing Hard Things

    You’re not alone if the thought of coming out of your comfort zone to try something new or hard scares you! 


    I recently had the opportunity to interview the amazing Jen Laffin where she shared some incredible insight on how to not only move past self doubt, but why you should embrace it! 


    We chatted about the power of true connection, how she built her brand and business on LinkedIn while remaining in alignment with what feels right for her, and the lessons she’s learned along the way in building her business. 


    Connect with her on LinkedIn here!


    Join her Goal Getter Club here!


    Make sure to come to the next episode where I dive deep into Jen’s Human Design bodygraph to show how she’s truly living her design! 


    Jen Laffin is a Success Mentor who has spent the last 15+ years helping goal-setters become goal-getters. She teaches you how to doubt your doubt so that you can move out of your Comfort Cave toward new growth. She specializes in supporting those who struggle with procrastination, perfectionism, and imposter syndrome to develop self-accountability without angst. Jen is the host of The Flight School Podcast and founder of the Goal Getters Club.


    If you interested in leveraging your Human Design to build your personal brand, get your FREE report and guide to learn your business/career type, public role, life's work, strengths and more at julieciardi.com/work 

    505 | Big Announcement! The Format of the Podcast is Changing!

    505 | Big Announcement! The Format of the Podcast is Changing!

    Things are happening!! We are making a shift and change to the format of the show, and I am SO excited! Let's just say we're going to be bringing on the most phenomenal entrepreneurs and leveraging their Human Design. It's such a win-win scenario for you, for me, and for the women that we bring on. Stay tuned and hear more! 


    If you'd like to nominate female entrepreneurs that have businesses that they can show the story, and be able to teach others how they got to where they've gotten to and building their brand, please do let me know! Email us at support@julieciardi.com or send me a DM on Instagram at @julieciardi.


    Are you interested in leveraging your Human Design to build your personal brand? Get your FREE report and guide to learn your business/career type, public role, life's work, strengths and more at julieciardi.com/work.

    504 | Sales Confident with Elyse Archer

    504 | Sales Confident with Elyse Archer

    Do you find you have paradigms and limiting beliefs around your sales process? As female entrepreneurs, I think we all do at some point! Tune in to this episode where I chat with Elyse Archer about being able to step in and unleash your confidence when it comes to sales and how challenging that can be at times.


    There is a way to sell that produces more money while also feeling aligned to your beliefs and values as well as those of your clients, and we dive deep into that in our discussion. 


    Elyse Archer is the founder of the Superhuman Selling and She Sells movements, which empower entrepreneurs and sales professionals to revolutionize how they sell, explode their
    income and achieve quantum leaps in all areas of life. A Salesforce Top Influencer and a thought leader whose insights have been featured in major media including Forbes and Inc, Elyse is passionate about empowering her clients to sell in a way that leverages their natural gifts, and helps them build wealth along the way. She is an international keynote speaker and host of She Sells Radio, where she shares best practices from female entrepreneurs and sales professionals who have accomplished extraordinary goals.


    Prior to founding She Sells, Elyse served as a Partner in an 8-figure international sales coaching organization, where she helped sales professionals achieve their goals.


    Learn more about Elyse at www.ElyseArcher.com


    You can purchase Elyse's book, Permission to Be Powerful, here!


    If you want to work directly with me on your brand, or perhaps you want to explore Human Design, the Gene Keys and your unique profile, you can find it all at www.igniteherbrand.com 



    503 | Increase Sales Without Sales Calls or Consults

    503 | Increase Sales Without Sales Calls or Consults

    I just wrapped a live launch and there is ONE thing that stood out as a game changer that completely changed the flow process and outcome of the launch. Tune in to hear what it is -- It might surprise you! 


    Check out how I set up my own VideoAsk & see what the process is like: www.julieciardi.com/apply


    Start to use VideoAsk yourself: www.julieciardi.com/videoask

    502 | How to Produce a Free Event That Creates Fans Fast!

    502 | How to Produce a Free Event That Creates Fans Fast!

    I'm sharing the magic sauce to how we just had our most powerful & highest grossing live attendance masterclass to date. Plus, learn how I'm structuring my offers to meet people where they're at! 

    Check out for yourself how I've structured my offers: www.igniteherbrand.com 

    Want to work deeper with me? Let's work together to find the right solution for you! www.julieciardi.com/apply 

    501 | The Podcast Evolution & Lessons Learned

    501 | The Podcast Evolution & Lessons Learned

    Come on a journey with me! Over the last 5.5 years of hosting this podcast, it's really been an evolution of my own perfect self-expression! I'm diving into that journey with you, sharing what I've learned along the way, and how you can start to find your own perfect self-expression. 


    If you're feeling inspired to take the step into your next evolution, join me this week in my Designed to Lead Masterclass! It's a masterclass I'm hosting for my clients & you'll get a complimentary all access pass. I'm teaching how to use Human Design to find your own perfect self-expression. Sign up at www.julieciardi.com/lead 

    🥳 500th Episode! What is Your Perfect Self Expression?

    🥳 500th Episode! What is Your Perfect Self Expression?

    WOW! 500th episode. Can't believe it.  5.5 years, and ranks in the top 1.5% of all podcasts globally.  How?

    Two things, consistency & evolving my perfect self expression.

    My podcast and message has evolved as I have evolved and I haven't ever stopped podcasting for 5.5 YEARS.

    Want to uncover your own perfect self expression?

    Here is your complimentary pass to a masterclass I am giving to my clients next week.

    Register, grab your own personal work design report and join me live on Monday!



    498 | The 1 Thing AI Can't Do!

    498 | The 1 Thing AI Can't Do!

    Have you jumped on the AI train? I love AI to help streamline processes in my business, but in this episode, I'm letting you in on a BIG trend I'm noticing when it comes to using AI as part of the content creation process in your business. 


    AI is leveling the playing field and actually creating a commodity out of content. Tune in to hear what I mean, and how I'm using Human Design in my own business and with my clients to standout as a leader and become a category of one in the online market. 


    If you're ready to stand out as a leader in your industry without going viral, spending a fortune on paid ads, using spammy tactics, or having to become a content creation machine, and you're interested in understanding yourself better, then this masterclass is for you. 


    I would love for you to join me on January 29th: www.julieciardi.com/lead 



    496 | Think & Grow Rich, Human Design and You

    496 | Think & Grow Rich, Human Design and You

    In this episode I'm sharing about what the difference in my personal growth and development has been since studying books like Think & Grow Rich and studying with Bob Proctor to now being in a really incredible certification process for Human Design for Business. When I tell you it has been life changing, I'm not exaggerating!


    Take a listen as I dive deeper into six areas of Human Design that I'm obsessed with to help know myself and my clients better. I'm talking being able to pin poin paradigms that are holding you back, why you're stuck in the Knowing-Doing Gap, and what exactly could be causing your fear or lack of confidence. 


    I also share where I see things shifting and being able to go underneath the surface to have precision coaching based by design. 


    If you want a more in depth look at the upcoming trends for 2024 and beyond and how you can start incorporating Human Design into your life and business,  I would love to invite you to get my free ebook and my three part private podcast called The New Era of Coaching. 


    Get instant access here: www.julieciardi.com/trends 

    494 | 2024 Strategy & Word of the Year

    494 | 2024 Strategy & Word of the Year

    Do you pick a word of the year? In this episode, I'm sharing mine! Tune in to hear how I decided on my 2024 word of the year PLUS how I'm incorporating it into my 2024 business strategy.


    If you're interested in working with me in 2024 to use tools like Human Design and Gene Keys to have a quantum leap in your business or career, check out the three options to work with me at www.igniteherbrand.com.

    492 | 2023 Year in Review - Business Results & Strategic Shifts

    492 | 2023 Year in Review - Business Results & Strategic Shifts

    Can you believe 2023 is coming to an end? When I think back on this year, I did not have the year I expected to have. But, what I can tell you is it was one of the best years of my life! In this special episode of the podcast, I'm sharing why! It's not what you might think... 


    If you want to work directly with me on your brand, or perhaps you want to explore the Gene Keys and your unique profile, find out how at www.igniteherbrand.com