
    Breadwinning Business Women with Jamila Payne

    Breadwinning Business Women™ podcast is a one-of-a-kind show that takes a feminine approach to achieving financial freedom through business ownership. This isn’t about making more than your husband. It’s about building a business that creates a life that allows you to take care of yourself. Marketing expert and Business Coach, Jamila Payne combines her entrepreneurial experience and coaching insights to teach women business owners how to get out of their own way and take their businesses to six figures and beyond. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with how quickly you can grow your business if you follow the advice Jamila lays out in this show. Learn more at dailysuccessroutine.com
    aaJamila Payne: Business Coach, Entrepreneur, Author250 Episodes

    Episodes (250)

    My Personal Weight Loss Journey

    My Personal Weight Loss Journey

    As a Breadwinning Business Woman, your health is your wealth.


    Your body is a vessel that you have to do the work you love and live the life you deserve so it’s important for you to take care of it.


    If you’re going through a personal self-improvement journey right now, this episode is for you.


    For this special Breadwinning Business Women episode, I wanted to share about my weight loss journey and what I’m doing about getting back to a place of being comfortable in my body.


    Take this as a sign that If you're unhappy with something in your life, it’s ultimately up to you to change it and start taking action.


    I’ll share …

    🔑 How you can take charge of your own health and fitness;

    🔑 The routines you can apply to your own fitness or self-improvement journey;

    🔑 The lessons I learned along the way as I go through my own weight loss journey, and more.


    Link and Resources mentioned:


    🌟 Download the Daily Success Fit Kit

    🌟 Follow me on my personal Instagram @jamilapayne 


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba or and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    Should I Brand as Myself or as a Company

    Should I Brand as Myself or as a Company

    Should you brand as yourself or as a company?

    This is a common question from entrepreneurs at different stages of their business, so if you find yourself stuck in a decision, this episode is for you.

    Your brand needs to go along with your long-term vision for your business so it is important to be able to make a confident decision about it for yourself. 

    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, we will dive into the differences between branding as yourself or as a company. Which one is better and most importantly, which one is right for you?

    I’ll share …

    🔑 How industry leaders turned their name into a brand and what it takes to be the face of the business.;

    🔑 The nitty-gritty factors to consider, from the advantages to potential hiccups along the way;

    🔑 Why you need to take note of trademark registration and intellectual property rights for both personal and company brands


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    This is a common question from entrepreneurs at different stages of their business, so if you find yourself stuck in a decision, this episode is for you.


    Your brand needs to go along with your long term vision for your business so it is important to be able to make a confident decision about it for yourself. 


    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, we will dive into the differences of branding as yourself or as a company. Which one is better and most importantly, which one is right for you?


    I’ll share …


    🔑 How industry leaders turned their name into a brand and what it takes to be the face of the business.;


    🔑 The nitty-gritty factors to consider, from the advantages to potential hiccups along the way;


    🔑 Why you need to take note of trademark registration and and intellectual property rights for both personal and company brands


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    Selling as an Introvert

    Selling as an Introvert

    Are you an introvert who's ever felt like your personality is holding you back from business success? 


    It's time to flip that narrative.


    You're the Breadwinner of your business so it’s critical that you master the skill of selling so that you can attract ideal buyers to your business – even if you feel uncomfy putting yourself in front of other people.


    If you’re wondering how you can make sales in your business as an introvert, this episode is for you.


    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, I want to share with you than you can still have a successful business even if you have introverted tendencies. We dive deep into how you can leverage your unique strengths and grow your business as an introvert.


    I talked about …


    🔑 The importance of recognizing and leveraging your strengths as an introvert;


    🔑 How you can form genuine and personal connection with potential clients;


    🔑 Embracing your personality, and understanding how you work best, and more.

    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    Sales Strategies for a Successful End-of-Year

    Sales Strategies for a Successful End-of-Year

    It’s happening, the start of Q4 is just around the corner. If you're like me, you're wondering where the hell did the year go.


    The clock may be ticking, but there's still ample time for you to make this year your best one yet.


    If you wondering how you can still make the most of the time that you have left in the year and bring in some additional revenue, this episode is for you. 


    For today’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, we’re talking about to how to have a successful end of year push. I will give you some strategies that will help you think about your sales, double down, and keep going no matter where you are relative to your goals.


    I talked about …


    🔑  How to set your goals and accomplish them realistically before the year ends;


    🔑 The sales strategies that will help you bring in the additional revenue in the next 3 months;


    🔑 How you can add value to your existing leads and clients that would lead them to work with you, and more.


    Episodes mentioned:


    🌟 Ep 13 How to Plan Goals for the Quarter 


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    How to Get Rich in a Niche

    How to Get Rich in a Niche

    Specialists get paid more than generalists.


    Women business owners need to learn how to determine their profitable niche.


    That’s why for this episode of Breadwinning Business Women, I talked about how choosing a niche will allow you to attract your ideal clients. 


    When you narrow your offers to focus on a specific niche market people will see you as an expert in your industry and that will entice them to want to do business with you.


    I talked about …


    🔑  The key questions you need to ask yourself while choosing a niche;


    🔑  How you can set your business apart from your industry with a niche;


    🔑  How you can call out your ideal audience with your niche, and more.

    Episodes mentioned:


    🌟 Ep 170 How to Choose a Niche For Your Business


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    Switching from Proposals to Packaged Pricing

    Switching from Proposals to Packaged Pricing

    Have you ever had the experience of a potential clients trying to neogate your rates or picking over your services like they’re at a buffet?


    That’s the challenge with proposals. 


    Instead of trying to sell yourself in a proposal, I want you to start considering offering packages. 


    For today’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, I talk about the differences between proposals and packaged pricing and how purposals may be hurting your business and impacting your ability to close more clients. 


    No more waiting on clients to do endless research before deciding, no more sending off proposals and hearing crickets in response.


    I talked about the …


    🔑  How proposals are hurting your business and why you should avoid it;

    🔑  The advantage of having packaged pricing for your offers;

    🔑  The steps to implement packaged pricing in your business, and more.


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    When winging it isn’t working anymore

    When winging it isn’t working anymore

    This is why you have no room for winging it in your business anymore…

    If you want to take your business to the six to seven-figure level, you also need to show up on that same level too.

    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women, I want to talk about winging it in your business and what to do when you’re pretty clear that it’s not working for you anymore. 

    If the way you’re operating is still unplanned or unorganized, this episode is for you.

    I talked about the …

    🔑  Ways you might be winging it your business so that you can clean them up;

    🔑  Mindset shifts you need so you can start acting as a six to seven-figure business owner;

    🔑  Strategies you need to implement in your daily action list to be more productive, and more.

    Episodes mentioned:

    🌟 Ep 129 Priority Blocking Secrets for Maximum Productivity

    🌟 Ep 182 Productivity for Breadwinners

    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…

    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.

    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba and be featured;

    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    When you raise your rates and no one is saying yes

    When you raise your rates and no one is saying yes

    Telling your clients that you’re raising your rates can be challenging.

    If you’re at the place in your business where you know you need to raise your rates but you're worried if your current clients can no longer afford you, then this episode is for you.

    It’s important to know that some people will be upset, some will leave, and others will watch you level up and do the same.

    So in today’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I shared how you can gracefully convince your clients that you’re raising your rates.

    I talked about…

    🔑  How changing your own money mindset can help you set the investment you can offer to your clients;

    🔑  The proven steps on how to set the conversation that you will be increasing the investment in your business with your clients;

    🔑  The benefits of increasing your rates not only for you and your business, but also for your clients, and more.

    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…

    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.

    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @jamilapaynemba and be featured;

    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    How to manage your calendar so you can take on more client work

    How to manage your calendar so you can take on more client work

    The lines between client delivery time and your own personal time should not be blurred.

    You need to build boundaries so that you can lead your clients on how to have the best working experience.

    It’s critical that you are able to set up your business in a way that doesn’t create a challenge for you or cross the lines of what is actually your work time or your personal time. 

    For today’s Breadwinning Women episode, I am going to share some strategies you can implement in your client delivery to set a healthy boundary and start setting your clients up for success.

    In this episode, I shared how you can …

    🔑  Start setting boundaries by recognizing the challenges that you are facing in your client delivery;

    🔑  Communicate your expectations and boundary policy to your clients;

    🔑  Develop a win-win solution for both you and your clients so you can have a great working experience

    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…

    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.

    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;

    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Paying Yourself First

    Paying Yourself First

    Do you often find yourself worrying over cash flows?


    Cash management is something that can often cause stress for business owners especially when cash is going out faster than it’s coming in.


    What I see happening for women businessowners is that you may be making good money but you're not receiving it as quickly as you earned.


    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I want to talk about having safe guards in your business so that things are set up in a way that will allow you to feel financial comfortable even when the business is changing. 


    In this episode, learn …


    🔑  How to manage your cash flow to take these revenues into account;


    🔑  The ways on how you can keep track of the money coming in and out of your revenue;


    🔑  What mindset shifts you can start implementing so you can feel confident in your ability to guide your business to prosperity, and more.

    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Are Women Looking for a Provider or Partner

    Are Women Looking for a Provider or Partner

    For years, women were socialized to think that they get married so that they have someone that can take care of them.

    What I want you to know is being a breadwinning businesswoman means being able to provide for yourself. 

    In this episode, I’m going to talk about making money as a businesswoman in the context of traditional gender roles. 

    It’s about creating financial freedom for yourself. Because when you have a business that pays you a salary, you’ll have the ability to take care of your personal expenses and your desired lifestyle.

    In this episode, learn …

    🔑  Why having a supportive partner is important to your success as a breadwinning business woman;

    🔑  Reasons why your perception of societal norms affects the relationship you can have with your business and finances;

    🔑 Shifts you can start implementing so that you can provide for all your needs, cover the business expenses, pay taxes and have a profit left over in your bank account, and more.

    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach to help you with your sales and systems, take your business to the next level, get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need to scale your business…

    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.

    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;

    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    [REPLAY] Profitably Pricing Your Way to Millions

    [REPLAY] Profitably Pricing Your Way to Millions

    We all have that one big goal that we’re so afraid to say out loud.

    If you have the same big goal in your business, no matter how insane it seems, I tell you this – it’s totally possible for you too.

    With the right mindset and steps at hand, aiming and making more revenue is something that can totally happen for you and your business.

    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I’ll share with you some of the things that I have done and are currently doing to get there so in case you have big goals or dreams in your business, you can swipe some of these ideas for yourself. 


    🔑 Why it is important to set your signature offer as a 5-star service to grow your business;

    🔑 That getting help and support in and out of your business is key to your success;

    🔑 How surrounding yourself with people pursuing the same goal as you or have already reached their goals is important in reaching yours too, and more;


    Episodes mentioned:

    🌟 Ep 75 7-Step Formula to earn 6-Figures selling your services in 12 months or less


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach that can help you with your sales and systems, be able to take your business to the next level,  get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need so you can scale your business…

    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.

    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;

    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    [REPLAY] 3 Secrets to Adopting a Millionaire Mindset

    [REPLAY] 3 Secrets to Adopting a Millionaire Mindset

    What will it take to become a million-dollar earner? 

    I have been talking with a lot of my millionaire friends and mentors about the shifts they have made that helped them reach their goals.

    So for this week’s episode of Breadwinning Business Women, I would like to share what I have learned from them and what I’ve been putting into practice with you so that no matter what you are earning, you can expand your thinking.  

    Because no matter what your particular revenue goal is in your business, I want you to know that it’s all about the journey and the person you become after. 

    Learn … 

    🔑 Why having the right mindset would help you create results and reach your big goals in your business;

    🔑 How to keeping commitments to yourself is critical to your success;

    🔑 The difference in making decisions to invest in yourself based on the future you’re creating versus where you are right now is important to upgrade your mindset and many more.


    Episodes mentioned:


    🌟 Ep 117 Profitably Pricing Your Way to Millions

    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    ✨  Ready to earn a full-time salary from your business and get the freedom that you deserve before the year is over?


    Join our upcoming LIVE training on Tuesday, July 25th at 7 PM EST,


    3 Steps to Pay Yourself a Full-time Salary from Your Business: How to earn more in your business than you made in your job using the power of a sales system.


    RSVP here


    ✨  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    ✨  Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;


    ✨  Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    [REPLAY] How Romantic Relationships Impact Your Revenue

    [REPLAY] How Romantic Relationships Impact Your Revenue

    Who we have in our love life impacts a lot of areas in our lives, especially our business.

    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I’m going to take you behind the scenes to a retreat that we had for our mastermind members, where I invited my sweetheart to have a male perspective of what is it like dating a breadwinning businesswoman that is continuously trying to level up in her business.

    I’m going to share how romantic relationships impact our revenue and that as women, we should be thinking about who we connect ourselves with because it will inevitably impact the bottomline of your business.


    We’ll be sharing ...

    🔑 How traditional and societal roles in a relationship affects your role as an entrepreneur and how to obliterate it;

    🔑 Why communication is always the key in creating choices in respect to love and romance and building your partnership at the same time;

    🔑 What values do you and your partner have and if those values are aligned, and many more.




    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    ✨  Ready to earn a full-time salary from your business and get the freedom that you deserve before the year is over?


    Join our upcoming LIVE training on Tuesday, July 25th at 7 PM EST,


    3 Steps to Pay Yourself a Full-time Salary from Your Business: How to earn more in your business than you made in your job using the power of a sales system.


    ✨  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    ✨  Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;


    ✨  Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    Mid-Year Reset

    Mid-Year Reset

    Can you believe it’s already July?

    If you feel like the year isn’t exactly going as you planned, then this episode is for you. I shared how you can accomplish a lot more before the year is over and make the next 6 months the way you want.

    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women, I’m going to give you the additional push of encouragement that you might need to hit your goals for the second half of the year. No matter where you are right now in the year, I want you to feel empowered that you can totally have a mid-year reset. 


    I shared …

    🔑 The key questions you need to answer while planning your mid-year reset;

    🔑 How you can set your goals in the coming months in a way that it’s more possible for you to accomplish;

    🔑 The mindset shifts and adjustments you need to make so you can leave what’s holding you back from your breakthrough, and more.


    Episodes mentioned:

    🌟 Ep 23 - Mid-Year Gameplan


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    ✨  Ready to earn a full-time salary from your business and get the freedom that you deserve before the year is over?

    Join our upcoming LIVE training on Tuesday, July 25th at 7 PM EST,

    3 Steps to Pay Yourself a Full-time Salary from Your Business: How to earn more in your business than you made in your job using the power of a sales system.

    RSVP here

    ✨  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    ✨  Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;

    ✨  Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    Breadwinners Build Teams

    Breadwinners Build Teams

    Let’s get real: the women who have it all, don’t do it all.

    If you’re tired of trying to juggle all the things in your business, in this episode of Breadwinning Business Women podcast, I’m going to share how building your dream team can help you achieve more than you ever imagined for your business.

    When you build your dream team, you wouldn’t just lighten your workload. You also become a badass Breadwinning CEO and you’ll able to reclaim a well-deserved me-time.

    Inside this week’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, I share … 

    🔑 Why it is important for you to hire support, not just in your business, but also in your life;

    🔑 The things you need to prepare before hiring your first dream team member so you can set them up for success;

    🔑 How you can overcome the “no one can do it better than me” thinking, and more.

    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach that can help you with hiring your first dream team member, be able to take your business to the next level,  get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need so you can scale your business…

    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.

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    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;

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    Productive Procrastination

    Productive Procrastination

    Have you been striving to get things done in your business this year but not making the progress that you want to see?

    In this episode of the podcast, I revealed a strategy that I’ve been teaching called productive procrastination. This can be the secret thing that’s holding you back in your business.

    When you learn how to spend your time on the right activities and not delay in making decisions, you’ll be able to get more clients, grow your revenue, and have more time for yourself.

    Inside this week’s Breadwinning Business Women podcast, I share how you’ll know if you’re productive procrastinating and how to avoid these tendencies.

    Learn …

    🔑 What productive procrastination is and how it has a sneaky way of impacting your business;

    🔑 How intellectual excuses prevent you from actually getting to a decision;

    🔑 Why you need to learn how to work in imperfect conditions and be adaptable to change, and more.


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach that can help you with your sales and systems, be able to take your business to the next level,  get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need so you can scale your business…

    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me.

    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;

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    Productivity for Breadwinners

    Productivity for Breadwinners

    In business, you get results based on what you spend your time working on.

    You try your best to stick to your tightly planned schedule and to-do lists, but between life and non-income generating tasks, sometimes it just seems impossible to complete everything.

    What you're spending your time on can not only have an immediate result, but it can also compound and create a recurring result.

    That's why it matters how you spend your time. When you are being productive, it allows you to increase your revenue. 

    In today's episode of Breadwinning Business Women, learn the techniques of organizing your calendar to improve time management and lifestyle habits and excel at work while enjoying life.

    In this episode, learn how to ...:

    🔑 Plan your objectives, tasks, and priorities so you can accomplish more on a weekly basis;

    🔑 Map out your days and weeks ahead so you can maximize your time;

    🔑 Prioritize income-generating activities so you can focus on the tasks that bring revenue, and more.


    Resources mentioned:

    ✨ Download the 90 Day Project Year template

    ✨ Listen to Ep 129 | Priority Blocking Secrets for Maximum Productivity


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:

    👉🏾  Ready to earn a full-time salary from your business and get the freedom that you deserve?

    Join our upcoming LIVE training on Tuesday, June 20th at 7 PM EST,

    3 Steps to Pay Yourself a Full-time Salary from Your Business: How to earn more in your business than you made in your job using the power of a sales system.

    RSVP here

    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;

    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    [REPLAY] Facing Obstacles Like a Breadwinner

    [REPLAY] Facing Obstacles Like a Breadwinner

    If you take a second, right now and reflect on your life, where do you need to step it up and exhibit some Breadwinning behavior?

    Recently, in my neighborhood for the last several years, I was having a problem with my new neighbors because they liked walking their dogs around the lot beside my house even though I have asked countless times to my neighbors to stop walking their dogs there.

    I have communicated with them. I have pleasant conversations with them, I also have unpleasant conversations with people about it, to no avail.

    Will I indulge and let somebody take me down the road and have a street fight? Of course not.

    Today, I’m going to share with you a story of how I practiced Breadwinning Behavior during this time of me getting tested by my neighbor. 

    I want to share with you all the experiences that I learned in this process because I firmly believe that it will help you practice Breadwinning behavior when faced with obstacles in pursuit of your goals. 


    In this episode, learn...:

    🔑 How to resolve issues and make decisions whenever you’re being tested to take yourself out of your character;

    🔑 Why your connections and network will help you elevate your status and net worth in the long run;

    🔑 That small opportunities will lead you to something bigger and help you get ready to create progress, and many more.


    LISTEN NOW >>>


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  Ready to earn a full-time salary from your business and get the freedom that you deserve?

    Join our upcoming LIVE training on Tuesday, June 20th at 7 PM EST,

    3 Steps to Pay Yourself a Full-time Salary from Your Business: How to earn more in your business than you made in your job using the power of a sales system.

    RSVP here: http://breadwinningbusiness.com/payyourself


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;

    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;

    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    Balancing Self-Care and Business for Breadwinners with Sherina Hill

    Balancing Self-Care and Business for Breadwinners with Sherina Hill

    One of the main reasons why women business owners built their businesses is because they wanted more freedom.


    You want to put in the work but don’t grind yourself into the ground. 


    The key is that you should be running your business but your business shouldn’t be running your life.


    That’s why self-care is important. You want to set up your business in a way that it gives you spaciousness and energy for yourself, your family, and the things that you want to do on the side.


    For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I talked to my friend, Sherina Hill, a personal coach helping High Achievers and Entrepreneurs stop underperforming by creating more meaning and money in their lives.


    She shared how she built her business so that she’s able to make six-figures in her business by working less to spend more time with her family and prioritize her self-care.


    Learn …


    🔑 How you can set up your business so you can work less hours and spend more time with yourself and your family;


    🔑 The mindset shifts you need to take so you can start earning more and believing in the transformation that you provide to your clients;


    🔑 Why you need to prioritize your self-care first and foremost when building your business, and more.


    If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:


    👉🏾  If you’re looking for a business coach that can help you with your sales and systems, be able to take your business to the next level,  get your processes in place, grow your income, and get the accountability and support you need so you can scale your business…


    Then I invite you to work with me on a 1:1 private coaching. Schedule a call with me at http://dailysuccessroutine.com/schedule.


    👉🏾  Share this with a girlfriend or a business bestie who might benefit from this podcast as well;


    👉🏾 Tag us on Instagram, send a screenshot, and mention us at @womenbreadwinners and be featured;


    👉🏾 Leave us a review! If you liked today’s topic and if this helped you in any way, do us a favor and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐