
    Break Through The Noise with Jon Morrow

    I'm Jon Morrow, and this is Break Through the Noise, a podcast where I show you how to stand out in a world where people are already inundated with content, where they are distracted by an endless stream of notifications from social media and their cell phones, and somehow, someway, you have to get their attention and make them listen. It's a battle, it's a war, and this is the podcast that shows you how to win, not just grabbing their attention for a moment, but turning people into lifelong fans who hang on your every word so you or your company or your clients never have to break through the noise again.
    enJon Morrow29 Episodes

    Episodes (29)

    Neil Patel – How I Used Ghost Writers for HUNDREDS of Posts

    Neil Patel – How I Used Ghost Writers for HUNDREDS of Posts

    Neil Patel is a crazy-successful digital marketing influencer, the brain behind Ubersuggest, and my former boss. Like many influencers, he has worked with ghostwriters to produce the massive amount of content on his sites. Today Neil Patel talks about why he started working with ghostwriters, how to get the best content from them, and why he doesn't work with them anymore. Be sure to subscribe and leave a review. It’s how we grow and keep offering you great episodes.

    3 Hacks For Building a World-Class Network Without Leaving Home

    3 Hacks For Building a World-Class Network Without Leaving Home

    “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know." Question is, how do you make those connections? In this episode, I’ll teach you three hacks you can execute from the comfort of your own home without seeing anyone face-to-face. I’ve used them hundreds of times to work up from nothing and still continue to use them on billionaires and celebrities.

    Speaking of connections, I have some great interviews coming up. I'll be chatting with the world's #1 SEO expert, one of the most powerful female podcasters on the Internet, and the public speaking coach whose clients paid up to $1 million for a single speaking engagement. I can’t wait to share them with you, so hit subscribe so you don't miss a thing. And while you're at it, don't forget to review in ITunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Thanks!


    How to Get More Website Traffic, Explained in Plain English

    How to Get More Website Traffic, Explained in Plain English

    Getting website traffic is overwhelming. Dozens of different, complicated techniques. Nobody agrees which works best. You just know increasing traffic is never free. Should you sink time into becoming an expert or money into acquiring an expert? Which has the best ROI? The answer…think like an investor, not a treasure hunter

    Why It's Good to Be in a Crowded Niche (Seriously)

    Why It's Good to Be in a Crowded Niche (Seriously)

    You may have heard "you go rich in your niche" but thats only true if you are creating a product. As a blogger or a content marketer, your job is to cast a wide net, to catch people before they are even aware of their opportunities. Data proves that the most successful people are the ones talking about the same few topics as everyone else. Here's how you can use the same strategy to succeed.This podcast has new episodes every week. Hit subscribe to get the latest info, and while you're at it, leave a review.

    Advice for Creative People Trapped in Boring Jobs

    Advice for Creative People Trapped in Boring Jobs

    Creative people don’t get a job because they want to. They think it’s their only option. How do you compete? How do you live authentically and still make a good living as a creative person?  There is a $412b industry for creative people that most people don't even know about. Jobs start at $50k a year with no college degree for writers, designers, and photographers. It’s not a dream. It’s a reality. 

    Want to start making a living on your own terms? Visit smartblogger.com/writingclass for my free class on how to get started in Content Marketing. 

    Enjoying the podcast? Hit subscribe now to get updates on how to Break Through the Noise. And don't forget to leave a review. Reviewers are the best!

    Rachel Miller – The Quirky Mom Who Got 3 Million Facebook Fans

    Rachel Miller – The Quirky Mom Who Got 3 Million Facebook Fans

    You may have never heard of Rachel Miller, but in my opinion, she is the smartest facebook person in the world. She's used facebook to drive tens of millions of visitors to her pages for free. That's right. No ads. No payment for traffic. How does she do it? In my first guest interview, she's going to tell you how you can get started from scratch. 

    Don't forget to hit subscribe and leave me a review! Reviews are awesome.

    The 3 Biggest Lessons from Getting Over 200 Million Visitors

    The 3 Biggest Lessons from Getting Over 200 Million Visitors

    Today's unique content is applicable whether you're a beginner or an advanced blogger. If I could go back to the beginning of my writing career to tell my younger self the three biggest things I would learn in 10 years of blogging, these are the lessons I would share to put myself on the right path. If you want to know how to make people care, how to model yourself after the masters, and how to stand out in the competitive world of writing, keep listening. 

    Don't forget to hit subscribe and leave a review. Subscribers rock!


    What To Do If You're A Nobody

    What To Do If You're A Nobody

    If you're a beginner and you don't have connections, you might feel like you can't compete. It's not a hopeless situation. In this episode, we're going to get really practical and dive into step-by-step tactics for beginning without a large platform.  

    Don't forget to hit subscribe and leave a review. Reviewers are the coolest people!

    Don't Let Self-Doubt Hold You Back

    Don't Let Self-Doubt Hold You Back

    Breaking through the noise is one of the most intimidating problems we run up against. A lot of beginners feel like they are too small to even compete. But here's the question: If you have a message to spread...are you going to let intimidation hold you back? Accomplishing incredible things is about unthinking, irrational defiance and flipping the bird to feelings of self-doubt.

    This is just the first episode, but you're going to want to hit subscribe to keep up on all the great info.