
    Breakthrough: The Gen X Podcast for Becoming the best YOU

    I’m Travia Steward and this year on the Breakthrough Podcast, I’m focused on those of you who are settling in your relationships, careers and overall life. When you build a life where you stay in your comfort zone, where you don’t take risks and go after what you really want …the result in never having the courage to jump and having a life full of regret. Get ready because this is where I’m challenging you to say No to what others expect of you and Yes to what you really want. If you're ready to breakthrough, then subscribe to Breakthrough today! We'll help you get unstuck, reimagine, and reinvent your life.
    enTravia Steward161 Episodes

    Episodes (161)

    163. Make this ONE decision

    163. Make this ONE decision

    In today's episode, we're unpacking the magic behind a single, powerful decision—the kind that can completely revolutionize your life. We'll explore how this decision is more than a momentary choice; it's a commitment to steering your life in a direction you've only dreamed of. Without giving away too much, expect to discover the difference between passive daydreaming and active, purposeful change. If you've ever felt stuck or wondered how to truly take control of your emotions and your life's direction, this is for you. Prepare to be inspired to make that decisive leap towards the person you're meant to become.

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    162. Where are you stagnant in your life?

    162. Where are you stagnant in your life?

    In today's episode, we delve into stagnation—a state all too familiar in various aspects of life, from personal growth and relationships to careers and physical activities. Stagnation often signals a misalignment between our daily actions and our ultimate aspirations, a cue that we are perhaps not evolving alongside our goals and desires. 

    Whether it's the repetitive motions of our daily routines, the plateau in our relationships, the disconnection in our careers, or the lack of enthusiasm in our active lives, stagnation serves as a wake-up call. 

    It's an invitation to reassess, to listen deeply to our inner selves, and to align more closely with what truly moves us. Join us as we explore how recognizing and understanding stagnation can be a powerful step towards breaking through and embracing the change necessary to become the person our goals require. This episode is not just about identifying stagnation but learning to use it as a guidepost towards greater fulfillment and alignment with our true selves.


    Grab your free strategy call HERE.

    161. Who are you…really?

    161. Who are you…really?

    In this episode, we dive into the essence of personal identity and the fascinating, multifaceted roles we play across different areas of our lives. From the private self that emerges when no one's watching to the varied personas we adopt with family, friends, and in the workplace, we explore the powerful force of identity that defines our capabilities and sets the boundaries of our potential. Discover how decisions made years ago about who we are have created a 'glass ceiling' over what we believe we can achieve, and how our brains work tirelessly to keep us within the confines of that identity.


    Got a question you want me to answer on the podcast? Email me at Travia@traviasteward.com

    Interested in seeing how the work I do with clients could transform your life? Let's have a 20-minute conversation. HERE


    160. Reinventing from the real YOU

    160. Reinventing from the real YOU

    On the podcast episode, we explore the essence of reinventing you from your authentic core. Join us as we delve into the profound shift in self-identity that goes beyond surface-level changes and forms the foundation for meaningful reinvention. Our Reinvention Coach will guide you through the process of aligning with your authentic core, breaking free from limiting patterns, and creating lasting change in your life. Discover how embracing your true self and shifting your identity can lead to becoming the person your goals require. Tune in to learn the importance of trusting yourself and embracing confidence to take the first step toward authentic reinvention.


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    159. Are you compromising who you are by settling?

    159. Are you compromising who you are by settling?

    In this episode, we explore the lasting impact of decisions made years ago on our present selves. Join us as we uncover the powerful force of consistency in defining our identities and how past choices create invisible glass ceilings. Discover why we settle or compromise authenticity, rooted in societal expectations and fear of judgment.

    Reflect on self-imposed roadblocks and areas where you may feel constrained. Challenge these constraints through self-awareness and embark on a journey towards authenticity, despite societal resistance. Your authenticity is your superpower, setting you apart and leading to genuine fulfillment.


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    158. What future are your habits creating?

    158. What future are your habits creating?

    Dive into the profound connection between your daily habits and the person you aspire to become. Explore how habits, whether positive or detrimental, shape your identity, and vice versa.

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    157. The Hidden Power of your Beliefs

    157. The Hidden Power of your Beliefs

    In this episode, we explore the intricate connection between beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, habits, values, and destiny. Through personal stories, we uncover how negative beliefs, rooted in personal experiences and environmental influences, shape our lives.

    From the impact of a belief that money is hard to earn to the lasting effects of a highly charged experience, we reveal how these beliefs become automated patterns, influencing our actions. We pose a crucial question: Are the beliefs guiding your life truly yours?

    The episode concludes with a call to recognize these patterns, break free from self-limiting beliefs, and unlock the potential for a transformative journey. Join us next week as we take the next step toward dismantling these patterns and unleashing your true potential.

    156. Do you doubt YOU and your abilities?

    156. Do you doubt YOU and your abilities?

    Embark on a transformative journey with our latest podcast episode as we delve into the intricate world of confidence and self-efficacy. Are you holding yourself back from reaching your true potential?

    Join us as we explore the origins of self-doubt, from carefree childhood exploration to the influence of external voices, and uncover the powerful impact it has on our lives.

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    155. Why we settle for less than we deserve

    155. Why we settle for less than we deserve

    Join us for this episode 'Why we settle for less than we deserve.' We'll explore the power of breakthroughs and insights, discuss why people settle in various aspects of life, and uncover the consequences of doing so. From comfort zones to fear of failure, we'll touch on it all. Don't miss this insightful journey into the choices we make and the possibilities that await beyond settling. 

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    153. Burning your limiting stories

    153. Burning your limiting stories

    In this episode, we're digging into those stories that mess with our relationships, money, health, and more. You know, the ones we've been telling ourselves forever that are holding us back. It's crazy how past events or what some authority figure said can plant these ideas in our heads, and we end up carrying them around like baggage for years.

    Today, I take you through a cool exercise where you write down all those limiting stories and then literally burn them. It's like a cleansing fire, releasing all those pent-up emotions and letting you imagine a new reality without being held back by past junk. The fire's not just burning paper; it's symbolic purification, making room for some seriously empowering new stories.

    Here's the real deal about this exercise: jotting down your feelings about those confining stories brings amazing clarity. The burning? It's like a cleanse for your energy, getting you ready to move forward. And seriously, focusing on letting go of the past? That's some next-level liberating stuff.

    So, the takeaway here is huge – our stories shape our world.

    What stories are still living rent-free in your head, keeping you stuck? Imagine how your life could transform by flipping those narratives on their head. It's time to rewrite your story, my friends!


    Ready to work 1:1 with me? Click HERE now. LET’S GO and make your 2024 the best yet.

    152. Are you happy with your 2023?

    152. Are you happy with your 2023?

    In today's episode, we're diving into reflecting on 2023. As we approach the end of another year, I find it beneficial to do this important reflecting so that we can learn from our experiences.

    Listen in as I share some powerful questions to guide your reflection as we begin to close out 2023.

    For personalized one on one work with me to make your 2024 the best year yet, click this LINK and let's have a conversation.


    151. Navigating Differing Standards in Life

    151. Navigating Differing Standards in Life

    Join us today as we examine differing life standards. Some prioritize cleanliness, while others prefer a more relaxed approach. We navigate these differences with open communication and respect.

    SPECIAL OFFER - 6 Weeks of Laser Coaching before and through the holiday season. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this special offer.

    150. Breaking Through Imposter Syndrome

    150. Breaking Through Imposter Syndrome

    https://www.traviasteward.com/limitlessIn today's episode, we're tackling a topic that plagues countless individuals in various fields, from career professionals to artists and entrepreneurs: Imposter Syndrome.

    Imposter Syndrome is that nagging feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt that creeps in when we're achieving success or stepping out of our comfort zones.

    If you've ever felt like a fraud, questioned your abilities, or hesitated to embrace your success, this episode is for you. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out on your journey, you'll gain valuable insights and tools to overcome Imposter Syndrome and unlock your full potential.

    Join us for a candid conversation that empowers you to rise above self-doubt, embrace your accomplishments, and build the self-assurance you deserve. Don't let Imposter Syndrome hold you back any longer; tune in and take the first step towards thriving with confidence.


    SPECIAL OFFER - 6 Weeks of Laser Coaching before and through the holiday season. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this special offer.



    149. Transforming Your Body to Live Your Best Life

    149. Transforming Your Body to Live Your Best Life

    Today, we dive deep into the mantra, "Change your body for your life, not your life for your body." In a world that often places undue emphasis on appearance, we explore how this mantra can empower us, particularly when confronted with substantial physical changes, such as undergoing a total knee replacement.

    "Changing your body for your life" advocates for a mindset that prioritizes physical changes as a means to enhance overall well-being and quality of life. It's about embracing a lifestyle that fosters health, energy, and vitality, irrespective of physical setbacks.

    Prioritizing your body in this way is a vital step toward regaining mobility, pursuing your passions, and reclaiming your zest for life. It's not about succumbing to the limitations of an aching joint; it's about embracing the opportunity to regain vitality.


    SPECIAL OFFER - 6 Weeks of Laser Coaching before and through the holiday season. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this special offer.

    148. Moving on from divorce and breakup

    148. Moving on from divorce and breakup

    Have you ever been betrayed by someone you loved? If so, you know how painful it can be. You feel betrayed on every level, your blueprint has been altered, and you want closure.

    In this episode, we discuss moving on after betrayal. If you have been betrayed, this episode is for you. I will help you to understand that you are not alone, and that you can heal and move on.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Don't try to suppress your pain or grief.
    • Stop accepting that kind of behavior from people who no longer value you. Set higher standards for yourself and take control of your life.
    • Don't blame yourself for the betrayal. It was not your fault.
    • Reach out to friends and family for support. You don't have to go through this alone.
    • Be patient with yourself. Healing takes time.

    Call to Action:

    If you are ready to start moving on. I encourage you to listen to this episode and share it with others who may be going through the same thing.


    SPECIAL OFFER - 6 Weeks of Laser Coaching before and through the holiday season. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this special offer.

    147. Life after divorce and breakup

    147. Life after divorce and breakup

    In this episode, we tackle the emotional aftermath of divorce. Divorce can leave you feeling stuck, replaying the past, and questioning your identity. We discuss the importance of sitting with these emotions without rushing to solutions, as healing is a unique and unpredictable journey.

    Feeling stuck is normal after divorce, and it's okay not to have all the answers right away. Join us as we explore the complexities of this experience and remind you that you're not alone. In our next episode, we'll dive into healing and rediscovery after divorce. Until then, be kind to yourself.


    SPECIAL OFFER - 6 Weeks of Laser Coaching before and through the holiday season. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this special offer.

    146. Is this as good as it gets?

    146. Is this as good as it gets?

    In this engaging podcast episode, we dive deep into the often-unspoken aspect of success and personal fulfillment. We question the commonly held belief that achieving success and reaching our goals will automatically lead to happiness and satisfaction. What happens when you've climbed the ladder of success, accomplished your dreams, and still find yourself asking, "Is this it?"

    Discover the multifaceted reasons why individuals continue to seek MORE in life, even when they've achieved significant success. Explore the innate human drive for growth, societal pressures, the allure of external validation, fear of complacency, and the search for one's true purpose.

    If you've ever wondered if there's more to life than your current achievements, this episode provides valuable insights into recognizing the signs that you're seeking MORE. Listen for indicators such as persistent restlessness, diminishing satisfaction with past successes, a yearning for purpose, and an appetite for new experiences.

    Remember, it's entirely natural to seek growth and meaning in life. The real challenge lies in how you navigate these feelings and the choices you make in response to them. Join us in future episodes as we dive deeper into individuals' journeys in their quest for MORE and how they've found answers to the question, "Is this it?" We'll be speaking with experts who shed light on the complexities of this journey.


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    145. Conflicting values in your relationship

    145. Conflicting values in your relationship

    Unlock the secrets to preserving your bond when love and values collide. In this episode, we delve into the intricate world of relationships, uncovering the challenges that arise when deeply-held values clash.

    Learn to identify the red flags signaling conflicting values in your relationship and gain valuable insights on transforming these differences into opportunities for a more robust, resilient, and empathetic connection.

    Join us as we navigate the complex terrain of love, relationships, and personal growth amidst the most testing of circumstances.


    Grab your FREE Connect Call with Travia


    144. Are your values actually YOUR values?

    144. Are your values actually YOUR values?

    Join us for an eye-opening episode as we delve deep into the intriguing question: Are you valuing things because someone else valued them? Does this lead you to seek validation and approval from others for how you live your life?

    In this thought-provoking episode, we encourage you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. It's essential to examine whether your values genuinely align with your authentic self. Recognizing and embracing your true values can lead to a life that feels more genuine and fulfilling.


    Grab your FREE Connect Call with Travia