
    Brimworthy with Chelsea Swain

    Welcome to Brimworthy! The Brimworthy Podcast is for the lions and lighthouses of the world! It’s for the mothers, the women, the homemakers, and the entrepreneurs who are standing up for freedom- people who are ready to live and build a wider life. Listen in to the show to hear how you start living a Brimworthy life- it’s more possible than you realize.
    enChelsea Swain11 Episodes

    Episodes (11)

    10. Eighteen Inch Haircut and Upper Limits

    10. Eighteen Inch Haircut and Upper Limits

    Welcome Back to the Brimworthy Podcast! 


    It’s been awhile since Chelsea last uploaded an episode, but it’s time for her to share a valuable lesson she learned while she was gone. 


    This episode is for you if you feel like you have been working hard towards a dream, and you feel like the more you work towards your dream, the more chains you feel are put upon you.  Life seems like it keeps throwing curve balls left and right. The closer you get to breaking through the upper limit, the louder the noise gets around you. It’s okay.  You are not alone.  


    Walk away from this episode feeling encouraged, and knowing that feelings are just feelings. Feelings are a beautiful gift from God. And we have the God-given ability to renew our mind and reframe the way we experience things.


    Chelsea coaches you through this process so you can walk away equipped, empowered, and full of awareness as you move closer to your dreams. 

    Join the ClickUp Party Course & Community: https://burnbright.mn.co/plans/274266?bundle_token=6163f5d8e2b502aec44ac9e4072fca98&utm_source=manual

    Find out more about Chelsea Swain & Brimworthy Coaching Services here: https://brimworthyco.com/


    Follow Chelsea on Instagram:



    9. Take Care of You to Take Care of Them

    9. Take Care of You to Take Care of Them

    You may have seen Chelsea has been on a hiatus due to some wild life circumstances. Chelsea comes back behind the mic to bring some fire!


    To take care of others well, you need to take care of yourself well. Chelsea shares common ways to nourish ourselves so you can serve from a BrimWorthy cup. 


    As mothers, we often put our wants on the back burner. Why are your “wants” not considered worthy? 


    Want to join a community where freedom lovin’ ladies intentionally come together to learn new skills and ditch burnout build bright lives that overflow light into this weird and wonder-full world? 




    Find out more about Chelsea Swain here. 



    Follow Chelsea on Instagram:


    8. Money, Motherhood, and Letting Go

    8. Money, Motherhood, and Letting Go
    Finding harmony, balance, and alignment can feel overwhelming for mothers who are entrepreneurs.  But what if there was a different way? What if you could make a simple shift in your mindset to help you discover more freedom. 


    Money Coach and Accountant, Dawn Patton, joins Chelsea on the Brimworthy podcast to talk about the art of being a mom and an entrepreneur.  There can be a pendulum swing of differing opinions about how to grow and work your business as a female.  However, what if there was more for women in the middle of these opposing conversations? 


    Listen in to find out what are some of the things we need to let go of and more of how we let go of old thinking to bring more freedom into ourselves and into our families.  


    Want to join a community of where freedom lovin’ ladies intentionally come together to build bright lives that overflow light into this weird and wonder-full world? http://brimworthy.com/burn-bright/


    Find out more about Chelsea Swain here. https://brimworthy.com/


    Follow Chelsea on Instagram:



    Come hang out with Dawn Patton on Instagram



    7. You are a Disco Ball! 5 Steps to go from Drowning to Dancing

    7. You are a Disco Ball! 5 Steps to go from Drowning to Dancing

    Introducing the D.I.S.C.O. Method, Chelsea brings her unique fun-loving and innovative coaching technique to this episode.  


    We are all created to be creative. 


    It takes energy. 


    Is the energy creating more energy or draining you? 


    The intention is to thrive in your life, not just survive.  


    Chelsea proposes the idea of envisioning being a disco ball


    No, this is no joke. 


    The Disco Ball represents the particular uniqueness of each person who listens to this podcast.   


    People are multidimensional.   


    And we all reflect different parts of ourselves depending on where we are, just like the mirrors on a disco ball.  


    Listen to how she brings the analogy of the disco ball home into the heart of your own self-growth journey. 


    Everyone needs a coach in their life.  Let Chelsea come alongside you to help you step into their potential and stop drowning in both your life and business.  


    Want to join a community of where freedom lovin’ ladies intentionally come together to build bright lives that overflow light into this weird and wonder-full world? http://brimworthy.com/burn-bright/

    6. You Can Win Without Going ALL IN

    6. You Can Win Without Going ALL IN
    Chelsea Swain coaches us through a common message which holds most everyone back. 


    Most people wrongly call this “hustle culture.” However, maybe it is the wrong term for it.  Hustling is impossible to avoid whether you are an entrepreneur or a stay at home mom. 


    The accepted message of “you have to go all in” needs a little unpacking. Through Chelsea’s coaching exercise, you will be able to  shift your mindset to a wider way of thinking.  Maybe going “all in” isn’t actually what you think it means.  


    You will walk away inspired. 


    And you will walk away wanting to live a life you will want to remember. 


    Want to join a community of where freedom lovin’ ladies intentionally come together to build bright lives that overflow light into this weird and wonder-full world? http://brimworthy.com/burn-bright/


    Find out more about Chelsea Swain here. https://brimworthy.com/


    Follow Chelsea on Instagram:



    5. A Soupy Conversation with Burn Bright Society Member, Tessa Harvey

    5. A Soupy Conversation with Burn Bright Society Member, Tessa Harvey

    A Soupy Conversation with Burn Bright Society Member with Tessa Harvey

    Tessa Harvey- a free spirit, media maker, mother of three, and creative storyteller joins Chelsea on the Brimworthy Podcast in this episode. After meeting online from a fellow freedom keeper introducing them and discovering they both lived in Colorado Springs, Chelsea and Tessa became quick friends. They met in real life through Tessa inviting Chelsea to her baby shower.  


    Tessa harmonizes creative entrepreneurship and motherhood and exhibits how the hard parts are worthy.  Chelsea discusses how mothering becomes a basic need and not a hindrance, it expands us, and doesn’t limit our ability to pursue entrepreneurship. Tessa asks the common questions we all can relate to like: 


    • “How do I navigate or balance all of the needs of my family and my creative entrepreneurial journey?” 
    • “What if what I choose is the wrong decision?” 

    Listen in to hear one of the most common thoughts Chelsea hears from her clients.  

    Want to join a community of where freedom lovin’ ladies intentionally come together to build bright lives that overflow light into this weird and wonder-full world? http://brimworthy.com/burn-bright/


    Find out more about Chelsea Swain here. https://brimworthy.com/


    Follow Chelsea on Instagram:



    4. 3 Epic Skills Moms, Conspiracy Theorists, and Entrepreneurs Have in Common

    4. 3 Epic Skills Moms, Conspiracy Theorists, and Entrepreneurs Have in Common

    Mamas, Homemakers, Dream Makers, Entrepreneurs, Tin Foil Hat Wearers- what do you all have in common? 


    Number one: YOU are not alone.  


    Chelsea Swain coaches us through the common threads which hold each of these unique niches together. She shares how your distinctive passions can lead to a rippling effect on the people around you. 


    Each of these dynamic niches bring an opportunity for growth and can lead to expansion in your business, in your family, and in your world view.  


    What you will hear in this episode:

    • Why mothers make one of the most amazing entrepreneurs
    • What conspiracy theorists bring to the table of entrepreneurship
    • What an entrepreneur intuitively knows and needs to set intentions for


    And so much more.


    Want to join a community of where freedom lovin’ ladies intentionally come together to build bright lives that overflow light into this weird and wonder-full world? http://brimworthy.com/burn-bright/


    Find out more about Chelsea Swain here. https://brimworthy.com/


    Follow Chelsea on Instagram:


    3. Hard Things

    3. Hard Things
    Welcome back to the Brimworthy Podcast! 


    One truth that Chelsea knows as a Master Dream Coach and a homeschool mama, is we need to acknowledge that hard things are going to happen.  


    Here at Brimworthy, Chelsea believes you can actually do hard things… with ease. 


    You need to cultivate your skills to thrive in life; however, it may not be a walk in the park. Everyone has hard things in life while they are pursuing their dreams. There will always be difficulties playing alongside.  


    When we cultivate the belief that you can do hard things with ease, it will help you hold space and live a Brimworthy life. Choose good things while hard things are happening. 


    Chelsea will spur you on through encouragement and simple coaching exercise. 


    Jump right into Chelsea’s “Hard Things” episode and go share with a friend or message Chelsea how you are choosing to do hard things with ease.  







    2. Living in the Adjacent Possible

    2. Living in the Adjacent Possible
    Whether you are a stay at home mama, tin foil hat wearer, or business entrepreneur, this Brimworthy episode, “Living in the Adjacent Possible” is for you. 


    What is the theory of The Adjacent Possible? 


    Chelsea dives into this incredibly powerful tool where good ideas come from and helps you to see the steps to take to allow your eyes to be open to your blindspots.

    The first time Chelsea heard about The Adjacent Possible Theory was on The Alison Show. This spurred Chelsea on to see this theory not only is valuable for the engineer but to everyday living. 


    Tinkering allows you to explore your dreams and goals.  The goal may start with one focus, but when you move a little to the left, or to the right, the end result can morph entirely.   


    There are resources available around us that perhaps we cannot see until we allow ourselves to veer off to the left or right. Some other ways we can become aware of the adjacent possible:


    • Allowing a coach or mentor to bring to light a different perspective  
    • Prayer
    • Exploring ideas outside of your normal thinking

    For more coaching with Chelsea Swain, listen to the show and be sure to take notes.  


    Looking for an adjacent possible solution? Message Chelsea and share an area where you feel you are stuck.  


    If you are in the Burn Bright Society, come and share inside the community to see the adjacent possible in action. 



    The New York Times, The Art of Tinkering. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/04/opinion/learning-through-tinkering.html






    1. The Lie That Time Flies When You're Having Fun

    1. The Lie That Time Flies When You're Having Fun
    Chelsea Swain, Master Certified Dream Coach, starts off the Brimworthy podcast with how to build a Brimworthy life & business with a foundational conversation about time. 


    It’s time to talk about time.


    Have you caught yourself saying, “I don’t have enough time?” 


    Living an intentional life changes the way you perceive time.  

    -Time is an allusion. 

    -Time is subjective. 

    -Time is measured. 

    -Time flies when you are not intentional. 


    Perspective on time is how we will experience time. Our life is not only long, but it is also wide.  


    Chelsea coaches and challenges us through how to live intentionally by changing our perspective of time and how to steward this precious gift well so that we can live expansively and fully alive.  


    Message Chelsea if any of this conversation sparked some ideas within you.  





    Welcome to Brimworthy Trailer

    Welcome to Brimworthy Trailer
    Welcome to Brimworthy! The Brimworthy Podcast is for the lions and lighthouses of the world! It’s for the mothers, the women, the homemakers,  and the entrepreneurs who are standing up for freedom- people who are ready to live and build a wider life.  Listen in to the show to hear how you start living a Brimworthy life- it’s more possible than you realize.  




