
    BS With Bob Schmidt

    Eavesdrop on great conversations with Bob Schmidt
    Award-winning interviewer Bob Schmidt is a radio industry veteran who has spent the past three decades of his life communicating with listeners. The BS’ing with Bob Schmidt podcast revolves around my guests which include: entertainers, business owners, educators — people from all walks of life, with a wide range of expertise and experiences. My listeners know that when they tune in, they always have a chance to eavesdrop on great conversations. I've had conversations with a United States President, numerous Senators, several Governors, lots of rock stars, and many other “celebrities,” But my favorite interviews, however, are those with business owners, entrepreneurs and authors.

    Great conversation with great guests. Finding out the story that is underlying the rest of the story.

    New episode published every Wednesday at 1:30pm Central Time
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    Episodes (60)

    E60 Voices-com

    E60 Voices-com
    The BS with Bob podcast featuring entrepreneurs, business people and marketers this week talking with David, David is the CEO of voices.com and is a voiceover person myself is pretty cool to be able to talk to the guy that's in charge of probably the largest place to go to get that to get voices David, welcome to the program. Thanks much Bob thought glad to be here and tell some stories. So how did you get in that the whole voiceover Dick everyone finds her own path and my nose is pretty unique. Actually I see with sound go out and share about how Bob had an old record player and dad had a shortwave radio so I always could tinkered with you technology if you could call it that went to school and got a degree in in audio engineering that I opened up a small recording studio, so this was an opportunity for a reported music bands and so forth, but actually got my name in the newspaper on my birthday and I was actually that article brought in some local businesses that were looking to how the female voiceover reported done for phone system that actually met a young woman, just the day before, who was a classically trained singer and that that ladies and now Stephanie is now my wife and cofounder voices.call that time she was a classic between singer and I asked her to do these voiceovers and so she did a phone system and some local radio commercials and that was the problem referred to it as well. Instead of us doing the production. Why don't we become this. The connector between the voice actor in the client is looking to hire them and so we got out of the production ourselves and really reinvented ourselves as as this marketplace that connects the businesses with those voice actors and that's what we been doing for much the last decade and how did you score the name voices.com we actually didn't start as voices.com we we began as as interactive voices, which wasn't exactly the greatest website name the pigeons will listen to new media or interactive media. It was around the height of what was then the Web 2.0 movement when you know everything was big bright and bubbly on the web about flashy colors and and companies like twitter and Flickr were like dropping bowels from their name and as we want to be part of this movement so we were set on changing rebranding. In effect, so I did with many entrepreneurs do you pull up a browser you Google the domain name of your choosing of your desires and we had landed on a website called as a medical Journal club silencing the critical voices in your head is a medical journal that had been updated since about 2000. And so we reached out actually through a lawyer sent an email to this owner and asked what he saw the name and if so what price and he came back he said initially said that $50,000 and then know you know through some negotiation offered six payments of $5000 can of every quarter every three months with them another $5000, and for that he went to the deal. So we were able to almost like a lift and shift their business from the old servers to the new servers and redirect all that traffic that's been actually evolved one of the biggest turning points for us. It was a name that is short. It's memorable. It's easy to spell it, since what we do in a nutshell, so it's been the it's been really great for my from that standpoint. So how does something like voices.com work for the end user so it must have a business and I want to get a voice and looking for a male voice and female voice. Can I use voices.com to have auditions with different voices or how does that. How does even work. The process is very simple. You sign up for freeing you create an account and its most points will we call client feels people are looking to hire a talent have that project in their mind and so you after signing up you can do what we call posting a job was free to post the job and that is where you outline just as you said in looking for a male voice and a female voice I you know I might be enormously particular language so into this case English will allow you to pick the accent even consider certain regions that have many thicker, stronger accents than that others you can go through and then pick each range. This style of performance. Maybe that particular role. If you want a superhero or a sports announcer or a villain that corporate executives and this helps the actor ultimately deliver auditions for the persona that you want to have you to perform the voice and then of course you attach your script what you want. Auditions is a couple even a couple sentences is fine. You pick a budget which is somewhere between you know start to the hundred to $250 and goes up depending on the duration of the recording and the complexity is of the recording itself and then your deadline when you want your auditions back is something like the dating profile or dating service for voices audios a really challenging medium because there's often not the shared language or lexicon for how we describe what we want. We know it when we hear it, but what kind of words you know are people using we seen some really funny artistic will be called artistic direction or creative direction. Your client will say all he wants me to sound taller. What is that mean then you need you know from you know you have the you know the rate dating radio and and an invoice of yourself you get this knees or these conflicting messages of you know we want you to sound your professional but also sarcastic and humorous was like okay well where's that line of my favorite all-time know is somebody want to sound more purple and I think that Mike is a more passionate is it you do fear liquid is purple sound like a Viking fan is that you so that's problem or or or Barney the dinosaur from the 1990s reference, but nonetheless that is why that job posting is such a critical part, because it provides a common understanding for what the client is looking for and then artistic direction for how the talent is supposed to interpret this and deliver initially a great audition in hopes of landing the job. But then it also serves as the basis for, you know, here's what we what we want you to sound like this is really CEO of voices.com, you know, one of the big questions I have is is a voiceover talent myself trying to break into the business is how I get my stuff out there. You know I've got a tape that I did while it's not tape anymore. It's digital, but I've got you know that I've got some projects that I've done I put them together a string them together like I used to back one is looking for a radio job but I do know how to go about taking what I have now and putting it out on something like voices.com so after that initial acting classes that you've taken you know often the deliverable at the end of that of the culminating event is recording a voiceover demo as you said sometimes is referred to as a demo reel are EDL, so however it seems it's an audio file, usually an MP3 that is a montage of a number of spots for ads that is was necessary because when someone searches on voices.com. They want to hear samples that are as close to their project that they have in mind. I mean a bit of a silly example, but you know someone producing a phone system and this set on you to update my phone system brings you not to send the monster truck rally commercial because it's it's good to miss the audience in the styles is is is all wrong. So you know you end up with this portfolio. If you will of a number of demos for each of those major categories and those can be uploaded onto voices.com again completely for free so we have a free account or you can upgrade to a premium membership but really treating a great profile and uploading those demos, which can all be done for free is the absolute best first step in terms of like practical. What can I do to help market myself on a platform like this today. Davis is really from voices.com joining us this week on the BS with Bob Schmidt podcast so the next question I have, I guess is is the talent, then in charge of doing the editing and breaking down the commercial and putting the music behind it, and all matters that go to somebody else for postproduction. Yeah, great, great question, so most of the reeds and the voiceovers that her daughter what's it's a bit of a bit of jargon here which was referred to as a dry read, meaning there's no additional processing or music that's being mixed in some clients may ask for that but usually in most cases, they just want the voiceover as a clean file with no extra attention done to it and that you know some some clients may ask for brass to be edited out some I mean that's that's can be a lot of extra work. Often times, so it's, it's, you know it is. I see it's a clean read where it sounds as natural as possible. The editing out of breath and we don't see is as much done anymore, but what is required is a is a clean recording with no kind of background noise and then he can produce or whether it's a curriculum designer at you know Microsoft putting together a series of corporate training videos or product demonstration videos there probably to have their own music selections on the backend, and so they would be making those making those choices. What about the different quality of voices I'm not voices, but the different quality of studios because I know that my studio sounds different than your studio sounds different than Johnny down the street studio how you go about matching or coming up with the right sound for the specific client. One of the memorable phrases was trust your ears and that's what we tend@voices.com to encourage our clients whether there are creative producer that is hiring voice actors all the time, or perhaps a small business that's just getting a phone. Their phone system greetings done a voicemail and some on hold messaging to ultimately trust their ears know some of these projects, let's say meet much more high-stakes are going to air on radio and TV. Other

    E59 Steve Lynch Autograph and 2 22

    E59 Steve Lynch Autograph and 2 22
    The Steve Lynch podcast is a www.podcastforhire.com production.
    If you are looking for someone to tell your story, please contact Bob Schmidt from Podcast For Hire at 608-785-0555 if you are looking for Steve Lynch find him here https://www.facebook.com/stevenllynch or find Alena Rae find her at https://www.facebook.com/alena.nicholson.7

    Transcription for seo purposes only.
    Founding member of the band autograph Steve Lynch joining me. I had the opportunity to interview Steve a few times over the last handful years and always enjoy chatting with them always enjoy seeing you guys live and always enjoy just the person that you are Steve because a lot of times rock stars. A lot of times people in your position. Don't give time to be ordinary person and you know were friends on Facebook. I've tagged you in a couple things and you actually respond to your fans, which I think is is cool. Well I just look at myself as an ordinary person register your lab work hard to become our guitars and you know I appreciate all the parents out there so much I may not yield to be an honor to have people listen to me naturally like what I'm doing, you still get a kick out of. When people come up to and say are you Steve Lynch yeah absolutely no will of course you know it's it's one of those things where the recognition and respect that you received the excitement from that never goes away. A lot of people get a chance to do some really cool things over the years of me being in radio I had the chance actually broadcast from inside of a bridge over the Mississippi River walk while they were building this bridge. I'm guessing that you had the chance to do some cool things that the average ordinary Joe hadn't had the chance to do is just the traveling yell and just being on stage plates, such are numerous amount of people and it was only autograph I did a lot of traveling. My clinics was promoting my books. I have three books out cultlike touch looks one, two and three of us promoting those like Dr. travel to 20 different countries in Q3 25 cities felt that was great. It's a blessed life. You know it really is. That's where I feel about him very thankful. Steve a lot of times people think of rock 'n' roll they think of sex drugs and rock 'n' roll that can ask about the typical question to most people ask, but I do ask about you know seeing some year friends and some of that you know people that you that you played with over the years, you know, succumb to drug addictions and things like that. It was, it isn't hard to be on you know be on stage and BN on the road and and and Kelly keep a clean and free life. Like the I was just you as I drink too much, but that you know that I was looking thought that I just didn't like okay so so that was that was easy for me to not but I didn't try but it was easy for me to share with you. I was just going through focusing on playing guitar and and just putting on a good performance and I've always just got My mindset that links it was difficult to also see all the people go through the hardships that you know what drugs you will because of our lives and see people go don't go very fast when they do try to come… Same as they were previously so that is. His music business different now than it was in the 80s. Europe your gambling into all these different aspects of the music business and trying to be a musician and songwriter. All the same time. Like with autograph. I was basically the general manager the tour manager and the business manager on the night on the one that was leaked the liaison in between, you know, all different aspects. The endorsements the booking agent. I did most most all the interviews and then I took care of all the banking eye to eye pain. Everybody I get all the business taxes and everything so you know those there is a big burden what I limit SSN because I think that the that the big thing now is that you have quit the band autograph. Steve stepped off from you know from from performing. Are you still a part of the band even though you're not playing with them or if you basically cut ties altogether. Well, I basically cut ties altogether. You know I wanted to move on to something different. And one thing my fiancé later told Ms. that I thought was a really good analogy of you know after your if you have a CD in your car and you play it over and over again for 35 years. Eventually you want to change that CD in your car and go on to different things you want your listener difference because you just got tired of playing the same songs doing the autograph that you know I look at myself like I have a lot more to offer the what I was contributing to autograph and point out is the last job we did get off your ass. That was mainly all written by sign that my writing was going in a completely different direction. Attached as it is now so it just didn't sound like autograph at all. I need not at all. It was a completely different thing. It was his guitar playing audit. A lot of people say that's like my guitar playing and all will. That's because it's not that silent playing guitar on that. I just by the time I got in there into the studio. I only had room to do my guitar solos are a couple little parts and that was it was very disappointed. On the whole outcome like I wanted to hear. Going to a completely different direction. Like, I became very disheartened at that time. That was a couple years ago my fiancé and I talked about working together you know last several months and she's got an incredible voice. I wanted to just do something so different it would be open to whatever we felt like writing the way the directional going in a small cutting edge music using different beats and everything and not really being influenced by one genre or another just doing whatever we feel like it – what I feel but music should really be when somebody because of the natural particular genre, then pigeonholed into that and then there know that so hard for you as an 80s rocker, you know, long hair, guitar playing master to kinda change that view window and a look at Nicole big genre. I have a salon that I did not look 23 if you type in which network 23. The numbers 22 and three. Then you can listen to the whole album is a complete departure from the autograph. I love my God Bill calls Peter Gabriel and the Moody blues. I love the Pink Floyd Formica dances, porcupine tree in all of these bands of always been really experimental and I just love that about them asking about your most commercial song turn up the radio. What was the inspiration of that was it to get radio play know you know actually that was just something that will in reverse obituary will rehearsal studios in North Hollywood that I just had this riff like that don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't read. He got up and started planning to get her Bassler and then came up with that dude knew that little part in it. The next thing you know the other guys were sitting out there actually was about the whole lineup sounds cool Otto. Just jamming you know and then everybody stayed with us for all of it, we we got the whole song together really quick I need is just like all of a sudden. So you know that we start thinking about it was not all that's left the work and then we started everybody was chiming in on the lyrics of working harder working to redo it every day. You know, and then send us to send
    would use that. And so it was a song that was written by all five of Jeff's right on right on the cup like that. And sometimes those of the best sponsors. What is your spontaneous like that. Just everybody's in that creative mode and we just did it and of course after the general realize you know what we should probably change. It's just radio because recommend radial mother. You know you don't wriggle scissors a while back we want will you put pushing it from a commercial standpoint, we just thought it was a cool sounding song. Then we went in and we could all the different call letters all the young woman WK Z you know you know out on the West Coast. It was all KTLA or whatever you know and we went in and we spent 28 hour days saying turn it up KTLA or whatever we sent all the colors we did over 800 really yeah so that you because when they could play that like before this all and then all of a sudden the phone just blew up in it and of the radio play was just incredible. So you can number 93 on the top 100 of mostly songs ever on radio portraits still have that opportunity to at least have a really big song. Let's focus on a new project at 222. So after I after I contact you about doing this in this interview. For some reason the number two kept popping up between the last 48 hours have seen the number two like 100 times is so bizarre what what everybody said that that that was they see the 222 may start seeing 222 on the clock and start seeing it everywhere, and since just like everywhere in what happened was my fiancé she was seeing it everywhere. She had been for years and just before we had met like a couple years before we had actually met. I started seeing a lot as well that and 1111 those two sets of numbers and so should you know she started listening still seems to 22 everywhere and I said so my you know I see it every day, sometimes five times a day and so it must mean something significant. We googled it would look it up in it. So that means it's it's it's a new change in your life that your angels are guiding you to a different place to hire well and I thought that is so cool like your spirituality is going into another place and that's with both of us felt up at the time as well. She came up with the idea of what's called the project 222

    E57 Amanda McDonough Ready To Be Heard

    E57 Amanda McDonough Ready To Be Heard
    Amanda McDonough

    Social Media
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBERhpWcbrcDEsM0A0D36rg
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialamandamcdonough/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActingAmanda
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amanda_mcdonough/

    I am truly amazed by my episode 57 guest Amanda McDonough. She is probably the most inspirational of all the guests I've had to this point. She pushed me to try to figure out how I could talk with her, I am glad I did. Ready to be heard the book that Amanda wrote is a must read.

    Amanda McDonough was born in 1990 and diagnosed with hearing loss at the age of 4. As she grew older, her hearing steadily declined as she battled to hide her ongoing hearing loss from her family, friends, teachers, and the world. Despite facing unbelievable challenges, she succeeded in; getting straight A’s in school, having a successful child acting career, and leading a fairly “normal” life.
    McDonough currently resides in Los Angeles, California and enjoys successful inspirational speaking and acting careers. Amanda’s recent television, theater and film credits include: ABC's "Speechless," NBC’s “Bad Judge,” ABC Family’s “Switched at Birth,” Chris Lilly’s Pilot series “Just Us Guys,” "Our Town" with Tony nominated Deaf West Theater and films such as “Listen” directed by Michaela Higgins and "Silent Star" directed by Steven Sanders.. Her films "Passengers," "Loud and Clear, " and "Lady Electric" have gone on to show in various festivals (such as Cannes) and win awards.




    How I overcame my hearing loss, discovered who I really am, and found a balance between the hearing world I was raised in and the Deaf culture to which I now belong.
    How to overcome your own struggles and obstacles in life.
    How to live your best life with hearing loss.As well as, how to better communicate with & empathize with the people in your life currently experiencing a decrease in their hearing. (Last chapter of my book is called "The Hearing Loss Handbook" it contains tips and tricks for dealing with hearing loss.

    E56 Kat Chrysostom Broken to Branded

    E56 Kat Chrysostom Broken to Branded
    Kat Chrysostom
    Benefab® Owner & Founder
    Website: benefabproducts.com
    Office: 855-957-8378

    In 2011, at age 19, Kat was riding her horse back to the barn when he suddenly stumbled and fell. After Kat regained consciousness, she discovered that her horse was dying, and she was paralyzed. After a long and difficult struggle, Kat found a holistic therapy that helped her regain her mobility. Soon after recovery, Kat began exploring the possibilities of using the same life-changing therapy to reduce pain and suffering on the creatures she loved. And so Benefab®, a company specializing in wearable therapeutic pet products, was born. Recently, Benefab® has partnered with the ASPCA, a non-profit organization whose mission is to save the lives of animals.
    In addition to running Benefab, Kat loves to help people channel their passion into profit. Her newly released book, Broken to Branded, is full of true business stories and real-world strategies designed to help entrepreneurs build a successful business without losing sight of their purpose.

    E54 Lorri Allison Craig Launch a Business on Lunch Hour

    E54 Lorri Allison Craig Launch a Business on Lunch Hour
    Lorri Allison Craig is a Certified Financial Planner
    The BS of Bob Schmidt podcast featuring entrepreneurs, marketers and business people this week talking with Lorri Allison Craig is an entrepreneur and author and a certified financial planner wanted to talk with her about starting up your own business over your lunch hour and I think that a lot of us as entrepreneurs can have that is a dream in our work and are 95 and were thinking about the daily grind and the crap that were dealing with on a daily basis with again we can do it better. Lori, is it possible for us to do better and that you know can I start a business only during her lunch hour anybody come to people that are God only 75% higher than that is a lot of people just hate what they do on a daily the grind is just there, I developed the lunch bag in the UK learn on your lunch hour to start a business doing something that you have is is that the key right there is doing something that you love you again something that it's not worth the joy you don't care how many traits you spend doing what you know, I found that II mean I really enjoy podcasting. I'm just waiting for the dollars to start rolling in. So how do you do how do you monetize the thing you love to do and end up making a living out of it that not only did that learning to halt the difference that parents see that and for asking different ways that you can make money and lifting her that when you get a bad business plan part that is forecasting different ways that you can monetize that care mistakes with your business plan is not necessarily for somebody else it's for you to… More and think to go do some research is like, okay, let's look at some other podcast. How do they make money and find some no entrepreneurs that you can just follow their plan. Instead of reinventing the wheel. You think that a lot of entrepreneurs try to reinvent the wheel every time. Why can do better than that, and then realizing that there drowning in minute I spent all this time and I could just look at this or could I just googled that you know what had the answer right there rather than spending time doing a short story. My daughter grip on my lap running a business from my home and said she didn't think anything about it. Just as she graduated from college. He started business in her home and now she went to multimillion dollar corporation from her living room while while he lived saying to me, mom and found only now – or if I'd only known that and said okay well that's Lamb writing this so that people can just you know get it in a simplified version and a male only difference Glatz like one of them is building a team of professionals explain you have decided what you want to do that next year as when you want to go find the accountants in that attorney and that can help you in that particular area to want to get your team together absolutely need to get your team going that before you going to need to know what you can again like that great idea rightly admit you'd mentioned business plan a couple minutes ago and the importance of a business plan. What kind of detail should we put forth in her business plan to make sure that people don't get that. I don't know that there tell doing the business plan because it is so big and complicated and daunting and that scripting I think the first time that you do it you start with a simplified business plan. You go to the Internet and you find a sample kind of closely related to what you want to do because it's going to have a lot of things – that maybe you haven't thought at sea as a template and go through it and see if you're on the right thing. Not you I'd thrown out more ideas than I've ever actually started business with probably 5 to 1. So if you do the business plan and simplified version you can kind of see upfront whether it seems viable or not Outlook let me ask a little bit about that because I my mind is always with all this would be a great idea. All that domain names available. I buy the domain name might be annoyed. I start jot down things I start going hundred and 27 miles an hour. Then I hit a wall in my Idea than the scroll runs by to look at the squirrel for a while and I forget where I was guessing that a lot of entrepreneurs have that same squirrel mentality that I do this I owe next thing you know that you know, it sounds like you're definitely an entrepreneurial brain so I would start no. If you do you want Dick a great idea you analyze everything that you live, you know, what are the things you like to read what you like to look at when you're surfing on the web like you and your joys in life and write those down and shrink them into another top trading you like and then do values work like what's important to you is freedom important is your home environment important to know what things that I am pointing all those things and to get it values and what you live, and gives you the direction the fillet, like a flashlight that you just highlighting the area that your you're truly interested in and then you do what we call a slot that drinks, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and you just do a one pager and you evaluate whether your internal strength that taking anything that you're interested in and what are your weaknesses. Do you need to go get some more education or knowledge that led to make that opportunity stronger you want to do an inventory of external opportunities in that environment right, you know what the market economics that are going on right now and many the social and political landscape. Okay so minutes is is basically it's it's a big long list of things he could have to look at in order to jump in with both feet and be ready to be buoyant when you did when you know when you do jump into the water a lot cheaper than making mistakes on paper so you want to do them just like building a house. When you hire an architect to help you design your house and everything you make those mistakes on paper rather than getting in to actually framing the house and you like someone at the wall over there and not making changes. Happy is gotten started. It's much better to do it. What you'd mentioned also earlier about your about your daughter sitting on your lap as you are going through and doing some of the stuff earlier on in your career and how your daughter took that and move that into an opportunity for herself. I've been kind of a closet entrepreneur my whole life as a radio guy for 30 years and then when I got laid off from radio. I jumped in both feet to do podcast and it's funny because two of my boys started job or started their own businesses as last summer as well. I've got a summons got a food truck now and another son that makes fishing lures really jumped in the some of the things that they enjoy doing and are make money that way you know you were great you are a great role model that's important about being an entrepreneur and what can I get on your children model and it takes away the fear for them. Thank you not going to get you. I can get the same thing with my daughter and Frank was just totally normal to start a business in your home, so there was just like no fears it just never occurred to her Fear when you did mention that you will be kind of a leader. That way you'd mentioned earlier before we got a mirror that you're talking about, but you're also coach and a and a mentor and I I'm guessing that a lot of times that some of the started off a business wanting to get going and something called a somebody end up getting a culture finding the right mentor for what type of entrepreneurial adventure that they have lied business coaches that are out there. I would suggest getting a business college in the area of the business that you're interested in coaches. I got Chris for coaching. Five had business coaches and I would just suggest that you do like. A web search talk to people talking your team, your CPA or attorney can get referrals far outweigh our men. People in the financial industry. I feel really strongly about giving women opportunity so I went to my assistant into becoming certified financial planners and professionals on their own but that's how I I mentor people coming at pelican industry specific to think that most people are willing to help out under the underdog or the person just started up. I think a lot of people do. I think they had black tender patent that they want to help people starting out a while back, I interviewed an author, Ralph Heath. He wrote the book celebrating failure and I'm assuming that as an entrepreneur and as a person is starting up it'll businesses on her on a regular basis. You probably have lots of failures to to go with some of the success that's all yeah yeah you embrace those tanks and now that the teachable moment and make you stronger. I think about Olympic athletes that talk about how many holy things that they lost on the way to becoming an Olympic athlete, so you have to embrace give an example of an embracing of failure that perhaps would help somebody listening right now. I think one of the things that I get tonight would hope might help people who are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business, whereas I was helping my financial advisor in his business. And honestly I just kind of sitting on my tension letting him run the business and I was just kind like he is answering the phone. Even though I had all my licenses and everything honestly is letting somebody else do it right, you can do that for me and then he was diagnosed with cancer and given 10 days to live, and gone. I just went into shock is like all my guys know he is going to make some money and when I can do and so can others allot to the story. He added also and into health and diet nutrition in that setting. And so I went to work on him and he ended up living another 15 years

    E53 Dr Rod Wallace - Drowning in Potential

    E53 Dr Rod Wallace - Drowning in Potential

    The BS Bob Schmidt podcast talking entrepreneurship, business and marketing. This week's guest is economist, consultant and author Dr. Rod Wallace and Telluride that the one class that I got the lowest grade in in college I just graduated and that in April was economy are economics and it's weird because I like the class. I studied hard in the class but the teacher didn't allow stem open books only got a B in the class. I'm very sorry to hear that, Bobby. We can do better, but of course we can ride your business strategist. What is a business strategist actually do the work for planning and so you know, the book of what might I let you know we want to grow in Europe and Asia and we want to shrink in. You know our presence in South America, but the really interesting part of that is taking a step back and saying what's really going on in the world because that plan. We want to grow in Europe and Asia should be based on what's really going on in the world and that's the interesting part where we say okay why is it that okay that it seems that technology growth as measured by an economist has shrunk since 1980. Or it's been a lot slower 1980 than it had been before 1980. Even though you look at all the amazing stuff that come out like computers in cell phone and artificial intelligence and ego. What now the most amazing technology ever and were scared of email people being replaced by machines. And yet, the economists say that economic growth has slowed. During that time I said we want to grow and then we want to shrink we want to grow what we want to grow our presences as American businesses going to grow our what they deliver. It couldn't we talk about it. GDP, which is basically the total value of everything produced in the United States are you thinking we got 270 million people in the US, something like that and if we produce no 50 thousand dollars of stock per person that better than if we only produce $25,000 of stuff for person to talk gross domestic product that's what the GDP is as or try to grow okay because I was sure to try to make it is simple as possible because when people are listening you know sometimes your heads in the cloud. Sometimes there you know it's it's kind of on his background. Sometimes there be no pain will close attention so try to make things as simple as possible for people that are listening well the part that's really saying is that we have an increasing number of people that are going to college and are getting educated, and that that seems like it's fantastic and back at night, but the same point we are in a country where more than half of the public universities one third of the senior people in the last year cannot make a cohesive argument but cannot assess the quality of evidence in the document or interpreted table door, going to school forever. It's just that we don't seem to be necessarily learning a whole lot. The whole time were doing so would you suggest we do in place of that. I think what we need to do is first and foremost understand more clearly what it is that were trying to get out of our educational system. Right now we have everyone is is going through and improving little pieces of the educational system and we have a bunch of teachers that are really awesome and that most of them care about Arctic art, our kids, not all of them but most of them do. And then we have a really cool programs that are designed to take kids into the behind. Grade level and bring them up to grade level with other programs that are designed to take kids are younger physically and mentally handicapped in and mainstreamed in each one of those things is really awesome. The problem is when you combine them all what you have is you have yelp, the teacher is trying to help these five first-graders who are behind first grade level. Enter like 17 digit code into the computer to take their weekly standardized test and the rest of the school just going to classrooms is going haywire. We had to be much clearer about what we want from education and once we do that, then we can ask a developer that would do that well will masses that I mean I hate to say this word but eventually segregate kids and put you know the kids a little bit smarter in this group little kids that are not as smart in this group and consider trailing in this group rather than a specific solution. I think the more important they will what the purpose of education is it just like to teach our kids a certain set of skills. If so, then having different kids in different classroom probably makes it makes good sense. On the other hand, if the purpose of education is to really help people collaborate and work together and that that's the most important thing that we want from our school system than having all kinds of different kids in the same classroom is going to be helpful because it divides different challenges than we have. Otherwise, it really depend on the goal of what is a school for Rod Wallace as our guests were talking about his book drowning potential. What's your book about Rod my book is about the impact of digital technology on American society and what really happened is that as we use digital technology. Computers and cell phones is change the nature of our interactions with each other you think about you. You see all the pictures of people sitting around a table with their cell phone cell phone rather than actually talking to Kelly right and those types of things have. It is much broader than because what's happened is that we have both become more distant from each other, which is young people sitting on the table. We also increase the complexity of our world in incredible ways in, and some awesome ways. You know, we now have three different types of submissions that are specialists in different types of ways of studying the human heart that that's pretty cool. I mean there's all these people who are specialist on your little part of the heart challenges but now we have the a nurse in the average urban hospital have to work with the hundred 30 different types of specialists and if that collaboration doesn't work well then our health system doesn't work well away. Our American health system doesn't work well and so even though we have this awesome technology that's available and truly spectacular. What we can do the lifespan of the American people has actually shrunk the last two years will I read something about that. Just the other day about how it has shrunk. But a lot of that is due to the fact that there's so much opioid addiction out there and heroin addiction is out there. I guess her automobiles are the same at math and things like that that but the drugs have basically taken us down a couple notches it is that can what you're seeing is well. I will definitely definitely in. But you have to go another step deeper. Well, what is the reason why some of these you know that suicide is another major reason for the increasing suicide. So what is increasing suicide and an increasing Oak Court opioid abuse really related to coming to the fact that people have less and less relationships with each other in meaningful ones. If you think about three different factors a close human connection with somebody else. Obesity and tobacco use. Which one do you think is actually the most indicative of how long you're gonna live. I would say the human interaction. Honestly, I really and is where were having trouble with human interaction because were not sure how to apply that digital technology in a way that really brings us together. That is part of the or a big chunk of the reason why were running into problems with you how the opioids and suicides and you know it's very difficult to say that all that because now there's lots of closet but one of the big ones is that word were losing the human connections were increasing the complexity of our world. We can't figure out you know where were trying to go in the world and has some pretty negative unintended consequences. Rod Hadley's… How do we how do we stop the unknown addiction to the phones and the addiction the electronics in the you know everything else and go back to playing games on a Saturday night with the family around the of the kitchen table on part of it is exactly what you decide. I mean, in your own family that we have that the choices of things stop at a phones are allowed at the dinner table and we can play games but as a society we actually have to shift and think about the types of tools that we used to work together a little bit differently because 10,000 years ago, humans created the agricultural technology. What we learn how to farm and it may seem independent of how we structure society, but it's really connected that before farming. You and I would've been no generalists, and we would hundred coyotes one day or something. And if we fail big deal will gather berries. The next but with agriculture working at farm and we can spend like month on one crop. And if we felt like our family like a star, still working as specialize in farming and so we need to develop all kinds of economic systems and social systems to support one person being a farmer in the other. Another person being a bureaucrat and another person being a better etc. and we created specialization well now 10,000 years later really get a specialist so we have all kinds of people that are specialist on the ice in my Rolodex I got a guy who's really good at at helping people with public relations and for their plumbing and HVAC businesses will that is quite a specialized niche so but how do we all work together. That's where were running into problems and saying how do we get all of these groups are specialist work together and collaborate and so the talk about education little bit ago. It's about making sure that we understand where, as a group were trying to get to and use all of our meeting,

    E52 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    E52 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
    The BS of Bob Schmidt podcast usually dealing with entrepreneurship, business, and marketing but at this time of the year I like to reflect on the year that was in the year that's coming up as we wrap up 2018 get our journey to 2019 I'd like to reflect on a few highlights of my year. In May I lost a job that I loved, but it turned out to be a positive thing by pushing me to start my own and then to grow my own business podcast for hire.com. I also turned 50 years old, I graduated from Western technical College with an Associates degree in sales and sales management, I got my bartenders license and got my first job as a bartender a couple of days a week. I wanted couple of great trips including Chicago a couple of times went to the Twin Cities a few times, went to New York also I drove the upper Midwest with a buddy of mine through Minnesota South Dakota and Wyoming we went to Devils Tower and Old Faithful. I got a job doing national radio with hot rocket USA got to spend some time with both of my brothers spent time with my family of origin made new friends some great new friends got to spend time with some old friends that are dear and near to my heart , I spent lots of time this year reflecting on life and what I wanted to do with my life at our family land. But the best times that I spent this last year with my own family making memories and reliving them with stories and with pictures I hope that if you celebrate Christmas that you enjoyed your season. When I grew up everyone said Merry Christmas and happy new year now we have to ask if it's okay to say Merry Christmas and honestly that bothers me if somebody said happy Hanukkah or happy Kwanzaa to me I'd be happy that somebody took the time out of their day that say hello but if I say Merry Christmas to you I'm saying it generically wishing you were somebody good luck the best of times. I think that we've set this whole political correctness standards of the day to a whole new level and it is unfortunate. The start of a new year is an exciting time a new calendar new month new start of the week it's a new day it's a brand-new chance to start over the New Year's and a clean slate I do over, a chance to start over, reset if you well. I hope that the year 2019 finds you and your family with all the adventures, the love, the enjoyment, the travel, basically everything that you wish for and you do over. I know something that everyone just says but I truly truly hope that you 2019 is the year for you through hard work and desire I hope that your reset button gives you the chance to achieve all of your dreams. My hopes for this year are to continue to grow my business to cultivate new friendships to grow friendships that I already have, to listen to family to spend time with family to communicate with loved ones, you know I do have a lot of goals and a lot of dreams that I hope I'm able to achieve in 2019. I hope that I get the chance to do these things and I hope that you get the chance to do the things that you set your mind to. I hope that you're able to find the things that you need in order to have a happy successful enjoyable and great 2019. Let's take a moment and reflect to the memories of 2018 and the unpublished pages of 2019 may your new year be the best ever happy new year from podcast for hire.com

    E51 Elizabeth Dickinson - The Concise Coaching Handbook

    E51 Elizabeth Dickinson - The Concise Coaching Handbook
    Bob Schmidt podcast featuring entrepreneurs, business people and marketers this week talking with Elizabeth Dickinson certified life coach and public speaker as well as author of the book. The concise coaching handbook how to coach yourself and others to get business results and I had a chance to meet Elizabeth a few months ago. Back in New York and had a chance eight, Hennepin conversation and chat a little bit about business and invited around of the podcasts talk about this and you know Elizabeth, I think that a lot of people a lot of self-starters a lot of entrepreneurs and people that are it you know in business for themselves have all these great ideas but sometimes the concise part is is a hard thing for people to get yeah I don't you think that I think the people have a hard time to try to be concise week, at least for myself. I also at taco stuff out there and I could whittled it down and said okay let's just focus in on this one little thing actually very true ruler and ruled McCracken' you folks in the real estate industry and outlets. Also, home remodelers, and a lot of then interesting the problems that they back and turn it in your heart you deal with people who don't get to the point here, and he needed some Texan checks around around that kind of think it is tricky to glow from storm helps to bring somebody out to just kind of rehearsing your head a little thing about what you can save on what your message is to be sure that you don't have to fumble around when you're actually leaving a message or on the phone and I think it's actually helpful. I am just going into and what are the top three things I need to get across in this conversation. Helping organize and train your brain just a little back so that you can do more effective conversation with other people know it is. I could hear was that based on my start of the start of the show. I'm just double checking, you know, it's funny that you brought that up because I know that my son he's 20 and he before he makes a phone called anybody he practices what he wants to say to those people and still nine times out of 10 he says dad is still screwed up. How do you have stuff to say when you're on the radio is and I honestly I don't know just kinda comes to me often because you're a great improviser and you're just ready to go with whatever energy of the conversation is going to be able to allow yourself to everybody. And so they really do think about it a little bit you so much radio experience, you probably don't get nervous. I totally the opposite. I get nervous all the top name yeah and it's it's crazy to think that but I route I really do it, or talking in front of a group of people. I despise that that's one of my least favorite things in the world to do what you I think it's a fear of messing up. I mean honestly, I've given myself permission to make mistakes. You know when it would have done things I said you know just got there, do the best you can do but I still sometimes have a difficult time trying to figure out that or I think that people perhaps are thinking well this guys professionally should do a better job than you really think I don't know. I really don't know. I I've taken classes of to. I actually went back to college as an adult to try to learn new skills and I had a speech class. I did well in the speech class but I think it's just I need to get out of my own head I don't. Maybe this counseling session with a lot of person in your shower. Friendly and welcoming role answers that people come up with more effect that they're more likely to listen to themselves are more likely to act on their own advice on impossible for them to stop thinking about what however he said it so firm so so I'm hoping if we were an actual coaching session, we help a little deeper and see if we could come up with strategies to help you need out how self-critical people are because I went to a real estate seminar a few weeks a few weeks ago there was a young Asian guy, very successful and incredibly successful. He started this whole company which is wholesaling property and so successful at it. He can't even renovate all the properties come his way. Available to other investors. He was Ernest Carol Carol. He just found no idea her nervously in my heart is beating a mile in and finding it difficult to believe the first time I've ever come in and effort in front of a group of people like doing public speaking when he even said it, right afterwards and they sent a thank you need to know a single person out here who would have been able to how you were nervous or that you had never done this before. I think you gave just for you just need to have some more confidence in what you doing and he took my card and he said you're a public speaker, so that means so much to me. You know people come from an acting background then one of the things I said to Mary your people come to place people come to environs and want to like you, with all of those judgment things in your head. You think they hide so you know you can trust and that people want to hear what you want to follow and not sitting there going. You know, being all persnickety in the way that you might be persnickety about yourself, and so I just wish that I could just inject everyone with confidence instead of what I can coach people there but I can't do it you know in their wake everyone across the state of your supercar or superpower you have them. That's what would be my superpower and holy moly but do find a lot of people that that's a problem that a lot of people have is the maybe, maybe not confidence but the fact of talking in front of people are being public. People fear public speaking more than curling crazy guy dear death little bit more than public speaking because I think I don't want to die today or tomorrow. You know I so I will talk to so a little bit crazy. You really understand your people warning the dance that they know what the man know that it's going to be received well and they want to know that their darkness grew up to want to control things you can control is what you say and how you are in the moment. So a lot of it is about finding ways currency compared to the best of your ready to just kinda let it go and be in the moment so is me saying to myself that you know I could just do the best job that you can do it mean is, is that, getting in the moment being coachable or mean or so for yourself what is going to mean something like coach from the Land O Lakes once he was really funny about what grades in offense cheer him up, but it was along the lines a little mantra of it really that important say to myself, I think I can sell it. It really that important. It actually gets used internal anxiety that he was having. And it would stop him from blowing a people which was a problem for him getting into trouble with his supervisor because so I think it's about framing the same each person. It's going to be a little bit different. You know there's working with you. I went into a box where we would go down a little bit deep into your little bit deeper into your unconscious and bring up the wise part of year and say what what is a wise target the widest part of you have to say about that. Good luck trying to find it is what everyone is wearing my was more of a wise ass. I think that I could be a white thing that will get to use it for you Frank for going to find a little routine you can get this kind will come and take away the nerves. It's all about training and experience of being human being in a human body and deal with other people what you would put you on edge strengths Finder and strengths Finder. I really recommend it to people. It's an expense at the Gallup organization put that out there and it's really useful tool when my strengths, but which I can use against any strength which is over you comes a weakness being an achiever. One of my top toppings and achievers just really like measurable progress. Everybody likes measurable progress. Patients found that one of the predictors of happiness for virtually everyone is making some slight sense of making some progress every day. That's really went early in me, and so are going out of town tomorrow and it's now easy opportunities. I fly glider term get those jobs don't you think putting off for forever and filling kinda hard on myself and it puts me in for Kerry get all of these things during the flyleaf. Yes, and I can kind of put me on imagine you know when to ease up for myself sometimes and sometimes you make more progress in earnings and I found this is an achiever, not just as a coaches that sometimes you have to track what I'm doing because I like to give myself credit for the stuff that I have to turn right. You know, if you make a whole bunch of phone calls and you give get the result that you want it like it was all messages or email. People keep calling back and keep missing each other and so nothing gets accomplished or something to remind yourself that Micco's phone calls I made five phone calls I made 10 phone calls today and even if it can result what and what I wanted your remarks to win so I think thinking a different kind of different ways to kindness that you not being too hard on yourself right is is that what is sometimes I've heard a few people say that you start every morning by making your bed is at least you got something done. I think that's a really good point. If you have lists and staff. They often do the hardest thing you may be asked to make the hardest first go through the goal. You literally start the day with more willpower than in the day with and it's kind of finite supply just harder to get harder things done. The later in the day you go so you know if you can get some of the hard stuff off early in the day I can feel better about stuff you know a little bit malleable because sometimes you need a couple of easy wind couple of hard days, easier things done first does not allow that basil one what y

    E50 Marty Vargas A Place for You

    E50 Marty Vargas A Place for You
    In Episode 50 I talk with Marty Vargas, Author of the book "A Place for you". We talk about his perseverance on finding his mother Rachel. We learn to look at yourself, and about overcoming obstacles, never give up and that things change.
    Marty Vargas
    Media Owner/ Engineer/Documentarian/Motivational Speaker/Relationship Expert.
    Founder: Rescue Rachel – Deterring Human Traffic, and Homelessness.

    The BS adoption podcast featuring people talking about entrepreneurship, marketing, and business this week. Taking a different look, a different tone. If you Elsa for getting closer to Christmas want to talk to a guy that I met at the publicity summit in New York City a couple weeks ago but invite Marty Vargas a conversation with Marty this week talking about how he found his mother living on the streets of Philadelphia and how he kind of pulled her back into society. It's different than our normal podcast but it's a message worth sharing. As we approach Christmas Marty, thanks for being on the podcast with me this week happened in my life began a little bit different remote control. I refound the string. The little infant sleeping with no with my homeless mother and I discovered buying an older couple the morning and no man went out to shovel the snow and found me sleeping there with my mom and eventually she gave me up several months later to that thing couple and I never knew my mom I was shipped away or I get you their doctor delaying my adoptive family went on to California and I grew up in the Bay Area and Vincenzo did not Cavalli was 21, 22 years later I returned to Philadelphia to find the heart of my moods on my mom how hard was it for you to know that you're given up by your mother grow up with a with a different family and then returned to you know that the quote the scene of the crime in order to find to see if your mom first will still live. Secondly, she still remembers you wound that that was a very dramatic experience growing up without her was nondramatic to me because the family that I was adopted in was so loving and kind. They were the only ones I knew you know is mom and dad, but when I found when I went to the car. My mother was very dramatic because my brother and my older brother. My adoptive old brother had come to visit us in California and he had a heart attack and died so we had to ship his body to the East Coast. When we did so it was then my cousin came up to me your name was Joanne. She said would you like to find your mom and I would like wishing she said she's Rachel and she lives in the streets and that night I could hardly sleep realizing the very woman that had brought me into this world was somewhere out there in the concrete jungle trying to supply and so that began the journey the emotional journey for me because up to that time, enthusiastic question and never thought about actually finding her and I didn't have that I didn't have the desire, none of that was in the course to my mind, hardly at all. When she asked that I was confronted with the reality and so that's when we began our journey did everything to your life up to that point was alive that you're living like a different living a lie even though you may not have known it, but then actually figured out, or to think about it after the fact, that very amazing question that you know I had to struggle with being adopted and I remember the day I was finally adopted in the paperwork went through. I was about 13 years of age and I remember reading 17 being adopted and rethinking not being original with my family. Kind of like even though my mom and dad J love me, though I was their very own flesh and blood and was never that feeling like you're not but you still have that feeling in some way because it windows come from other directions and I presented, but it wasn't until I discovered my mom and I had to process it and then when I finally got off the streets in class essay… Myself you know I have is closer to because you gave me up you know and then came to the point when I realized this was the very best thing because you know when I was working my documentary. In television I filling out ninth Street fair in the Italian market. Most listeners would remember Rocky running down the Italian market selling thing and fell. Philadelphia was there when my mother lived and I was feeling my documentary there and a woman came up to meet Jansson what are you doing to you making a documentary on the homeless woman. She said Rachel to call my mother's name out. I like wow my mom cheek against me find dead bodies of the children string different setting and used to find the yeah the dead body have her children that she would give birth Street and they would find her dead body and blew my mind in a car, a coincided with a newspaper article. I did find about my mother indicated she had given birth to a number of children about four or five children in the street. My mother was in the streets with 30+ years on 29 years and when reality hit me. Then I realized I was so fortunate to not have been one of those skilled right will told me he took kind of made tomato intimated that's wow God is a miracle. No kidding. Talk about you know getting that life changing moment in your life was was that it was at one of the moments that you're like this is why I'm here. It was life-changing images made me appreciate every day of my life. And then I understood that it was for the best unite for me being here is great for me to have survived what I went through with greater and then from even understand how blessed I was noted in the air rather than cursed. Want to bless it and so you know that became very interesting enough to experience the decking many years later after I was taking care of my mom and because eventually I was able to get off the streets because you want to come off the street. When I first found her losing on this romantic movie when I was searching street after street looking for my mom. I was put to hold you know medevac. I read newspaper articles written about my mother and one of the things that struck me the most is that newspaper reporter asked my mother. Do you ever get lonely. Do you ever cry and granted. At this point of my mother's life is been rate multiple times she's been beating stream. She has been dogged and she responded, I cannot cry and that's what gave me the impetus I have to find a have to let her know that there's still somebody out there that really cares no. And so I researched street after street throughout Philadelphia fell Philadelphia and eventually I came up to brought in federal which would like to know the main thoroughfare throughout the video of Philadelphia and I knocked on the large cathedral and the only an empty vehicle came back and then my cousin a good idea quickly down to the shelter she Joanne had been calling everything the shelter in town in order to find my mother so word was getting around Marty looking for Rachel and Rachel was not him. I can't say popular, but she was not unknown because she was sort of the fixtures. A homeless person and I remember standing before the large wooden door that was the last barrier between my dark and distant past, and I'm like Joanne, we gotta play Sage and we knock loudly in a few minutes. The door banged open in this young black woman was standing near Yasser Rachel and she recognized me she knew my mother and she said love is patient, you know that Philadelphia accent and we were led down the long cement corridor to a gymnasium in the gymnasium was totally black and only stage in the gymnasium was well lit and I met up little lady right met up into the gymnasium stage and Joanne took my hand and took my mother's hands and praying this is your son, Marty Marty this is your mother in that moment that was like wow you know the just like blew my mind. You know, and I got up I hugged her I gave her a kiss. I tried to make her feel comfortable. She only responded to me with confinement. Unbelieving J and so that night I just search for hours trying to find why did you ever become homeless without asking that question shipped and it was just such a moving experience in the very next day, and which was most mind blowing and called experience the very next day I had Daschle? I said mom I want to know who my daddy and she looked and she said how is man and I talked to Michael Lemaire is my brother, my adopted brother that I just buried regularly behind. That's why we keep you know, we buried him and cheer start coming down her cheek and little doll came to realize what was happening here is that my adoptive brother was not my you know legal only legal brother. He was actually my biological father. And so the older couple that found me sleeping in the snow that older couple were actually my real grandparents today. Did they know that note they didn't know that until at age 13 when that time I mentioned earlier that I resented being adopted and the people working through the investigation of my life and everything else with people working on the type stuff and the story came out that told me, but they knew as you're growing up so your brother actually knew that he was your father, even though it is your brother yeah yeah you and them. My you know my adoptive brother was my real biological father is something I can in a country song in their amino. I'm not trying to make it at all, but you don't mean it sounds it sounds unbelievable that I know is unbelievable in my grandparents in no until I was 13 years old when the good doctor went all the way through and never told me go from age 13 to age 21, 22, this is a total secret in all my love and then what happens. I went back to California but I couldn't rest rest and to try to get my mother off the streets. I returned back to Philadelphia now factor took about five trips from California to Philadelphia, noted the rescue my mom from off the street. It is when I went the second time I saw her as she really was, you

    E49 Valerie Sokolosky-Do it Right The Stories That Make Us

    E49 Valerie Sokolosky-Do it Right The Stories That Make Us
    In E49 Valerie Sokolosky and I talk about here book "Do it Right" The Stories That Make Us. We talked about being Grateful, Giving yourself permission, and being true to yourself, as well as dressing for success. Find Valerie Sokolosky at valerieandcompany.com.

    The BS of Bob Schmidt podcast featuring entrepreneurs, business and marketers this time around, talking without Fox News contributor leadership. Brander and author of eight books including doing it right. The, the stories that make us it's Valerie Sokolowski and I've had Valerie in my radio program many times and I can't believe he actually married into that last name when I met my wonderful Bobby many years, my name would grant and I'll never forget the first time I met him I thought and thought with all my goodness you know what Bobbitt goal setting to take you a while to figure out how to spell it or that such that's so true, so much talk a little bit about doing things right is the name of the name of your latest book is a doing it right and so how do we actually do it right. Is it possible to do things right there by one thing the name of the book is right. You can either do it only do more things to write about in terms now I'm doing a lot of professional workshops around the country so I'm talking to emerging leaders who are wanting to know just part of it. They want to know what kind are appropriate or not. We both know, times change networkers to read my legacy program, put them all in a book called why we book it just can't can't can't can't About the different areas so you long time to put together this book of tips information timeline with an audience. I will ask them to write down your top three question in each of those categories and from court came to book Bob matter what level of person their career path I can talk to college. I can talk to recent college grant I can talk to CEO Christian will now see what should I wear or should I approach someone that cocktail party when I wish I weren't there in the first place. Likely QUESTIONS including all learning all absolutely. If there's a day that goes by that I don't learn. I tend to myself. Well I better either read some more or get on the computer or watch some television or do something in order to figure out you know something so that we can always learn something for the day really relevant for you and what you did Bob you so many people you gotta be so knowledgeable about so many things you will ask a lot of questions. I talk to people that are much more knowledgeable than myself as why you're my guest. Well, so what's the one with the where where what should we be wearing when were out doing things that matter if it's like Christmas is coming up so wearing something to ask company Christmas party is probably different than wearing something to a networking situation. Share: very simple minded person simple answer to that cell. How do I want to be. How do I widely seen what I want to give in this situation. For example, I was at a luncheon today for an organization. Nine in the organization is full of people. So I wore business looking out that I certainly wasn't in business casual. I had a nice really nice jacket and shirt underneath it and my and I looked trendy but professional and so I dressed that way this week will go to party. I'm going to one weekend, much more casual, and go party. So I'm jacket a business jacket. I'm going to be in a letter for the work, great color that I know looks good so just stop and think what I want to give to the people I'm getting ready to be involved in things to do when you're not sure. Back to first of all what I said earlier. Who are you meeting with right know what is there hell of a big company would be different than a small business down the street and so forth and still think about the message you want to get to that person would expect respected right person would have in mind okay right that makes a lot of sense. Yes, what's expected and respected anything for me and always easy to wrong and a nice shirt and a pair of slacks and honestly Nalgene nice dark press genes are are great and younger you're right person you're with jacket. Maybe the car to throw on walking with and then take off right. I guess it's easier to be a man and when it comes to dressing up and it would be for you or my wife or other women that are listening but actually thank you for that. People need help right now you have a good point Bobby many options with women, and so I will still say no jacket. The game even for a woman Blau or sure whatever you throw in jacket on, you immediately raise the bar the same philosophy in the way does a sweater work in place of the jacket for woman letter works just fine. Bring down a little bit, but it still in between jacket and some great letters out there this year. What is notice to that more women are wearing those scarves, the endless scarf. If you don't mean that. It's like one piece. The circular thank you for sharing our car for a woman can be a great three you can. Where are all kind of different way. Yes, there is that continuous circular scar in all kinds of shapes and scarring for women are I would Google go on YouTube and search for ways to where scar is out there showing you different way to tie scar that you can take one out and throw different guards on. You know for different situations are really a whole new jewelry like and three. So the book is called do it right and I'm sorry for getting it wrong earlier. Do it right. Part of it is about about what to wear part of it. You mentioned is networking. What was the third part, people don't like the word I know person. So why should I write. I believe it does you think that are not. We are a much more casual than most except Wall Street if you're on Wall Street, you're on Wall Street to be much more engaging companies are doing everything I can to drive engagement in one of the things that they are finding that by walking around as a leader and being more engaging themselves in having a dress code. The old dress code being more business casual and some industry. I will say I'm just getting ready to go to sample Florida Power & Light which is called here and now they bring me every year to do it today program on exactly what I'm sharing with you because they want their from director level they want their people to address with a jacket yes taken off when you're in the office that they still want that professional that Florida Power & Light don't really have to know what the industry is and what that company. Let me assist them because we we we both know that the way people dress is different than it was like when my dad was working. It's different that it was when you know when when we are growing up. Does that mean that the quality of work is slept at all because of that, you know, because of the slacking of the dressing. That does make a difference when someone get a little slovenly with the business casual right people in the company back and say what a business class will look like all over the ballpark. In fact, I actually wrote that I mentioned for one of them is called business-class school clarify please read some that some people have like you have to specify close toed shoes because some people would show up to work in those flip-flops are second toes because it didn't say it's a comfortable shoes but not safe for you know not not those flip-flops, though I couldn't believe that I'm telling you the true story here. I always do. Being asked to come into a law firm downtown law firm and they said I want you to just walk around and you can observe before we bring you in what we are bringing you and I'm sure their lawyers. Some of the women did not flip flop, but those clogs have a business is on and clogs don't know what we don't know don't know what they don't know you got to tell them if they business casual that look like my bike now going to an inventor to a party or to the job interview. Business casual table that look like you say, we don't know we don't know because my dad would always say that we are arguing about the kid to be like you know what you don't know and I remember when I turned about 16 or 17 Valerie I looked minimum like your dad. You're right. I don't know what I don't know but you don't know what you don't know how to shut them up. I went to my book and opened up the table of contents what other things like wine okay travel I put in something on different abilities, working with people with this ability, international etiquette are common sense things are probably a lot of people don't have as a regular thing. One of my best friends is disability so I know how to deal with people disabilities but what comes like wine and things like that. I'm not really sure when it comes to international types of etiquette. I have no clue whatsoever because I haven't had that experience well. The book is called the right. You also mention it is about networking to so what's the proper way to go out network with somebody happen to other people and certainly have to me when you walk up to a group fully people will contact and smile, which means which body language is saying come on right right time when I would walk up to a group. I don't know anybody in this whole conference and I walked up to the group and they're all busy talking to each other. They probably been talking to each other for a while and no eye contact or welcoming body language happened. Smile at somebody and turn and leave. That's about all you can do that when you are able to walk up and someone welcomes you in a sort that being said, and not on my and people are gracious and most people are someone will welcome you mean more and give you that opportunity to say something but don't feel like you have to just walk in and start conversing because you don't you can learn a lot more frankly listening, then doing all the talking, sitting there listening sometimes you might get uncomfortabl

    E48 Dr Teruni Lamberg Conducting Productive Meetings

    E48 Dr Teruni Lamberg Conducting Productive Meetings
    In Episode 48 I talked with Dr Teruni Lamberg - the three takeaways from reading her book, how to conduct productive meetings by finding your passion, how to structure meetings so that that you are not just spinning your wheels, and moving your agenda forward and looking for slight communication in different ways to communicate in relationship building that is really critical for conducting productive meetings, make it fun.

    Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Elementary Mathematics Education
    Director Lemelson STEM MS Program

    Program Coordinator, Master of Education and Master of Science in Elementary Education

    Ph.D Program Coordinator in STEM Education

    The University of Nevada, Reno

    College of Education, MS 280

    Reno, Nv 89557




    BS with Bob Schmidt talking, entrepreneurship, business and marketing my guest this week is Dr. to Rooney Lambert, a math educator and an author. And what about that Kennecott my eye it's dealing with meetings and we fall as business people had meetings that sock legislated as it is, there's a lot of meetings out there that are just horrible. The book is called conducting productive meetings how to generate communicate ideas for innovation and let's just jump right into it to Rooney just with the meeting part because like I said, we've all been to just horrible meetings. How is it possible to conduct a productive meeting. Or is it even possible to think that artists really ancient writing is learning how do you create needing to actually go anywhere and think are parts of being in really bad meetings ready to. Nothing gets accomplished. Ready to get that you call by doing productive meetings is figuring out what you goalless as a team for putting that team together and then be near the to move ideas qualified for that it is remaining at how you stage but it actually moves to solve it into our products on new IDM for things that moved up the agenda of Iran thoughts of my things and such and thinking about meetings for my mistakes like project that involved every single school district conflict with universities and lots of different people from that of a geographically spread across people didn't have time. So whenever we had a meeting it's really important that we use that time productively to find a productive meeting is to figure out what your purposes and how people coming to the meeting with IBM to share the light giving people let's – don't have time and saying think about risk of any coming to the meeting, you have something to contribute to the meeting time matters so that he had a problem or a question giving everybody an opportunity to share their ideas. It doesn't matter who you are hierarchical roles that only the people with the titles talk doesn't it's not productive. You just need to create a condition give us the opportunity for everybody the cable to contribute their ideas so the last company that I work for. We used to do brainstorming meetings every week and sometimes these seem to go with the flow. Sometimes they seem to work. We always had the agenda had a time. We knew that were to talk about this that and the other thing how to get somebody to start paying attention to what needs to be done and what needs to be said really go from two euros another because he does lead successfully thinking the correct team members that really help move that project idea forward. For example, if you have coming by and do what you trying to accomplish is really important. Building on team members interests of when people want to pontificate, is because it's something that is constantly avoiding going for them. They want pay for benefits for them sitting in the need meetings where things are not meaningful to them that they not going to be as engaged so up picking the right team members Paul like you trying to accomplish is important. The leader needs to make sure that everybody has to buy down the page like conducting meetings to solve problems of the team together and yeah this golf within the strategies to remember to get an idea that I think is what you trying to figure out the sun's light is to get people to brainstorm ideas that then he goes nowhere because they're not solved for this level is going to try critiquing each other's ideas), exceeding condition that people going. This is not about ego site individual people's ideas should mean going problem you're trying to solve. But think about you know what are the pros and cons of our people and saying with you.sometimes writing down things on chart paper on what connect creating something additionally helpful for the people on the same page and they can go. Is this what you need to write down what you say. How does that relate to the problem level is to make sure that you can't find yet I think a lot of you have the same page of young agreement. How does this solve the problem and then, but what our next action steps. Why do we need to keep doing to the idea squalid to the really fun things. Now it's used as it work with every type of business or is it only work with academia war with leadership sessions or no marketing just to the work of everything except anything admitted. The idea is this comes actually like the threats from creative thinking and things like that trying to accomplish something just kind of closing idea out there and then just this of Kenneth the process flow like risk-taking all the ideas and then just finding them in moving that he said all those people did this. Yeah. And then they trying to position for. I want my idea of what your idea of people are not getting along, because things you know that it's all about you go to go anywhere. This can be something from your group of teachers trying to solve a problem. He can be in business, not in what context is about. How do you move ideas. So that is going beyond just sharing ideas just figuring out what you trying to solve hundreds that address and begin to critique it and then move it to like she had idea. The group 1 of the things that I wrote about in the book is that relationships matter. People can come to the table and share. ITS if they're not comfortable with each other if it's kind of threatening environment like you say something yes maybe Mike expired all you by look stupid because of one other thing, since you are safe. Know where you're working. That's the bottom of the father beast feel comfortable to critique somebody's page about the idea and think that you have all the not a good idea for you to create conditions where everybody in the meeting feels valued and so a lot of things that I wrote about is a create that ultimately interesting as when I was writing the book I interviewed really famous researchers develop the body of work that has really changed the field and out when I was born in one of them was that meeting. Talk to you during the project going cup of coffee or going for a walk. This informal interactions with equally important is what happens in the meeting to see what I'm doing like you had to spend some sense especially go out for a couple coffee or something. That moment you know you're not having an agenda, you just cannot unwinding kind of relaxed and a lot of times your brain. Still, you know, whatever you are working on and those that do things that happens when you building relationships of trust just like having fun together and thought is that because you screen you get a lot of creative ideas coming out that way right be the ultimate idea that you might end up going with the lot of people that I did get fed. You know that conversations of the college really powerful so so that informal relationships really as important as the formal relationships to come to move the ideas from outside right now. You mentioned earlier couple of different times you mention the word ego how to get the eagle out of a meeting, especially if you got, you know, the, the boss said has that ego because we've all had bosses that were jurors know how to get back past that you know you know thing is mindful that when you're running a meeting and in running this meeting we had people who are just like famous common and Giddens in the room and even just getting class like we just remove title like when retaining the agenda. I purposely did not put PhD behind people's names and also giving opportunity for people talking like giving for somebody who is not the dots, giving the person the bottom of the then say what you think asking them specific questions so that creating and that the tone for the meeting. This is about ideas for the sharing and praying everybody. Thank you for equal. I think that that again because this is a course and that I was wondering about as I was reading to the best of the church about how do you deal ideas. Eagle came up in the research literature. It came up with people saying that there are people with chef not going to be a sport they would be when I interviewed one person said they just eventually lead their team is that Not functioning as a team player right all along just like that naturally involves the connecting the right people on the team really matters.*As you mentioned, the engagement also. And yet if you got millennial's in with the group and you get some baby boomers in the group. We got some Gen Xers in the group. I'm guessing that the different ways of engaging is probably different throughout the different the different age groups, usually as a leader as a project that you leading it doesn't matter what it is. It's really important that you get to know you team players on deck, and the more you can get to know them as a personal level, you cannot find out about what interest there. Why are they talking dictating whether they get out of it really helps. It's about marking the keys and consequent decline of a team together but the person leading the team has
    BS With Bob Schmidt
    enNovember 28, 2018

    E47 Being Thankful

    E47 Being Thankful
    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, there are no expectations, there is good food, football, friends and family.  Today I would like to focus on things that I am thankful for.  I first and foremost am thankful and proud of my family, they are the people who put up with me at my worst, because they are truly the ones that see the good, the bad and the ugly.  For my family thank you and I love you.  My friends are next on the list for many of the same reasons, we may hold back a bit around them, but they pretty much know who you are and what you stand for, these are people with a choice, they choose to be with you, where your family is kind of stuck, friends are the people who choose to hang out with us, so thank you for putting up with my BS and for being a friend, it means so much.  My neighbors are next on the list, when you move into a new neighborhood you really have no idea what you are getting into, from the old man across the street to the couple and their kids next door, to my single neighbor down the street, to my buddy across the alley I wouldn’t trade who lives by me for the world, neighbors take care of where we live, look after each other, and take pride in where they live. I would thank my podcast clients, you allow me to share your story with your voice, giving podcast for hire.com a chance to share a story or a laugh. I am thankful for my listeners of my podcasts from my BSWithBob.com podcast to the listeners of my Microcasts with PodcastForHire.com. I am also thankful for my Facebook friends, even though we often times don’t talk we know what is going on in each others lives, and it makes me happy. Everyone is thankful for something, for example family, job, and the people in your life.  I get those things to be happy and thankful for, I really do.  I am also thankful for shelter, the food in my belly, the fact that I have modern conveniences all around me.  I am thankful for the media, I get my news, my laughter, my tears, my excitement, my livelihood from the newspaper, tv and the radio.  I am also thankful for education and learning, if not for that we would be stagnant.  I am thankful for the newer technologies that are all around us, even though I get irritated by people being on their computers and their phones all the time, myself included, I am grateful that this technology is here and within reach of most of us.  I think that it is fantastic that we live in a free society where if we want to complain about something, we can and that the government doesn’t throw us in jail, I am thankful for the men and women who protect us both at home and away.  The fact that I can turn on a light and have it flip on and flush a toilet and not have to worry about where it goes, that refrigeration keeps my food safe and that heat keeps me warm through the day.  It is great that we can hop into our cars and go.  When you are feeling down and that life sucks, step back and think, then thank.  Most off all I am thankful for you for listening to this.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving.   And finally, I am a firm believer of if you don’t love something, do something about it.  Why live in an area that you don’t find beautiful, safe and worth exploring, too many people complain about where they live, don’t like it move.  I have lived around the Midwest, and visited most of the rest of the country, for me the upper Midwest is where I like living, and in La Crosse Wisconsin I am at home.  I am also thankful for my health, even though I have a couple of issues with my hearing and eyes (I think that most of us get to be glasses wearers at some point in our lives.), for the most part this big man is in pretty goodshape, I guess that round is a shape right?  We are lucky to have such great health care right here in our backyard.  Education is a high priority and we are lucky to have access to great public and private education here without having to bus our kids for hours, plus the three higher learning facilities, bringing in great minds from all over, experiencing the beauty of the area.  Having transportation and food on the table round off today, we all have many things to be thankful for, what are yours?   As I wrap up this podcast I hope that whom ever you get together with on this day or any other the camaraderie of friends and family, a great meal, good fellowship and plenty to talk about.  Have a great Thanksgiving.

    E45 Ravi Jayagopal alexa flash and getting followers

    E45 Ravi Jayagopal alexa flash and getting followers
    In episode 45 I talk with Ravi Jayagopal he is the host of a podcast at SubscribeMe.fm we talk about everything You Need To Know About How To Create Digital Content, Package That Content And Make Money With It - Using Membership Sites, Online Courses & Recurring Subscriptions the making, marketing, monetizing and tracking of online digital content using membership sites and recurring subscriptions. We also hit on his books and Alexa Flash Breifing (part 2 of conversation)

    E44 Ravi Jayagopal make money with subscriptions 1

    E44 Ravi Jayagopal make money with subscriptions 1
    In episode 44 I talk with Ravi Jayagopal he is the host of a podcast at SubscribeMe.fm we talk about everything You Need To Know About How To Create Digital Content, Package That Content And Make Money With It - Using Membership Sites, Online Courses & Recurring Subscriptions the making, marketing, monetizing and tracking of online digital content using membership sites and recurring subscriptions. (part 1 of 2)

    E43 Helen Rothberg The Perfect Mix Everything I know about leadership I learned as a bartender

    E43 Helen Rothberg The Perfect Mix Everything I know about leadership I learned as a bartender
    In episode 43 I talk with Dr. Helen Rothberg. Helen started her career as a bartender and we talk about how good managers and good leaders are not always the same. Dr. Helen Rothberg trains leaders, from Fortune 500 executives to startup entrepreneurs, with her particular brand of ADVICE—Action, Determination, Vision, Integrity, Communication, Empathy. Remember that not only does a good bartender know your drink, they also have some good advice and my conversation with Dr. Helen Rothberg is full of great advice based on the management and life lessons she learned from working as a bartender.

    E42 Garrett Gunderson 5 Day Weekend Freedom to make your life and work rich with purpose

    E42 Garrett Gunderson 5 Day Weekend Freedom to make your life and work rich with purpose
    In Episode 42 I talk with co-author of the book "5 Day Weekend" Garrett B. Gunderson and we talk about money, business growth, and spending marketing dollars.

    As the Founder of an Inc. 500 firm and author of the NY Times bestselling book, Killing
    Sacred Cows, Garrett has dedicated his career to showing people how to immediately
    increase cash flow, build a life they love and create a legacy that lasts. And we talked about it.
    www.wealthfactory.com/podcast (for info we talked about)

    E41 Jen Coken Embrace The Ridiculousness - A Pocket Guide To Being A Better You

    E41 Jen Coken Embrace The Ridiculousness - A Pocket Guide To Being A Better You
    in Episode 41 I talk with Jen Coken, she is an author, speaker, comedian, and life coach of 20 years who helps CEOs and entrepreneurs overcome their self-made limitations and reach new levels in their business and personal lives. Jen and I talk about her latest book, “Embrace the Ridiculousness: A Pocket Guide to Being A Better You" , we also talk about the SMART goals and why they aren't good for you to set. Embrace the Ridiculousness! dispenses 12 easy lessons readers can quickly apply to their lives. Whether you read this short book over your potty break or savor it over a glass of wine, or inbetween plays on Thanksgiving, it will give you a new ability to manage your staff, ask for a raise or go to work with a new attitude.