
    Buddhist Geeks

    Evolving Dharma in the Age of the Network

    enBuddhist Geeks455 Episodes

    Episodes (455)

    One by One as They Occurred, with Kenneth Folk

    One by One as They Occurred, with Kenneth Folk

    In this dharma teaching / guided meditation–given during a Pragmatic Dharma Retreat in 2018–Kenneth Folk re-enacts the Anupada Sutta, an early Buddhist text in which the Buddha recounts a tale of Sāriputta moving through each of the 8 jhanas (meditative absorptions), completing the series with the attainment of nibanna. May you awaken while contemplating these instructions!

    Episode Links:

    👤 Kenneth Folk

    📜 The Anupada Sutta

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    Dharmas & DAOs, with Kevin Owocki

    Dharmas & DAOs, with Kevin Owocki

    Kevin Owocki, founder of GitCoin–a decentralized platform & organization focused on building and funding the open web–joins Vince Horn co-founder of Buddhist Geeks, to explore the potential of bringing together the world of Dharma and the world of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations).

    Episode Links:

    🔗 GitCoin

    📄 What is Web 3.0?

    📄 Decentralized autonomous organization

    📄 NFTs, explained

    💡 Join the SanghaDAO Group

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    How to Find your People in an Unjust World, with Kate Johnson

    How to Find your People in an Unjust World, with Kate Johnson

    In this conversation, Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined by Buddhist meditation teacher Kate Johnson, author of Radical Friendship, a newly released book which found its roots in a talk that Kate gave in 2013 at an in-person Buddhist Geeks Conference, entitled Waking Up to Power & Privilege in Our Communities. Vince & Kate speak about a variety of topics related to practicing dharma and living together in an unjust world.

    Episode Links:

    👤 Kate Johnson

    📖 Radical Friendship: Seven Ways to Love Yourself and Find Your People in an Unjust World by Kate Johnson

    🎙The Dharma of Difference, with Kate Johnson

    📺 Waking Up to Power & Privilege in Our Communities, with Kate Johnson

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    Jhanas and Ñanas, with Kenneth Folk

    Jhanas and Ñanas, with Kenneth Folk

    In this talk, recorded during a Pragmatic Dharma Retreat, Kenneth Folk lays out a meta-system for understanding the different understandings of deep Jhana or meditative absorption and their relationship to the Theravada Buddhist system, the progress of insight knowledges (aka Ñanas).

    memorable links:

    💬 "So we could call this olympic level, nut job jhana." – Kenneth Folk

    💬 "The insight knowledges are jhanic states." – Kenneth Folk

    episode links:

    🔗 Kenneth Folk Dharma

    🎙 Meditating in the Goldilocks Zone, with Vince F. Horn

    📄 The Progress of Insight by The Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw

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    A Guided Tour of the Four Jhanas, with Kenneth Folk

    A Guided Tour of the Four Jhanas, with Kenneth Folk

    In this special guided meditation, recorded during a Pragmatic Dharma Retreat, Kenneth Folk does a masterful job of pointing out the four progressive stages of meditative absorption, colloquially known as jhana. For best results, we suggest finding a place to listen to this episode, where you can remain undistracted.

    episode links:

    memorable quotes:

    "Like a skilled wine taster, one day you will learn to recognize these flavors." – Kenneth Folk

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    Meditating in The Goldilocks Zone, with Vince Horn

    Meditating in The Goldilocks Zone, with Vince Horn

    In this dharma talk, Vince Fakhoury Horn talks about the Goldilocks Principle as it's applied to meditation. He illustrates this Goldilocks Zone–just the right amount–by talking about a spectrum between Concentration and Investigation. How do find the middle way, i.e. the Goldilocks Zone, in our own practice?

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    Evolving Dharma, with Tasshin Fogleman & Vince Fakhoury Horn

    Evolving Dharma, with Tasshin Fogleman & Vince Fakhoury Horn

    In this episode of the Buddhist Geeks Podcast Vince Horn is interviewed by Tasshin Foggleman. The episode originally appeared on Tasshin's Reach Truth Podcast, and is now airing here on Buddhist Geeks.

    During the interview Tasshin asks Vince to share about the evolution of the Buddhist Geeks organization, including an in-depth exploration of Transparent Generosity, Holacracy, & Open Source Dharma–three of the elements of the Buddhist Geeks organization that make it particularly unique. This conversation is framed in terms of the evolution of dharma, looking at how dharma evolves not just through updates to the language of its teachings and practices, but also through the very structure in which those things are packaged.

    Episode Links:

    👤 Tasshin Foggleman

    👤 Vince Fakhoury Horn

    📺 Reach Truth Podcast

    🔗 Tasshin @ Twitter

    🔗 Vince @ Twitter

    🔗 Transparent Generosity

    🔗 Holacracy

    🎙 Liberating the Soul of Organization

    🎙 Organizational Enlightenment

    🔗 Open Source Dharma

    📖 Education in a Time Between Worlds, by Zak Stein

    📖 Integral Spirituality, by Ken Wilber

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    A Compassionate Conversation, with Gabriel Menegale Wilson

    A Compassionate Conversation, with Gabriel Menegale Wilson

    In this episode Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined by Gabriel Menegale Wison, one of the authors of the recently released book, “Compassionate Conversations: How to Speak and Listen from the Heart.” In this dialogue, we explore Gabriel’s background as an Integral Zen practitioner & Facilitator, looking specifically at how he brings the art of conversation into difficult areas of relationship. Our conversation centers particularly around how to have difficult conversations related to racial identity.

    Memorable Quotes

    “I want to engage in the exploration of more radical identities that can cohere us cooperatively so that we can forge worlds together.” - Gabriel Wilson

    “I think there is a lot of beauty to the creative frictions between our different identities and I think if you want to work with them, they will literally produce more dynamic identities that can include those differences.” - Gabriel Wilson

    Episode Links

    👤 Gabriel Menegale Wilson

    📖 “Compassionate Conversations: How to Speak and Listen from the Heart” by Diane Musho Hamilton, Gabriel Menegale Wilson, and Kimberly Loh

    🎧 Everything the Same, Everything Different, with Diane Musho Hamilton

    👤 Diane Musho Hamilton

    👤 Kimberly Loh

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    Love & Rage, with Lama Rod Owens

    Love & Rage, with Lama Rod Owens

    In this episode Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined in dialogue with Lama Rod Owens, author of the newly released book, Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation.

    Memorable Quotes

    “To begin with this is not a mindfulness book on how to bypass anger and focus on happiness. Nor is this a book about using any other spiritual path to transform the nature of anger into something more profound or transcendent. This book is about facing our anger and welcoming it as a teacher and friend so it can help us to benefit ourselves and others.” – Lama Rod Owens

    Episode Links

    👤 Lama Rod Owens

    👤 Lama Rod on Twitter

    📖 Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation by Lama Rod Owens

    📖 Black and Buddhist - Lama Rod Owens (contributing author)

    🔗 Dr. Joy Degrew’s theory on Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome

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    Brightmind 🤝 Better World, with Toby Sola

    Brightmind 🤝 Better World, with Toby Sola

    In this episode Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined in dialogue with CEO and Head Teacher at the popular meditation app Brightmind, Toby Sola. 

    Memorable Quotes

    "The broader mission of Brightmind is to help you establish positive feedback between your meditative practice and your ability to make the world a better place." - Toby Sola

    Episode Links

    📱 Brightmind Meditation

    👤 Toby on Twitter

    🔗 Monastic Academy

    👤 Shinzen Young

    👤 Soryu Forall

    🔗 Tom Brown Jr.’s Tracker School

    🔗 Forte Labs

    📖 Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein

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    The Fascism this Time, with Theo Horesh

    The Fascism this Time, with Theo Horesh

    In this timely episode–released just weeks before the 2020 US Election–host Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined by human rights advocate, public intellectual, and old friend Theo Horesh.  Theo is a long-time meditator, was one of the earliest guests on Buddhist Geeks, and is author of several books, including the one that serves as the basis for this conversation: “The Fascism this Time : And the Global Future of Democracy.”  During this conversation Vince & Theo explore what Fascism is–both historically & philosophically–how nihilism and despair are playing out in global society right now (especially in America), the many dimensions of human identity that are at play for us all, and the way that our current “split-level development” involves both a profound regression, as well as the potential for transcendence in service of the public good.

    Memorable Quotes

    “Marx once noted that all great historical events repeat themselves, the first time as tragedy, and the second as farce.  And what we’re seeing now is a farce, but we should take it seriously, because it’s the same nihilistic drives that lie behind it.” - Theo Horesh

    “Fascism is going to end in destruction for a couple of key reasons.  One is it’s driven by nihilism. The second thing is that what sustains it, is its insulation from reality.  So, it’s not just going to be irrational in its approach to things, it’s going to be completely divorced from reality, and as time goes on it’ll be more and more divorced.” - Theo Horesh

    Episode Links

    📖 The Fascism this Time : And the Global Future of Democracy

    📖 Convergence: The Globalization of Mind

    🎙 Convergence (Theo Horesh’s Talk from the 2014 Buddhist Geeks Conference)

    📃 The revenge of the 'Oxy electorate' helped fuel Trump's election upset

    📃 Cosmopolitanism

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    Buddhist Geeks
    enOctober 15, 2020

    The Reality of Materiality, with Greg Thomas

    The Reality of Materiality, with Greg Thomas

    In this episode Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined in dialogue with journalist, educator, & scholar Greg Thomas to meditate together on race. Greg’s work is informed by Integral Theory, the philosophies of Albert Murray and Ralph Ellison, and draws upon the rich history of the African American experience and Jazz. In this dialogue, Greg shares his reflections on race, from an integral perspective, exploring the potential for liberation–especially from racial ignorance & animus–on personal, cultural, & institutional levels.

    Memorable Quotes

    “Race is just one more tool of the ego to separate and to create structures–whether it’s subjective, inter-subjective or objective structures–to separate, divide and categorize.” - Greg Thomas

    There is a truth to the fact that we all are one, and that we share in the ineffability of the source, of the fullness of emptiness.  And all these things that signify–because we’re using human language–that our origins, our source, from and through which all things come and flow, and towards which we’re moving.  But in-between time, on this human level, in this particular incarnation we have to deal with the reality of materiality, of the material plane that we’re on.  That materiality itself, is going to bring suffering.  Duality will do that.  Non-duality is Oneness.  We have to navigate skillfully, using skillful means.  And that’s where we get to Wisdom.  Wisdom allows us to be able to play with these dualities. ... [Wisdom] takes into consideration I, We, & It, it takes into consideration the dual & the non-dual, it takes into consideration the reality of the oneness and the particularity of the many.” - Greg Thomas

    “They have planted and we ate. We plant and others will eat.” - Siddho Ahmad Fakhoury, Vince’s Great-Grandfather on planting olive trees

    Episode Notes:

    👤 Greg Thomas’s Online Portfolio

    👤 The Jazz Leadership Project

    👤 Greg Thomas @ Integral Life

    🔗 Integral Life

    👤 Diane Musho Hamilton

    👤 Anthony Appiah

    👤 Danielle Allen @ Twitter

    📃 Ralph Ellison

    📖 “My Grandmother’s Hands” by Resmaa Menakem

    📖 “Turning the Wheel: Essays on Buddhism and Writing” by Charles Johnson

    👤 Bell Hooks

    🔗 Essentialism

    📖 “Mindful of Race” by Ruth King

    📃 Jazz vs. Racism by Greg Thomas

    📖 “The Ethics of Identity” by Kwame Anthony Appiah

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    Deconstructing Decentralised Organizing, with Richard D. Bartlett

    Deconstructing Decentralised Organizing, with Richard D. Bartlett

    In this episode, Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined in conversation with Richard D. Bartlett. Rich is the author of Patterns for Decentralised Organising and a contributing author for Better Work Together. He is a co-founder of Loomio and The Hum. He is a Director and longstanding member of Enspiral. In finding where convergence resides among them, Vince and Rich explore many interesting topics including Decentralised Organising, Microsolidarity, Fractal Narcissism, and the Occupy Movement.

    Memorable Quotes

    “In a time of massive disruption, where the stakes are really high and everyone has skin in the game, who is saying stuff that feels sensible? That feels like it’s giving me guidance?” - Richard D. Bartlett

    “The world is great when there is a huge variety of different ways of being and they form some complex, uncontrollable network. That we’re all enmeshed together and we’re all playing different parts…” - Richard D. Bartlett

    Episode Links

    👤 Richard D. Bartlett, aka Rich Decibels

    👤 Rich @ Twitter

    👤 Rich @ Medium

    📖 Better Work Together

    📖 Patterns for Decentralised Organising

    🔗 Enspiral

    🔗 Loomio

    🔗 The Hum

    🔗 Microsolidarity

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    Buddhist Geeks
    enSeptember 30, 2020

    Meditating on Race, with Emily Horn

    Meditating on Race, with Emily Horn

    In this episode, Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined by long-time partner, and Teaching Lead of Buddhist Geeks, Emily Horn, to meditate together on race. They discuss the unique opportunity for transformation presenting itself to white people, and share some of their personal stories regarding racial conditioning, and how/why this largely invisible conditioning makes this conversation on difference so difficult to engage in.  

    Memorable Quotes

    “I know that trust is earned, I can’t just put up a sticker on my wall and call it safe, no matter how much I’m dedicated to diversity & inclusion.” - Emily Horn

    “As an individual my experience didn’t just come from nowhere. It’s actually part of this heritage, this 4.5 billion year heritage, that goes back to the Big Bang.” - Vince Fakhoury Horn 

    Episode Links

    🔗 Black Lives Matter

    🔗 Naropa University

    📺 Integral Justice Warriors

    📄 Transparent Generosity

    🔗 Holacracy

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    Regenerating Both Culture & Land, with Jason Snyder

    Regenerating Both Culture & Land, with Jason Snyder

    In this episode, Vince Horn is joined in conversation with Jason Snyder, PhD. Co-host of the Both/And Podcast and an adjunct lecturer at ASU’s Department of Sustainable Development, Jason joins Vince in a sit-down conversation, where they discuss the topics of memetic mediation, metamodernism, integral theory, responding to the meta-crisis, sensemaking and more.

    Memorable Quotes:

    "We are all complicit in history whether we like it or not. Both the good parts and the bad parts. I think that speaks to the notion of interconnectedness." – Jason Snyder

    "How do we respond to the meta-crisis? We have to create this new kind of collective intelligence that as humans we can accurately respond to the serious transition we’re in." – Jason Snyder

    Episode Links:

    👤 Jason Snyder

    🎙 Both/And Podcast

    🎙 Both/And: Decoding Ourselves with Vince Horn

    🎙 Deconstructing Yourself

    📃 On Memetic Mediation & Perspectival Pidginism

    🔗 Integral Life

    🔗 The Evolving Self

    👤 Hanzi Freinacht

    👤 Clare Graves

    🔗 The Bahá’í Faith

    📃 New Atheism

    👤 Shinzen Young

    👤 Daniel Ingram

    🎙 Buddha at the Gas Pump

    👤 Otto Scharmer

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    Mainstreaming Knowledge of the Stages of Insight, with Daniel M. Ingram

    Mainstreaming Knowledge of the Stages of Insight, with Daniel M. Ingram

    In this episode we’re joined again by meditator & medical doctor Daniel M. Ingram, to discuss his current efforts at helping mainstream knowledge of the common patterns of experience that unfold during contemplative practice–commonly referred to as “the stages of insight” in the early Buddhist tradition–so that this knowledge can become integrated into our modern medical systems.

    Episode Links:

    👤 Daniel M. Ingram

    🔗 The Dharma Overground

    📃 The Progress of Insight

    📃 What is Exploding Head Syndrome? 

    📃 The Varieties of Religious Experience

    🔗 Consciousness Hacking

    🔗 Kathryn “Katy” Devaney

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    You've Got to Remember that God is an Idiot, with Vinay Gupta

    You've Got to Remember that God is an Idiot, with Vinay Gupta

    From practicing hindu tantra with a guru he met at a new age bookstore in Chicago, to building open source hexayurts on the playa of burning man, to helping launch the second biggest crypto-network, Vinay Gupta is a man on a mission. Bringing a Vaderesque approach to spiritual, social, cultural, & engineering topics, Vinay offers an ultra-compelling apocoloptimistic vision of the future. -Vince Fakhoury Horn

    Memorable Quotes:

    "Social problems can be fixed with social change, and engineering problems have to be fixed with better technology. And most of what's wrong with capitalism is engineering limits not social limits, and we get very confused about this." - Vinay Gupta

    Episode Links:

    👤 Vinay Gupta

    🔗 Mattereum

    🔗 The Hexayurt Project

    🔗 Industrialisation

    🔗 Haidakhan Babaji

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    An Open Source Economy of Abundance, with Marcin Jakubowski

    An Open Source Economy of Abundance, with Marcin Jakubowski

    The founder of Open Source Ecology, Marcin Jakubowski, shares his journey of going from being a PhD student in Fusion Physics to meditating daily & building the modular groundwork for an open source economy of abundance.  

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