
    Building Generational Black Wealth Podcast

    "Welcome to 'Building Generational Black Wealth,' the podcast where we explore the strategies, insights, and stories of Black individuals and families who are creating long-term wealth for themselves and future generations. We'll discuss practical tips for managing finances, building passive income streams, and investing in assets that appreciate over time. We'll also delve into the cultural and societal factors that have historically hindered Black wealth creation and explore ways to overcome these obstacles. Our goal is to empower listeners with the knowledge and inspiration to take charge of their financial futures and build generational wealth that can create opportunities and prosperity for their families and communities. Tune in to 'Building Generational Black Wealth' and join the movement to create a more equitable and prosperous future for all."
    en-usKeith Jones26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    Episode 13: African Americans Are Redefining the American Dream Through Buying Tiny Homes

    Episode 13: African Americans Are Redefining the American Dream Through Buying Tiny Homes
    African Americans Are Redefining the American Dream Through Buying Tiny HomesIn recent years, African Americans have been redefining the concept of the American Dream by embracing an alternative housing trend: tiny homes. These compact and affordable dwellings have gained popularity among individuals and families who seek financial freedom, minimalism, and sustainable living.

    Episode 12: Can Ghettos be Revitalized Into The New Black Wall Street?

    Episode 12: Can Ghettos be Revitalized Into The New Black Wall Street?
    The history of African American ghettos in the United States is marred by systemic racism, economic inequality, and social exclusion. However, the tragic destruction of Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma, serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and potential within African American communities.

    Episode 10: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #7

    Episode 10: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #7
    As an African American, you might have heard of the term "cycle of display". It refers to the recurring pattern of financial struggle and hardship that some communities of color face. However, it is also possible to create a "cycle of affluence" in your life and your family's. It takes effort, education, and strategy, but the rewards are worth it. In this podcast, I will share some tips and insights on how you can start the cycle of affluence and achieve financial stability and abundance.

    Episode 9: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #6

    Episode 9: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #6
    For many African Americans, breaking out of the cycle of disparity can be a daunting task. The effects of systemic racism and discrimination have created a society where opportunities are not always equal. However, there are ways to overcome these obstacles and achieve success. In this podcast, we will discuss three ways to break out of the cycle of disparity: education, hard work, and helping others.

    Episode 8: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #5

    Episode 8: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #5
    Paying off your debt can be a challenging journey, but it's one that's worth taking. By understanding your debt, creating a budget, finding ways to increase your income, and choosing a debt repayment strategy, you can start taking control of your finances and building a brighter financial future. Use the tips and strategies in this article to help you become debt-free and achieve your financial goals.

    Episode 7: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #4

    Episode 7: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #4
    Teaching your kids about investing is one of the best things you can do to help them build a secure financial future. By starting early, keeping it simple, and being a good role model, you can give your kids the tools and knowledge they need to make informed financial decisions and achieve their long-term financial goals. So don't wait, start teaching your kids about investing today

    Episode 6: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #3

    Episode 6: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #3
    If saving money is on your wishlist but you don't know where to begin, this podcast is for you. African Americans have often faced financial barriers that have set us behind financially. But regardless of your economic status, saving money should be a priority. On this podcast, I'll share how I plan to save 6 months’ salary and how you can do it too. You don't have to be a financial guru to get started.

    Episode 5: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #2

    Episode 5: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #2
    As an African American, I know firsthand the pressures of financially supporting family and friends. We often feel a strong sense of loyalty to those closest to us and feel obligated to offer financial assistance when needed. However, over the years, I have learned that loaning money that I do not have to loan can lead to detrimental consequences for both the lender and the borrower. In this podcast post, I will explain why I have chosen to prioritize my financial well-being and the importance of setting boundaries when it comes to loaning money.

    Episode 4: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #1

    Episode 4: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #1
    Investing can be a daunting topic, especially for those who have never done it before. Many African Americans have a distrust of the financial system and may feel like investing isn't for them. But the truth is, investing can be a powerful tool in achieving financial freedom and building wealth. In this blog post, I will explain why investing 10% of your salary is a great idea for African Americans and how you can get started.

    Episode 3: Why You Are Not Wealthy

    Episode 3: Why You Are Not Wealthy
    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly accumulate wealth while others struggle to make ends meet? In this episode, I explore the top 5 reasons why people fail to build wealth. First, I discuss the importance of financial literacy and how a lack of knowledge can hinder wealth-building efforts. I also delve into the consequences of living above one's means and the impact it can have on financial stability. Next, I explore the dangers of procrastination and how delaying savings and investment opportunities can result in missed opportunities for growth. I also examine the importance of discipline in managing finances and the role it plays in building wealth. Finally, I address the fear and risk aversion that can hold people back from pursuing wealth-building opportunities. I discuss the importance of taking calculated risks and overcoming fears to achieve significant financial gains. Join me as I unpack the top 5 reasons why most people struggle to build wealth and provide practical tips for overcoming these obstacles to achieve financial success. Regenerate response

    Episode 2: Thanks to the Feds, I'm Getting an Extra $1,700 per Month

    Episode 2: Thanks to the Feds, I'm Getting an Extra $1,700 per Month
    Meet Mark, a 65-year-old retiree who has discovered the secret to financial peace in his golden years. With his home paid off, no debt, and a trusty old Ford truck, Mark has been living the dream – spending his days fishing and relaxing on his patio. But with the cost of living on the rise, he found himself in need of a little extra income. Thanks to the Federal Reserve's recent rate hike, Mark's savings account has now become a source of predictable monthly income that has transformed his life.

    Episode 1: Self-Defeating Consumption - An Opinion

    Episode 1: Self-Defeating Consumption - An Opinion
    Happy New Year! Thank you all for tuning in to the podcast. This year I plan to have more focused content on wealth building. Generally, wealth building starts with how you think which is why I focus more on how you think as opposed to which investments to make. So, stay tuned in and tell a friend about this podcast because more great information is coming.  I wrote an Opinion piece for WORTH Magazine back in February 2006 on the State of African American wealth in the United States and I decided to read it as part of this new season of wealth building. It's powerful and thought provoking and at the time no one was talking about Building Generational Black Wealth.

    Episode 11: Living Life Outside of the Circle

    Episode 11: Living Life Outside of the Circle
    Building wealth can be a solitary pursuit for most of us. Everyone who says that they want generational wealth will not go along on the journey with you. For some it makes them go backwards because they need other people with them. In this episode I explore how to live life outside of the circle (family and/or friends) on your pursuit to generational wealth.