
    Business 4 Climate

    The series of podcasts created by Bologna Business School, in which Ludovica Ferrari, a young philosophy student at the University of Bologna, challenges the researchers of the Centre for Sustainability on issues related to climate change and business.
    enBologna Business School10 Episodes

    Episodes (10)

    Energy transition and sustainability: the role and challenges of the Smart Energy Grids

    Energy transition and sustainability: the role and challenges of the Smart Energy Grids
    What are Smart Grids, and why do they represent a real revolution in the world of electricity? How can energy distribution be made "smarter," and why is it essential to support the transition from conventional, fossil-based energy production to renewable, highly intermittent energy production through new networks? These are the questions at the center of the interview of Ludovica Ferrari, student of Philosophy and host of the series, with Maria Alessandra Ancona and Jelena Loncarski, Assistant professor at the BBS Centre for Sustainability and Climate Change.

    One Health: Collaboration and Transdisciplinarity to Face the Next Challenges of Global Health

    One Health: Collaboration and Transdisciplinarity to Face the Next Challenges of Global Health
    In a world where communications and travel occur continuously, rapidly, and spontaneously, the boundaries of public health are becoming increasingly blurred, crossing borders. Among the strategies that have been proposed, particular interest has arisen around the "One Health" approach. What is it and why is it so important for truly sustainable development? Ludovica Ferrari asked this question to Carla Cacciotto and Salvatore Pascale, Assistant Professors at the BBS Centre for Sustainability and Climate Change.

    From waste to resource: Opportunities and limits of circular economy

    From waste to resource: Opportunities and limits of circular economy
    What is the circular economy, and what is its potential for a sustainable future? When we talk about recycling, are we talking about the circular economy, or are we just skimming the tip of an iceberg that still needs a lot of work and structured interventions to emerge as a real opportunity? What is the role of design in helping to implement a more sustainable economic system, and how important is it to measure the impact of each element of the process to assess its effectiveness? These and other questions by Ludovica Ferrari are answered by Eleonora Foschi and Sara Zanni, Assistant Professor at the BBS Centre for Sustainability and Climate Change.

    Energy Transition and Sustainability: From Production to Consumption

    Energy Transition and Sustainability: From Production to Consumption
    Energy is the main sector involved in the climate change problem. How we produce energy is one of the key issues in addressing the sustainability challenge. This episode takes an in-depth look at the benefits of renewable energy sources and their importance for decarbonization. But it is also an opportunity to take stock of conventional energy systems and understand if and how they can be used in a green way, becoming support to the energy transition. Ludovica Ferrari, a student, and host of the series talk about it with Maria Alessandra Ancona and Jelena Loncarski, Assistant professor at the BBS Centre for Sustainability and Climate Change.

    Climate Governance and Hazard Management

    Climate Governance and Hazard Management
    Climate change brings with it real risks that we need to prepare for. In this episode, Ludovica Ferrari, student of Philosophy at the University of Bologna and host of the series, makes a point about the global political-economic approach needed to keep the risks generated by global warming at bay. Is there truly effective global governance to address climate change issues? What are the actors and processes involved? What are the concrete objectives in the short and medium-term? Davide Donati and Andrea Zinzani, Assistant Professors at the BBS Centre for Sustainability and Climate Change, answer the question.

    The rise of Energy Costs: Motivations and Consequences

    The rise of Energy Costs: Motivations and Consequences
    The rising cost of energy is a highly topical issue. In this episode, Maria Alessandra Ancona and Sara Zanni, Assistant Professors at the Centre for Sustainability and Climate Change at Bologna Business School, talk with Ludovica Ferrari, a Philosophy student and host of the series, about the reasons for rising energy costs and how this increase could impact the future of the energy sector.

    Green mobility: Will electrification save us?

    Green mobility: Will electrification save us?
    Green mobility and electric motors are the choices that seem to bring us closer to the goal of becoming carbon neutral as soon as possible, reducing the impact of transport on the environment. But is electric really the sustainable solution we have been looking for? How long will it take to achieve relevant results on a global scale? Ludovica Ferrari's questions on sustainable mobility are answered by Jelena Loncarski and Sara Zanni, Assistant Professor at the BBS Center for Sustainability and Climate Change.

    Mediterranean hot-spot and Extreme Events: Italy at the Center of a “Perfect Storm”

    Mediterranean hot-spot and Extreme Events: Italy at the Center of a “Perfect Storm”
    Salvatore Pascale and Davide Donati, Assistant Professors at the Center for Sustainability and Climate Change of Bologna Business School, talks to Ludovica Ferrari, a Philosophy student at the University of Bologna and host of the series, about the Mediterranean Region, considered one of the areas which are going to be most affected by anthropogenic climate change.