
    Business Buying Strategies from The Dealmaker's Academy

    The Business Buying Strategies Podcast comes from The Dealmaker's Academy, the world's leading training on buying and selling businesses - without risking your own money! Each week we talk to leading experts, discuss business buying strategies, offer hints and tips and cover the essential skills you will need to buy and sell businesses effectively.
    enJonathan Jay276 Episodes

    Episodes (276)

    Jonathan's keynote from the Marbella Dealmakers Conference

    Jonathan's keynote from the Marbella Dealmakers Conference

    The Power of Action in Business Acquisition

    In this episode of Business Buying Strategies, Jonathan Jay shares insights from his keynote at the VIP Dealmakers retreat in Marbella. He discusses the transition from inertia to momentum in business buying and reinforces the idea that 'Action Changes Things (ACT)'. Drawing from personal anecdotes, including an enlightening encounter with personal development guru Brian Tracy, Jay emphasizes the importance of mindset, the danger of imposter syndrome, and the transformative power of taking decisive action towards business acquisition. He shares the significance of surrounding oneself with the right people and continuously upgrading one's education to foster a positive and proactive attitude towards business deals. The episode underlines the belief that anyone can succeed in business acquisition with focus, clarity, and action.

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome
    01:16 The Journey of Selling My Publishing Company
    02:10 The Influence of Brian Tracy and Personal Development
    05:22 The Power of Belief in Business Buying
    06:27 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
    06:56 The Value of Selling a Business
    07:59 The Importance of Trying and Failing
    08:46 The Power of Detachment in Negotiations
    09:27 The Role of Education in Success
    10:05 The Importance of Involvement and Mindset
    11:42 The Impact of Your Surroundings on Success
    13:24 The Role of Attitude in Success
    13:59 The Power of Action and Focus
    19:20 Overcoming Inertia and Moving into Momentum
    19:53 Closing Remarks and Encouragement


    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Download our free Business Buying Toolkit


    Join our Business Acquisition FastTrack programme


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Connect with Jonathan Jay at:

    Website: https://www.dealmakers.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-jay-3556b230/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDealmakersAcademy

    What size of business should you buy first?

    What size of business should you buy first?

    What size of business should you buy first?

    In the latest episode of Business Buying Strategies, Jonathan Jay offers guidance to first-time business buying on some key decisions to make when targeting their first acquisition. 

    Jonathan highlights elements to consider such as business size, owner involvement, business location, and the time commitment for the acquisition. He stresses the concept of not buying a business for just one pound, given the assumed liabilities can be burdensome, especially for first-time buyers.

    Jonathan recommends buying a solid, profitable business and using other people's money instead of taking on a distressed business. He also suggests strategies for negotiating, understanding the seller's motivations, managing the risks involved, and thinking about the business's exit strategy from the beginning for a more profitable result.

    If you are about to start your business buying journey, this episode will give you all the answers you need to these important questions. 

    Here are the key highlights:

    00:00 Introduction to Business Acquisition

    01:09 Guidelines for Your First Business Acquisition

    03:30 Location Matters: Where Should Your First Acquisition Be?

    05:02 Time Commitment in Business Acquisition

    08:28 The Pitfalls of Buying a Business for One Pound

    11:33 The Ideal Business for Your First Acquisition

    16:57 Negotiating a Deal: The Power of Words

    24:03 Golden Rules of Business Acquisition

    Here is what you will discover…

    • Why you should avoid making owner-managed businesses for your first acquisition (who do you think is going to fill that void when they leave?)
    • Why everything gets harder if you get your first acquisition wrong (it’s why this is such an important decision)
    • Why it’s vital to figure out the cost of replacing the owner-manager with a manager paid market rate
    • Why the million pound revenue mark is a good indicator for business buyers
    • Why buying a business in another country as your first purchase is not a good idea (you’re buying a lot of inconvenience for your first deal)
    • How shopping local is a good idea for acquisition entrepreneurs when starting out
    • Why it is realistic and entirely possible to buy your first business while working a 9 to 5 (in fact, business owners prefer to speak out of hours)
    • Why you need to switch your mindset from doing everything to leaning on your Deal Team to work through the process (the sooner you do this, the faster your progress)
    • Why buying a bigger business actually gives you more time rather than less (you’re buying a working infrastructure with a bigger business)


    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Download our free Business Buying Toolkit


    Join our Business Acquisition FastTrack programme


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Connect with Jonathan Jay at:

    Website: https://www.dealmakers.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-jay-3556b230/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDealmakersAcademy

    Deal structures for buying a business with John Andrews

    Deal structures for buying a business with John Andrews

    In the latest episode of the Business Buying Strategies podcast, experienced M&A lawyer John Andrews of JMW reveals the most effective deal structures for buying a business without using any of our own money.

    John is The Dealmakers Academy’s recommended lawyer and has completed deals with many of our Mastermind clients.

    In this podcast episode – recorded at the last Dealmakers M&A networking event in Manchester – John walks through the specifics of the dealmaking process from a legal perspective. 

    Robust legal due diligence is essential to ensure you protect your personal assets and limit liability. Understanding the legalities involved with buying a business is important, and John talks on a broad range of topics from working with a M&A lawyers, structuring the business the right way, differences between types of purchases, warranties and indemnities and due diligence.

    If you have not yet purchased your first business or you are looking to start acquiring businesses soon, listen to this episode so you have a good understanding of the legalities involved. 

    Here are the key highlights:

    01:11 Why it is important to understand the legalities of buying a business

    01:27 An introduction to John Andrews

    02:37 The importance of a good M&A lawyer

    02:49 The role of a commercial lawyer

    04:19 Ways to structure your business for acquisition

    08:33 The importance of a shareholders agreement

    10:25 The differences between a share purchase and asset purchase

    15:42 Understanding warranties and indemnities

    17:19 Why it is important to do your due diligence

    18:30 How to structuring deals for success

    Here is what you will discover…

    • What the best company set-up is for a business acquisition (and the company structure you should always avoid)
    • How to structure holding companies the right way (this is essential to protecting your businesses)
    • The difference between an asset purchase and a share purchase (and when to use each one)
    • Why an asset purchase is far less risky than a shares purchase
    • Why a shareholder agreement is one of the most important documents you need if you have a partner/partners (make this a priority today)
    • What you need to put in your Head of Terms to avoid costly issues later in the process (that could even cause a deal to collapse)
    • Why it is a bad idea to cut corners with due diligence 
    • What the right time is to bring in legal support during the process 
    • Why a lack of real M&A experience on the part of the vendor’s lawyer can kill a deal (and how to avoid it)


    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    What to look for when buying a business

    What to look for when buying a business

    In this week’s episode, Jonathan shares his insights on successfully buying a business. He discusses a recent networking event held in Manchester, where he presented common mistakes buyers make and rules to follow for a successful acquisition.

    Jonathan explains that you don't need a massive bank balance or perfect credit to buy a business, but instead having multiple options, substantial knowledge, confidence, and right mindset can lead to a successful deal.

    You will learn about:

    • The four golden rules of business acquisition to getting a business without risking personal assets.
    • Why you should never use your own money.
    • Why you should never run the business personally.
    • How to avoid personal risk.
    • How to plan your exit early.

    He emphasizes the importance of moving fast during the acquisition process and being surrounded with positive people who can provide support. He concludes by informing about their Dealmakers Retreat event in Marbella.

    00:44 Recap of Recent Networking Event
    01:05 Insights into Business Buying
    02:06 The Importance of Networking and Learning from Others
    02:47 The Concept of Buying a Business Without Risking Your Own Cash
    03:48 The Two Groups of People This Presentation is For
    04:46 Follow-up Resources and Recommendations
    06:14 Jonathan's Personal Journey in Business Buying
    12:06 Golden Rules of Business Acquisition
    17:10 Planning Your Exit Strategy
    18:30 Understanding the Current Economic Climate
    20:31 The Power of Negotiation and Seller Motivation
    21:32 The Importance of Speed in Acquisition
    22:17 Debunking Misconceptions about Business Acquisition
    23:41 Why You Should Avoid Business Brokers for Your First Deal
    25:16 Financing Methods for Business Acquisition
    26:10 Overcoming Obstacles in Business Acquisition
    27:27 The Power of Networking and Community
    28:39 The Dealmakers Retreat: An Opportunity to Learn
    30:18 Leveraging LinkedIn

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Are you making any of these business buying mistakes?

    Are you making any of these business buying mistakes?

    In the latest episode of the Business Buying Strategies podcast, Jonathan Jay reveals some of the most common business buying mistakes we see new and inexperienced business buyers make. (And many experienced dealmakers, too!)

    Many of these mistakes can seriously damage your ability to source deals, negotiate the best price and terms possible and can even stop deals in their tracks. What’s more, many of these mistakes can be easily avoided.

    Listen to the Business Buying Strategies podcast today and discover whether you are making any of these 12 most common mistakes when it comes to buying a business.

    Here are the key highlights:

    01:17 The Pitfall of Using Your Own Money
    02:43 The Art of Financing a Business Purchase
    04:48 Avoiding the Trap of Buying a Job
    05:51 The Danger of Overpaying for a Business
    08:46 The Importance of Understanding the Business You're Buying
    10:44 Balancing Your Day Job and Business Buying Journey
    12:54 The Power of Thinking Big in Business Buying
    15:42 Assembling the Right Team for Your Business Purchase
    17:34 The Importance of Cash Flow in Business Buying
    20:26 The Risks of Buying an Underperforming Business
    23:10 Understanding the Seller's Motivation
    25:56 The Importance of a Company's Reputation
    27:46 The Crucial Role of Due Diligence in Business Buying

    Here is what you will discover…

    • Why buying a small business is the same effort as buying a large business (but can leave you with more stress, worry and sleepless nights…) 
    • Why you must never sign a personal guarantee (unless you want to risk losing your house or other personal assets…)
    • Why putting your own money into a business acquisition is a huge risk (even if you have money in the bank)
    • Why there are so many better ways to finance a business acquisition that don’t involve using your own funds
    • Why not putting your own money into a deal will always create a better deal in the end (this may surprise you)
    • Why you should never take a vendor’s unwillingness to negotiate at face value (it’s amazing to see how quickly this can change under the right circumstances)
    • Why buying a business in a sector or profession you understand will shortcut your journey (and take weeks and months off your learning curve)
    • The No.1 thing every business buyer wishes they had done for their first deal (so you don’t make the same mistake)
    • Why you must never cut corners when it comes to building your deal team (getting this wrong is a recipe for disaster)
    • Why you must avoid buying a distressed business at all costs as your first acquisition
    • The one thing you need to discover from the vendor that makes all your negotiations simpler (and could close the deal in a fraction of the time)

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Building a £400M empire through business acquisition

    Building a £400M empire through business acquisition

    In the latest episode of the Business Buying Strategies podcast, Jonathan Jay talks with Mastermind client, Martin, who has ambitions to build a £400m empire through business acquisition.

    In addition to hearing Martin’s journey from his first acquisition – shortly after completing the Mastermind programme – to his latest, this episode is packed with insights on how to put the systems and processes in place to source deals, negotiate the right way and create a strong lead flow.

    In particular, Martin’s business coaching approach is a great example of developing creative ways to work with vendors to give them the valuation they want while acquiring businesses that you know have strong foundations. 

    Also in the episode, Martin shares his experience of rapidly buying businesses and integrating them into his existing portfolio. 

    Martin's control of negotiation conversations coupled with his consultative selling technique and risk-taking attitude form the core of his success. He encourages would be dealmakers to overcome their fears and take fast, significant action to achieve their goals.

    Listen to this episode and you will gain a fresh insight on how to work with vendors to get the deals you want and what it takes to work towards building a group with a £400m valuation. 

    Here are the key highlights:

    02:02 Martin shares his journey into business acquisition

    03:32 He explains his strategy of buying accountancy firms

    03:36 His first acquisition and rapid expansion

    06:10 Martin’s unique approach to business valuation

    06:42 The Pipeline Strategy – how Martin coaches businesses to increase their value

    06:50 The importance of the consultative selling approach

    11:02 Why authority has power in negotiations and why you need to be in control

    24:25 Why it is important to fail fast and take massive action

    27:07 Why Martin’s approach has been so successful

    Here is what you will discover…

    • How Martin started on his journey into business acquisition (and what you can take from his experience) 
    • The acquisition strategy Martin uses to buy accountancy businesses in his quest to build a £400m group (and why it’s important to have a strategy and end-goal)
    • How he bought his first business and why speed is important to meeting his objectives
    • Why you should never be a slave to the expectations of the vendor (and why it is key to have your own process for valuing a business from the start)
    • Why choosing the right management team can help you grow even faster 
    • Why you need to have a criteria for choosing the right type of business (and avoid building a portfolio of businesses that rely upon your attention and focus)
    • How Martin uses a unique strategy to build his deal flow that involves coaching businesses to achieve their target valuation (then buying them from the vendor)
    • Why using a consultative selling approach has proved effective for Martin (and why educating the vendor is so important)
    • Why dealmakers need to build authority early and take control in negotiations (if you want to get the deal you want)
    • Why taking action and not being afraid of failure gives Martin an advantage (and why he recommends this approach for any dealmaker looking to build a group)


    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Gerald Ratner - Business Acquisition is the ONLY way to grow

    Gerald Ratner - Business Acquisition is the ONLY way to grow

    How Gerald Ratner built a 2,500-store retail empire through acquisition

    British entrepreneur Gerald Ratner took his business from a single family-owned shop in Richmond to a multi-billion, 2,500-store retail empire spanning the UK and US. 

    In the process, he acquired some of the biggest names on the high street, including H. Samuel and Ernest Jones. 

    His entire strategy was built on growth by acquisition, often pushing the business to the limit. 

    You may have watched some of the recent video highlights from my interview with Gerald for my Mastermind clients.

    On today’s episode of the Business Buying Strategies podcast, you can listen to the whole interview where he detailed exactly how he grew the business at each stage, including the creative ways he raised funding and persuaded the owners to sell to him.

    You will discover…

    • How Gerald used acquisition as a strategy to dominate the high street by buying his key competitors 
    • How buying H. Samuel transformed the group and allowed the retailer to expand its customers beyond its historical base
    • Why Gerald’s reasons for acquiring Ernest Jones was more than simply adding another 60 stores to the portfolio (it was a strategic move to “buy into” supplier relationships)
    • Why Gerald chose not to copy his acquisition strategy when expanding to the US (and what he did instead)

    What he really said in his infamous speech at the Royal Albert Hall that no one remembers


    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria at hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    How to negotiate buying a business

    How to negotiate buying a business
    De-risking Business Acquisitions: A 12-Step Guide to Successful Deals. 

    In this episode, Jonathan Jay shares strategies for buying a business successfully, without risking personal cash. He elaborates on the importance of proper corporate structure, no personal guarantees, de-risking leases, and linking business payment to performance. Jay also explains the significance of not over-leveraging, cost underwriting abort fees, due diligence, and incentivizing owners for a smooth transition among other things. He illustrates these points with real-life examples and emphasizes the ultimate aim - to de-risk deals and ensure a better night’s sleep for business buyers.
    00:34 Introduction and Upcoming Events
    01:25 De-risking Business Acquisitions: Part 1
    01:55 Importance of Corporate Structure in Business Acquisition
    04:31 Avoiding Personal Guarantees
    07:52 De-risking Leases in Business Acquisition
    11:48 Linking Payment to Business Performance
    16:00 Avoiding Over-leveraging in Business Acquisition
    26:55 Dealing with Distressed Businesses
    32:33 Ensuring Smooth Transition Post-Acquisition

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria at hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Buying a business - Using the right words

    Buying a business - Using the right words

    The words you use during a negotiation to buy a business can make the difference between closing a great deal and failing to close any deals.

    Use the right language and you will discover the vendor’s motivation, build trust and clear the path to a smooth sale at the best price. Use the wrong language and you could sabotage the acquisition – or, worse, end up with a bad deal.

    A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak to a group of property agents who are planning to grow in 2024. I showed them how they could double their agency within six months by growing their business through acquisition – and only those Dealmakers who know how to negotiate and use the right language will secure great deals at the best price. 

    You will discover…

    • Why the words you use when you negotiate could be the difference between a good deal and no deal
    • Why you must never, ever be the first to make an offer during a negotiation (do this and you will never recover)
    • The one question to unlock the path to a great deal and guarantee the vendor is on board with closing a deal quickly
    • The most powerful phrase to use during the acquisition if things get a little bumpy (I guarantee this becomes your “go to” phrase in your future negotiations)
    • What you should never do when the owner gives you a price for the business (forget this and it’s game over)

    Here are the key highlights:

    01:29 The Magic Words That Make You Millions
    04:35 The Art of Negotiation: Never Go First on Price
    07:10 Reacting to the Seller's Price: The Importance of Body Language
    10:40 Avoiding the Valuation Trap
    15:01 Understanding the Seller's Motivations and Painting a Picture
    18:04 Identifying Motivated Sellers
    19:59 The Importance of Motivated Sellers
    20:43 Avoiding Business Brokers
    21:59 The Power of 'No One is Lending'
    22:15 The Advantage of Using Other People's Money
    24:18 The Speed of Business Acquisition
    24:57 Asset Purchase vs Share Purchase
    25:48 The Importance of Having a Clear Process
    27:33 Expanding Your Business Portfolio
    33:03 The Power of 'Is That a Deal Breaker?'
    38:23 The Magic Words That Make You Millions

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria at hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    2023 Dealmaker Highlights of the Year

    2023 Dealmaker Highlights of the Year

    This year, we have featured more business buying success stories than ever before.

    Buying a business transforms your life. You just need to hear the stories of those who have follow the system and taken action to know that you can do it, too.

    The stories we have featured on the Business Buying Strategies podcast range from experienced business owners using acquisitions to rapidly grow their business to individuals holding down a 9-5 job who transformed their life by buying a business in their spare time. 

    In the latest episode of Business Buying Strategies, we look back at some of the major client wins and business buying success stories from the last 12 months.

    2023 has been a great year for business buying entrepreneurs. But 2024 promises to be even better.

    If you are thinking about acquiring a business in 2024 and want to feel inspired, listen to this episode and discover how people – just like you – transformed their lives by buying a business. 

    Here are the key highlights:

    How Alison acquired a business in a sector she knew little about (and saved £100,000 on a bad deal, thanks to her Mastermind group) 

    How David tried to grow his business organically for years yet added more revenue in one “no money down” deal than he achieved in 12 months

    How Darren built a group of profitable hair salons without spending any of his own money (and one owner even paid him £20,000 to take the business off her hands)

    How Dan successfully acquired an eight-figure business without using any of his own funds

    How Danny acquired businesses in sectors he knew nothing about by following a proven business buying system (which is entirely possible when you shift away from an “operator” mindset)


    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria at hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Stop imposter syndrome (and do more deals) with Vicki Espin

    Stop imposter syndrome (and do more deals) with Vicki Espin

    What limiting beliefs hold you back from starting your business buying journey? What stops you from doing more deals or striving to close bigger acquisitions?

    In this episode of the Business Buying Strategies podcast, executive coach Vicki Espin explains how imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs stop you from getting what you want and how to eliminate beliefs holding you back.

    If you want to buy a business in 2024 and you’re not taking action, listen to this episode. It could be a game-changer for you.

    This is part 2 of a two-part series featuring Vicki. Make sure you listen to part 1 on a game-changer mindset first!

    Here are the key highlights:

    • Why self-sabotage is the biggest threat to your success
    • What is imposter syndrome?
    • Why expectations are behind imposter syndrome
    • What are your cultural reference points?
    • What is an expectation?
    • Client story - when the imposter turns traitor
    • The difference between self-esteem and self-confidence
    • Why you can’t completely eliminate the noise

    Here is what you will discover…

    • How imposter syndrome trips you up without you realising (and what to do about it)

    • How to set goals the right way so you never fail to achieve them

    • How to avoid unintentional self-sabotage when you make important decisions

    • Why imposter syndrome is a misalignment between what you say and what you think (and how to bridge the gap)

    • Why identifying your childhood influences helps you understand your thoughts and beliefs today

    • Why your imposter syndrome can show up as your “evil twin” at important moments (and how to deal with it)

    • Why even the place you were born and brought up has an impact on your mindset, thoughts and beliefs 

    • Why your thoughts precede your behaviour (and why you need to focus on what you want)

    • The difference between self-confidence and self-esteem (and why you can’t have one without the other)

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria at hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.


    Build a game-changer mindset with Vicki Espin

    Build a game-changer mindset with Vicki Espin

    If you want to succeed at business acquisition, you need the right mindset as well as the right knowledge and strategies. By levelling up your mindset and adopting a new way of thinking, you can change how you see yourself and how others see you, to do bigger deals, more frequently.

    At the last Dealmakers Retreat, executive coach Vicki Espin revealed how to develop a ‘game-changer’ mindset to stand out and attract opportunities. In this episode of the Business Buying Strategies podcast, you can listen to highlights from the presentation, including an exercise to write a professional brand statement to attract dealmaking opportunities to you.

    Here are the key highlights:

    • How Vicki became a coach and started working with Jonathan
    • What is a game-changer?
    • Your most important relationship in life
    • Understanding ‘Moments of Truth”
    • Your current performance = your potential minus your interference
    • Why your thoughts matter
    • Why you create everything twice
    • Why you need a professional brand statement
    • Do you pass the CEO lift test?
    • Your top signature strengths

    Here is what you will discover…

    • What is a game-changer mindset and why you need to adopt a new way of thinking to shift where you are right now

    • Why the most important relationship you have in your life is with yourself 

    • Why you need to figure out what you want people to say about you when you’re not “in the room”

    • Why nothing in your life changes unless you do this ONE thing

    • Why you need to pay attention to your emotional intelligence to close more deals

    • The No.1 thing that nearly every conversation about personal brand completely ignores (that you can use to your advantage)

    • The secret to crafting a compelling personal brand statement (it’s not just through practice)

    • Why your non-verbal behaviour counts for far more than you may realise 

    • How to use a scoring system to continually improve your brand statement (or any pitch or presentation document)


    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.


    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course



    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria at hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.



    Mastering LinkedIn - Boost Your Business Buying Strategies

    Mastering LinkedIn - Boost Your Business Buying Strategies

    Mastering LinkedIn: Boost Your Business Buying Strategies

    In this podcast, Jonathan Jay invites LinkedIn expert, Andrew Grill, to share his insights on how to use LinkedIn more effectively, especially for individuals interested in buying businesses. Topics covered include developing online credibility through LinkedIn, improving profiles for greater visibility, using LinkedIn analytics, understanding the LinkedIn algorithm, and exploring various LinkedIn tools. Grill also introduces the 'LinkedIn Social Selling Index' and provides actionable tips for better networking and content sharing on LinkedIn.

    00:35 Introduction and Welcome
    00:47 The Importance of LinkedIn Profile for Business Buyers
    01:19 Guest Speaker Introduction: Andrew Grill
    01:41 Andrew's Early Experiences with Technology
    02:21 Andrew's Background in Small Business
    02:47 The Power of LinkedIn for Business
    03:03 Andrew's Journey with LinkedIn
    03:47 The Impact of LinkedIn on Andrew's Business
    04:01 The Changing Landscape of B2B Selling
    05:02 The Importance of Digital First Impressions
    05:34 How to Google Yourself Effectively
    06:56 The Anatomy of a LinkedIn Page
    11:34 The Importance of LinkedIn Activity
    15:39 Understanding LinkedIn Public URL and Profile Visibility
    19:48 The Difference Between Following and Connecting on LinkedIn
    20:40 The Importance of Adding a Note When Connecting on LinkedIn
    21:44 Understanding LinkedIn on Desktop and Mobile
    22:08 The Importance of Personalizing LinkedIn Connections
    22:18 LinkedIn as a Platform for Business Content
    22:58 Overcoming Writer's Block on LinkedIn
    23:07 Using LinkedIn as a Content Laboratory
    23:46 Creating Engaging Content on LinkedIn
    27:22 Understanding LinkedIn's Algorithm
    32:14 Tips for Creating Great Content on LinkedIn
    33:00 Understanding LinkedIn's Social Selling Index (SSI)
    34:19 Using LinkedIn's QR Code Feature
    35:09 Posting Consistently on LinkedIn
    38:04 Actionable Steps to Improve Your LinkedIn Presence


    Buying a business is only the start, which is why we are now teaching what happens next on the Mastermind program. Now, if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information. 

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    If you would like to take the next step to learn the best ways of buying a business, without risking your own cash, you can access my free training at:

    Watch my Webinar Training Video:

    You can also request a free copy of my book at:

    If you want to jump straight to my live Zoom FastTrack course, please go to:

    Connect with Jonathan Jay at:
    Website: https://www.thedealmakersacademy.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-jay-3556b230/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDealmakersAcademy

    Successful exit with 30X multiple

    Successful exit with 30X multiple

    In this podcast episode of 'Business Buying Strategies', host Jonathan Jay interviews Andrew Scott, an accomplished entrepreneur who has a versatile track record of both buying and selling businesses. Andrew talks about his recent experiences at the Marbella VIP dealmakers retreat and shares insights about his successful exits, including one at thirty times multiple. He also discusses some of the challenges associated with the buying process, dealing with the emotional aspect of buying and selling, and how to maximize the value of a business. The importance of having a proper acquisition process, understanding the target market, and having a long-term value-oriented approach is highlighted. Andrew concludes by stating his current focus on acquiring other marketing-related businesses and building a property portfolio to secure long-term capital value.

    00:34 Introduction and Welcome
    00:47 Interview with Andrew Scott: Successful Business Exits
    01:40 Andrew's Experience in Buying and Selling Businesses
    02:17 The Story of Business Leader Magazine
    03:55 The Power of PR and Network in Business Valuation
    07:46 Andrew's Experience in Buying Businesses
    11:15 Lessons from Business Acquisitions
    13:41 Recent Business Sales and Future Plans
    17:49 Andrew's Motivation for Attending the Event
    18:45 Closing Remarks


    Buying a business is only the start, which is why we are now teaching what happens next on the Mastermind program. Now, if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information. 

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    If you would like to take the next step to learn the best ways of buying a business, without risking your own cash, you can access my free training at:

    Watch my Webinar Training Video:

    You can also request a free copy of my book at:

    If you want to jump straight to my live Zoom FastTrack course, please go to:

    Connect with Jonathan Jay at:
    Website: https://www.thedealmakersacademy.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-jay-3556b230/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDealmakersAcademy

    One deal changed my life

    One deal changed my life

    This week Jonathan shares insights and experiences of business acquisitions to a live audience in Marbella. Transitioning from financial difficulty to successful entrepreneurship, he explains how the sale of his first business changed everything and resulted in him immersing himself in the world of business acquisitions.

    Jonathan outlines the reasons why people sell businesses and strategies for purchasing them, Jay sheds light on the potential of business acquisitions as a means of wealth building. He asserts that everyone is capable of buying a business successfully, emphasising the importance of implementing ideas and dealing with 'imposter syndrome', the fear and self-doubt that can hinder progress.

    He also explores how acquiring businesses is not just about financial gains, but also personal growth and development and developing emotional intelligence.

    01:45 The Importance of Implementation and Future Goals
    04:16 Overcoming Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome
    05:31 The Power of Taking Action and Building Momentum
    06:13 Personal Stories and Insights from Attendees
    07:22 The Journey of Buying and Selling Businesses
    14:44 The Emotional Aspect of Business Deals
    16:36 Advice for People with Traditional Jobs Looking to Buy Businesses
    17:19 Closing Remarks and Contact Information for UK Lawyer


    Buying a business is only the start, which is why we are now teaching what happens next on the Mastermind program. Now, if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information. 

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    If you would like to take the next step to learn the best ways of buying a business, without risking your own cash, you can access my free training at:

    Watch my Webinar Training Video:

    You can also request a free copy of my book at:

    If you want to jump straight to my live Zoom FastTrack course, please go to:

    Connect with Jonathan Jay at:
    Website: https://www.thedealmakersacademy.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-jay-3556b230/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDealmakersAcademy

    Financial Success Through Business Acquisition

    Financial Success Through Business Acquisition

    How to grow a business through acquisition 

    In this week’s episode of Business Buying Strategies, Jonathan speaks with BBC Apprentice winner and founder of the Millionaire Mastermind, Joseph Valente about the opportunity for business owners to rapidly double the size of their business through acquisition.

    In conversation in front of a room of ambitious entrepreneurs, Jonathan explained why 2024 is a year of opportunity for those business owners who want to grow, why it is better to buy a big business for your first deal and how to avoid the pitfalls experienced by many first-time dealmakers.

    If you’re a business owner and you’re frustrated or impatient for growth, you need to listen to this episode.

    Here are the key highlights:

    00:51 - Jonathan’s accidental entry into the world of mergers and acquisitions

    01:22 - How Jonathan had an epiphany when he sold his first business

    02:14 - Why being the operator in a business is not the best way to get the result you want

    02:27 - How to get a great deal when buying a competitor business

    04:13 - Why you should never cut corners on your deal team (easily avoidable legal and due diligence issues are so much more expensive in the long run)

    04:29 - Why the “Buy, Build and Sell” strategy is the fastest way to achieve your financial goals

    04:47 How just one successful deal can transform your business – and your life

    05:16 The 3 keep questions to ask when assessing any business acquisition

    05:50 The benefits of buying a business similar to your current business

    06:38 Why it is important you only buy businesses that can run without you (otherwise you’re buying an expensive job)

    07:06 Why you need to follow a business buying strategy that doesn’t use any of your own funds

    07:34 How our Mastermind clients have successfully purchased businesses using none of their own money

    09:50 Why you need to have a good lawyer to keep a business buying deal moving

    10:29 Jonathan’s top advice for anyone looking to start acquiring businesses

    19:16 Why you must always be through in your due diligence when buying a business 

    30:54 Why it’s a good strategy to keep the previous owner on-side (it can get really messy if you don’t)

    33:30 How Jonathan helps business owners to acquire the right businesses to grow

    Here is what you will discover…

    • Why it is better to buy a £2.5m business for your first deal rather than a £250k business (as one of my Mastermind clients did)
    • How to quickly assess whether a deal is worth pursuing by asking 3 key questions
    • How to use the tactics of experienced M&A dealmakers to close your own acquisitions using none of your own funds
    • Why your mindset is the biggest obstacle to acquiring a business (regardless of whether you’re experienced in business or completely new to it)
    • The biggest mistakes made by first-time business buyers and how to avoid them (there are two that could prove fatal if you’re not ready)
    • How the owner of the business can be your best source of deal financing
    • How to fund your deal through the existing owner of a business
    • Why you don’t need to worry about your personal credit rating or need to have available funds to buy your first business
    • Why future dealmakers need to be ready ahead of January 2024 if they want to secure the best deals available
    • Why you need to discover the seller’s “real” motivation for selling (and it’s usually nothing to do with money)

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria at hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    The £2m business acquisition

    The £2m business acquisition

    I waited too long to get started… but then I bought a £2.5m business

    In this latest episode of Business Buying Strategies, we visit a Mastermind client, Carsten, at the £2.5m revenue tree surgery business he recently purchased.

    By his own admission, Carsten was a little slow getting out the blocks, as he previously believed he needed funds to acquire a business. He joined our FastTrack programme and saw other dealmakers buying profitable, established businesses with no money down.

    After joining Mastermind, Carsten followed our business buying system and took six months to buy his first business. In the episode, we go behind the scenes with Carsten to discover how the deal was put together and the reality of owning rather than operating a business.

    Here are the key highlights:

    00:00 – Why he chose to buy a £2.5m business as his first acquisition

    00:00 – What held Carsten back from getting started earlier

    00:00 – How Carsten runs the business in just a few hours each week from his home

    00:00 – How Mastermind helped Carsten learn what he needed to close his first deal

    00:00 – How Carsten took six months to complete the purchase

    00:00 – How he creates systems to conclude deals more efficiently

    00:00 – What Carsten is focusing on next

    Here is what you will discover…

    • Why buying a bigger business with a management team is always better than a small business 
    • How to avoid getting stuck in the day-to-day running of the business
    • How to avoid wasting time and money during the deal sourcing process by having a system in place
    • Why a network of experience dealmakers is essential to saving time and money on any business acquisition
    • Why you need to get started learning business buying now – even if you think it's too soon
    • How to avoid wasting time and money during the deal sourcing process by having a system in place
    • Why a network of experience dealmakers is essential to saving time and money on any business acquisition

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    SBA Loans and how they make business acquisitions easy

    SBA Loans and how they make business acquisitions easy

    Did you know there is a government-backed lending scheme in the US that allows you to borrow up to 100% of the cost of acquiring a business?

    In this episode of Business Buying Strategies, Jonathan talks to Ray Drew from Fund-Ex Solutions and an expert in SBA lending about the scheme and how it has become a useful way of buying a business without using any of your own money.

    During the interview, Jonathan and Ray discuss how SBA lending works, why it was set up by the government, the various options available and how to apply.

    If you’re a listener in the US and are not aware of this scheme, you need to listen to this episode. 

    Even if you’re not US-based, it is worth listening as Ray reveals why the trend of Baby Boomers retiring and selling their businesses presents one of the biggest opportunities in a generation for people looking to acquire a business. 

    Here are the key highlights:

    01:18 - How Ray became an expert in SBA loans and how the landscape has changed in the last few years

    01:54 - Why SBA lending was developed and how it is currently being used 

    02:52 - How SBA 7(a) funding works

    04:26 - How to apply for SBA funding 

    05:02 - Why business experience isn’t essential for a loan (and what other experience and factors will help)

    07:15 - What options are available for raising a deposit

    10:36 - The role of the seller during the process and how SBA lending benefits them

    13:30 - Key conditions around the loan terms and conditions you need to know

    17:40 - The importance of negotiating working capital for the acquired business

    21:24 - Applicant and business eligibility for secure borrowing

    25:52 - How to get Ray’s help when seeking an SBA loan

    Here is what you will discover…

    • Why SBA 7(a) programme is “like a Swiss Army knife” of lending for small businesses in the US
    • How the “Silver Tsunami” of retiring Baby Boomer business owners will create an incredible opportunity for business buyers in the next 12 months
    • Why business acquisitions now make up 80% of Ray’s funding activity (a huge increase on previous years)
    • How much loan-to-value you can expect using SBA funding and the maximum financing level available
    • Why the SBA programme has created an exciting opportunity to build wealth for individuals who traditionally would not have considered buying a business
    • How a buyer can access up to 100% deal financing by demonstrating strong sector experience or transferable skills
    • How buyers are protected through government-mandated interest rates (you never pay about a certain fixed interest rate for your lending)
    • Who is eligible for SBA 7(a) funding and what businesses are specifically excluded

    Notable quotes

    “The business plan is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s what you would call a full doc program, but the business plan doesn’t have to be too crazy because it’s for an existing business.”

    “We look for relevant experience. Most of all, we look for management experience. Experience managing people, managing a budget, managing a P&L, things like that are going to transfer over to just about any business.”

    “So a credible buyer for that type of business really has the potential to buy or pay up to $5 million for a business.”

    Episode links


    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria at hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Highlights from recent episodes

    Highlights from recent episodes

    In the latest episode of Business Buying Strategies, we hear from seven dealmakers who have successfully bought businesses without using any of their own money.

    Each dealmaker is a member of the Business Acquisition Mastermind and has bought at least one business. These are not distressed businesses, but profitable, established businesses that gave the buyer cash flow from Day 1.

    If you are still unsure whether ‘no money down’ deals really can be done, this highlights episode answers the question. 

    Here are the key highlights:

    01:05 - How Danny bought a manufacturing business for £900,000 without any of his own money by bringing in a property investor 

    09:10 - How James acquired a heritage family-run funeral director business by going undercover as a chauffeur to meet the owners

    18:35 - How Dan managed a challenging vendor to successfully complete his first eight-figure acquisition in the plant hire sector

    26:48 - How David bought three small companies, rolled them together and used efficiency of scale to create a highly profitable business

    32:20 - How Chris joined Mastermind and instantly acquired a competitor business

    36:46 - How Akram acquired a commercial cleaning business originally listed for £180,000 for just £25,000 using a negotiation technique taught in Dealmakers Academy

    43:12 - How Nick grew his printing business through acquisition rather than taking years to grow organically 

    Here is what you will discover…

    • Why you only need to be a few steps ahead to successfully negotiate with business owners
    • Why it is so difficult to start a new business today (and how buying a business takes years off your path to profit)
    • Why buying an established business with existing staff and client list is always the best idea for your first business acquisition
    • Why you should never put in an offer to the business (and what to do instead to get the best price possible)
    • How to deal with business owners who threaten to walk because they suddenly decide they want more money
    • Why you should never believe a vendor who says they’ve changed their mind (and why it always pays to keep the conversation going) 
    • How to use margin improvement to make your acquired businesses more profitable
    • Why you should always hire operational functions as soon as you can afford them (or even before) so you can focus on strategy and acquisitions
    • Why most businesses listed with brokers are already overpriced 
    • Why money is not always the No.1 motivation for buyers (and how to get a buyer to reveal their true reasons for selling) 
    • Why some business owners fall out of love with their business and are looking for a buyer to take the business from them (some are even willing to pay you to take their business)

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    Listen to the full episodes

    The highlights are edited from the full podcast episodes. To listen to any of the full episodes, use the links below from the featured dealmakers:

    251 - Daniel Beaumont - 100% Deal Finance


    234 - James Gardner - Buying A Funeral Care Business


    Ep 252 - Dan Bown – The Life Changing Deal 


    250 - David - 17 Acquisitions To £20 Million


    238 - Chris Stone - Buying A Business In Scotland, No Money Down!


    240 - Akram Abdullah - From Overworked Insurance Broker To Commercial Cleaning Business Owner


    243 - Nick Manuel - The Attitude, Outlook and Strategy For Effective Business Deals


    Connect with Jonathan Jay at:

    Website: https://www.thedealmakersacademy.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-jay-3556b230/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDealmakersAcademy

    35 business acquisitions in 3 years

    35 business acquisitions in 3 years

    In the latest episode of Business Buying Strategies, we speak with serial business buying entrepreneur Darren Jacobs who has bought 35 business in the last three years.

    Despite the rapid growth of his business, Darren does not spend any time working in the businesses he acquires. He leaves it to his management team, freeing him up to work on his growth strategy which is – buying more businesses.

    In this episode, he reveals why he first chose hair salons as a target for his acquisitions, how he closed so many deals so quickly and how his group head office operates to allow him the time and space to grow the business.

    Darren also reveals his future growth plans and why he has expanded the business through acquisition to include marketing and food.

    Here are the key highlights:

    01:24 – Darren explains his business buying journey so far

    02:20 – How a surprising offer to buy a coffee van led to Darren’s first catering acquisitions

    04:28 – How Darren’s IT background and attempts to grow his business have shaped his acquisition strategy

    05:21 – How Darren identified and sourced his first acquisition deal for a salon

    07:35 – Why hair salons became a target for Darren’s acquisition strategy

    11:45 – What motivates a salon owner to sell? (Hint: the answer isn’t always money…)

    18:36 – How Darren built his management team and how his group head office runs the business

    20:12 – Why Darren has started making acquisitions in a different sector

    23:46 – What does the future hold for Darren in 2024?

    31:05 – Darren answers common questions levelled at business buyers

    In this episode of Business Buying Strategies, you will discover…

    • How Darren used the (true) story of searching for a hair salon for his step daughter proved deal sourcing gold
    • What he learnt from the first acquisition for his step daughter that convinced him to forge ahead with building a hair salon group
    • Why understanding the buyer’s motivation for selling is key to a great deal
    • Why every deal except one were for businesses that were not listed for sale
    • How the group head office is set up to manage the 120+ staff across the group without any involvement from Darren
    • How Darren leveraged government funding to complete multiple “no money down”deals
    • Why Darren has broken the mould when buying smaller businesses, i.e. hair salons
    • How he is able to take months off and only needs to turn up at board meetings every month
    • The exact number of deal sourcing letters Darren sent out to generate 300 enquiries and complete 21 deals (this number will shock you)
    • How only two out of his 35 acquisition have required Darren to use his own money (it was just over £10k and he made it back within weeks of closing the deal) 
    • Why money is not the most important factor for many business owners who are motivated by others factors
    • Why Darren has acquired two marketing agencies and a printing firm to support the group
    • How he successfully saved £110,000 on a deal for a sandwich van business turning over £250,000/year
    • Why his experience in business acquisition allows Darren to ‘flex’ the rules 

    Memorable quotes from the episode

    “I've not met any business owner that is not optimistic about next year.”

    “The most powerful thing you can ever do in any negotiation is know that you can walk away and say no and mean it.”

    “When I look at a business, if it creates any kind of job or responsibility for me then I’m not interested, no matter how good the deal is.”

    ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! **

    If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk.

    Ready to get started?

    Here’s how you can start your business buying journey…

    Watch my FREE Dealmakers webinar training:


    Get a FREE copy of my book:


    Join the Business Acquisition FastTrack course


    Already bought a business?

    if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.