
    Café of Delights with Gale West - Conversations that Enlighten and Inspire

    Get ready to be inspired, delighted and filled with hope for a new reality! We are at the precipice of one of the most exciting evolutions in human history. On Café of Delights we will explore how to create a world where all can thrive, from science, to spirituality, culture, arts, cutting edge psychotherapies, new economies, and more! In a series of riveting interviews, you will have the opportunity to hear from those that are actively working at the edges of local, regional and global transformation! Join host and author of the book Money Come Dance with Me, Gale West, for conversations that enlighten and inspire!
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio24 Episodes

    Episodes (24)

    Working with Humans with Laura Crandall

    Working with Humans with Laura Crandall

    The forgotten and often missing ingredient in far too many workplaces is humanity.  What are the core tools that can help reconnect individuals with their own humanity at work?  Where can people start when they want to bring their "whole selves" to work? In this episode at the Café we will explore and answer these questions with Laura Crandall, the author of Working with Humans  - Tools You Didn't Know You Needed for Conversations You Never Expected to Have.

    Laura’s passion is to create environments that are safe and honor the dignity of each human being. So many people live and work in environments that are toxic, where people feel powerless to make changes. Laura’s book is a primer of sorts – it helps people rediscover a baseline of skills that are like a laundry booster for communication and behavior that work at home and in the workplace.


    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/GCHUenpnNpE


    Money As Love? with Ellena Lynn Lieberman

    Money As Love? with Ellena Lynn Lieberman

    If the world is an abundant place why do so many people struggle with money? Is money actually the root of all evil? Or could its true potential be Divine Source expressing as money?

    So much judgement, shame, fear and anger is projected on to money, keeping it hostage in an economic system/paradigm that serves few. It isn’t money’s fault. But, how to change?

    My guest, colleague and mentor in the Akashic Records Ellena Leiberman and I will explore how our relationship with love, boundarylessness, wealth and receiving intersects with flow…particularly financial flow.

    As we individually and collectively release our own judgement, shame, fear and anger around money we open the door to allow the abundant flow of divine love to permeate and create a new economic system where all can thrive. One that is generous and collaborative.

    Join us to begin the process of dancing with money in joy and delight

    In-vision: What do you really want?

    In-vision: What do you really want?

    In my experience every year, in the first two weeks of January the gym is filled with people vying for the workout machines. It’s frustrating.  But, I know that by February it’ll be back to business as usual.
    Why do 92% of all new year’s resolutions fail? Most of us create goals that are not necessarily what we want, but what we think we should want. We should be more motivated, thinner, more successful, more, more, more….
    But, what if trying to be more is a never ending strategy that only leads to needing to be more of something? The consistent outside messages of who we should be only leads to frustration and stress.
    What if looking outside was not the key? What if the keys to the kingdom of fulfillment and enough were available if you just knew how to access them? Desire is not a bad thing. It guides us to walk the path we came to walk. Creating a life worth living starts with listening to the  still inner voice, taking action, and opening your receiving channels receive all the good that life has to offer. You are already enough. What do you really want? What do you desire?
    In this episode of the Café we will explore the cycle of creation. Look at the barriers to creating and give you techniques to support you to truly thrive and create a life that makes your heart sing.

    Insights from the Akashic Records for 2024

    Insights from the Akashic Records for 2024

    Join me and my two fellow Akashic Records consultants, Mark Hurwich and Judith Costa at the Café. We’ll explore insights, wisdom and guidance from the Akashic Records for 2024.

    We are all experiencing the effects of the disruption and chaos that seems to increasing, both individually and collectively, in the world. So many feel fear and dread for the future. Is there meaning in this experience? What is ours to do? How do we hold the vision for the world we want and still honor those in pain and suffering?

    Judith, Mark, and I will be opening the Akashic Records of 2024 and of humanity to answer these questions and more.

    Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means boundless space. The Akashic Records is an information field that can be tapped through various methods, ours being through a prayer. Being able to access the Akashic Records is powerful access tool across time and space.

    Live at the Café: “Your Heart and Soul’s GPS… “ with Marty Lucas

    Live at the Café: “Your Heart and Soul’s GPS… “ with Marty Lucas

    Contrary to some traditions, desire is not a bad thing. It is a powerful motivating force if it is aligned with our heart and soul. It is our guidance system to be able to walk our divine path with joy and delight. Now, more than ever, it is essential that we allow ourself to be guided by our heart as we move into the new paradigm of the planet.

    At the café, Marty and I will be exploring the difference between heart and soul’s desire; accessing our essential self; why the frequency of the planet is rapidly changing and how that is impacting us individually and collectively. And much more…

    The Power of Intentional Gratitude with Deborah Hawkins

    The Power of Intentional Gratitude with Deborah Hawkins

    How would you like something that promised greater happiness, a stronger immune system, more blood flow to the brain,  greater well-being and more? Sounds too good to be true, huh?  Welcome to the power of a gratitude practice!

    I’m so excited to feature my friend and gratitude expert, Deb Hawkins, at the Café on Thanksgiving.  It’s the day we Americans, we supposedly come together to  give thanks for the blessings in our lives. (I know not everyone here is American) Beyond the turkey and pumpkin pie, there is a power in having a gratitude practice that is intentional and daily.

    Struggling with depression a number of years ago, Deb began a gratitude practice to help lift her out of what seemed like a black hole. While doing that she realized that each person has their own gratitude power buttons. These are qualities that have great meaning to you. For example, while taking Deb’s workshop, I realized that one of mine is beauty. By becoming aware that beauty is a power button, I can turn it on throughout my day. It totally shifts things for me.

    Deb will share her three secrets to creating a personal intentional gratitude practice, so you can begin to bring this incredible gift into your life right now.

    Join us at the Café of Delights Thanksgiving Day at 10am pacific, 1:00pm eastern.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Navigating Our Changing Times with Rev. Dr. Megan Wagner, PhD

    Navigating Our Changing Times with Rev. Dr. Megan Wagner, PhD

    Is the world going to hell in a hand basket or are we in the midst of a global paradigm shift? There have been many prophesies regarding the times we are living it. According to the Mayan calendar we are in a new era. Astrologically, we have moved to the Age of Aquarius. But what does all this mean? How do we navigate in the midst of the chaos, war, and violence that seems to be erupting with more force?  Is it indeed the end of an era and the beginning of something new?

    Join me and my guest, Megan Wagner, PhD as we explore the times we are living in from an astrological and shamanic perspective.  By bringing meaning and understanding  to our collective experience,  together we can shift from fear and paralysis to hope and action.

    Be the Change: Being an Instrument of Peace with Mandar Apte

    Be the Change: Being an Instrument of Peace with Mandar Apte

    At a time, when violence has escalated everywhere, inaction is no longer an option. We can no longer remain bystanders. It is imperative that each one of us gets actively involved towards creating safe and inclusive societies for our children and the future generations.

    Multiple vectors, including COVID-19, climate change, and systemic inequalities, have elevated levels of stress and anxiety in communities at unprecedented levels, thereby threatening the mental health & well-being of our society. There is an urgent need to reduce stress and improve mental health & well-being within our communities and organizations.

    As leaders, our decisions matter. It is even more important now, to manage our mental well-being so that we can make decisions with compassion, dignity, and grace. 

    Join us at the Café of Delights for a riveting conversation with Mandar Apte, the founder of the Be The Change program that builds the capacity of leaders and changemakers to actively promote peace and nonviolence in their communities and organizations. For listeners of this podcast, please access the module and use your 50% off discount code (valid till Dec 31, 2023)

    Be The Change

    Click Individual Viewing

    Enter code: TAKE50BTC (all funds raised to the cities4peace nonprofit work)

    Order a nice mango lassi when you watch!

    You will be inspired and enlivened by our time together.

    Cancer as a Turning Point: From Surviving to Thriving in Difficult Times with Brigitte Cutshall

    Cancer as a Turning Point: From Surviving to Thriving in Difficult Times with Brigitte Cutshall

    I was introduced to Brigitte Cutshall by my assistant, Tara Backes, who makes my life easy and does all the graphics for my show.  She thought Brigitte’s story would be inspiring and enlivening. And, I know you will too. 

    Brigitte knows what it means to go from a survivor to a thriver. Between beating cancer twice with an intentional approach to health, she found out she had a rare brain tumor. She is now a recognized expert in health and wellness, as well as an author who focuses and speaks on taking control of your health before it controls you. She is also a Solutions Consultant, Founder of Gemini Media and podcast host of Real Things Living. 

    You can check out a short Youtube video on Brigitte by clicking here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOSUZSGqYl4

    Hawaiian Wisdom for Healing and True Alignment with Joan Reid

    Hawaiian Wisdom for Healing and True Alignment with Joan Reid

    What is Hawaiian Wisdom? How is it relevant to our lives? Besides numerous other healing modalities, Joan Reid has studied with Hawaiian shamans for over 20 years. In this interview she shares her own journey of healing and how the wisdom she learned from her teachers has guided her life. She talked about the importance of living in harmony with nature can help us align with our true natures; how qualities of each element can be healing and aligning, when we understand how to work with them intentionally. Our intentions are our super powers! Join us at the Café of Delights to be inspired and delighted.

    Living A Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Filfillment in a Purpose Larger than Yourself with Lynne Twist

    Living A Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Filfillment  in a Purpose Larger than Yourself with Lynne Twist

    Lynne Twist is true example of living committed life.  In this riveting interview she shares why living a life of meaning and connecting to a power greater that ourselves is true freedom and fulfillment. Coming from a place of grounded optimism and possibility Lynne calls herself a pro-activist. What are we for? Instead of, what are we against? She invites us to recognize the urgency of this time and the importance of listening to how we are each being called, on behalf of both ourselves and the planet, so all can thrive.


    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/0R9AnzEslpo


    Money Come Dance with Me

    Money Come Dance with Me

    Money, Come Dance with Me, is a call to live in the joy and delight of dancing with Money as a loving guide and friend.

    Author, Gale West, invites the reader to consider that money’s pure potential is a dynamic, living, force field of love, connecting peoples, cultures and marketplaces. Unfortunately, few can experience money in this way, because it’s been imprisoned in an old paradigm of domination and greed. As result, money has been wounded as much as money has wounded us.


    Purchase the book here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MWX3TNJ 


    Watch here: https://youtu.be/ILWsZVA5F68


    Cracking your identity code — Finding your purpose and place in the world with Larry Ackerman

    Cracking your identity code — Finding your purpose and place in the world with Larry Ackerman

    Our identity is the sum total of our perception of ourselves: our beliefs, our stories, including both our personal and ancestral narratives. In other words, "Who do we think we are?" But how accurate is our self perception?  Often, not really. Our identity affects who we marry, how much money we make, where we live, what we allow in our lives, and much more. I'm so excited to have Larry Ackerman on the Cafe to share with us his ground breaking work on identity. You will be inspired and enlightened! Come join us. 


    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/3D--0btQEvI


    Land Whispering and the Power of Blessings with Dr. Patrick MacManaway

    Land Whispering and the Power of Blessings with Dr. Patrick MacManaway

    Are there land spirits and elementals? Can we communicate with them for healing and inspiration? Indigenous,  earth based cultures and Patrick Macmanaway say, Yes! From transforming  a dying city to a vibrant alive one, to bringing farm yields significantly higher, Patrick will share stories of how connecting to land spirits can bring powerful healing in many arenas. He will share why blessings is one of his power tools and how you can use blessings as one of your power tools, also.  Join us on the Café to be delighted and inspired to have a greater connection to the world around you. 


    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/kiZmxeIdMoU


    The Magic of Color with Patsy Sanders

    The Magic of Color with Patsy Sanders

    Color has a resonance that we often unconsciously respond to.  For example, blue represents healing, tranquility and trust for many cultures. That is why the American Express card is blue.

    We also have a resonance that is unique to us. What you wear reveals a lot about you, and it can either draw people in or push them away. Your unique being is aligned with an element, air, fire, water or earth, with a unique personality and color associated with that element. 

    When we wear colors that resonate with our essence there is a powerful inner alignment. That powerful inner alignment can almost feel magical, because when we are aligned with our essence there is a deep sense of confidence and connection that radiates out into the world.

    Dreaming a New World: Transforming the Death Economy to a Life Economy with John Perkins

    Dreaming a New World: Transforming the Death Economy to a Life Economy with John Perkins

    We’ve heard that our thoughts create our reality, but do our collective thoughts also create the world as we know it? Even though the chaos and discord, that feels like it’s on the rise, can  be overwhelming, can we  dream in the world we wish to see? How much power do we actually have? Is there hope for a world that works for all?


    Join me, your host, Gale West, as I explore these questions and more with my guest NYTimes bestselling author, shaman and former economic hit man, John Perkins.  

    The Infallible Path to True Greatness with Debra Poneman

    The Infallible Path to True Greatness with Debra Poneman

    Have our definitions of success changed? How has our current definition of success in the western world affected the planet? How do we align with our greatness to bring our gifts to the world in a way that is filled with joy and delight?

    These and other questions we will be exploring on the Café of Delights with my guest, Debra Poneman, of Yes, to Success. Come join us to be inspired, delighted and filled with hope for a new paradigm of humanity.




    The Neuroscience of Mindfulness with Due Quach

    The Neuroscience of Mindfulness with Due Quach

    My interview with Due Quack was a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit to rise above difficult circumstances and a passion to help and support others to do the same. She shared her story from her family’s harrowing escape from Viet Nam when she was six months old. To their life in poverty in a gang ridden area of Philadelphia, with gun shots and violence a daily occurrence.


    From her further traumatic experiences at Harvard, to her rise as an international consultant, and ultimately finding a way to heal through mindfulness and meditation, our conversation was inspiring and filled with hope. Join us on the Café of Delights to be enlightene

    In this Together: Winning the War on Poverty with Paul Born

    In this Together: Winning the War on Poverty with Paul Born

    Award winning social entrepreneur, Paul Born, is one of the most creative anti-poverty leaders of his generation. During his twenty years in the fight against poverty in Canada, poverty went from 16% to 8%. He will  share with us the insights for positive change that he gives to organizations and communities throughout the world. When we recognize the power of people working together across sectors around a common agenda, magic happens! Join us for this powerful interview. Be prepared to be enlightened,  inspired and filled with hope.


    Belief in the power of community is at the heart of Paul Born’s life and work. He brings the joy of belonging to all that he does. He has been called a “master practitioner” as he supports communities move beyond individualism and isolation and into a deepened process of relationship-building that results in whole community change.

    All the Parts of Us with Dick Schwartz & Internal Family Systems

    All the Parts of Us with Dick Schwartz & Internal Family Systems

    In this reviviting interview, Dr. Richard Schwartz, the creator of Internal Family Systems, shares how all of us have parts that are often stuck in time. Many of these parts are protecting other parts of us who have been hurt in some way. Yet, beyond the parts is an essential Self that is whole and complete. That Self has qualities such as compassion, creativity, curiosity and more. We also talked about the parts that are in the collective field, for example the collective trauma of countries and peoples and how we can individually and collectively heal. Join us for this amazing conversation with Dr. Schwartz. You will be inspired and enlightened.

    Watch https://www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/live_videos/