
    Calvary Bible Church

    Calvary Bible Church
    enAllan R. Lee3299 Episodes

    Episodes (3299)

    Forgiveness Part 2

    Forgiveness Part 2
    Today Pastor Elliott will complete his two sermon mini-series on forgiveness. This sermon is based on Ephesians 4:26-32 and it looks at three different types / levels of anger. We become angry when we refuse to forgive.


    This being the first Sunday of the month, Pastor Elliott resumes his preaching series on major Bible doctrines. Today the wonder of REDEMPTION is considered.


    This New Year's Eve sermon is based on Colossians 3:13 and it's titled Forgive. The how and why of forgiving everyone who has offended you, should help you to owe no person your forgiveness. A liberating way to enter 2024!
    Calvary Bible Church
    enDecember 31, 2023


    Today's Christmas word is "Incarnation". Three central New Testament passages are considered to help us to better know & appreciate the miracle of God becoming human flesh!


    Today Pastor Elliott returns to preaching a select doctrine (his first Sunday of the month, Lord's Supper pattern). This morning's doctrine being: Imputation. The tremendous grace of God which reckons a sinner's debt to Christ and which reckons Christ's righteousness to a believer.