
    Capitol Farm Connection

    Providing timely California political updates, meant for farmers, ranchers, dairymen and professionals in the food industry. Hosted by Agricultural Council of California.
    enAgricultural Council of California56 Episodes

    Episodes (56)

    Building Sites Reservoir: California's Next Major Water Project

    Building Sites Reservoir: California's Next Major Water Project

    Sites Project Authority Executive Director Jerry Brown (no relation to former Gov. Jerry Brown) discusses the timeline, funding, as well as water supply and environmental benefits of the reservoir project.  Listen as Ag Council President Emily Rooney poses pertinent questions about the off-river reservoir to be built north of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and how it fits into the larger picture of improving California’s water management system and restoring flexibility and reliability.

    Governor Announces Water Supply Strategy: In A Nutshell

    Governor Announces Water Supply Strategy:  In A Nutshell

    How does the Governor’s recently released water supply plan improve or impact the water supply for agriculture?  Emily and Tricia walk through the high-level provisions including streamlining the permit projects for major water infrastructure projects, creating internal strike teams to expedite the process for supply and conveyance projects and current and additional investments in these areas.  The team also highlights issues of concerns such as a future look at curtailments and water rights.  The Governor’s plan can be found here.

    Single-use Packaging Legislation Signed into Law in California

    Single-use Packaging Legislation Signed into Law in California

    Emily and Tricia dive deep into the comprehensive statewide packaging measure, SB 54 (Allen), signed into law in June by Governor Newsom.

    SB 54 is aims at reducing single-use plastic packaging in California.  It places responsibility for the cost of the regulation on producers of that packaging.  This bill impacts the food industry in many aspects and Emily and Tricia walk through several key provisions.

    Though there is an important exemption for on-farm packaging, the measure will be challenging for many companies operating at the first point of processing.

    Listen-in as the team discusses how SB 54 addresses issues such as food safety, an exemption for on-farm packaging, confidentiality of data, and other core provisions that are priorities for Ag Council members.

    Capitol Farm Connection Celebrates 50 Episodes

    Capitol Farm Connection Celebrates 50 Episodes

    As the Capitol Farm Connection podcast hits 50 episodes, Emily and Tricia discuss (anonymous) feedback from listeners selected from a recent podcast survey.  

    Ag Council is working to bring our members and friends the most informative and relevant podcast content possible, and your input is appreciated. Haven't taken the podcast survey? Click HERE for the quick survey.

    Thanks for your support and enjoy!

    State Water Board Fees: In a Nutshell

    State Water Board Fees: In a Nutshell

    Exorbitant fees at the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) are the focus of today’s In a Nutshell podcast.  Ag Council is leading a coalition to request financial relief from the General Fund in the state budget for the regulated community to respond to the out-of-control SWRCB fees that continue to increase on an annual basis.

    These funds would not be a total elimination of SWRCB fees for agriculture.  Instead, the dollars would partially reduce those fees and ensure those programs that benefit the public statewide, such as beach cleanup programs, are being paid for by General Fund dollars, rather than by those regulated by the SWRCB. Meanwhile, farmers would continue to pay for the operation of specific agricultural programs, such as the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program. 

    Member Spotlight: Dan Vincent, CEO of Pacific Coast Producers

    Member Spotlight: Dan Vincent, CEO of Pacific Coast Producers

    Join Emily as she interviews president and CEO Dan Vincent with Pacific Coast Producers (PCP) in the newest Capitol Farm Connection episode. 

    Dan discusses the success he helped shape at PCP as challenges arose in the tomato industry and throughout agriculture.  He also highlights well thought-out investment strategies to tackle some of the toughest obstacles, such as labor.

    Pacific Coast Producers is an agricultural cooperative owned by over 150 family farms in Central and Northern California.  The cooperative specializes in canning fruit and tomatoes for private label brands all over the globe.


    Improving the Buy American Provision in School Purchasing Programs

    Improving the Buy American Provision in School Purchasing Programs
    Legislation sponsored by Ag Council to strengthen Buy American policies for public school food purchases is under consideration in the State Legislature. Emily and Tricia explain the need for the bill, SB 1308, and the importance of setting a Buy American standard into state law. SB 1308 is authored by Senator Anna Caballero (D-Merced) and is supported by multiple agricultural organizations.

    Drought Update: Recent Developments in Sacramento

    Drought Update:  Recent Developments in Sacramento
    Emily and Tricia walk through the pertinent provisions of the Governor's recent drought Executive Order (EO) affecting agriculture in this podcast

    They cover new permit requirements in the groundwater section and the steps required under the EO to develop new wells or alter existing groundwater wells in areas subject to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and located in medium or high priority basins in California.  The team also covers legislation moving through the State Capitol that could impact the ability to get new wells in SGMA territories.

    To read a fact sheet about the EO developed by the Department of Water Resources, click here.

    Final Budget Outcomes for Ag & Water Programs

    Final Budget Outcomes for Ag & Water Programs

    Curious about the final funding levels for significant agriculture and water programs in the state budget?  Emily and Tricia cover state budget funding outcomes resulting from our 2021 advocacy work for programs, including: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) projects, canal repairs for improved water conveyance, FARMER Program, Healthy Soils Program, Alternatives to Agricultural Open Burning Incentive Program, pollinator habitat protection, dairy methane reduction projects and others. 

    Card Check Update: In a Nutshell

    Card Check Update:  In a Nutshell

    Ag labor legislation known as card check is the focus of Ag Council’s latest podcast.  Join Emily and Tricia for a quick episode as they walk through the outcome of ag labor legislation, AB 616 (Stone), this year and what’s next, given that a new measure is being circulated again on this topic.


    Ag Council appreciates Governor Newsom’s veto of AB 616 (Stone) in late September.  As reported in previous In the Know newsletters, the measure would have undermined the secret ballot for farmworkers when deciding union representation and eroded the supervisory role of the Ag Labor Relations Board.

    Capitol Farm Connection
    enOctober 27, 2021

    CA Farmland Trust: Protecting Working Farmlands

    CA Farmland Trust: Protecting Working Farmlands

    Join Charlotte Mitchell and Randy Fiorini as they discuss opportunities, challenges and other considerations when contemplating an agricultural easement.  Charlotte is the Executive Director of California Farmland Trust and discusses the process for securing an easement and requirements to obtain funding. Randy reflects on the thought process as a multigenerational family farmer.  Emily chats with Charlotte and Randy as they walk through the pressures of urbanization, what the Newsom Administration is considering in this space and land use activities at the local level.  To learn more about California Farmland Trust, feel free to visit their website at: https://www.cafarmtrust.org.  

    Thoughtful Leadership from the Valley: Meet Senator Melissa Hurtado

    Thoughtful Leadership from the Valley: Meet Senator Melissa Hurtado

    AB 616, water infrastructure, clean drinking water and food insecurity are among the issues discussed with Sen. Melissa Hurtado (D-Sanger) in this episode.  Representing State Senate District 14, including the cities of Hanford, Fresno & Porterville, Sen. Hurtado has prioritized water issues and the challenges of rural communities during her service in the State Legislature.  Listen in while Emily and Tricia ask about her district, critical issues and what motivated her to run for office.  To learn more about Sen. Hurtado, please visit: https://sd14.senate.ca.gov .




    AB 616: An effort to undermine the secret ballot process in union elections

    AB 616:  An effort to undermine the secret ballot process in union elections

    Emily and Tricia discuss the provisions in AB 616 (Stone), which undermines the existing secret ballot process for ag employees when determining union representation. They also discuss how you can help weigh-in with the measure pending consideration in the State Senate.  

    To send a message to your State Senator urging opposition to AB 616, click here.


    Zero Emission Vehicles: In a Nutshell

    Zero Emission Vehicles:  In a Nutshell

    During the height of the 2020 pandemic and wildfire season, Governor Newsom issued an Executive Order to phase out gasoline-powered cars, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and create an economy around Zero Emission Vehicles.  Learn about what this Executive Order means for agriculture as Emily and Dani break down the issues in this episode of Capitol Farm Connection.  The Executive Order can be found by clicking here.  

    Tackling the Issues: A Conversation with Secretary Crowfoot

    Tackling the Issues: A Conversation with Secretary Crowfoot

    Learn about the future of water storage, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), Voluntary Agreements and unimpaired flows and other land use decisions from the Secretary of California's Natural Resources Agency, Wade Crowfoot. Emily visits with the Secretary and they tackle many important issues at the nexus of agriculture and the environment. Secretary Crowfoot highlights the challenges and opportunities for agriculture within each of these programs as well.

    The Latest on Water, the State Water Board and State Budget

    The Latest on Water, the State Water Board and State Budget

    Learn how curtailments in the Upper Russian River watershed could impact farmers throughout the state.  Emily & Tricia discuss proposed curtailments and how the state budget could assist with numerous water projects important to agriculture.

    To participate in the hearing at the State Water Resources Control Board, please visit this link to view the agenda: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/board_info/agendas/2021/jun/06_15_21_agenda_links.pdf


    Assessing the Pandemic: Opportunities & Challenges for Agricultural Businesses

    Assessing the Pandemic:  Opportunities & Challenges for Agricultural Businesses

    Emily visits with K-deep Dhaliwal, a partner at Moss Adams LLP, which is one of Ag Council’s allied members. Emily and K-deep discuss how in the face of the global pandemic, agricultural companies are addressing obstacles, working to overcome massive uncertainty, and assessing what challenges remain on the horizon.  

    Emily and K-deep cover what steps successful companies are taking to weather the storm, the hurdles remaining in the agribusiness sector, and potential staffing options that could provide flexibility and attract agricultural business talent.

    K-deep leads the firm’s agribusiness practice for California.  K-deep advises clients in the food and ag industry and has over 15 years of experience.  He specializes in ag cooperatives, vertically integrated farming operations and institutional investor owned businesses.  K-deep is the past president of the National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives and currently serves on the board for the Far West Chapter.  For more information, please visit Moss Adams' website at: https://www.mossadams.com/home or contact K-deep at k-deep.dhaliwal@mossadams.com