
    Career Competitor

    Light the competitive fire within you to jump start or optimize your career with interviews and insight courtesy of host, Steve Mellor. Steve is a Performance Coach that has coached athletes to Olympic gold and executives to new career heights and is here to help you on your journey too.There is an optimal version of ourselves that might sometimes require a specific insight to spark the competitive fire within us to strive towards this version off ourselves. Guests range from Olympic and Super Bowl champions, to Fortune 500 executives and entrepreneurs, but the common theme across each episode is that of striving towards ones optimal self. This show will motivate you to make a career out of discovering the competitor within you so you can elevate your performance in ways you never have before.
    enSteve Mellor157 Episodes

    Episodes (157)

    Creating Your Own Success - Liam Patterson

    Creating Your Own Success - Liam Patterson

    Any competitor wanting to keep up with the competition must embrace the need for taking ownership of your journey.

    Liam Patterson joins the show to tell us about both his own story and the story of the company he co-founded and is the CEO of today - Bidnamic

    Liam's story is one of a working class mindset that fueled a curiosity towards opportunity and a willingness towards hard work. This tail of an entrepreneur is one that relates to all walks of life as you will learn about what it takes to simply make things happen for yourself. 

    Liam provides a range of insights, some of which include

    • Being ever-present so as to recognize opportunities around you
    • Building an awareness for the patterns within your industry 
    • The importance of adapting & evolving throughout your journey
    • Consistently recognizing when it is time to level up what you're doing

    You can learn all about Liam and the work he and the folks at Bidnamic are doing by heading to https://www.bidnamic.com 

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
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    Building Community Through Personal Investment - Hayden Clark

    Building Community Through Personal Investment - Hayden Clark

    It would be understandable to assume that a community or tribe can only be built through giving and serving others, but our guest today is living proof that it all starts with yourself. 

    We welcome Hayden Clark to the show who is the franchise owner of 2 IronTribe locations here in Baton Rouge and over the past 6 years has become one of the most successful locations in the United States.

    A tested example of the benefits that come when you demand the best of yourself in order to build something much bigger than yourself, Hayden shares his story of faith and how both God and his instincts have helped lead him to the established entrepreneur he is today. 

    Within our discussion Hayden provides impactful takeaways including

    • The impacts of taking ownership so as to not look back
    • Having a winning mindset beyond yourself
    • The importance of finding rhythm in your approach to success
    • How your support system can provide the knowledge you need to succeed

    You can learn more about the offerings Hayden and his team have by heading to http://irontribebatonrouge.com 

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    COACHES CORNER: When Quitting Is The Right Choice

    COACHES CORNER: When Quitting Is The Right Choice

    Welcome to a concise and impactful episode with Steve offering a coaching insight to assist you with your pursuit of optimal performance

    Steve presents a short 8-minute insight on why quitting can sometimes be the right choice, but, in order to know we are making the best decision possible, we must prioritize building a pivotal relationship!

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    Allowing Your Why To Drive Your Purpose

    Allowing Your Why To Drive Your Purpose

    Transitioning away from a life as a professional athlete is tough, but there is a freedom  on the other side of the transition when you are clear about your "why".

    On this episode we welcome Darry Beckwith to the show who founded the Darry Beckwith Foundation, a cause whose sole purpose is that of progressing the lives of student-athletes one step at a time by providing purpose beyond athletics.

    Donate to the Darry Beckwith Foundation here: https://donorbox.org/darry-beckwith-foundation

    Darry's story is one of being an elite football player both with LSU and in the NFL, before having his career cut short due to injury. He recognized a gap in the support system for former athletes like himself and he decided to be an advocate for doing something about it
    Darry serves kids throughout underserved communities by delivering key services in areas such as the importance of a well-rounded education, financial literacy, academic tutoring, while also providing after-school meals wherever and whenever possible.

    Within our discussion, key competitive insights we learn from Darry include

    • Investing in yourself so as to be able to better invest in others
    • Establishing and living by set principles that fuel your "why"
    • The freedom that comes understanding why it is time to transition
    • Why your purpose should be ever-evolving

    Darry is so clear about why he is  showing up to do what he does each day, and you can contribute to supporting his work by heading to https://donorbox.org/darry-beckwith-foundation to donate whatever you are able to towards this incredible cause.

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
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    COACHES CORNER: How Transitions Serve Your Growth

    COACHES CORNER: How Transitions Serve Your Growth

    Welcome to a concise and impactful episode with Steve offering a coaching insight to assist you with your pursuit of optimal performance

    Steve presents a short 8-minute insight on why a transition should be embraced, as it serves as an opportunity to change our circumstances in ways to fuel personal and professional growth.

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    Sprinting towards Fulfillment - Simon Severino

    Sprinting towards Fulfillment - Simon Severino

    Life is filled with short sprint after short sprint as we go from one item on our to-do list to the next. Growing a business is no different and can require greater planning, response times, and communication in order to capitalize on potential opportunities and growth. But the end goal in both life and business is that of fulfillment. 

    Our career competitor for this episode is Simon Severino, the CEO and founder to his consulting firm Strategy Sprints and the author of the book Strategy Sprints. During his time as a business owner, Simon has not only achieved his own financial freedom, but guided many other business owners to achieve the same thanks to his consulting services and implementation of "sprints". 

    Within this highly insightful discussion, Simon provides insight on some key areas that include

    • Why we must assess and train how we respond
    • How to position yourself to capitalize on opportunities
    • Why fulfillment is not a dream and an actual reality
    • The importance of giving your best in any given moment

    You can learn all about Simon, his company, and access the book by heading to https://www.strategysprints.com/ and by also reaching out and connecting with him on LinkedIn

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    Discovering Joy Through Honesty

    Discovering Joy Through Honesty

    Welcome to a concise and impactful episode with host, Steve Mellor offering a coaching insight to assist you with your pursuit of optimal performance. 

    Steve presents a short 7-minute insight on how joy can be found when pursuing honesty, providing we create a growth-minded environment for it to occur

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    Becoming Part of the Top 1% - Tiffany Cheng

    Becoming Part of the Top 1% - Tiffany Cheng

    Competing to reach the top 1% in your industry is an ambitious approach to your career, but one our guest today is all too familiar with

    Tiffany Cheng is the founder of  INSPIRE MY DAY where she serves as a career and leadership coach to those in middle management looking to climb the corporate ladder and reach the highest positions within their career

    Formerly the  Vice President of Communications at Volvo Group and Atlas Copco Group, Tiffany brings over 16 years of her own corporate career where she worked her way up to the highest levels, while coaching 100's of others to do the same. 

    Within the episode, Tiffany addresses a number of key insights including

    • Her 6 step process towards building the career you want
    • Reframing your outlook towards that of an elite competitor
    • Creating an awareness for what you do and don't control 
    • Knowing who you want to be and building the career that person wants

    You can learn all about Tiffany's 1% Academy and her services by heading to www.inspiremyday.org or connecting with her over LinkedIn

    Be sure to share this episode and tag us @coach_steve_m and @Career_Competitor on Instagram and leave us a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts

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    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    COACHES CORNER: A Rebuild Can Prevent Quitting

    COACHES CORNER: A Rebuild Can Prevent Quitting

    Welcome to a concise and impactful episode with Steve offering a coaching insight to assist you with your pursuit of optimal performance. 

    Steve presents a short 9-minute insight on the way you can approach the issue of quitting, and the impact that can be had when we implement a rebuild during moments of adversity. 

    Be sure to subscribe to the show and share this episode with those in your network that you know need to hear the message

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    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    Committing to True Genius - Jessica Yarbrough

    Committing to True Genius - Jessica Yarbrough

    To compete at the highest level of business, our guest today presents the reasons for knowing what you excel at , before making the  commitment to providing this "genius" you possess as your career. 

    Jessica Yarbrough joins Career Competitor and is a Business Strategist and Growth Expert where she offers clients the chance to  build a scalable, sustainable, and wildly profitable business. She does this through implementing ultra high end programs that allow the true genius of a coach or consultant to shine through. 

    Within our discussion, Jessica educates us on the power of both knowing your genius, as well as applying it to the work you do today. The interview also delivers key insight on:

    • The importance of implementing systems within your work
    • Why drilling down to  your genius will fuel your confidence 
    • Establishing and honoring your principles as person & professional
    • Creating the right "circle of influence" to empower your goals

    You can learn all about what Jessica offers by heading to https://jessicayarbrough.com and be sure to reach out and connect with Jessica on LinkedIn here as well 

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
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    COACHES CORNER: The Normalcy of Disengagement

    COACHES CORNER: The Normalcy of Disengagement

    Welcome in to a concise and impactful episode with Steve offering a coaching insight to assist you with your pursuit of optimal performance. 

    Steve presents a short 8-minute insight on the way you can approach the issue of becoming disengaged by reassessing how you can reengage with what you are truly capable of achieving. 

    Be sure to subscribe and share the show with friends and tag us on instagram @coach_steve_m and @career_competitor

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    Take Control of Your Career Fate - Marty Gilbert

    Take Control of Your Career Fate - Marty Gilbert

    What if there was a competitive advantage available to you in career opportunities that you simply haven't been implementing up to this point?

    On this episode we welcome Marty Gilbert, Founder and CEO of the NorthShore Executive Networking Group (NSENG) who has built the largest job search networking and coaching organization in the United States. 

    An expert in career development and educating professionals, Marty has a diverse career background himself that optimizes the impact he can have on so many across a wide variety of fields. 

    We learn from this illustrious career and competitive experience that Marty brings to the show through his insight on the following areas:

    • The keys to finding a job in a shorter period of time
    • How a "what the hell" approach can serve you
    • The necessity for a clear value proposition when representing yourself
    • Finding ways to stand out in the crowds

    You can learn much more about Marty and the work NSENG offers by going to www.NSENGinc.com or by reaching out to Marty on LinkedIn

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    Personally Brand Yourself for Success - Claire Bahn

    Personally Brand Yourself for Success - Claire Bahn

    Our Career Competitor today is Claire Bahn, the CEO and Founder of Claire Bahn Group, a strategic marketing, communications, and branding agency. For over ten years, she has been helping high-achieving CEOs, executives, investors, and founders maximize their authority and influence to accelerate business growth and gain the recognition they deserve.

    Within our discussion, we pinpoint competitive qualities and insights to establish a strong personal brand so you can stand out within the market. Furthermore, Claire sheds light on how she built her business and the qualities she used that speak to why it is she is doing what she is doing today.

    Key insights from the episode include

    • The importance of authenticity
    • The effect your energy has on others
    • Why you should seek constructive criticism
    • Why imperfect action is the best place to start

    You can learn more about Claire and her services at www.clairebahn.com 

    Please rate the show and subscribe on whatever platform you have chosen to listen on

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
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    Annual Chat with Steve & Pat

    Annual Chat with Steve & Pat

    On this episode I sit down with good friend and fellow entrepreneur, Pat Fellows for the 2nd Annual Chat with Steve & Pat as we catch up on some of the major themes and lessons both within and surrounding Steve’s first year of entrepreneurship. The pair dive into some major talking points and themes pertaining to business ownership, passion projects, and managing your best self at all times. 

    Looking to move towards optimal performance in 2023? Why not schedule a free consultation at Steve@careercompetitor.com to see how executive coaching could be the key to unlocking your potential!

    With Steve only having 12 months of entrepreneurial experience to his name and with Pat Fellows having over 2 decades to his, the pair offer a unique perspective on the many areas of business and career growth. Furthermore, they tackle some key topics including 

    • Pursuing fulfillment in the work towards the passion
    • Establishing what you need to have around you to succeed
    • How easy it is to question whether or not you are doing the right thing
    • The role of self-accountability and how best to implement it
    • Why success in all aspects of life starts with how you invest in you

    Learn more about Pat Fellows and FRESHJUNKIE at https://www.freshjunkie.com/ and be sure to share the episode within your network and tag us @career_competitor @coach_steve_m & @patrickfellows 

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    The Passion Drives the Work Ethic

    The Passion Drives the Work Ethic

    When you have a career driven competitor with a creative side, it would be easy to assume they would have to choose one part of themselves over the other. But if you are passionate about fulfilling both your career and your creative side, you find a way to do the work towards both. 

    Lawyer and Novelist, Andy Abramowitz joins Career Competitor to discuss his career as an attorney with 20+ years of experience in complex litigation, currently as Senior Counsel with Berger Montague, while also discussing his work over the past decade as a critically acclaimed author. 

    While pursuing an all-encompassing career in law it became clear to Andy that there was a creative side to him he knew he simply had to find a way to satisfy, despite knowing it would be hard work. But what you will come to learn through our discussion is that there are ways to approach and handle the work so as to learn what you can handle and how you can improve. 

    Andy and I cover key topics including:

    • Knowing the roadmap that you need to work towards a new skill or talent
    • Having an awareness of who you are surrounding yourself with
    • Listening to yourself in order to identify your limitations
    • Connecting enough to your passions so the hard work becomes easy

    You can find all of Andy's literary work by going to his author page on Amazon here and find his select work by using the following links:

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    Offering what is Required of You - Stuart Waddington

    Offering what is Required of You - Stuart Waddington

    To optimize the impact you can potentially have on those around you, it is vital to know what those people need from you.

    My guest on this episode is Stuart Waddington,  founder and director of STAR Development UK where he and his team are providing people, teams and organizations with PEAK EXPERIENCES and you can learn more about the company at www.stardevelopmentuk.com

    Stuart and Steve cover a lot of content on how best to serve others so that they can be equipped to have  optimal impact themselves as leaders. Key takeaways from the interview include 

    • Ensuring you have the right people in the room to be coached
    • The art form of facilitating others to best equip them to serve others
    • Listening to the needs of someone before trying to impact them
    • Why we should strive to identify what is required as opposed to assuming

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
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    The Competitive Advantage to Personal Investment - Michael Cohen

    The Competitive Advantage to Personal Investment - Michael Cohen

    To invest in personal and cultural development as an organization is to invest in creating a competitive advantage, and yet it still remains an under utilized approach for so many.

    On this episode we welcome Michael Cohen who is an expert in Employment Law, Training, and Human Resources in his work as a partner with the international law firm, Duane Morris in their employment, labor, benefits, and immigration practice group.

    A competitor in his own right, Michael ensures he is investing and pushing himself to expand his knowledge and performance abilities in order to best serve clients throughout the United States

    A highly sought after trainer and speaker, Michael brings to the show a wide variety of content, along with diverse perspectives, that support the need for the work he offers and how they can provide a competitive advantage to a company in their respective industry.

    Key insight that Michael offers in our discussion includes:

    • The abundance of opportunity organizations have to invest in personnel
    • The ability leaders have to treat employees fairly and not necessarily the same
    • How an approach of "relentless incrementalism" can deliver lasting results 
    • Why there is a competitive advantage to creating a "destination" to work

    You can learn more about Michael by heading to his LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelscohen12 and also the services offered by Duane Morris by heading to their website at https://www.duanemorris.com

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
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    Career Competitor
    enNovember 07, 2022

    The Slalom of Life - Joe Jacobi

    The Slalom of Life - Joe Jacobi

    A competitor can benefit greatly from recognizing the unpredictability of life is something we can either fight or give ourselves over to. Our guest today has spent his career and life learning how to respond to the twists and turns life throws at him by treating life through lessons he has learnt from the river. 

    1992 Olympic Gold medalist in canoe slalom, Joe Jacobi returns to the show to discuss his book, Slalom, in which he offer 6 River Classes About How to Confront Obstacles, Advance Amid Uncertainty, And Bring Focus To What Matters Most. 

    Steve and Joe have built a friendship since Joe originally joined the show in early 2019 and the familiarity the pair now have with one another comes through in the detailed and insightful discussion. 

    Within this episode you will hear powerful insight on topics including: 

    • Building the respect for life to respond accordingly 
    • Why correcting mistakes is something to be embraced
    • How humility and trust can be our greatest assets

    Learn more about Joe at JoeJacobi.com

    Interested in learning more about how Steve can impact you and your team as a coach? Be sure to reach out to him at steve@careercompetitor.com today to arrange a 30-minute free consultation. 

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
    Also be sure to give him and the show a follow on Instagram @careercompetitorpodcast

    Understanding Constraints in Order to Grow - Luke DePron

    Understanding Constraints in Order to Grow - Luke DePron

    Considering growth can sometimes seem intimidating as we anticipate the costs and potential demand that can come with it. 

    We welcome to the show Luke DePron who is an online weight loss coach for entrepreneurs and business people and helps clients establish the bandwidth they can thrive within in order to reach personal and professional goals. 

    Luke provides his Lean Body Method™ approach so his clients physiques, energy, and confidence match the success they have in business and in life. Furthermore, he strives to develop a self-accountability within clients so they can become the leader of their own health and wellness.

    Within our discussion, Luke brings attention to 

    • The role Benchmarks play when pursuing big goals
    • Why working within one's capacity can be the catalyst for optimal growth
    • How an Adjustment Mindset can sweep aside the anxieties that come with getting started
    • The power of establishing Habits that can provide opportunities for minimum standard check ins

    Head to Livegreatlifestyle.com to learn more about what Luke offers clients and how he can serve you and your business today

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
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    The Formula for Talent Development - Elena Agaragimova

    The Formula for Talent Development - Elena Agaragimova

    The world of talent acquisition has never been more competitive, so the need to invest in and develop the talent you have is even more of a priority now than ever before. 

    On this episode we welcome a competitior within the space of talent development in that of Elena Agaragimova, Head of Talent Acquisition & Development with Horizon Industries Ltd. and Chief Growth Officer with Bessern. 

    Eager to learn how you can work towards your optimal self and realize your potential? Reach out to Steve today to arrange your free 30-minute consultation at steve@careercompetitor.com

    Within the epiosde, Steve & Elena cover a number of topics on performance, self-development, culture, and relationships. Furthermore, Elena provides key insight on topics such as

    • The competitive nature of the present world of talent development
    • How the basics provide the foundation for optimal performance
    • Delivering value both in yourself and the relationships with others
    • How a comfortable workspace truly facilitates ideal work conditions

    You can learn more about Elena by reaching out and connecting with her over LinkedIn, going to her webstie at www.bessern.co and also by checking out her podcast, The Shift with Elena Agar at https://www.youtube.com/c/ElenaAgaragimova 

    Sign up for the monthly newsletter with Steve and Career Competitor by providing your details here - Request to become part of our community
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