
    Careers by Jenn Podcast: Get the Job, Love Your Work, Advance Your Career

    My name is Jenn Swanson and this is my NEWLY re-branded show called Careers by Jenn (formerly The Communication Diva Podcast.) I started podcasting as a hobby in 2012 on the broad topic of communication. At the time, I was teaching Human Relation Skills to college students in the healthcare field, and realized that what used to be "common sense" is not really all that common anymore, because communication skills are not intentionally taught much anymore. I didn't have enough class time to cover very much in depth, and so decided I needed a platform on which to expand what I wanted to share with people. So, Communication Diva was born. My early episodes are quite general, and then once I got to Episode 100 and beyond, I began to focus mainly on career, workplace, job search and self-improvement topics that help you to succeed in the workplace (and in life!) through great and more effective communication. Then, right after (and before and around) episode 150, I re-branded the name and that is why you will see Careers by Jenn title and artwork from 151 onward! It's been a journey and a progression. This show is sometimes just me, waxing eloquent...(haha!) and more often, I interview fascinating guests from all around the globe who offer tips and actionable ways you can get the job, love your work and advance your career. Sometimes we focus on self-growth and personal improvement, and other times we give you step-by-step advice to get something particular done. In any case, thanks for reading this very long description! I hope you find something that resonates here and invite you to join the conversation. (Come join our private Facebook group too, it's called The Careers by Jenn Community.)
    en-caJenn Swanson303 Episodes

    Episodes (303)

    262 CBJ- Purposeful Wandering with Nina Shoroplova

    262 CBJ- Purposeful Wandering with Nina Shoroplova

    Author, historian, editor and tree enthusiast Nina Shoroplova shares her wisdom and insight in this conversation about career paths that on the surface seem to wander. She also talks about her latest book about the beautiful trees of Vancouver's Stanley Park and all the ways in which a person could train for a career to work with trees.

    253 CBJ: The Top 5 Challenges People Face When Considering a Career Move with Michael Alan Tate

    253 CBJ: The Top 5 Challenges People Face When Considering a Career Move with Michael Alan Tate

    A career move is a tough thing to contemplate at any time, but how is it even more so now during this global Covid-19 pandemic? Join executive consultant and career coach Michael Alan Tate as he shares his strategy for making your career move plan successful at any time.

    252 CBJ: Tools to Help Sleep and Find Calm During Covid-19 with Ariel Garten

    252 CBJ: Tools to Help Sleep and Find Calm During Covid-19 with Ariel Garten

    Has the Covid-19 pandemic got you stressed out? Are you sleeping? Have you felt more anxious than usual? Are you struggling with working from home? Neuroscientist and founder of Muse, the Brain-Sensing Headband, Ariel Garten, joins Jenn in this tip-filled and practical episode meant to help you cope during this global crisis.