
    Cat Cafe Podcast

    This exciting podcast is just what you need if you are a proud cat owner. Dr. Susan Little, a famous cat veterinarian and Dr. Jolle Kirpensteijn, a gracious cat surgeon, host important guests and discuss topics that concern every feline and its owner. This podcast is published every other week and is approximately 20 minutes long.
    enJolle Kirpensteijn80 Episodes

    Episodes (80)

    Can cats infect people with plague?

    Can cats infect people with plague?
    Recent reports have highlighted a case of bubonic plague transmitted by a cat, underscoring the importance for cat owners to be aware of zoonotic diseases. Bubonic plague is spread through fleas, commonly found on rodents and pets like cats. Cat owners should prioritize flea prevention measures, regular veterinary check-ups, and avoiding contact with wild rodents. It's essential to monitor cats for symptoms and seek prompt veterinary care if any signs of illness arise, ensuring both feline and human health. Dr. Mike Lappin, returns to the podcast to explain.

    What is a cat semi-owner?

    What is a cat semi-owner?
    Cat semi-owners refer to individuals who have a relationship with a cat but don't have full ownership responsibilities. These individuals may care for a cat temporarily or occasionally, providing some care or companionship without being the primary or permanent caregiver. For instance, someone might frequently feed and spend time with a neighbor's cat, offer occasional pet sitting, or assist in caring for a friend or family member's cat without having the formal title of an owner. These semi-owners might not be responsible for all aspects of the cat's care, such as veterinary visits or major decisions, but they still play a role in the cat's life and well-being.

    Holiday dangers for your cat

    Holiday dangers for your cat
    The holiday season can bring about several dangers for cats:
    1. Tinsel and Ribbons: Cats are attracted to shiny, dangly objects like tinsel and ribbons, but if ingested, these can cause intestinal blockages.
    2. Holiday Plants: Some common holiday plants like poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe are toxic to cats if ingested.
    3. Candles and Flames: Curious cats might get too close to open flames from candles, risking burns or knocking them over.
    4. Gift Wrapping Materials: Similar to ribbons and tinsel, wrapping paper, tape, and strings can be harmful if swallowed.
    5. Festive Foods: Rich, fatty, or seasoned foods from holiday dinners can upset a cat's stomach or even be toxic (e.g., onions, chocolate, alcohol).
    6. Electrical Cords: Decorative lights and cords can be tempting for cats to chew on, leading to electric shock or injury.
    7. Visitors and Noise: Some cats might get stressed or anxious due to increased noise levels or the presence of unfamiliar guests.
    Keeping a close eye on cats during the holidays and adjusting to their environment can help mitigate these risks.

    Claws and Considerations: The Gift of a Feline Friend

    Claws and Considerations: The Gift of a Feline Friend
    Dr Susan and Dr. Jolle discuss giving cats as a present. Dr. Susan: "Giving a cat as a present seems heartwarming but requires careful consideration. Cats have unique needs and personalities, not just a gift item."Dr. Jolle: "Absolutely, Dr. Susan. It's crucial to ensure the recipient is ready for the responsibility. Proper introduction and commitment to the cat's lifelong care are essential."

    Do hybrid cats go virtual?

    Do hybrid cats go virtual?
    Dr. Susan and Dr. Jolle, famous cat veterinarians, discuss hybrid cats. What are hybrid cats, how do you make them, and what are the benefits and disadvantages? A hybrid cat is the result of breeding two different cat breeds (often a wild breed) to combine certain desirable traits from each breed. These hybrids can occur naturally or through intentional breeding. For example, the Bengal cat is a popular hybrid breed, resulting from crossing domestic cats with Asian leopard cats. Hybrid cats can exhibit a mix of physical characteristics and temperaments from both parent breeds, creating unique and sometimes sought-after traits in the resulting offspring.

    Does your cat have chronic pain?

    Does your cat have chronic pain?
    Dr. Duncan Lascelles, a famous veterinary surgeon and pain expert, and Dr. Margaret Gruen, a veterinary behaviorist, tackle chronic pain together at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine. What are the clinical signs of chronic pain in cats? Does their behavior change? Did you realize that 60-90 percent of cats between 6 months and 20 years have symptoms of degenerative joint disease? Of those cats, 45% have pain.

    Is there an alternative to surgery for spaying cats?

    Is there an alternative to surgery for spaying cats?
    Dr. Emmanuel Fontaine is a specialist in veterinary reproduction and talks with Dr. Susan and myself about if we can spay cats without doing surgery. At the end of the podcast we talk about the difference between ovariectomy (removing only the ovaries) and ovariohysterectomy (removing the ovaries and the uterus) in cats. What is more exciting than cat repro? Did you know that cats are inflatable?

    Nine lives are definitely not enough

    Nine lives are definitely not enough
    Dr. Kelly and Dr. Jolle discuss the new cat book, "nine lives are not enough, a practical guide to caring for a geriatric cat' with the author Dr. Mary Gardner. Mary is a veterinarian and expert in geriatric animals. Her new book is fantastic and we recommend all cat owners read it. It is a practical guide to changes that will happen when cats get older, and it is always so much fun to have Dr. Mary on the show.

    Summer Cat Bite 01 with Claire Bessant of International Cat Care

    Summer Cat Bite 01 with Claire Bessant of International Cat Care
    This summer we will have short Summer Cat Bites. These are 10-minute-long episodes that were taped in Rhodes Greece during the latest ISFM Congress. The first one hosts Claire Bessant, the leading voice behind International Cat Care where they believe in a world in which each cat’s life experience will be as good as it can be. They do this by providing cat owners, veterinary professionals and those that live and work with cats with the resources, support and advice they need to care better for their cats.