
    Center Point Assembly

    Center Point Assembly
    enMike Way916 Episodes

    Episodes (916)

    Philippians - Maturing to God's Standards - PDF

    Philippians - Maturing to God's Standards - PDF
    Sunday, March 10, 2024 – Today’s message titled, “Maturing to God’s Standards,” continues in the study of Philippians 3. Pastor Mike discusses the difference between growing old and growing in maturity. They are not the same thing. One can grow old and not be mature, both physically and spiritually. God is not impressed with how old one is the day they die, but He is concerned with their maturity level. Why is that? We have no control over our aging process, but we have total control over our maturing process. The apostle Paul speaks about how we are to “hold on’ and “press ahead,” and that is precisely what it takes for us to mature in Christ. If you’re a believer, think about the “first love” you had in your early days. You were on fire and passionate about the things of God. Compare that to where you are today. Are you burning as brightly today as you were then? If not, why not? Maturing in Christ is not a dimming of one’s passion but an intensification and a deepening of one’s love and zeal. Do you like to be challenged in your faith? Then worship and study with us…

    Philippians - Maturing to God's Standards - Audio

    Philippians - Maturing to God's Standards - Audio
    Sunday, March 10, 2024 – Today’s message titled, “Maturing to God’s Standards,” continues in the study of Philippians 3. Pastor Mike discusses the difference between growing old and growing in maturity. They are not the same thing. One can grow old and not be mature, both physically and spiritually. God is not impressed with how old one is the day they die, but He is concerned with their maturity level. Why is that? We have no control over our aging process, but we have total control over our maturing process. The apostle Paul speaks about how we are to “hold on’ and “press ahead,” and that is precisely what it takes for us to mature in Christ. If you’re a believer, think about the “first love” you had in your early days. You were on fire and passionate about the things of God. Compare that to where you are today. Are you burning as brightly today as you were then? If not, why not? Maturing in Christ is not a dimming of one’s passion but an intensification and a deepening of one’s love and zeal. Do you like to be challenged in your faith? Then worship and study with us…

    Philippians - Hold On and Press Ahead - PDF

    Philippians - Hold On and Press Ahead - PDF
    Sunday, March 3, 2024—We are continuing our study of Philippians 3, and the title of the message is “Hold On & Press Ahead.” Pastor Mike emphasizes Paul’s urging the church in Philippi to understand the importance of “holding on” to what Christ has taken us hold of: forgiveness of our sins, transformation into a new creation, and adoption into His heavenly family. In addition, Paul tells us to forget our past and press on to our future. What are we supposed to forget about, and what are we to remember? We must get this right because the enemy is out to destroy us, and if we don’t forget about the things that hold us captive to him, we will struggle to move forward. Worship and study with us as we learn of the goodness of God…

    Philippians - Hold On and Press Ahead - Audio

    Philippians - Hold On and Press Ahead - Audio
    Sunday, March 3, 2024—We are continuing our study of Philippians 3, and the title of the message is “Hold On & Press Ahead.” Pastor Mike emphasizes Paul’s urging the church in Philippi to understand the importance of “holding on” to what Christ has taken us hold of: forgiveness of our sins, transformation into a new creation, and adoption into His heavenly family. In addition, Paul tells us to forget our past and press on to our future. What are we supposed to forget about, and what are we to remember? We must get this right because the enemy is out to destroy us, and if we don’t forget about the things that hold us captive to him, we will struggle to move forward. Worship and study with us as we learn of the goodness of God…

    Philippians - Confidence in Relationship - Not Flesh - PDF

    Philippians - Confidence in Relationship - Not Flesh - PDF
    Sunday, February 18, 2024 – Today’s message is continuing in our study of Philippians. It’s titled “Confidence in Relationship – Not Flesh.” Paul is making it very clear to his readers in Philippi and to us that it’s not what we do in our fleshly efforts that gives us confidence in Christ; it’s in our relationship with Christ that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit living within us that provides us with confidence. If any person has the justification to trust in himself to gain this confidence, it would be Paul. Yet, he says he considers everything he’s done in his pursuit of religion as garbage in comparison to the experience that happened to him when Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus in a blinding light. It’s that instantaneous revelation knowledge of who Jesus is and the relationship that HE provides that is the reason for confidence. There’s so much more we discuss here that is essential to our faith. Worship and study with us…

    Philippians - Confidence in Relationship - Not Flesh - Audio

    Philippians - Confidence in Relationship - Not Flesh - Audio
    Sunday, February 18, 2024 – Today’s message is continuing in our study of Philippians. It’s titled “Confidence in Relationship – Not Flesh.” Paul is making it very clear to his readers in Philippi and to us that it’s not what we do in our fleshly efforts that gives us confidence in Christ; it’s in our relationship with Christ that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit living within us that provides us with confidence. If any person has the justification to trust in himself to gain this confidence, it would be Paul. Yet, he says he considers everything he’s done in his pursuit of religion as garbage in comparison to the experience that happened to him when Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus in a blinding light. It’s that instantaneous revelation knowledge of who Jesus is and the relationship that HE provides that is the reason for confidence. There’s so much more we discuss here that is essential to our faith. Worship and study with us…

    Philippians - Different Beginnings - Same Ending - Audio

    Philippians - Different Beginnings - Same Ending - Audio
    Sunday, February 11, 2024 - "It's not how one starts; it's how one finishes that counts." - have you ever heard that? Well, that's precisely the point of what we're talking about today. The title of the message is "Different Beginnings – Same Ending." We look at the lives of two men, Timothy and Epaphroditus. Their upbringings couldn't have been more different, yet God used them uniquely in His Kingdom. I have no idea what your back story is, but I can assure you that God knows, and He can take whatever you're willing to give Him, and He'll make it into something great in His kingdom IF you're willing to give it to Him. It might take some work and commitment, but it's up to you. Remember, "It's not how one starts; it's how one finishes." If that's true, we must also realize that one can "start great and finish poorly," right? So, this message is an encouragement and a warning at the same time for us to guard our hearts and minds so that we live well and finish strong…

    Philippians - Different Beginnings - Same Ending - PDF

    Philippians - Different Beginnings - Same Ending - PDF
    Sunday, February 11, 2024 - "It's not how one starts; it's how one finishes that counts." - have you ever heard that? Well, that's precisely the point of what we're talking about today. The title of the message is "Different Beginnings – Same Ending." We look at the lives of two men, Timothy and Epaphroditus. Their upbringings couldn't have been more different, yet God used them uniquely in His Kingdom. I have no idea what your back story is, but I can assure you that God knows, and He can take whatever you're willing to give Him, and He'll make it into something great in His kingdom IF you're willing to give it to Him. It might take some work and commitment, but it's up to you. Remember, "It's not how one starts; it's how one finishes." If that's true, we must also realize that one can "start great and finish poorly," right? So, this message is an encouragement and a warning at the same time for us to guard our hearts and minds so that we live well and finish strong…

    Philippians - Grumbling Prevents JOy - PDF

    Philippians - Grumbling Prevents JOy - PDF
    Sunday, February 4, 2024 – We're continuing our study in Philippians, and the message title is "Grumbling Prevents Joy." Remember, the overall theme of Paul's letter to this church is one of Joy as we learn to live a Godly life. Our text today says we are "To do everything, without grumbling and arguing, so that we can become blameless and pure. As we discuss this, there is a lot to uncover that will bring us Joy and make us stand out in a dark and twisted generation. We will be a much better version of ourselves when we understand one of the major things we must do "To become blameless – we must blame-less."

    Philippians - Grumbling Prevents JOy - Audio

    Philippians - Grumbling Prevents JOy - Audio
    Sunday, February 4, 2024 – We're continuing our study in Philippians, and the message title is "Grumbling Prevents Joy." Remember, the overall theme of Paul's letter to this church is one of Joy as we learn to live a Godly life. Our text today says we are "To do everything, without grumbling and arguing, so that we can become blameless and pure. As we discuss this, there is a lot to uncover that will bring us Joy and make us stand out in a dark and twisted generation. We will be a much better version of ourselves when we understand one of the major things we must do "To become blameless – we must blame-less."

    Philippians - Working out Salvation Through Fear & Trembling - Audio

    Philippians - Working out Salvation Through Fear & Trembling - Audio
    Sunday, January 28, 2024 – Today is about the joy of working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Yes, that's right – we are to work out our salvation. Maybe you're saying this isn't true because we're saved by Grace through faith – so what is there to work out? I'm glad you're asking that because this is what this message is about. We need to understand better Grace to grasp what it means to fear and tremble before God. Grace is more than God's undeserved favor – it's the power that goes with us throughout life, giving us the power to work out our salvation daily to the very end with the reverence and awe of fear and trembling – then comes eternal life. Worship and study with us to better understand the work of Grace and fear & trembling…

    Philippians - Working out Salvation Through Fear & Trembling - PDF

    Philippians - Working out Salvation Through Fear & Trembling - PDF
    Sunday, January 28, 2024 – Today is about the joy of working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Yes, that's right – we are to work out our salvation. Maybe you're saying this isn't true because we're saved by Grace through faith – so what is there to work out? I'm glad you're asking that because this is what this message is about. We need to understand better Grace to grasp what it means to fear and tremble before God. Grace is more than God's undeserved favor – it's the power that goes with us throughout life, giving us the power to work out our salvation daily to the very end with the reverence and awe of fear and trembling – then comes eternal life. Worship and study with us to better understand the work of Grace and fear & trembling…

    Life's Injustices - Audio

    Life's Injustices - Audio
    Sunday, January 21, 2024 – Pastor Ryp gives the message he titles “Life’s Injustices.” This is a must listen, because we all have said at one time or another, life’s not fair, right? And you’re right, life’s not fair. When that injustice occurred, the question is: What did you do about it? How did you handle it? Did you take it into your own hands to administer justice? Did you take revenge? Pastor Ryp gives us an excellent understanding of what happens from God’s perspective if we have. He goes on to share how we should have handled the past injustices so that when the future ones continue to come, we will be better prepared to handle them God’s way. If you want peace, live the way God would have you live. Worship and study with us as we discuss the injustice of life and the justice of God…

    Philippians - Unity is Impossible Without Humility - PDF

    Philippians - Unity is Impossible Without Humility - PDF
    Sunday, January 7, 2024 – The message is about Unity and Humility: "Unity is impossible without Humility." How does that make you feel? This may not be one of those titles that encourages you to listen to the message, but this is an important one to understand. If we can pursue Christ-like humility, we can then begin to achieve the unity that both Paul and Jesus pray for in Christ's body, which will set us apart from the world. This is a difficult challenge because humility and unity are contrary to our flesh, and this is not a message the world promotes. The world encourages independence and pridefulness, just the opposite of the example that Jesus sets for us in the text we're discussing this morning. In the end, God exalts Jesus to be the greatest of all because Jesus was willing to take on the humble nature of a servant in human form in order to create unity once again in the heavens by becoming the perfect sacrifice for the prideful sin of mankind. Worship and study with us as we are encouraged to be like Christ so that God will exalt us with Him as we follow Christ's example.

    Philippians - Unity is Impossible Without Humility - Audio

    Philippians - Unity is Impossible Without Humility - Audio
    Sunday, January 7, 2024 – The message is about Unity and Humility: "Unity is impossible without Humility." How does that make you feel? This may not be one of those titles that encourages you to listen to the message, but this is an important one to understand. If we can pursue Christ-like humility, we can then begin to achieve the unity that both Paul and Jesus pray for in Christ's body, which will set us apart from the world. This is a difficult challenge because humility and unity are contrary to our flesh, and this is not a message the world promotes. The world encourages independence and pridefulness, just the opposite of the example that Jesus sets for us in the text we're discussing this morning. In the end, God exalts Jesus to be the greatest of all because Jesus was willing to take on the humble nature of a servant in human form in order to create unity once again in the heavens by becoming the perfect sacrifice for the prideful sin of mankind. Worship and study with us as we are encouraged to be like Christ so that God will exalt us with Him as we follow Christ's example.

    Reflecting and Proflecting - PDF

    Reflecting and Proflecting - PDF
    Sunday, December 31, 2023 – New Year's Eve Sunday morning – the message title is "Reflecting and Proflecting." I know, I just made up a new word – Proflecting. What does it mean? When we 'reflect,' we look backward and think about the past, so it only makes sense then to 'proflect' would mean that we would look forward and think about the future. And that's what we're doing today, the last day of 2023. We are reflecting on the year behind and proflecting on the year ahead. There is much to learn as we study our text of Paul's writing to the church of Philippi in Philippians 3:13-14, "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." Our past can be a friend or a foe. There are things to learn from our past BEFORE we forget about it that can make our past our friend. And there are things in our past, if we don't deal with them properly, that make our past our foe. We will explain what that means. Then Paul tells us that moving forward into our future will take a determined commitment and will require a "straining and a pressing on" if we are going to end well. We will also talk about what that means. You're encouraged to worship and study with us and learn together what it means to forget what God forgets and press on toward the Heavenward goal.

    Reflecting and Proflecting - Audio

    Reflecting and Proflecting - Audio
    Sunday, December 31, 2023 – New Year's Eve Sunday morning – the message title is "Reflecting and Proflecting." I know, I just made up a new word – Proflecting. What does it mean? When we 'reflect,' we look backward and think about the past, so it only makes sense then to 'proflect' would mean that we would look forward and think about the future. And that's what we're doing today, the last day of 2023. We are reflecting on the year behind and proflecting on the year ahead. There is much to learn as we study our text of Paul's writing to the church of Philippi in Philippians 3:13-14, "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." Our past can be a friend or a foe. There are things to learn from our past BEFORE we forget about it that can make our past our friend. And there are things in our past, if we don't deal with them properly, that make our past our foe. We will explain what that means. Then Paul tells us that moving forward into our future will take a determined commitment and will require a "straining and a pressing on" if we are going to end well. We will also talk about what that means. You're encouraged to worship and study with us and learn together what it means to forget what God forgets and press on toward the Heavenward goal.

    Candles & Carols - Audio

    Candles & Carols - Audio
    Sunday, December 24, 2023 – Christmas Eve – Our annual “Candles & Carols” service. This is a service for enjoying and celebrating the Christmas season through a number of our favorite Christmas songs and a few specials. My wife Chris and I are so pleased to have our grandchildren, Joelle, Mykah, Caiden, and Ebbele Wells, share Christmas specials in addition to our worship team, Jackie Boog and Tom Eggers. Our oldest daughter, Sumer Wells, shares a poem she wrote titled “Behold the Word” as she challenges us to ponder the true meaning of the Christmas season. Pastor Mike brings two questions to consider. 1) What did Christmas cost Heaven? 2) If we could ask Jesus what He wanted for Christmas, what do you think He would say? Worship along with us as we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

    Philippians - Live as Citizens of Heaven - PDF

    Philippians - Live as Citizens of Heaven - PDF
    Sunday, December 10, 2023 – We continue studying Paul's book to the Philippian church. The title is "Live as Citizens of Heaven." Citizenship in America has become a big topic in our political world today, as it should be; to be a citizen is an important identity. One becomes a citizen of a country in one of two ways: 1. Birth or 2. Naturalized through a legal immigration process. Citizenship comes with many benefits, assuming one is a legal citizen. When one becomes a "naturalized citizen" or goes through a legal immigration process, their "Identity" changes. That identity change is essential for that person to become a productive member of that new country. Now, let's look at what it means to become a "Citizen of Heaven”. Heavenly Citizenship is the most important type. No one is born as a citizen of Heaven, instead, everyone is born as a citizen of this world. To become a Citizen of Heaven, there must be a legal immigration process, called Salvation. This is a huge change in identity. We know the condition of this world, and it isn't good; even though God created it perfectly, mankind has botched it up and has given control of it to Satan. Paul writes to the church in Philippi in our text that we "must live as citizens of Heaven." How do we become a citizen of Heaven, and what does it mean to live as one? That's what we're talking about today. Worship and study with us; I promise if we do what we discuss today, it will change your life.

    Philippians - Live as Citizens of Heaven - Audio

    Philippians - Live as Citizens of Heaven - Audio
    Sunday, December 10, 2023 – We continue studying Paul's book to the Philippian church. The title is "Live as Citizens of Heaven." Citizenship in America has become a big topic in our political world today, as it should be; to be a citizen is an important identity. One becomes a citizen of a country in one of two ways: 1. Birth or 2. Naturalized through a legal immigration process. Citizenship comes with many benefits, assuming one is a legal citizen. When one becomes a "naturalized citizen" or goes through a legal immigration process, their "Identity" changes. That identity change is essential for that person to become a productive member of that new country. Now, let's look at what it means to become a "Citizen of Heaven”. Heavenly Citizenship is the most important type. No one is born as a citizen of Heaven, instead, everyone is born as a citizen of this world. To become a Citizen of Heaven, there must be a legal immigration process, called Salvation. This is a huge change in identity. We know the condition of this world, and it isn't good; even though God created it perfectly, mankind has botched it up and has given control of it to Satan. Paul writes to the church in Philippi in our text that we "must live as citizens of Heaven." How do we become a citizen of Heaven, and what does it mean to live as one? That's what we're talking about today. Worship and study with us; I promise if we do what we discuss today, it will change your life.