
    Charisms for Catholics

    How effective would a company be where only about 5% of people knew their job description? Not very. And yet this is what we see in the Church right now - many people know they are a part of the Body of Christ but very few have a clear sense of what role they play - if they even realize they play a role at all. Charisms for Catholics helps you identify, value, and invest in where the Holy Spirit is moving in your life and to partner with Him to build the Church by embracing your specific role in the Body of Christ. Produced by Many Parts Ministries.
    enMany Parts Ministries63 Episodes

    Episodes (63)

    Ep. 23 - The Charism of Craftsmanship

    Ep. 23 - The Charism of Craftsmanship

    In this episode, we'll explore the broad nature of the charism of craftsmanship and how it can influence all creative abilities, even beyond one's native skill set. We'll hear from our guest, a speaker whose charism is expressed through painting and dance. They'll share their experience and insights, emphasizing the importance of art creation in our lives and the special role the Holy Spirit plays in empowering individuals to showcase God's goodness through their craftsmanship.But it's not all about perfection. We'll discuss the reality that failures or mistakes in our work do not invalidate our charism. We'll learn how surrendering to the Holy Spirit can help us fully receive grace and take our craftsmanship to new heights. And most importantly, we'll discover that craftsmanship is not just about having a skill, but about the impact it has in others' lives and in serving the larger church.Plus, we'll introduce you to the talented visual artist, Kate Capado, whose work reflects her deep connection with the Holy Spirit and brings people closer to the divine through her stunning paintings. We'll certainly be sharing more about her incredible talent.

    Learn more at Many Parts Ministries.

    Ep. 22 - The Charism of Celibacy

    Ep. 22 - The Charism of Celibacy

    Celibacy is a charism that has often been misunderstood and surrounded by rumors and misconceptions. Today, we aim to shed light on this gift and provide clarity on what it truly means and who it is for.We'll discuss how celibacy is not just limited to becoming a priest, but rather a way to show openness and fulfillment in a lifestyle dedicated to Christ. We'll explore the importance of knowing oneself, especially for young people under 25, and how understanding celibacy can play a vital role in vocational discernment.Joining us today is our special guest, Jill Simons, the executive director at Many Parts Ministries. Together, we'll delve into the various aspects of celibacy as a charism and its role in the Catholic faith. We'll hear personal stories, such as Jill's husband's journey through a discernment process that led him to realize his deep yearning for fatherhood instead of celibacy.We'll also address the misconceptions surrounding an online celibacy assessment and clarify how it should be used as a tool for exploration rather than a determinant of one's future vocational path. Plus, we'll touch on the connection between celibacy and Holy Orders, dispelling any confusion surrounding this spiritual gift.So, whether you are a young person discovering your vocation, someone considering a life of celibacy, or simply curious about this charism, this episode is for you. Get ready to explore the depths of celibacy in the Catholic tradition and uncover the unique calling it holds for those who embrace it.

    Learn more at Many Parts Ministries

    Ep. 21 - The Charism of Administration

    Ep. 21 - The Charism of Administration

    Have you ever found yourself excelling at planning, organizing, and executing tasks? Perhaps you feel a natural inclination towards the nuts and bolts of making things happen. Well, today we're going to explore whether this inclination could be more than just a talent - it could be a charism, a supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to build up the Church.Join me as we unravel the complexities of discerning the charism of administration. We'll discuss the importance of bringing intentionality to the Holy Spirit, creating a fertile ground for receiving grace. We'll also address the concerns of those who question whether administration is a formal charism and explore the various ways this charism can manifest in our lives.Our guest today is none other than Jill Simons, the executive director at Many Parts Ministries. With her expertise in helping individuals discern their charisms, she sheds light on the nuances of administration and how it can be a powerful tool for growing the Church.So if you've ever wondered if there is more to your administrative skills, whether you have evidence of supernatural fruit or not, this episode is for you. Stay tuned as we explore the supernatural potential of administration and open ourselves to the transformative work of the Holy Spirit.

    Learn more at Many Parts Ministries.

    Charisms for Catholics
    enAugust 06, 2023

    Ep. 20 The Three Types of People Taking the Assessment

    Ep. 20 The Three Types of People Taking the Assessment

    In this episode, we'll explore how the results of being baptized determine where a person's nature is geared towards within the gifts they could receive. We'll also discuss the importance of embracing and testing the grace we receive, as well as the level of supernatural effects we experience based on our nature and lifestyle. Join me, Jill Simons, executive director at Many Parts Ministries, as we explore how discerning our charisms can help us see how the Holy Spirit is active in our lives and where we can contribute to building the Church. We'll be discussing each of the 24 charisms in detail, aiming to release two episodes per week to complete the project in three months. But that's not all! In the spring, we'll have another series focused on individual charisms and the inspiring stories of saints who exemplify them. So, get ready for a journey of discovery and possibility as we unlock the potential of our charisms. Let's approach spiritual matters with an open mindset and a willingness to submit to God. Because when we embrace the unknown and cooperate with the challenges He presents, amazing things can happen. Remember, true freedom comes from using our charisms with courage and going on an adventure with the Holy Spirit. Let's not settle for comfort or self-defeat, but instead, let's embrace the supernatural and tap into the extraordinary.

    Learn more at Many Parts Ministries.

    Charisms for Catholics
    enAugust 03, 2023

    Ep. 19- Personal Spiritual Growth and Charisms

    Ep. 19- Personal Spiritual Growth and Charisms

    In this episode, we dive into the personal benefits of using our charisms, those unique gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit. Just like how each member of a family has different chores, God has given us specific gifts for the upbuilding of the church. But these charisms aren't just for others; they also have the power to transform our own lives. We'll explore how using our charisms deepens our relationship with God, builds our trust in Him, and provides a crucial foundation for our personal story of faith. Plus, we have some exciting resources for you, including a free PDF guide to all 24 charisms, a charism assessment on our website, and details about our virtual retreat on "Trusting God from a Place of Safety." Get ready to discover the power of your spiritual gifts. 

    Learn more at Many Parts Ministries.

    Charisms for Catholics
    enJuly 27, 2023

    Ep 18 - How Many Charisms Do I Have?

    Ep 18 - How Many Charisms Do I Have?

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, we explore the fascinating topic of how many charisms each person has. We learn that the number of charisms can vary from individual to individual, but all baptized Catholics have at least one charism. In fact, most people have around three charisms, and intentionally pursuing a relationship with Jesus can result in receiving even more charisms. We also discover that sacraments are not necessary for receiving new charisms. The Holy Spirit can give additional graces whenever desired. To delve deeper into this topic, we discuss an assessment tool that helps to identify one's charisms, providing verses for further exploration. However, it is important to note that this assessment is not a definitive answer but rather a starting point for discernment. Throughout the episode, we learn that people who have invested heavily in their spiritual lives may have more active charisms. In fact, we come across an exceptional case of one person who has twelve charisms. High scores on the assessment may indicate the potential for more charisms, but troubleshooting and examining one's spiritual life can help determine their validity.

    Learn more about charisms and charism discernment at https://manypartsministries.com.


    Ep 17 - The Most Dangerous Charism Mistake

    Ep 17 - The Most Dangerous Charism Mistake

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, Jill enlightens us about the importance of discerning our spiritual gifts, also known as charisms, and how they reveal the Holy Spirit's work in our lives and our role in building the church. The episode begins by highlighting the biggest pitfall in using charisms - the tendency to use them as a means to prove oneself or earn something. Jill emphasizes the significance of confession in returning to a state of grace and addresses the struggles of individuals dealing with scrupulosity, who may feel unworthy of grace.


    Learn more about charisms and charism discernment at https://manypartsministries.com.


    Ep 16 - Can You Get Paid to Use Your Charisms?

    Ep 16 - Can You Get Paid to Use Your Charisms?

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, we dive into the intriguing question of whether or not you can get paid to use your charisms. Our host explores the belief that charisms are not limited to just the church, but can be effectively utilized in secular roles as well. We discuss the impact of leadership and other charisms in the workplace and how charism discernment can help individuals make career decisions.

    Learn more about charisms and charism discernment at https://manypartsministries.com.


    Ep 15 - How Can You Stay Open to New Charisms?

    Ep 15 - How Can You Stay Open to New Charisms?

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, we explore the topic of openness to new charisms. We delve into the idea that there is a new rule in the game that allows for the opportunity to receive more when we invest well in what we have already received. Being open to new charisms is crucial in receiving them well and leading with the gifts that God has given us. We discuss the importance of regularly revisiting and reassessing our charisms, as new ones may emerge over time. We explore the delicate balance between limiting our roles and remaining open to new opportunities. We also address the discomfort that can come with remaining in a state of receptivity.


    Learn more about charisms and charism discernment at https://manypartsministries.com.


    Ep 14 - Do You Know What You Bring Into a Room?

    Ep 14 - Do You Know What You Bring Into a Room?

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, we explore what it means to know what you bring into the room.

    The focus is on charisms, or spiritual gifts, that help people discern how the Holy Spirit is active in their lives, and how they can build the church using their gifts.

    Listeners will hear stories of nurses who discovered their charisms through a discernment process, how using their gifts can impact not only their lives but also those around them. The episode also explores how knowing your charisms eliminates the potential frustration and comparison that comes from wishing to have different gifts. In the end, this episode encourages listeners to use their charisms intentionally and to ask God for help in using them more often.

    For more resources for Charism Discernment, visit https://manypartsministries.com 

    Charisms for Catholics
    enJune 25, 2023

    Ep 13 - Charisms for Couples (our free date night guide is HERE!)

    Ep 13 - Charisms for Couples (our free date night guide is HERE!)

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, host Jill Simons welcomes listeners to learn more about charisms and embark on their own discernment journey.

    You can download the date night guide to Charisms for Couples for free right here: https://manypartsministries.com/free-charism-date-night-guide-for-couples/ 

    Jill is the Executive Director at Many Parts Ministries, an organization dedicated to equipping people with knowledge about their spiritual gifts. Jill emphasizes that charisms are essential in seeing the Holy Spirit's work in our lives and how we can build the church. In this episode, Jill discusses how charism discernment can work in marriages, allowing couples to bring the Holy Spirit into their relationship, and work together to fulfill their vocation of supporting each other's spiritual growth. She advises couples to go through a charism assessment and trade lists with their partner. Jill also shares how specific stories can help in the decision making process. 

    Ep 12 - Father's Day: Celebrating Charisms in Biological and Spiritual Fathers

    Ep 12 - Father's Day: Celebrating Charisms in Biological and Spiritual Fathers

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, Jill Simons talks about "Charisms + Fatherhood," released on Father's Day. The podcast discusses spiritual gifts called Charisms that help people discern the Holy Spirit's activity in their lives. Jill speaks about how the Holy Spirit moves differently in all men and how it's important to understand and value that, also drawing attention to the importance of identifying what the Holy Spirit is doing is important to value it. Men are called to emulate Christ through extravagant self-sacrifice, and Father's Day celebrates the aspect of Christ in spiritual and biological fathers.

    Jill suggests ideas for leading in fatherhood from a place of one's Charisms and putting the Holy Spirit first. The episode also touches on areas of fatherhood where there has been wounding and hurt, and reminds men not to interact with shame but to have a conversation with the Holy Spirit on how to show up differently in similar situations and what gifts to lean on for encouragement. The podcast emphasizes that fathers should stay curious about how they can decrease and let God increase, which will enrich and ripen the fruit of their fatherhood and bring greater freedom. 

    Learn more about charisms and charism discernment at https://manypartsministries.com.

    Ep 11 - Can You Ask for Charisms?

    Ep 11 - Can You Ask for Charisms?

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, we delve into the importance of asking God for spiritual gifts or charisms. Jill Simons, executive director of Many Parts Ministries, inspires listeners to imagine God as a good father who yearns to bless his children. But even if we face difficult relationships with our earthly fathers, we can rest assured that God is the epitome of fatherhood. Simons shares that, although receiving a charism is not guaranteed, the act of asking can strengthen our bond with God.

    Plus, building our spiritual gifts can help us serve and contribute to the growth of the church. Listen in as we discuss the crucial role of discerning our charisms and recognizing the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. 

    For more resources, visit https://manypartsministries.com

    Ep 10 - Charisms and Competition

    Ep 10 - Charisms and Competition

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, podcast host Jill Simons talks about the topic of competition, charisms, and the Church. She emphasizes that every person has been given unique gifts by God to serve the Church, and how the devil tries to keep people from using them.

    Listeners are encouraged to prepare themselves spiritually to combat the devil's lies with "D batteries" of spiritual preparation. Simons goes on to challenge the toxic scarcity mindset with an abundance mindset, as God is a God of abundance. Simons also emphasizes the importance of discerning our charisms, as it helps us understand how the Holy Spirit is already active in our lives and where we can further build the Church.

    For more about how to discern YOUR charisms, visit https://manypartsministries.com


    Ep 9 - Can You Trust God to be Clear with Your Charisms?

    Ep 9 - Can You Trust God to be Clear with Your Charisms?

    Jill explains how knowing our charisms makes it easier to be intentional in our relationship with God, and how having touch points where we can confidently connect with God helps to deepen our spiritual connection and recognize His presence in our lives. Listen to this insightful episode to learn more about Jill's experience and to engage in conversation with God to understand His will for your life.

    Visit https://manypartsministries.com to access a free PDF guide on all 24 charisms and start your discernment journey today.

    Ep 8 - How Do You Discern Your Charisms

    Ep 8 - How Do You Discern Your Charisms

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, host Jill Simons, the executive director at Many Parts Ministries, discusses the significance of spiritual gifts and the importance of discerning them. Through the lens of the parable of talents, Jill highlights the benefits of discovering one's charisms and the impact it can have on an individual's ability to serve the church effectively. Tune in to learn more about the gifts God has given you and how you can use them to build up the church.

    Learn more about Many Parts Ministries at https://manypartsministries.com 

    Ep 7 - What the Church Can Learn from Gangs

    Ep 7 - What the Church Can Learn from Gangs

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics Jill Simons explains how the Church needs to embrace a sense of belonging, purpose, and adventure to attract young people and fulfill the needs of all members. She believes that finding one's charisms is a way to develop a unique purpose within the body of Christ.

    To help people on this discernment journey, Many Parts Ministries offers a free PDF guide and a Charism assessment on their website. Check it all out at https://manypartsministries.com. Simons also invites listeners to share their own experiences of the Church that embody a sense of belonging, purpose, and adventure. Tune in to learn more about charisms and how they can help you develop your unique purpose in the Church.

    Ep 6 - Pentecost Special! The Before and After with Peter

    Ep 6 - Pentecost Special! The Before and After with Peter

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, we will be discussing the before and after effects of the Holy Spirit on the apostles through the story of Peter. Jill highlights the transformation Peter underwent after denying Jesus and how he later ministered to his brokenness at a charcoal fire. She then delves into the fear the apostles felt following the Ascension and how the Holy Spirit at Pentecost empowered them to go out and spread the word of God. Tune in to this enlightening episode to learn more about the Holy Spirit's transformative power in our lives.

    Jill Simons is the Executive Director at Many Parts Ministries. This ministry helps people discern their spiritual gifts or charisms and understand how they can use them to build the church. Check it out at https://manypartsministries.com/ 

    Ep 5 - What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church say about charisms?

    Ep 5 - What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church say about charisms?

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, Jill explains what the Catholic catechism says about charisms.

    Charisms are gifts of the Holy Spirit that benefit the Church directly or indirectly, ordered for building up the Church and serving the world's needs. They are accepted with gratitude and must be used in conformity with authentic promptings of the same Spirit and keeping with charity.

    Discernment of charisms is necessary, but fear of being wrong should not prevent one from using them. Trusting the Holy Spirit and using charisms confidently can lead to apostolic vitality and holiness.

    Simons, the Executive Director of Many Parts Ministries, also talks about the charism assessment tool used to identify an individual's unique gifts and talents, which can help them discover their strengths and areas for improvement. You can access it at https://manypartsministries.com

    Don't miss this episode of Charisms for Catholics, part of Many Parts Ministries' mission to help people discern their spiritual gifts and talents.

    Ep 4 - What is the difference between Fruit of the Spirit and Charisms?

    Ep 4 - What is the difference between Fruit of the Spirit and Charisms?

    On this episode of Charisms for Catholics, we explore the connection between the fruit of the Holy Spirit and charisms.

    We discuss the importance of both general gifts and individual charisms with an emphasis on the fruits of the Holy Spirit being the end product of our relationship with the Holy Spirit.

    Jill shares her insights on how to identify our charisms to help us discover where the Holy Spirit is active in our life through the manifestation of fruit. We also hear stories about how integrating our charisms can help advance our spiritual journey, cultivate a deeper relationship with God, and even lead to a new spiritual awakening.

    To learn more about your own charisms, take the Charism Assessment on our website at https://manypartsministries.com 

    Join us as we explore the diversity of gifts and charisms and their important roles in building the church and advancing our spiritual journey.