
    Chief Complaint Podcast

    Welcome to the Chief Complaint podcast, a show about all things nursing. Join nursing student Zach and experienced RN LJ as they give you the low down on patient care, nursing practice, and professional issues. Tune in each week on Friday for new episodes! If you have a question you'd like us to answer on the air, or just want to get in touch, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com or tweet at us @ChiefPod. Talk to you soon and, as always, be sure to take care of yourselves, and take care of somebody else.
    enZach Sielaff70 Episodes

    Episodes (70)

    Chief Complaint Episode 43 - COVID-19 Part 2, MD's father with COVID-19

    Chief Complaint Episode 43 - COVID-19 Part 2, MD's father with COVID-19
    Episode 43 is here, and it's our one year podcasting anniversary! Today LJ and Zach celebrate one year of Chief Complaint by finishing off their discussion of COVID-19, and talking about an article on the KevinMD blog by Desiree La Charite about the experience of having to watch her father suffer from COVID-19, without being able to be there with him. If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    MD's father with COVID-19: https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2020/03/covid-19-time-is-the-one-thing-we-can-never-get-back.html

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson

    Chief Complaint Episode 42 - COVID-19, Part 1

    Chief Complaint Episode 42 - COVID-19, Part 1
    Episode 42 is finally here! LJ and Zach are back on to talk about COVID-19 and how it's impacting our healthcare system. It's a wide-ranging discussion that is not over yet, but will be continued in part 2. So please, if you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    KLAS ATIS clip from LiveATC.net

    Chief Complaint Episode 41 - ZdoggMD on Epic, Alcohol-related disease increasing, SVT in children

    Chief Complaint Episode 41 - ZdoggMD on Epic, Alcohol-related disease increasing, SVT in children
    Episode 41 is here! Zach and LJ get together to talk about another ZDoggMD rant, this time regarding the Epic EHR system, then they cover an article from US News and World Report about the increasing prevalence of liver disease in young people, and finally they talk about SVT in children. Chief Complaint will be off next week for spring break, we'll see you in two weeks time! If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    ZDoggMD on Epic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoQs162YwWY
    USNews on alcohol related disease: https://www.usnews.com/news/healthiest-communities/articles/2020-02-25/alcohol-is-killing-younger-adults-at-an-increasing-rate

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Episode 40 - Bipolar vs Schizophrenia, Nurses as hotel staff, Peer errors

    Chief Complaint Episode 40 - Bipolar vs Schizophrenia, Nurses as hotel staff, Peer errors
    Episode 40 is here! Thanks for joining us after our week away, LJ is on the mend and she and Zach get together this week to talk about bipolar disorder vs schizophrenia, a KevinMD article about nurses being treated like hotel workers, and finally what to do when you think a colleague is not meeting the standard of care. If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    Nurses as hotel workers: https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2020/01/nurses-are-sick-of-being-treated-like-hotel-workers.html

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Episode 39 - CPR by default, Tamiflu no good?, Whiteboards

    Chief Complaint Episode 39 - CPR by default, Tamiflu no good?, Whiteboards
    Episode 39 is here! Today Zach and LJ discuss whether we should always be doing CPR in the very elderly, then they talk about a new Tamiflu study and if this drug is really valuable, and finally they take on the patient room Whiteboard. If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    CPR, By Default: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/31/health/cpr-elderly.html
    Tamiflu: https://first10em.com/tamiflu-doesnt-work/
    Whiteboards: https://www.journalofhospitalmedicine.com/jhospmed/article/127377/patient-whiteboards-hospital-setting

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Episode 38 - Moving floors, Are physicians allowed to be human?, News roundup

    Chief Complaint Episode 38 - Moving floors, Are physicians allowed to be human?, News roundup
    Episode 38 is here! Today LJ and Zach are joined by guest host Rachel, and RN who has made the move from a general medicine floor to hem/onc. Find out what that change has been like for her and what she'd recommend to people going through the same. Then they talk about an article on KevinMD called "Are physicians allowed to be human?", and finally it's another news roundup. If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    KevinMD: https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2020/01/are-physicians-allowed-to-be-human.html
    T-Cell: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/immune-cell-which-kills-most-cancers-discovered-by-accident-by-british-scientists-in-major-breakthrough/ar-BBZ9jk4?fbclid=IwAR1sLQJolUDo8BhlTQcmei8VIm_wIXCVh7aheCUN7YrCs6fQeoybVvCQ29g
    Nurses on strike: https://komonews.com/news/local/7800-swedish-nurses-staff-kick-off-3-day-strike
    EHR kickback: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/924533

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Episode 37 - Myxedema Coma, Coronavirus Outbreak, News Roundup

    Chief Complaint Episode 37 - Myxedema Coma, Coronavirus Outbreak, News Roundup
    Episode 37 is here! LJ and Zach dive into some varied topics today, first talking about myxedema coma, then the coronavirus outbreak in China, and finally another news roundup in which they answer the all important question, should you be allowed to bring a turkey on an airplane? If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    Coronavirus: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/24/world/asia/china-coronavirus.html
    Paraguayan President: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/924060
    Airline Support Animals: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-airlines-pets/no-turkeys-no-possums-us-to-let-airlines-limit-service-animals-on-planes-to-trained-dogs-idUSKBN1ZL22K
    Radiology and Lead Aprons: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/924205#vp_2

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Episode 36 - University of Wisconsin nurses are unionizing!

    Chief Complaint Episode 36 - University of Wisconsin nurses are unionizing!
    Episode 36 is here! Today Zach and LJ are joined by k8 Walton (in their second appearance on the show) and Mariah Clark, RNs at the University of Wisconsin Hospital who are helping to lead the effort currently underway to unionize the nursing workforce. They have a lengthy discussion about why they're doing it, what its been like, and how other nurses can make a similar effort. They finish up with Zach takes the NCLEX, can he be perfect again? Tune in and find out!

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Episode 35 - DKA, NYT EHR article, Chatbot triage

    Chief Complaint Episode 35 - DKA, NYT EHR article, Chatbot triage
    Episode 35 is here! Today Zach and LJ bring back the Chief Complaint segment and talk about DKA, then discuss an article in the New York Times about EHRs and paperwork burden, and finally talk about a chatbot that is helping people triage themselves. If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    NYT article on paperwork: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/31/opinion/doctors-nurses-and-the-paperwork-crisis-that-could-unite-them.html
    Chatbot Triage: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2757995

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Episode 34 - Catholic hospitals, Post-opioid OD mortality, News Roundup

    Chief Complaint Episode 34 - Catholic hospitals, Post-opioid OD mortality, News Roundup
    Episode 34 is here! LJ and Zach are here with the first episode of the new decade! They talk about Catholic hospitals, a study of what happens to people after they survive an opioid overdose, and finish with another news roundup. If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    Catholic Hospitals: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-religious-health-care-restrictions-often-take-patients-by-surprise/
    Opioid Mortality: https://www.annemergmed.com/article/S0196-0644(19)30343-9/fulltext
    Philippines Coconut Wine Poisoning: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/12/24/philippines-coconut-wine-lambanog-poisonings-least-11-dead-hundreds-sickened/2743366001/
    Texas nurse shooting: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Nurse-killed-by-stray-bullet-during-New-Year-s-14943880.php
    Year of the Nurse: https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/01/1054531
    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Episode 33 - The Q Word, An ED Night Shift, News Roundup

    Chief Complaint Episode 33 - The Q Word, An ED Night Shift, News Roundup
    Episode 33 is here! LJ and Zach are back in the studio together to discuss the dreaded Q word, then an article in the New York Times by Dr. Gina Siddiqui about an overnight shift in the ED, and finally another news roundup! If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    The Q Word: https://www.bmj.com/content/367/bmj.l6446?fbclid=IwAR1Xu28zfiwlcjagZv9D8RNXAZ0yUEaA6xTQKTGkDx6bP2-ZctwzQX1cgNI
    Doctors Diary: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/16/health/emergency-room-medicine.html
    Sickle Cell drugs: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/921815
    Moffitt resignations: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/922947
    Marijuana bowel health: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/922841

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)
    Chief Complaint Podcast
    enDecember 27, 2019

    Chief Complaint Episode 32 - Workplace wellness programs, Maternal care in Texas, News roundup

    Chief Complaint Episode 32 - Workplace wellness programs, Maternal care in Texas, News roundup
    Episode 32 is here! LJ and Zach get together today to talk about the efficacy (or lack thereof) of workplace wellness programs, the state of maternal healthcare in Texas, and a new segment, the news roundup! If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    Wellness program: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2730614?guestAccessKey=f67976b4-63b8-4369-983f-196774f9404e&utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=041619
    Pregnant and Uninsured: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2019/12/6/20995227/women-health-care-maternal-mortality-insurance-texas?fbclid=IwAR39hm-YnyYS8dH3KwwO_m-VoROyJwDn1upJBVtDxXrA-Vvh7RVlEjyaBmY
    Chicago nurse killed: https://nurse.org/articles/frank-aguilar-nurse-killed-by-chicago-gang/
    NYSNA agreement with NYC: https://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/616-19/mayor-de-blasio-new-york-state-nurses-association-contract-agreement
    Nurse Imposter: https://www.timesnews.net/Local/2019/12/16/Impostor-nurse-charged-with-fraud-identity-theft.html?ci=stream&lp=1&p=1

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson
    News Sting by Kevin McCleod (incompetech.com)

    Chief Complaint Rebroadcast - Episode 18 w/ special guest k8, Being yourself at work, DNRs and Advanced Directives

    Chief Complaint Rebroadcast - Episode 18 w/ special guest k8, Being yourself at work, DNRs and Advanced Directives
    A rebroadcast of our most popular episode is here. Zach and LJ are joined by special guest k8, and they discuss what issues around being true to yourself at work and how to deal with the reactions that might come from patients when you do, and then move on to cover DNRs and advanced directives. If you've got a question or comment for us, send us an email at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, tweet us @ChiefPod, or find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. See you next week for a brand new episode!

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson

    Chief Complaint Episode 31 - Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy, Travel nursing

    Chief Complaint Episode 31 - Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy, Travel nursing
    Episode 31 of Chief Complaint is here! Today Zach and LJ are joined by Meghan, an ED and pediatric nurse, who shares her expertise on HIE, or hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Then they discuss travel nursing, it's pros and cons and if it's right for you. Finally, Meghan gives Zach a hand on 3 more NCLEX questions. If you have a question you want answered feel free to reach out to us at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, on twitter @ChiefPod, or on instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. Enjoy!

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson

    Chief Complaint Thanksgiving Short Stay

    Chief Complaint Thanksgiving Short Stay
    Our Thanksgiving episode is here! With the holiday celebrations going on, Zach and LJ couldn't get together to record one, so instead Zach brings you a short stay about what he's thankful for. We hope you're having a wonderful thanksgiving wherever you are, and we'll see you next week for another full length episode. Happy thanksgiving everyone!

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson

    Chief Complaint Episode 30 - LJ update, Chagas Disease, 3 Wishes Program

    Chief Complaint Episode 30 - LJ update, Chagas Disease, 3 Wishes Program
    Episode 30 of Chief Complaint is here! Today Zach and LJ conduct their first episode remotely! First off, LJ updates us on her new travelling gig, then she and Zach discuss a case she had of a man with Chagas disease, and finally they go over a great ICU initiative called the 3 Wishes Program. If you have a question you want answered feel free to reach out to us at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, on twitter @ChiefPod, or on instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. Enjoy!

    3 Wishes Program: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/921096 https://annals.org/aim/article-abstract/2755629/compassionate-end-life-care-mixed-methods-multisite-evaluation-3-wishes?searchresult=1

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson

    Chief Complaint Episode 29 - Second Victim Syndrome with guest host Beth!

    Chief Complaint Episode 29 - Second Victim Syndrome with guest host Beth!
    Episode 29 is here! With LJ on the road heading for her new travelling assignment, Zach is joined by ED RN Beth! Beth serves on her hospitals committee that handles Second Victim Syndrome, the idea that providers are victimized by adverse outcomes along with patients. She and Zach have a length conversation about this topic, we hope you enjoy it and please let us know what you think and what you've experienced in this realm! Email us at chiefcomplainpod@gmail.com, tweet at us @ChiefPod, and find us on Instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. Enjoy!

    Chan, S. T., Khong, P. C. B., & Wang, W. (2017). Psychological responses, coping and supporting needs of healthcare professionals as second victims. International nursing review, 64(2), 242-262.

    Wu, A. W. (2000). Medical error: the second victim: the doctor who makes the mistake needs help too. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 320(7237), 726

    Scott, S. D., Hirschinger, L. E., Cox, K. R., McCoig, M., Brandt, J., & Hall, L. W. (2009). The natural history of recovery for the healthcare provider “second victim” after adverse patient events. BMJ Quality & Safety, 18(5), 325-330.

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson

    Chief Complaint Episode 28 - EMS ride alongs, The CRASH-3 study of tranexamic acid for TBI, Aid in dying

    Chief Complaint Episode 28 - EMS ride alongs, The CRASH-3 study of tranexamic acid for TBI, Aid in dying
    Episode 28 of Chief Complaint is here! Today Zach and LJ are joined by Andrew, a paramedic and former ED tech. He and LJ talk about LJ's experience riding along with him on the ambulance, then we move on to the CRASH-3 study of TXA (tranexamic acid) in traumatic brain injury, and finally we talk about aid in dying, and the case of Belgian paralympian Marieke Vervoort. If you have a question you want answered feel free to reach out to us at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, on twitter @ChiefPod, or on instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. Enjoy!

    Vervoot: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-belgium-euthanasia-vervoort/belgian-paralympian-dies-by-euthanasia-aged-40-idUSKBN1X21BL
    TXA: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)32233-0/fulltext#sec1
    First10EM post about TXA: https://first10em.com/crash-3/

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson

    Chief Complaint Episode 27 - Pediatric transport, Facebook cures, Fall prevention gone too far?

    Chief Complaint Episode 27 - Pediatric transport, Facebook cures, Fall prevention gone too far?
    Episode 27 of Chief Complaint is here! Today LJ and Zach are joined by Greatel, a pediatric transport RN. She shares her experience of caring for kids on the road with us, then we talk about people hawking unlicensed treatments on facebook, and finally we discuss if we've one so far in trying to prevent falls that we're actually hurting patients through immobility. If you have a question you want answered feel free to reach out to us at chiefcomplaintpod@gmail.com, on twitter @ChiefPod, or on instagram @ChiefComplaintPodcast. Enjoy!

    Falls: https://khn.org/news/fear-of-falling-how-hospitals-do-even-more-harm-by-keeping-patients-in-bed/
    Facebook cures: https://amp.businessinsider.com/in-closed-facebook-groups-pushing-unproven-treatments-2019-8?r=US&IR=T&__twitter_impression=true&fbclid=IwAR30L-h82rE1jnYxfeFOfmSzhPNqUOo4LEGVsTusN3g7fNVod7D50eC9GOE

    You're There by The Mini Vandals
    All Night by Ikson