
    Children and Books

    Child raising and development - this words are associated with so many challenges and adventures that want to be solved, but most of all, they want to be experienced! And this is exactly what we talk about in our PodCast: "Children and books". "Mum, now I've moved out, how do we keep in touch as good as before?" - "Let's record a PodCast". That or something like that is how we found our way into the world of PodCasts. And that's exactly what it's all about, we regularly invite exciting guests and talk to them about education, values and what's currently on our minds around education and books. I'm Lubina, a children's author from Lusatia, and I'm really pleased that you found our PodCast about children, books and education. We look forward to your feedback, gladly via Instagram, Facebook (@lubinahajduk) or on my website: https://lubina-hajduk.com
    enLubina Hajduk und Branko Hajduk31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    Why you should just trust your inner child - Children and Books PodCast

    Why you should just trust your inner child - Children and Books PodCast
    Just let it happen - Why unconditional basic trust is so incredibly important and what it does to children. That's exactly what we talked about in today's episode of the Children and Books PodCast with Bellinda. She shared her experiences from her job as a therapist and also talked about what it was like for her to record our audio book - The Valley by the River :D Glad you listened and see you on the next episode :D

    What is so important with reading to your children?- Children and Books PodCast

    What is so important with reading to your children?- Children and Books PodCast
    After all, being read to is something great, isn't it? That's exactly what LeseLust e.v. does! Today we had a wonderful conversation with Andrea Rübsam - board member of LeseLust e.V. on the topic of reading aloud children's books. What makes the act of reading aloud so special? What is the magic of reading aloud? What do I look for when reading aloud? What effect does reading aloud have on children? These are the questions we dealt with in this episode. We hope you enjoy listening and look forward to your feedback :D

    How is an exciting animated film for children made? - Children and Books PodCast

    How is an exciting animated film for children made? - Children and Books PodCast
    Today on the Children and Books PodCast, Eliza Alvarez told us about her job as an animator and filmmaker for children's animated films. She explained how these films are produced, what excites her about them and the impact her own child had on them. How is a children's animated film made? What do I have to pay total attention to? What makes an animated film so magical? How long does it actually take for such a film to become visible to the public? These are exactly the questions we dealt with in this episode. We are looking forward to your feedback and your thoughts on this wonderful topic :)

    What's your favourite children's book? - Children and Books PodCast

    What's your favourite children's book? - Children and Books PodCast
    Today we are talking mainly about children's books. What makes children's books special? What makes a children's book special and what are our favourite children's books? Not only do we talk about our favourite books, but we also talk about how Lubina, as a children's author, brings children's books to life. In summary, the most important thing about a children's book is that it is made with love. So it has enchanting illustrations, tells a story that is unforgettable and overall simply conveys emotions. It's nice that you listened! We're really pleased. I'm sure we'll hear each other again next week, I'm looking forward to it and wish you a wonderful week until then! Yours, Lubina and Branko

    What is parenting like in other continents? - An interview with Eva - Children and Books PodCast

    What is parenting like in other continents? - An interview with Eva - Children and Books PodCast
    In this episode of the Children and Books PodCast, Branko and Lubina talk to Eva about her childhood in Tanzania and how she perceived parenting with her children. What were your customs? What were you responsible for as a child? Where did all your energy come from? And do you think it is important to grow up multilingual? These are the topics we discussed in today's episode with Eva and we are looking forward to your feedback. Your Lubina and Branko

    Poetry and parenting - mother and child relationship - Children and Books PodCast

    Poetry and parenting - mother and child relationship - Children and Books PodCast
    Lubina and Branko are Mother and Son, Rachel and Josie are Mother and Daughter. Today we talked about the relationship between Mothers and their child and how poetry and story have a connection to that. The most important thing: Open words! We are happy that you are listening to the PodCast and are also happy about your feedback :)

    Every child tells its own story - how can I hear it?

    Every child tells its own story - how can I hear it?
    Rachel Rogers is an art psychotherapist. We talked to her in the 5th episode of the Children and Books PodCast about child development and what she thinks is important in this context. She told us about her experiences, her job and a bit about her children :). We look forward to your feedback and suggestions. Our summary: Open communication is the most important thing for parents and children.

    How do different languages influence children? - Children and Books PodCast

    How do different languages influence children? - Children and Books PodCast
    Janey Verney is a poetry writer and artist. She is very much concerned with languages and interaction. In our project, too, she was able to help design our books in a wonderfully playful way and developed the most wonderful English stories for children. Today we will talk about why languages are important and how they influence our children.