
    Church in the Valley - Ontario Ranch Campus

    Church in the Valley
    enChurch in the Valley1691 Episodes

    Episodes (1691)

    Interpreting Life Experiences - Audio

    Interpreting Life Experiences - Audio
    Parents are commanded to instruct their children in God's commands, making His commands the center of their conversation with their kids (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). The goal of parents' instruction is to give them a framework for understanding and interpreting life experiences so they can develop the right behavior habits.

    Interpreting Life Experiences - PDF

    Interpreting Life Experiences - PDF
    Parents are commanded to instruct their children in God's commands, making His commands the center of their conversation with their kids (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). The goal of parents' instruction is to give them a framework for understanding and interpreting life experiences so they can develop the right behavior habits.

    Invest in the Community - PDF

    Invest in the Community - PDF
    Christianity is a personal decision but not private. God had made life to be done in a community of His people. It is in the community that we grow spiritually because God uses the church to refine us in different ways. Two ways are Personal Ministry and Providential Relationships.

    Invest in the Community - Audio

    Invest in the Community - Audio
    Christianity is a personal decision but not private. God had made life to be done in a community of His people. It is in the community that we grow spiritually because God uses the church to refine us in different ways. Two ways are Personal Ministry and Providential Relationships.

    Faith that Works - Audio

    Faith that Works - Audio
    People set goals for all areas of their life around the 1st of the year. And the goals we set will determine the steps we take to accomplish those goals. So, what spiritual growth goals should we take? We can set out to learn more about God. That is a good goal but 1 Corinthians 8:1 warns us that knowledge can puff us up to be arrogant. In this message we will look at what it means to be spiritually mature?

    Faith that Works - PDF

    Faith that Works - PDF
    People set goals for all areas of their life around the 1st of the year. And the goals we set will determine the steps we take to accomplish those goals. So, what spiritual growth goals should we take? We can set out to learn more about God. That is a good goal but 1 Corinthians 8:1 warns us that knowledge can puff us up to be arrogant. In this message we will look at what it means to be spiritually mature?