
    Circa Ignem

    A Christ centered podcast from an oral story telling perspective around the fire. Support us by buying merch at circaignem.com
    enElijah Spencer22 Episodes

    Episodes (22)

    Circa Ignem 021 - Robert "Bob" Raymon - "The Common Ground in Christ."

    Circa Ignem 021 - Robert "Bob" Raymon - "The Common Ground in Christ."

    Bob has been married for 20 years to the same beautiful woman. Father of 3 children. He is a former deacon of Lifeway Baptist Church. Currently employed at Clovis Unified School District working with students with disabilities/behaviors. Elementary robotics instructor with Bricks 4 Kidz. He is cohost of his own podcast: Let’s Get Jacked Up.

    Circa Ignem 017 - Chris Guerrero - "Getting Beat Up with Bike Chains."

    Circa Ignem 017 - Chris Guerrero - "Getting Beat Up with Bike Chains."
    Chris Guerrero Bio:
    I am a child of God, husband and father.
    I was born November 1966.  Road bikes without helmets, stayed out until the street light turned on, drank from garden hoses, fist fights until the someone gave up or had mercy, rode in truck beds and survived being called names and racist remarks.  
    Catholic in continuous training.
    Husband to my wife Domitila (Domi) of 16 years
    A father to Isabella 12 and Jonathan 9
    I'm a technical service representative for a wheelchair manufacturer, a catechist for Our Lady of Perpetual Help church and a chaplain for my son's cub scout pack
    I help others with sound reinforcement for outdoor masses, festivals and school events.
    A has been musician

    Circa Ignem 011 - Gerardo Valdez - "Some College Education."

    Circa Ignem 011 - Gerardo Valdez - "Some College Education."

    00:24:00 - Struggle as a Catholic/Irreverence

    00:31:00 - Call to action

    00:36:00 - The fire we are called to have

    00:38:00 - Change your household, and all else will follow

    02:05:00 - "Some College Education."

    02:31:00 - C.S. Lewis Quote in The Ultimate Career

    02:34:00 - The Love of Our Heavenly Mother

    03:21:50 - It's Gonna Be Ok

    03:23:00 - Call to Men

    Circa Ignem 008 - Thoughts on Thanksgiving with Jamie Carolyn Spencer.

    Circa Ignem 008 - Thoughts on Thanksgiving with Jamie Carolyn Spencer.

    00:00:00 - 00:00:45 - Intro

    00:00:46 - 00:08:26 - What is your earliest memory of Thanksgiving?

    00:08:27 - 00:20:54 - What do you recall being the best or most looked forward to part of Thanksgiving?

    00:20:55 - 00:30:53 - Why is Thanksgiving important to you?

    00:30:53 - 00:40:53 - How would the perfect Thanksgiving look for you?

    00:40:54 - 00:48:37 - Through our Catholic faith, what resonates most about Thanksgiving for you?

    00:48:38 - 01:00:00 - What are you most thankful for?

    01:00:01 - 01:02:20 - Closing thoughts and prayer.

    Circa Ignem 007 - Fr Michael Andrade - "In the solitude of my heart Jesus is there and He meets me, He loves me, He desires and delights in me."

    Circa Ignem 007 - Fr Michael Andrade - "In the solitude of my heart Jesus is there and He meets me, He loves me, He desires and delights in me."

    00:00:00 - 00:04:20 - Excerpt of "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge

    00:04:20 - 00:05:20 - Introduction - Fr. Michael Andrade

    00:05:25 - 00:42:24 - Not So Lighting Round Questions

    00:42:30 - 00:45:41 - Childhood

    00:45:41 - 00:52:53 - Vocation Call & other aspirations

    00:52:54 - 00:55.56 - Early adulthood and seminary life

    01:05:40 - 01:12:49 - Holy Child

    01:12:50 - 01:20:25 - Transition to Mt Angel

    01:20:26 - 01:27:41 - Menlo Park

    01:27:43 - 01:52:14 - Ordination, Serving the Church, Promoting Vocations, Contraception vs Being Open to Life, Spirituality/Spiritual Life

    01:52:15 - 02:01:58 - "We exist to shock people into transforming their lives from complacency into a more vibrant life in Christ."

    02:02:00 - 02:03:05 - "In the solitude of my heart Jesus is there and He meets me, He loves me, He desires and delights in me."

    02:03:45 - 02:05:35 - Closing Prayer

    Circa Ignem 006 - Matt Mendes - "Knock it off and come home."

    Circa Ignem 006 - Matt Mendes - "Knock it off and come home."

    00:00:00 - 00:05:06 - Excerpt "Mere Christianity" C.S. Lewis

    00:05:06 - 00:06:14 - Intro of Matt M.

    00:06:15 - 00:51:14 - Not So Lightning Round Questions

    00:51:15 - 02:00:00 - Early Years

    02:00:01 - 02:25:00 - Adolescent Years

    02:26:00 - 02:45:00 - Adult Years

    02:45:00 - 02:58:00 - Annulment Insight

    02:58:00 - 03:02:00 - Trip to Rome

    03:02:00 - 03:04:30 - Time to knock it off and come home

    03:04:30 - 03:33:30 - More on Annulment and meeting, dating and marrying Stacy

    03:34:00 - 03:50:00 - Life stories

    03:50:01 - 03:53:35 - Closing Thoughts

    03:53:36 - 03:54:50 - Closing Prayer

    Circa Ignem 005 - Manny Lucio - "The Chameleon"

    Circa Ignem 005 - Manny Lucio - "The Chameleon"

    00:00 - 04:20 - Intro / Excerpt reading of "Breath" by Rickson Gracie

    04:20 - 06:50 - Discussion around excerpt

    06:51 - 01:01:00 - Lightning Round Questions

    01:01:00 - 01:24:15 - Most Inspirational & Fresno Music Scene

    01:24:16 - 02:24:00 - Life & Stories

    02:24:10 - 02:54:00 - Addiction & Recovery

    02:54:00 - 03:05:01 - Hope and Closing Thoughts

    Circa Ignem
    enNovember 01, 2023

    Circa Ignem 004 - Pope's Call to Fast for Peace & Just War Doctrine

    Circa Ignem 004 - Pope's Call to Fast for Peace & Just War Doctrine

    00:00 - 00:10 - Intro

    00:10 - 05:00 - Excerpts from Augustine, Aquinas through Todd Bining

    05:00 - 10:00 - What is Catholic perspective on wars going on around the world?

    10:00 - 15:00 - CCC 2309

    15:00 - 20:00 - Breakdown of what criteria are being met and what aren't according to CCC2309

    20:00 - 25:00 - Grayness and complications of going to war under and acting in war under just war provisions.

    25:00 - 30:00 - Certainty of success and gravity of loss of life of responding to aggressor.

    30:00 - 35:00 - Pray for peace and discernment of what our response should be as a Catholic to the complexity of these wars/conflicts going on.

    35:00 - 35:41 - Closing

    Circa Ignem
    enOctober 28, 2023