
    CJC Weekly Bible Study through the Book of Genesis

    Welcome to the CJC Weekly Bible Study where the CJC stands for "Complete Jesus Christ." If your understanding of Jesus is based only on teachings from the New Testament, then your understanding is INCOMPLETE. Regarding what we often call the Old Testament, these are the very Scriptures that Jesus said testify about Him! We'd love to have you join us as we study through the Older AND Newer Testaments in our current verse-by-verse study through the first book of the Bible: Genesis.These episodes are typically recording in our live, small-group setting in Santa Ana, California, USA. We're honored to have you join us and we pray that you will be encouraged, challenged and blessed by God! All episodes of this study are available at CJCWBS.buzzsprout.com.
    en-usJeffrey E. Smith132 Episodes

    Episodes (132)

    138 CJC WBS - Genesis 43:26-34 - A Series of Shocking Events (Part 2)

    138 CJC WBS - Genesis 43:26-34 - A Series of Shocking Events (Part 2)

    "A Series of Shocking Events (Part 2)." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 43:26-34 as its main text. The famine rages on, Jacob finally agrees to let the boys take Benjamin back to Egypt for more grain, and the boys must be shocked by what transpires at the Egyptian official's house. 

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    137 CJC WBS - Genesis 43:16-25 - A Series of Shocking Events (Part 1)

    137 CJC WBS - Genesis 43:16-25 - A Series of Shocking Events (Part 1)

    "A Series of Shocking Events (Part 1)." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 43:16-25 as its main text. The famine rages on, Jacob finally agrees to let the boys take Benjamin back to Egypt for more grain, and the boys are afraid as they stand on the threshold of the unknown at the official's house. So much of what happens is so unexpected that it is shocking.

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    136 CJC WBS - Genesis 43:1-15 - Jacob Surrenders Benjamin to God

    136 CJC WBS - Genesis 43:1-15 - Jacob Surrenders Benjamin to God

    "Jacob Surrenders Benjamin to God." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 43:1-15 as its main text. To save his family from the famine, Jacob needs grain from Egypt. But he cannot send his older sons back to Egypt unless he is willing to let them take his youngest son Benjamin. He holds out until he has no other choice, and finally surrenders Benjamin to God's care.

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    134 CJC WBS - Genesis 42:9b-24 - Joseph Interrogates His Brothers

    134 CJC WBS - Genesis 42:9b-24 - Joseph Interrogates His Brothers

    "Joseph Interrogates His Brothers." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 42:9b-24 as its main text. Joseph's brothers have come down to Egypt to buy grain. Joseph recognizes them and notices that Benjamin is not present. He interrogates his brothers and ultimately imprisons them as he works out a way to test the honesty of the men as well as see his younger brother Benjamin again.

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    133 CJC WBS - Genesis 42:1-9a - Joseph's Brothers Bow Before Him

    133 CJC WBS - Genesis 42:1-9a - Joseph's Brothers Bow Before Him

    "Joseph's Brothers Bow Before Him." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 42:1-9a as its main text. It has been twenty years since Joseph was sold by his brothers as a slave, and now here they are, bowing before him just as he had dreamed so long ago! Surely Joseph sees that the hand of God has been on his life all along!

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    131 CJC WBS - Genesis 41:37-39 - The Spirit of God in Joseph

    131 CJC WBS - Genesis 41:37-39 - The Spirit of God in Joseph

    "The Spirit of God in Joseph." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 41:37-39 as its main text. Here, for the first time in the Bible, we're introduced to the idea of the Spirit of God being in a person. We take a quick tour from Genesis to Revelation touching on some of the highlights of the activity of the Spirit of God in the lives of believers. 

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    130 CJC WBS - Genesis 41:15-36 - Joseph Interprets The King's Dreams

    130 CJC WBS - Genesis 41:15-36 - Joseph Interprets The King's Dreams

    "Joseph Interprets The King's Dreams." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 41:15-36 as its main text. Pharaoh, the king of the land and thought by many to be a god, has some crazy dreams that even his own dream-interpreters can't interpret. But God gives Joseph the interpretation, and Joseph additionally gives the king some advice. 

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    129 CJC WBS - Genesis 41:1-14 - Joseph Is Summoned by the King

    129 CJC WBS - Genesis 41:1-14 - Joseph Is Summoned by the King

    "Joseph Is Summoned by the King." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 41:1-14 as its main text. Pharaoh, the king of the land and thought by many to be a god, has some crazy dreams that even his own dream-interpreters can't interpret. Joseph is summoned, cleaned up, and brought from the prison to the palace. And we smile as we realize that God worked out all of the details to make this happen. 

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    128 CJC WBS - Genesis 40:8b-23 - Joseph Interprets Dreams

    128 CJC WBS - Genesis 40:8b-23 - Joseph Interprets Dreams

    "Joseph Interprets Dreams." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 40:8-23 as its main text. God allows Joseph to interpret the dreams of Pharoah's officials. The prophecies come true at the exact time predicted. This is amazing! Yet, at the same time, this is pretty normal in the Bible! God can reveal His plan through dreams, but dreams fade. Wouldn't you rather have God communicate to you in written form rather than in a dream that fades? Oh, wait! He has! In His Word... which we call the Bible! How thoughtful of Him to communicate His love, His plan, His nature and character to us in the Bible! 

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    127 CJC WBS - Genesis 39:22-40:8a - Joseph In Prison

    127 CJC WBS - Genesis 39:22-40:8a - Joseph In Prison

    "Joseph In Prison." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 39:22-40:8a as its main text. Joseph chose to honor God by resisting temptation and now he's in prison. Doesn't God care? Yes, He does! Don't let your circumstances blind you to God's goodness! Today's lesson contains seven different "Seeds of Application." 

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    123 CJC WBS - Genesis 38:1-12 - It's Not About Masterbation

    123 CJC WBS - Genesis 38:1-12 - It's Not About Masterbation

    "It's Not About Masterbation." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 38:1-12 as its main text. Seriously? Did he just say that? Can you say that in a Bible Study? Yes, I did, and yes, I can! In today's episode, we find ourselves in a strange passage that seems to be about masterbation. 

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    120 CJC WBS - Genesis 36:1-43 - Dismissing Esau

    120 CJC WBS - Genesis 36:1-43 - Dismissing Esau

    "Dismissing Esau." That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 36 as its main text. In today's episode, we cover an entire chapter of material, and it's mostly hard-to-pronounce names! But in the midst of the tediousness, we find some puzzle pieces which seem to give us a clearer picture of some of the people and places that figure prominently in our broader study of God's Word. 

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