
    Coffee With Conrad

    I talk about walking after the spirit and maturing in the prophetic. I have a passion for revival in America and uniting the body of Christ.
    enConrad Rocks890 Episodes

    Episodes (890)

    Navigating Spiritual Warfare: Distinguishing Demons from Principalities

    Navigating Spiritual Warfare: Distinguishing Demons from Principalities
    Today, we're going to explore one of the most fundamental aspects of Christianity: the understanding of the reality of demons, principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Many Christians fail to distinguish between these entities, but understanding the distinctions between them can have a huge impact on our relationship with God and our ability to engage in spiritual warfare. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the spiritual realm and learn how to effectively fight against the forces of darkness? Tune in now to find out more!

    Show Topics:
    Christians Need to Know the Difference
    Principalities and Power Hierarchy
    Demons and Principalities Distinction
    Types of Demons
    Hierarchy of Spiritual Entities in Warfare
    The Nephilim-Demon Origin Belief
    Principalities have a Large Sphere of Influence
    Principalities: Spiritual Powers Behind Rulers
    Principalities in Spiritual Warfare: Caution Needed

    Digging Deeper
    If you're interested in delving further into the topic of spiritual warfare and the distinctions between demons, principalities, and powers, I would highly recommend the book "Needless Casualties of War" by John Paul Jackson. This book provides valuable insight and guidance on the topic and is worth reading if you're considering taking on a principality or spiritual force without first seeking guidance from God. It's important to remember that principalities and powers are spiritual beings or entities that have been established by God and it is essential to have a humble, unselfish relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to be certain that we are being led by God when engaging in spiritual warfare. Additionally, I would recommend joining the conversation by checking out the linked Facebook post in the show notes for more perspectives and thoughts on the topic.

    Needless Casualties of War
    Facebook Discussion

    The Lack of Fear - The Church Has Forgotten the Lord's Fear

    The Lack of Fear - The Church Has Forgotten the Lord's Fear
    I will be exploring the troubling trend of the decline of the fear of the Lord in the church and discuss why the fear of the Lord is a biblical precept that should exist even today.

    0:00:54 The fear of the Lord has disappeared from the church;

    0:06:58 Hirelings mislead those that don’t read the bible;

    0:09:08 Christianity is not a bed of roses;

    0:10:24 The apostles and disciples were martyred;

    0:14:08 New Testament comes in at Jesus’ death;

    0:15:35 Paul curses the sorcerer;

    0:18:39 Ananias and Sapphira were struck down dead;

    0:22:31 Herod was struck with worms and died;

    0:24:50 dying for drinking the cup of Christ unworthily;

    0:29:32 The stern rebuke of Thyatira;

    0:35:11 Comments from Facebook;

    0:39:45 Conclusion;


    Facebook Post https://tinyurl.com/NoFearOfGod

    BeTheFew Post https://www.bethefew.com/2022/12/there-is-no-fear-of-lord-in-church-today.html
    Coffee With Conrad
    enDecember 17, 2022

    California Cross Walk - Acie Burleson Interview

    California Cross Walk -  Acie Burleson Interview
    Evangelist Acie Burleson was on a mission to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout California, but he's did it in a unique way - by carrying a cross. Here is an exclusive interview with him where we can hear firsthand about this incredible journey. We’re excited to learn why he felt inspired to take on this endeavor and what his experiences and challenges were;

    Met Acie Originally at Jesus Jam Texas;
    Acie's original call to walk the cross;
    Starting out with a challenge of faith;
    Acie talks to homeless people;
    Lady cries and said she was blessed;
    Most people ignored him;
    Acie talks to a man doing meth;
    Supernatural provision;
    Angry man challenges Acie ;
    More supernatural provision!;
    Desperate and God comes through;
    We pray for California;
    Acie prays us out;

    Acie On facebook https://www.facebook.com/Jesusfreak6
    Acie walking memorial https://www.youtube.com/@walkingmemorial/featured
    From South Carolina to the Grand Canyon https://www.conradrocks.net/2019/08/2000-mile-cross-walk-finished-acie.html
    Open Your Eyes Book - https://bit.ly/OpenYourEyesBook

    Beyond Words - Groaning in Prayer

    Beyond Words  - Groaning in Prayer
    How I stumbled Across Groaning in Prayer

    When I first got saved, I discovered that I would groan in deep prayer or when I was in a deeply spiritual setting. I started to dig into the bible to see if it was biblical. It took me quite some time to even notice that I was groaning in prayer. It would happen when I waded deep into the spirit or when I was with a group of people and the prayer got really deep. So deep that you could sense the manifest presence of God in the room.

    Prayer & Groaning
    Prayer is a familiar concept to many of us. Whether we’re alone or in a group, it can be used for devotion and as a way to commune with God. But what about groaning? Can this also be part of our prayer life? I believe the answer is yes! Groaning – both in the spiritual sense and in the physical act of uttering sounds – has been used throughout history as an expression of prayer. I m sure you've seen pictures of people on their knees or laying prostrate before an image of Jesus. In the background you see them groaning and sobbing, often while clutching their hands in prayer position.

    Similarly, Paul says that he “groans within himself” (Romans 8:26) while praying.

    In the same way the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself [knows our need and at the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words.(Rom 8:26 AMP)

    What Does the Bible Say?
    When it comes to the question of groaning prayer, what does the Bible say? Groaning is an emotional expression often used in pleas for help or comfort, but is it an appropriate way to express a prayer to God? Let's take a closer look at what Scripture has to say about this form of communication with the Creator.

    Various passages throughout Scripture make reference to groaning prayers as a valid method of communicating with God. In Romans 8:26-27, Paul writes that "the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. God intercedes for the saints according to his own will." Here we see that God responds to our prayers based on His own will, and that the Spirit helps us communicate with Him in a way that is beyond our natural ability.

    Examples of Groaning Prayer in Scripture
    Groaning prayer, or expressing one’s prayers to God in the form of a deep groan or sigh, is a practice that has long been used by believers. It can be found throughout scripture as an expression of hardship and suffering. The Bible contains many examples of groaning prayer that are worth exploring.

    One example of groaning prayer comes from Paul’s letter to the Romans 8:23-24 which states “And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons”. Here Paul expresses his longing for redemption and forgiveness through this type of prayer.

    One example of groaning prayer in Scripture is the aforementioned Romans 8:26-27 when the Apostle Paul says “we do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” (NIV) Here, we see an example of how believers can cry out to God without necessarily using words to express their needs and desires.

    Additionally, Psalm 5:1-3 describes a situation where David cries out to God with intense emotion and anguish by using loud cries and tears as part of his form of communication with Him.

    A Psalm of David. Listen to my words, O LORD, Consider my groaning and sighing. Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God, For to You I pray. In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will prepare [a prayer and a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].(Psa 5:1-3 AMP+)

    I believe Jesus groaned within Himself in Gethsemane (see Matt. 26:37,38; Mark 14:33-35). We may not know what Jesus groaned about, but the idea is that He was so burdened by His coming ordeal that He had to sigh deeply within Himself in order to pray. Groaning seems appropriate when we cannot find the words, but the spirit knows. Scripture isn't explicit, but it seems like this Scripture is in agreement with others elsewhere.

    Jesus groaned in the spirit and was troubled when He saw Mary weeping at the tomb of Lazarus (see John 11:33). In this case, groaning was a sign of empathy and sorrow.

    Challenges to Groaning Prayer
    Though it may be seen as a form of spiritual expression, groaning prayer has its challenges. Those who practice groaning prayer must be able to discern the difference between true spiritual expressions and something that isn’t from God. Additionally, it can also be difficult for some people to know when or how to begin groaning in prayer, as such an activity requires one to have an intimate knowledge of scripture and the nature of God. My personal experience is when I am deeply lost in prayer, groaning just seems to happen. It is not something that I initiated, but the Spirit gave utterance.

    Groaning in the spirit during prayer is biblical
    Groaning in the spirit during prayer is absolutely biblical and has been documented throughout Christian history. It's a powerful tool that allows Christians to express their faith and draw closer to God. Many Bible verses reference groaning in prayer, from Paul's description of the Spirit interceding with us when we are unable to find words (Romans 8:26) to Jesus' heartbreaking cries for His Father's will be done (Matthew 26:39).

    The idea of groaning prayer can be traced back as far as the Old Testament book of Psalms, where David pleads with God using passionate cries and supplications. We also see examples in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Job—all of whom use language reflective of deep feeling within their prayers which would be another way of saying 'groaning'.

    In Conclusion
    I didn't set out to groan in prayer. It is something that happened when I got lost deep in prayer. The bible examples seem to tie groaning to desperation.

    Verses to Pray About
    Here are some verses to ponder on about groaning in prayer. Pray about these and let me know what revelation you get!

    Exo 2:24 And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.

    Exo 6:5 And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant.

    Psa 6:6 I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears.

    Joh 11:33 When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled,

    Joh 11:38 Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.

    Rom 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

    2Co 5:2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven

    2Co 5:4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

    You may also like - Groaning Intercession - Daniel Nash https://youtu.be/wGsuiMJuPoY

    How to Get Through the Bible Many Times Per Year!

    How to Get Through the Bible Many Times Per Year!
    Sharing some tips on how to get through the bible multiple times per year. It is easier than you think.

    In Matt 4 and Luke 4 The Spirit and the Word;
    My Dad Listened to the KJV bible a lot;
    We must prioritize and value the bible;
    Joh 15:3 The Word cleanses us;
    1Pe 1:22 The Word Purifies our souls;
    Joh 17:17 The Word is Truth;
    Psa 119:9 We cleanse our way;
    Eph 5:26 Washed by the Water of the Word;
    Psa 119:1 So that we do not sin;
    We need to know the Eph 6 Armor;
    Youversion is Free App;
    Listening at Faster Speeds;
    Bluetooth headphones help a lot;
    Smart speakers Like Amazon Echo;
    Listen while exercising, cleaning, or commuting;


    Alexander Scourby King James Bible. https://amzn.to/3V9eVbc
    Open Your Eyes - My Supernatural Journey - https://bit.ly/OpenYourEyesBook

    Here I am on YouVerson https://my.bible.com/users/MostRadicalManEver

    Benefits of Youversion https://www.conradrocks.net/2017/10/youversion-benefits-free-bible-app.html?m=1

    Bluetooth headphones https://amzn.to/3givfYx

    Echo Dot - https://amzn.to/3Ora4zK

    Getting into the Spirit - The Biblical Way

    Getting into the Spirit - The Biblical Way
    Show Notes:
    This is ONLY for born again Spirit filled believers in Jesus;
    Peter hears from God speaking from the heavenly realm;
    Do not enter the spirt illegally - it is the wrong realm;
    We MUST be born again to enter the kingdom of Heaven;
    Psalm 100:4 is the chronological prescription;
    Kingdom Key of Thanksgiving;
    Kingdom Key of Praising God;
    God meets us in praise Psalm 22:3;
    No set formula for getting into the spirit;
    Our emotions change the closer we get Isaiah 61:3;
    Hindrances to prayer are unrepentant sin Psalm 66:18;
    God honors confession and repentance 1 John 1:8-10;
    Bring a pen when diving into the spirit like John;

    book - http://bit.ly/OpenYourEyesBook

    How the Spirit of Truth Shows us Things to Come

    How the Spirit of Truth Shows us Things to Come
    The spirit and the microphone;

    The ‘feeling’ rabbit trail;
    Ezekiel's' river and the spirit ;
    Don't seek feelings;
    Open your mouth and I will fill it;
    The flow of the spirit;
    Starting off in worship;
    Wading into the river;
    Spirit of Truth guides us;
    Spirit shows us something in prayer;
    The red ladder significance;
    External spirit versus internal heart;
    Reasoning is different than the spirit;
    Knowing the Word to learn the spirit;
    Continuing in the word for freedom;
    Paul persecuted Christians;
    Prophecy testifies of Jesus;
    John taught them up to a point;

    Believe that you receive rabbit trail;

    PCLoud free Storage https://partner.pcloud.com/r/75940

    Get a free ebook for trying audible https://amzn.to/38zoiKq

    How to Transform Your Life in 4 Steps

    How to Transform Your Life in 4 Steps
    The four steps to transforming your life are:

    1 Identify Your call
    2 Write the vision and Make it Plain
    3 Implementation
    4 Course Corrections.

    I break these down in this teaching.

    Show Notes:

    Rom 12 :1,2 transform your mind;
    Roles are better than goals;
    Step 1 - Identify your call
    Step 2 -Discovering your roles
    Write the vision and make it plain Hab 2:2 ;
    Step 3 - Implementation;
    Daily reflection questions;
    Asking future self for permission;
    Plan each day ;
    Step - 4 Make course corrections Psalm 119:105 ;
    Internal congruency is paramount;

    Kill the Giant When He is Small - Managing Our Thought Life
    Having an Intentional Thought Life
    Keeping a Warfare Journal https://youtu.be/RQeakSwP0Sg

    Giving Words of Knowledge In Public

    Giving Words of Knowledge In Public
    Sharing some of my experience on how to deliver a word of knowledge while out in public.


    I am always looking for an opportunity; 
    Getting prepared with mentors;
    Discerning the difference between heart and spirit;
    Words of knowledge are for the gospel;
    Sources of spiritual information;
    If the word persists it is confirmation; 
    I ask if they know what the prophetic is;
    Miracles only happen if you open your mouth;
    I share two recent examples of words of knowledge in public;


    Scriptures referred to:
    1 Corinthians 14; Acts 13: 1-4; Acts 16; Hebrews 5:14;

    Get PROPHETIC FISHING free for trying Audible here:

    The Illusion of Competence - a Christian perspective

    The Illusion of Competence - a Christian perspective
    This is a big problem in the Christian Community. In this episode, I illustrate what the Illusion of Competence is, and how we can rectify this problem in our own lives.

    Show Notes:

    People are not aware of this;
    What is the Illusion of competence?;
    My experience with the illusion of competence;
    Scriptures that illuminate this problem;
    How the Illusion relates to the Learning Pyramid;
    How can we apply this in our Christian walk? ;

    Get two free months with Scribd HERE:

    Coffee With Conrad
    enSeptember 17, 2022

    Pat Hodges - Prophetic Ministry

    Pat Hodges - Prophetic Ministry
    Pat Hodges from Omega Ministries TX goes over some of the pitfalls in the prophetic.

    Show Notes:
    How we met;
    Pat shares a testimony - he almost died;
    Disobedience causes God's hand to lift a little;
    Multinational zoom ministry and home meetings;
    Prophetic pitfalls;
    Do not assume everything you hear is God;
    The different spiritual voices;
    Prophets don't know everything;
    Only address what God wants you to address;
    Discernment is paramount;
    Delivering a word without embarrassment;
    Recipient of the word's responsibility;
    Pray into God's will and give Him permission;
    Discovering your calling;
    Own your calling;
    Function not title;
    Don't try to psychologically figure it out;
    Pray that you may interpret;
    Spirit doesn't violate The Word;
    The Chinese food example;
    Your gift can activate without God leading;
    Turbulence doesn't mean it isn't God;
    Getting rid of the fear of man;
    Prophetic people have much rejection;
    Fear of man compromises the word;
    Embracing Truth - not just hear it;
    Discerning the Body;
    From the church age to the Kingdom Age;
    Signs shall follow them that believe in His Name;
    Releasing the Word for healing;
    Prophetic word illuminates truth for freedom;
    The cannonball prophetic word;
    Take the focus off of ourselves;
    Parking lot healing ministry in Tulsa;
    Houston and Dallas are prophetic hot spots;
    Don't judge people according to the flesh;
    Write down dreams;
    Zoom Meetings and Home meetings;
    Pat prays us out;
    God sends mentors ;
    Bob Jones divine appointment;


    2014 INTERVIEW WITH PAT https://youtu.be/ruJ6-9Yf1s8

    Overcoming Self Loathing

    Overcoming Self Loathing
    I am getting really vulnerable in this episode to help those that are struggling with forgiving themselves.

    Loathing an aspect of myself;
    I couldn't forgive myself for a past sin;
    God showed me I was NO LONGER that person;
    God quickened 1 Cor 6:9-11 for me;
    Appropriating the forgiveness for real;
    Unforgiveness leads to skewed perspective;
    Forgiving from the heart not just the mind;
    God gave me a dream quickening forgiveness;
    Tools I meditate on for forgiveness;

    free ebook on forgiveness http://u.pc.cd/ILA
    Get a free ebook for trying audible https://amzn.to/38zoiKq
    Coffee With Conrad
    enAugust 20, 2022

    Get on the Fast Track with a Mentor

    Get on the Fast Track with a Mentor
    Get on the fast track for your call and gifting with a mentor. Seek God!

    Getting settled into Indianapolis;
    Mentoring is important;
    We learn from people that are further along than us;
    Priscilla and Aquilla disciple Appolos;
    Precise Geography and Time orchestration;
    One conversation led to a town coming to Jesus;
    The circumstances that led to meeting Garry Nesbit;
    Roy Burton and Garry Nesbit deliverance encounter;
    Kingdom demonstration, not eloquent speech;
    Garry helped quicken some scriptures;
    Public ministry in public is mentoring;
    Open your mouth about Jesus;

    Roy burton testimony https://www.conradrocks.net/2015/09/roy-burton-testimony-of-deliverance.html
    Garry Nesbit interviews https://www.conradrocks.net/search?q=garry+nesbit
    Coffee With Conrad
    enAugust 06, 2022

    Slain in the Spirit - Is it Biblical?

    Slain in the Spirit - Is it Biblical?
    Being slain in the spirit - Is it Biblical?

    show notes:
    Maria WoodWorth Etter - Diary of Signs and Wonders;
    The manifest presence of God is a real thing;
    Christian Tabernacle and the presence of God;
    The slain of the Lord will be many - Isa 66:16;
    Jazziz shares her experience;
    Ezekiel 1:28 Ezekiel falls upon his face;
    Daniel 10:5-18 Daniel lost his strength face down;
    Disciples fall down Matt 17:6;
    John Falls down as dead Rev 1:10-18;

    https://twitter.com/MostRadicalMan http://bit.ly/Sub2Podcast

    Coffee With Conrad
    enMay 07, 2022

    Walking After the Spirit with the Carrascos

    Walking After the Spirit with the Carrascos
    Testimony interview Francisco and Carisa Carrasco.

    Warfare before the Interview;
    Francisco and Carissa battled Sickness;
    Demons and the Spirit of Death;
    The struggle with going to the doctor;
    The dove confirmation of assurance;
    A turn for the worse - very low oxygen;
    The demonic growl ;
    Xray shows complete lung failure;
    Only 2 days left to live;
    The supernatural healing encounter ;
    God sends two confirmations ;
    Deliverance came finally;
    God provided for all the needs;
    The Atheist doctor saw a miracle;
    Hear blockage disappears;
    God said CHOOSE NOW! ;
    Divine appointment and word of knowledge;
    More dove confirmations;
    Prayer ........ ;

    Youtube Interview https://youtu.be/9SNlGAFNr7M
    Francisco on Facebook
    Carisa on Facebook
    Coffee With Conrad
    enApril 02, 2022

    God Sends Mentors - Prophetic Mentors (My experience)

    God Sends Mentors - Prophetic Mentors (My experience)
    If we are diligently seeking God, He will send mentors in His timing. #Prophetic

    Prophesying from the heart Jer 23:16;
    Blown away by the supernatural;
    Man flew me to prophetic conference;
    The cannon ball vision;
    We prophesy in part 1 Cor 13:9;
    Don't interpret if you don't have it;
    We need prophetic mentoring;
    Why cartoon visions? ;
    God sends mentors if you seek Him diligently;

    my book http://bit.ly/OpenYourEyesBook

    Coffee With Conrad
    enFebruary 26, 2022

    Observing Solomon Part 2 - Contrasts

    Observing Solomon Part 2 - Contrasts
    Looking further into Solomon from the lens of scripture, we can see that Solomon had wives, wine, wisdom, wealth, women. And he still blew it for Israel.

    Continuing to explore contrasts;
    The spirit of Depression while studying;
    Did Solomon prophesy his demise?;
    No biblical evidence that Solomon ever repented;
    Did Solomon have mentors to guide him?;
    John Alexander Dowie downfall parallels;
    Solomon relied on Wisdom over Relationship;
    Did wisdom lead to pride and then a fall?;
    Cast your bread upon the waters Ecc 11:1;
    What did Solomon mean?;
    How does this fit with what Jesus teaches?;
    Eat, Drink, and be Merry Ecclesiastes 8:15;
    Jesus, Paul, God, and Solomon contrast;
    Does money answer ALL things?;
    Musing on the word ‘all’ ;
    Attenuating what he means;
    The sum of Thy Word is Truth Psalm 119:160 ASV;
    The dead know nothing Ecc 9:5;
    Old Testament confirmation Vs New Testament;
    Old Testament Soul Sleep idea;
    Which Covenant is in Focus? ;
    Weightier Matters and the Words in Red;
    The Authority of Jesus over others;
    Jesus is Greater than Solomon and the Temple;
    Scriptures and Salvation through Faith in Jesus;
    2 Timothy 3:15-17 scriptures are inspired by God;
    Did Solomon judge as he said in the beginning?;

    BEWARE OF THE SCRIBES https://www.conradrocks.net/2018/08/beware-of-scribes-06.html

    My Book http://bit.ly/OpenYourEyesBook

    Facebook Post on Weightier matters and the Words in Red
    Coffee With Conrad
    enFebruary 12, 2022

    Observing Solomon

    Observing Solomon
    Have you ever noticed that people don't quote Ecclesiastes or Song of Solomon nearly as much as the rest of the scripture? I have some observations on that.

    Solomon heard from God twice and then fell away;
    I consulted a few people and forums on this subject;
    It takes a few bible readings to see this pattern;
    Jesus says He is greater than Solomon for a reason;
    The danger of not balancing scripture - Eliphaz;
    2 Tim 3:16,17 scripture is for our instruction;
    Comparing David and Solomon;
    Love for God versus Love for Wisdom;
    Experience versus hearing about it;
    Solomon granted wisdom to judge God's people;
    Can't make an argument from silence;
    The Love comparison between Psalms and Proverbs;
    'Love' AND 'God' in David and Solomons scriptures;
    'Love' AND 'Lord' in David and Solomon's scriptures;
    Moses judged the people all day;
    How weighty are Solomon's later books? ;

    BEWARE OF THE SCRIBES https://www.conradrocks.net/2018/08/beware-of-scribes-06.html


    TEAM JESUS GEAR https://team-jesus-4.creator-spring.com


    Coffee With Conrad
    enFebruary 05, 2022

    Kill the Giant While He is Small - Managing Our Thought Life

    Kill the Giant While He is Small - Managing Our Thought Life
    Killing the Giant when he is small. Getting a grip on our thought life before they get out of control.

    What I mean by when I say ‘personal revelation’;
    Making carnal inferences from scripture;
    Discerning the Spirit via the word and exercise Hebrews 4:12 Hebrews 5"12-15;
    The Way to the Father through the Word;
    Mentors and the Mark 16 signs of a believer;
    Samuel being mentored by Eli ;
    Spiritual versus Carnally minded mentors;
    Prophetic mentoring 1 Cor 14;
    John teaching they no longer need a teacher;
    Rehearsing scripture all the time;
    Meditating on the Word to get to the spirit;
    My take on two or three witnesses;
    Mentors keep our footing sure;
    Thoughts, emotions, feelings, Disease;
    We perpetuate what we think;
    Worry can lead to ulcers, but is unbiblical;
    Our bodies are raiment or our tent;
    We are to cleanse our minds proactively;
    We are to bring EVERY THOUGHT into the obedience of Christ 2 Cor 101;5;
    David brought his thoughts into what God said ;
    Joshua brought his thinking into what God said Joshua 7;
    I perpetuated depression when I should have cut it short;

    Link to warfare journal https://youtu.be/RQeakSwP0Sg
    "Open Your Eyes My Supernatural Journey" - https://bit.ly/OpenYourEyesBook
    Video On YouTube https://youtu.be/EWtIpdkoyIY