
    Coffee with the Universe: Be Calm, Collected, and Confident Every Day with Lore Goldstein

    How do you start your day? Are you focused, energized, and tuned in to your higher self? Or do you wake up anxious, unmotivated, and already overwhelmed by your giant to-do list? Stop reacting to life and being "busy, busy". Start being on-purpose, and watch your energy and productivity skyrocket! Welcome to Coffee with the Universe, with Lore Goldstein where we'll have inspiring and practical conversations around how to reverse daily struggle, and show up calm, collected, and confident instead. As a psychotherapist, spiritual advisor, and yoga teacher, Lore will discuss all things “morning routine” for increased productivity, mental clarity, greater connection with self, and better decision-making. So grab your favorite cup of “joe” and come sit down with Lore… Coffee with the Universe starts now.
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio21 Episodes

    Episodes (21)

    Is it possible to experience joy in every moment? Or is this just an unrealistic "law of attraction" expectation?

    Is it possible to experience joy in every moment? Or is this just an unrealistic "law of attraction" expectation?

    We are told by the law of attraction and positive thinking communities to think only happy, successful thoughts as what we put out, we attract. But is this realistic? Can one truly experience joy and bliss at every moment despite what is going on around them?  Or do you have to be a monk or special, "enlightened" one? Can the ego even be happy? Is my soul happy all the time and I just don't know it? If I am not happy will my life go down the crapper? Join me in this episode for a bit of a debate about this concept of finding happiness in any circumstance.

    My experience with Kundalini yoga, and how I found it can work through subconscious crap quicker than other forms of yoga.

    My experience with Kundalini yoga, and how I found it can work through subconscious crap quicker than other forms of yoga.

    All forms of yoga are beneficial: Vinyassa, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Hatha, Bikram. My background and experience comes from the Iyengar school, and I attribute having the skill and initiative to complete my yoga teacher training to all my Iyengar teachers. However, it wasn't until I started dabbling in Kundalini that I realized Kundalini was helping to quiet my overactive mind (and surprisingly sort through my self-sabotaging garbage) a lot more quickly and efficiently than other forms of yoga I worked with. I used to call Kundalini the "weird yoga" because I didn't understand it. So I wanted to talk about why I feel Kundalini is so effective and why the "weird" parts are exactly what most of us need!

    Understanding Energetic Root Causes behind Health Issues, Life Struggles, & Stagnant Business Revenue with Lore Goldstein

    Understanding Energetic Root Causes behind Health Issues, Life Struggles, & Stagnant Business Revenue with Lore Goldstein

    When experiencing chronic illness or unexplained pain, anxiety, relationship difficulties, or even a stagnant income in business or a career, the typical approach is to start throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if anything sticks and solves the problem. The tendency is to look to the surface of a particular struggle: how you can eat better, how you can meditate more, how to improve your communication skills, how to stop attracting the wrong kind of partner, how you can get a promotion or better job, or how you can change your marketing funnel to attract more prospects. What tends to be hidden from us, and thus overlooked, is the underlying stuck energy and emotions that are perpetuating negative patterns. So for example, if you are holding on to deep resentment over something, even if what happened is in your past and you think it shouldn’t be impacting you now, it could very well be tied to a physical health diagnosis that looks unrelated on the surface. Come join us for a conversation around understanding the emotional and energetic root causes of your struggles can help you solve the problem in a much quicker fashion than many conventional solutions.!

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Setting Goals and Resolutions: Does this lead us farther away from our spiritual nature?

    Setting Goals and Resolutions: Does this lead us farther away from our spiritual nature?

    Goal setting seems to be the thing to do, especially in December / early January when a new year rolls around.  We are an achievement driven society, and many take pride in having a lofty list of goals to accomplish. It's as if the more you accomplish, the more successful and/or productive you appear. The drive to set goals actually comes from the ego.  So does your soul actually care about achieving goals?  Is this how it measures abundance and being in our dharmic flow? And are we getting in our own way by setting goals and having such a targeted focus on achievement? In today's show, we discuss all things resolutions, goals, and if they are actually helping (or hindering) us connect to our spiritual nature.

    Soul lessons learned from working in an Alaskan Yupik village, in the middle of nowhere.

    Soul lessons learned from working in an Alaskan Yupik village, in the middle of nowhere.

    Most of us can identify at least one monumental experience (either voluntary or forced) that was the catalyst for a major life change. I attribute my spiritual growth, and finally connecting to my life's path and purpose, to the 2-year work-related stint I did in the remote Yupik village of Kotlik, Alaska. It's where I took up yoga, started to hear my inner voice, learned what I could live with and without, and found the courage to not lose my sh*t within a culture and environment so different than big city life in Miami. It took being dropped off in a bush plane, and moving to the middle of nowhere with no roads, cars, restaurants, or entertainment venues.

    In this episode of Coffee with the Universe, I talk about my experience in the frozen tundra, the soul-lessons I learned, and how sometimes it takes separating yourself from the noise of the world to find yourself.

    How 20 Minutes a Day Can Boost Confidence, Reduce Anxiety & Improve Your Physical Health

    How 20 Minutes a Day Can Boost Confidence, Reduce Anxiety & Improve Your Physical Health

    Most people spend their time blindly reacting to life and whatever is thrown at them. This is a very stressful way to live. You don't feel prepared most of the time. You don't feel grounded and organized. Things slip through the cracks which triggers anxiety and unrest. And then chronic body tension morphs into physical illness or exacerbates pre-existing conditions. My whole "coffee with the Universe" ritual (and in fact this radio show) was created from a place of desperately wanting to stop feeling anxious, burned out, and uneasy.

    In this episode of Coffee with the Universe, I talk about my experience with creating and sticking to a morning routine. And how just 20 minutes a day can set you up to feel calm, collected, confident, and connected to yourself so that you are more focused, productive, and peaceful throughout the day.



    When “Spirituality” Becomes A Self-Sabotaging Ego Trip. (You might not be as spiritual as you think you are!)

    When “Spirituality” Becomes A Self-Sabotaging Ego Trip. (You might not be as spiritual as you think you are!)


    As I become more self aware and recognize the games that my ego plays, I catch myself in moments where I am actually hiding under the illusion of spirituality. For example, judging others (with irritation) who proclaim to be “spiritual” but instead are what I call “fake spiritual.” (Um, hello, judging someone else isn't all that “spiritual” either.) Or rushing through the motions of my morning yoga and meditation routine at the onset of a busy day, and then reassuring myself that I successfully got in my “spiritual practice” for that day. In this episode of Coffee with the Universe, I look at various definitions of spirituality, and share my observations and experiences where I noticed that proclaimed acts of spirituality were really just a giant ego trip.


    Do you really need to “find” your purpose and passion? Or is searching for them just a distraction?

    Do you really need to “find” your purpose and passion?  Or is searching for them just a distraction?


    The greater part of my work with people up until this point has been to help them find their purpose and passion so they create a career they love. So it's quite ironic that in episode 13 of Coffee with the Universe, I am debating whether there is a single life/work “purpose” to find, or whether being passionate about our life's work supports us, or limits us. Is being on a constant search creating more struggle than clarity? Join me for a conversation about purpose, passion, and creating peace and joy without either of these things. This is a live, call in show. I would love to hear your thoughts on this!


    Your Mind Is A Lousy Coach (Stop asking it to give you advice if you want to be happy.)

    Your Mind Is A Lousy Coach (Stop asking it to give you advice if you want to be happy.)


    The mind is an amazing tool if you are using it in the “right” way. But what happens is we tend to use it for purposes that it's not really designed for such as solving our life problems or trying to predict the future. It's like wanting a fresh cup of coffee but instead of using a French Press, you are trying to use a spaghetti strainer. Wrong tool for the job. You simply won't get the quality results you desire.

    In episode 12 of Coffee with the Universe, I will be talking about how the tendency is to use the mind as a personal coach, what that looks like (because we do it automatically), and how this is a very bad idea if you are seeking happiness and inner-peace. Come learn where to look for the answers you seek while making good (and accurate) use of your mind.




    Tired of being busy but still feeling unproductive and unfulfilled? An interview with Steven Lawson, founder of Monk Manual.

    Tired of being busy but still feeling unproductive and unfulfilled? An interview with Steven Lawson, founder of Monk Manual.

    Many of us are stuck in a cycle of being “busy” but having a false sense of accomplishment because we are taught that if we are constantly DOING something then we must be productive, therefore successful. We then tell others how busy we are, but deep down feel completely unfulfilled and like we are missing something. In this Coffee with the Universe episode I have the pleasure of interviewing Steve Lawson, founder of Monk Manual, a planner that shifts people from simply doing to peacefully BEING and purposefully doing. I've bounced back and forth between many planners over the years but keeping coming back to this one as it's been the most effective in keeping overwhelm at bay and helping me to focus on the things that matter most. Join us for a conversation about how deceiving being “busy” really is, how being more intentional can elicit peace and productivity, and how the Monk Manual can help you create more freedom, joy, and balance.


    Stop "Should-ing" Yourself. Make decisions that are truly YOURS for greater joy and fulfillment.

    Stop "Should-ing" Yourself.  Make decisions that are truly YOURS for greater joy and fulfillment.

    It often takes a personal crisis such as divorce, loss of of a loved one, or health scare to start to question what you are doing and why. How are you making your choices? By what criteria? Are you even making daily decisions that are truly YOURS? Or are you living by someone else's plan and expectations? It's easy to fall into the trap of “should's”. Society is always pressuring you to look, act, and be a certain way to gain approval. But there are consequences to living life by “should's”, one of those being you wake up one day and have no idea who you are anymore. In this Coffee with the Universe episode I talk about how deceiving the “should's” can be, how to be more aware of when it's happening, and how to shift to making decisions based on who you truly are instead. Even if others won't understand and might judge you.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/



    When I knew I was not living my soul's purpose (nor the life that I wanted anymore), my stomach was constantly in knots and I was having all kinds of digestive problems. My anxiety was through the roof and I was only sleeping about 3-4 hours a night before I woke up in a panic. Because I was ignoring my spirit's calling (and my mind was in full-blown resistance), my body started to kick in. My 3rd chakra region was basically screaming at me to TAKE ACTION. Your body is actually your LAST resort, wake-up call when something is not right. And this surfaces as aches, pain, anxiety, depression, and disease (if left too long). Come join me and guest Joanna Chodorowska, holistic nutritionist and ordained minister, for a discussion on the impact of stored emotions and misaligned daily choices on your body, as well as the tools that can be used to understand what exactly your body is telling you.


    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Are you living with a false sense of self? Discover who the REAL you is for more joy and peace within.

    Are you living with a false sense of self? Discover who the REAL you is for more joy and peace within.

    This show is about “coming home to yourself.” But do you know the “self” that you are coming home to? Is it a peaceful self, that is free from external influences? Or is it a stressed and turbulent self, that is just trying to navigate life's chaos? Most people believe they are their thoughts, past experiences, their physical body, and/or emotions. But when we self-identify with and build who we are based on such things, life becomes a continuous struggle.

    Join me for coffee and a conversation on how to know your REAL self so that you can be truly happy, content, and at peace.


    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Feel Like You've Been Searching For Your Purpose Everywhere?

    Feel Like You've Been Searching For Your Purpose Everywhere?

    Are you seeking your greater purpose but are confused by the various avenues out there or that you've already tried?  Astrology, personality tests, Tarot cards, meditating on it.  What does that all mean, and how does it help me "find" my purpose?


    In this podcast episode I talk about the avenues most people turn to, to find their purpose, and what you really get from them instead.

    Ditch The Soul-Sucking Work. Uncover Your Passion & Purpose So You Can Love What You Do.

    Ditch The Soul-Sucking Work. Uncover Your Passion & Purpose So You Can Love What You Do.

    Do you dread Mondays? Are you bored and unfulfilled with your career, wishing you could just love and have fun with what you do? Are you tired of it taking forever to find your calling, and wonder how others know exactly what they were created to do yet you still aren't clear? Join me for coffee and a conversation about uncovering your soul's purpose and aligning your work in the world to your soul's strengths and heart's passion.

    **This is a call-in show.  Join me LIVE and request guidance from the Universe about your purpose!


    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Feeling Stuck? How Connecting To Your Shadow Side (your inner-devil) Can Free You

    Feeling Stuck? How Connecting To Your Shadow Side (your inner-devil) Can Free You

    Are you feeling stuck, bound by your circumstances? Maybe it's a career you no longer love but affords you a certain lifestyle. Or a toxic relationship that you hold on to despite knowing the drama it creates. The truth is, we often choose to stay attached and bound by our negative circumstances because it's somehow feeding our shadow side - we are BENEFITTING from it. However, this is just an illusion and by recognizing what your inner-devil needs, you can free yourself and move on.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Having a chaotic internal state can impact your environment, other people, & even your pets with Guest Ginny Branden

    Having a chaotic internal state can impact your environment, other people, & even your pets with Guest Ginny Branden

    When you are scattered and ungrounded, your environment starts to reflect that very same chaos. Does it seem like others in your life are short and irritated with you? Are your pets acting up? Things slipping at work? Does being in your home feel more stressful than peaceful? Your outer world is a visible and tangible reflection of what is going on internally. We often don't realize how our own energy is unconsciously influencing other people's (and our pet's) behaviors. Join host Lore Goldstein and her guest Ginny Branden, Animal Communicator & Energy Healer, for a conversation on being aware of your internal state so you can make the changes needed for a more harmonious outer state.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Finding Peace Through Surrender During Times Of Grief & Loss with Special Guest Angela DeSousa

    Finding Peace Through Surrender During Times Of Grief & Loss with Special Guest Angela DeSousa

    The death of a beloved pet or loved one. Witnessing the physical and mental decline of an elderly parent. Loss of a job, and sense of “normalcy.” These can all push us into a tailspin, creating a bottomless pit of grief, and sadness. Join show host Lore Goldstein and her guest, Angela DeSousa, a Conscious Leadership and Life Transitions Coach, in a conversation about what “surrender” really means, and how you can use this principle to find peace and serenity within, even during times of grief and loss.

    This is a LIVE call-in show. We will be taking calls at 1.800.930.2819, from anyone who has a question or would like to receive some support from the Universe.

    The Treasure Chest of Tarot: How a deck of cards can help skyrocket your confidence!

    The Treasure Chest of Tarot:  How a deck of cards can help skyrocket your confidence!

    Do you question your worth, or see yourself as “not good enough” in certain areas of your life?  I didn't fully understand the significance and usefulness of Tarot for this issue until I started using it in my therapy practice.  The cards literally helped my clients discover the buried treasure within which skyrocketed their confidence and self-worth, and completely changed their perception of self. In today's show I talk more about how the cards facilitate this process, what kind of “treasure” we have within, and how it can help us create the life we want. treasure do you hold?

    **Join us LIVE for some custom card pulls. What kind of treasure do you hold?**

    Call in! 1-800-930-2819

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Take Out The Trash!

    Take Out The Trash!

    One of my favorite Louise Hay sayings is, “you wouldn't build today's meals from last night's dinner scraps that you already put in the trash.” But this is how people typically make decisions in their lives - based on past garbage that hasn't been thrown away yet. People allow old feelings, resentments, regrets, fears, and guilt direct their present day choices. All this leads to is feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and anxious. In this Coffee with the Universe episode, Lore Goldstein and Dr. Pat Baccili, share tips and tools that you can use in your own morning coffee with the Universe routine to start taking out the trash. **Join us LIVE and request guidance from the Universe on ONE thing that you are ready to release NOW but that you are still holding on to.**

    Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/