
    Coldest Cases

    From unsolved murders, to centuries-old disappearances that puzzle historians today; Coldest Cases is a podcast that delves into history's oldest mysteries.
    enColdest Cases76 Episodes

    Episodes (76)

    The Osage Reign of Terror - Part One

    The Osage Reign of Terror - Part One

    The suspicious deaths started cropping up slowly in Osage County, Oklahoma around 1921. Members of the Osage Native American tribe were dying of “wasting diseases” or “drink”... while their loved ones weren’t convinced. Soon, the deaths became more brazen, with people being shoved off moving trains or thrown in front of cars. Although it took years for anyone in power to believe them, the Osage tribe knew exactly what was going on. There could be no denying it or chalking it up to coincidence: They were being purposefully targeted… and it seemed like no government official. police officer or lawyer was willing or able to help.

    GPN Presents: Ada Lovelace on History in a Hurry

    GPN Presents: Ada Lovelace on History in a Hurry

    While Lauren is busy researching her next big story on Coldest Cases, we’re diving into the archives of Coldest Cases’ sister podcast, History in a Hurry! Born in London in 1815, Ada Lovelace was one of the smartest people the world has ever known. She had a rare mind that excelled in mathematics, language, art, music and science. As a teenager, when one of her mentors showed her the world’s first calculator, Ada saw much more than a machine that could solve for “x”. Click play to learn more about the amazing woman who invented coding a century before it became a reality!

    The Paris Poison Affair - Part Two

    The Paris Poison Affair - Part Two

    Three years after the case of Madame de Brinvilliers, a noblewoman named Madame de Poulallion is accused of poisoning her husband so she could be with her lover. While investigating the case, Paris’ lieutenant general of police Nicolas de la Reynie uncovers two suspects who may have helped Poulallion… and at least three other women… take purposeful steps towards widowhood. From arsenic-laced frogs to “love potions,” Part Two on the Paris Poison Affair is not an episode you want to miss.

    The Mad Trapper of Rat River

    The Mad Trapper of Rat River

    February 17, 1932. After a 53 day manhunt across the freezing, remote land of Canada’s Northwest Territories, a trapper by the name of “Albert Johnson” is taken down by Mounties after being shot nine times. For two months, he led police officers on a chase across sprawling mountain ranges in freezing temperatures, always managing to stay a few steps ahead. Today, the Mad Trapper’s true identity remains a mystery.

    The Great Escape from Alcatraz - Part One

    The Great Escape from Alcatraz - Part One

    June 12, 1962. On this quiet morning at the maximum-security prison on Alcatraz Island, a guard notices something strange in the cells of inmates John and Clarence Anglin. When officials try to wake the sleeping inmates, they realize something major has gone down: the Anglin brothers, along with inmate Frank Morris, have escaped, and left behind paper mache heads as a decoy. In the decades since, the world has debated their fate as this escape remains unsolved.

    George Washington's Almost Assassination - Part Two

    George Washington's Almost Assassination - Part Two

    A governor, a mayor, and a gunsmith are named as the three top conspirators in a plot against George Washington and the Continental Army. For General Washington, the news gets worse when he hears his housemaid is possibly involved. This news all comes as British ships flock to the harbor by the hundreds, and the Revolutionary War begins.

    Coldest Cases
    enMay 02, 2019

    George Washington's Almost Assassination - Part One

    George Washington's Almost Assassination - Part One

    June 28th, 1776. A member of George Washington’s Life Guard (basically America’s first Secret Service) is executed for conspiring to turn on the General and take his life in the name of Great Britain. The plot, discovered by random chance, would have irrevocably changed the course of America’s history. And according to witnesses, several other Life Guards were in on the traitorous plans.

    Grigori Rasputin - Part Four

    Grigori Rasputin - Part Four

    Felix Yusupov comes up with a plan to murder Rasputin and enlists the help of several others. However, even today we don’t know how exactly Rasputin’s death came about. Lauren dives into the dramatic finish to Rasputin’s story. The dramatic end to Rasputin’s story, plus why a mysterious situation in Berlin in 1920 led to decades of rumors about some of the Romanovs surviving their grisly demise.

    Grigori Rasputin - Part Three

    Grigori Rasputin - Part Three

    Just weeks after Rasputin’s murder, Russia’s Tsar Nicholas abdicated and his family ended up under house arrest. 18 months later, the entire family was murdered in the basement of Ipatiev House in cold blood. So… is there any truth to Alexandra’s claims that Rasputin was a Holy Man sent to protect her family? Lauren explores fact and fiction in Part Three on Grigori Rasputin.

    Grigori Rasputin - Part Two

    Grigori Rasputin - Part Two

    Rasputin met Russia’s Tsar & Tsarina in late 1905, after a tumultuous year for the country. Despite protests from the government, the church & the people, Nicholas & Alexandra continued to give this Siberian peasant more access to the Royal Palace & Court. Part Two looks into why & how Rasputin’s influence was able to stretch as far as it did… & why Nicholas & Alexandra continued to ignore the warnings that no good would come from the situation.