
    College Prep Mastery

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    Episodes (48)

    College Prep Mastery | New College Study Emphasizes Age-Old Problem We've Been Telling You About

    College Prep Mastery | New College Study Emphasizes Age-Old Problem We've Been Telling You About
    According to a new study: Low Income, Highly Academically Successful Students are ending up at the wrong college. The system & resources currently available to us, do NOT provide the information we need to select the right college. Wait a minute: This isn't a problem exclusive to low-income students. This is happening in every demographic across the board. The biggest problem facing college bound students is: They don't know what they don't know. The free resources available are not enough to choose the best college. Today's show will open your eyes and help you avoid the pitfalls that drain the financial resources of most families.

    College Prep Mastery | Trouble For Student Loan Servicers

    College Prep Mastery | Trouble For Student Loan Servicers
    How much will I woe under the new 'Income-based repayment plan method? The number of companies servicing student loans owned by the federal government has skyrocketed the past few years. Changes are causing confusion on what borrowers are expected to pay and where to go for questions regarding their student loan payments. It's a real possibility that two students graduating from the same college, with identical income, will have different monthly loan payments. Listen to today's show and gain clarity how to proceed in the ever-changing world of student loans. Chip Wittrock www.CollegePrepMastery.com

    CollegePrepMastery.com | Assessed Vs Non Assessed Assets

    CollegePrepMastery.com | Assessed Vs Non Assessed Assets
    Financial planners are paid to market products. They're not rewarded for how much financial aid you receive. For example, the 529 Savings plan is one of the worst ideas the average college family will ever implement. 529 Plans are tied to the stock market. How do you think that's worked out for most people over the past twenty years? And....The 529 plan counts as an asset against you when you list all of your assets on your FAFSA form. Even if you did have a tax benefit from the plan, you will end up giving it back. There's many others we will dive into on today's show. Be prepared to be shocked of what you will hear. Chip Wittrock www.CollegePrepMastery.com

    CollegePrepMastery.com | The Narrowing Of The Mind

    CollegePrepMastery.com | The Narrowing Of The Mind
    We're in an economy where innovation is important. Whatever major a student chooses, they need to make sure that all of the courses develop of of their capacities. Having one knowledge specific to a certain field is not good enough. Begin with their passion and identify a career that resonates with the student. Students just get frustrated when they take classes that create homework. Nobody wins in that scenario. We want to create a culture where the student is happy and 'never works a day in their life....' Because they love what they do for a living. It's possible.

    State Support For Colleges Now Tied To Course Completion - Yes!

    State Support For Colleges Now Tied To Course Completion - Yes!
    Colleges are now being held accountable - it's about time! You will begin to see a trend in the next 12-18 months of colleges making sure the student has a plan to finish their schooling on time. Why? Because they are now being held accountable and could lose their federal aid as a result. Very interesting.... We dive into the subject on today's show. Enjoy! Chip Wittrock www.CollegePrepMastery.com

    Sticker Prices For Colleges Rise Again

    Sticker Prices For Colleges Rise Again
    Although the cost of college tuition may be rising a but more slowly than before, it's still going up at an alarming rate. It takes the average college student 5.6 years to graduate. Can you imagine how much this will cost? That's why it's critical to have professional college planning assistance to ensure you're prepared. You need to be in and out, in four years or less. Enjoy The Show. Chip Wittrock www.CollegePrepMastery.com

    The 90/10 Rule - Colleges Can Lose Their Federal Aid If They Fail This Test

    The 90/10 Rule - Colleges Can Lose Their Federal Aid If They Fail This Test
    Today we discuss 'The 90/10 Test' For-profit schools cannot receive more than 90% of their revenue from federal aid. College s that fail to comply with the rule for two consecutive years, will lose the opportunity to receive federal aid for the next two years. This is a big deal and we explain why. Enjoy the show. Chip Wittrock www.CollegePrepMastery.com

    CollegePrepMastery.com | Virtual College Planning Resources

    CollegePrepMastery.com  | Virtual College Planning Resources
    The demand on high school guidance counselors has never been greater. The attention paid to students is minimal, yet they are making one of the biggest decisions of their life. Fortunately, college planning resources are just a click away. Of course, we believe the BEST college planning resources are located at www.CollegePrepMastery.com Enjoy the show! Chip Wittrock Co-Founder, www.CollegePrepMastery.com

    CollegePrepMastery.com | States Cutting Back On Funding

    CollegePrepMastery.com |  States Cutting Back On Funding
    States are going to be giving colleges less money; Making it critical that parents and kids are well-prepared. Law makers will be crafting incentives to make sure students gain their degree on time. Some states will be appropriating monies based on the college's ability to graduate their students on time - Finally! Contact our college planning team today to make sure you 'Know before you go." Chip Wittrock, Co-Founder www.CollegePrepMastery.com