
    Comedy Parenting Radio

    Comedy Parenting Radio is the funniest 15 minutes you'll spend online this week. "Predictably unpredictable." "Fast paced." "Zany." "Refreshingly different." It has nothing to do with parenting. (Does Monty Python's Flying Circus have anything to do with pythons?) We do radio theater as well as discuss life, giving it the "Comedy Parenting Radio treatment." Comedy that's suitable for all ages. If you're looking for comedy that you can share with your preacher or Rabbi, you've come home.
    Recorded at Studio B in Colorado. New disasters every Wednesday at 11 am EST on Spreaker.
    enJerry Begly298 Episodes

    Episodes (298)

    The Science Show - *Radio Theater*

    Three Meet Three At The Bus Stop

    Unusual Things To Be Afraid of

    Unusual Things To Be Afraid of
    Fear is a powerful motivator, and no one knows that better than people who are afraid to go get the newspaper for fear of having to greet the neighbors, or not going to the pool so that there's no chance they become too hydrated. Silly, right? WRONG. These are completely rational fears in comparison to what we got on this here show!
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    *{Radio Theater}* - Dirk Tracksuit and the Case of the Missing Suzie-Qs

    *{Radio Theater}* - Dirk Tracksuit and the Case of the Missing Suzie-Qs
    It's evening time at Studio B, and crime's afoot! A sneak thief has mad off with certain glucose goods, and the only one that has a chance at finding out the culprit is none other than Detective Dirk Tracksuit!
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    Technology Turtles

    Technology Turtles
    Some people just aren't there yet with technology, and others are so far behind that they drag everyone else as well. Those incorrigible individuals we have dubbed "Technology Turtles", and will share a few instances with you.
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    Hello, Listener! We are changing our upload schedule to Wednesdays 11:00 Eastern.

    *{Radio Theater}* - Comedy Reactor Meltdown

    *{Radio Theater}* - Comedy Reactor Meltdown
    The World Comedy reactor is going on the fritz, and someone needs to solve its problems! The Comedy Parenting Crew has been selected for the job, but is a group of unfunny morons really qualified to fix a comedy machine?
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    What Not To Take Into Your Bunker

    What Not To Take Into Your Bunker
    The Comedy Parenting Radio Crew pride themselves on being ready for any disaster, and have a bunker for emergencies ranging from tornadoes to door-to-door salesmen. But upon entering the bunker, they find a list of things to not bring in! What items are listed? Which precious palpables must be left behind? Find out in this week's episode of Comedy Parenting Radio!
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