
    Connected & Confident - The Podcast

    How different could life be, if you remembered how powerful you truly are?
    How can your life change when you're in pursuit of something bigger and better for yourself?

    If you chose to explore new perspectives, and be open to new ways of thinking, seeing and *being*?

    In this podcast, we explore exactly this. Join me on a philosophical, compassionately curious journey every week, covering the changes and challenges, the ups and the downs of what can happen when you're working towards being a better version of you.

    This podcast is for everyone who is seeking something greater for themselves. Whether its business, family, career, wealth, self improvement or spirituality - we talk about all of it, and specifically, how it can help you feel more connected and confident!
    enHeather Agan de Visser53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    0052 Make life easier for yourself! Let me show you how

    0052 Make life easier for yourself! Let me show you how
    SEASON 4: 0052 Make life easier for yourself - let me show you how

    How’s your January going so far? Mine has started a little slower than planned and it's got me thinking about the pressures we put on ourselves for no good reason! This episode includes the simple, super effective ways you can make life feel easier, more in flow, and less stressful - right now! Take the pressure off and create more time and space for yourself so you can feel more in control, and focus your energy on what really matters to you.

    Remember to follow & subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!
    And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me?

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode….

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/
    Free resources: https://hadv.co.uk/free-resources

    0051 New Years Workshop! Make 2024 your best year yet with this process

    0051 New Years Workshop! Make 2024 your best year yet with this process
    A very special episode to kick off 2024 - I’m taking you through a guided coaching session to reflect on 2023 and look ahead to 2024 feeling empowered, energised and READY to make it an amazing year. This is NOT about New Year, New Me, New Year's Resolutions. This is about connecting within and then focusing your energy on how you want 2024 to unfold.

    Get your free workbook download here: https://hadv.co.uk/free-resources

    And then settle in, tune in, and get ready for a powerful workshop with me, helping you to set yourself up for huge success (your way) in 2024.

    Remember to follow & subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!

    And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me? Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode...

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/
    Free resources: https://hadv.co.uk/free-resources

    0050 Thank you and happy holidays!

    0050 Thank you and happy holidays!
    50 episodes in! Wow! And what could be better than a message of gratitude and love for each and every one of you in today's episode.

    Thank you for listening, for sharing this time with me and for choosing to listen to the Connected & Confident podcast.

    Enjoy this mini episode, enjoy however you are spending your holidays and THANK YOU for choosing to be here! See you in the next episode in 2024!

    Please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me?

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode…

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0049 Reflections on 2023

    0049 Reflections on 2023
    SEASON 4: 0049 Reflections on 2023 - my biggest learnings

    As 2023 is slowly drawing to a close, one of my favourite things to do is to pause and reflect on the year that was. What went well, what was a disaster, how have I chosen to spend my resources, and what do I want to carry forward, or completely let go of, into the New Year? In this, a more personal share of an episode, I’m reviewing my 2023 and its key lessons - and my intention is that within this episode you’ll find something that resonates. How has your 2023 been?

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!
    And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0048 Protect your peace this festive season

    0048 Protect your peace this festive season
    SEASON 4: 0048 Protect your peace this festive season

    Ah the festive season - it's the most wonderful time of the year! And - it can be immensely stressful, leaving us feeling frazzled, and over stretched. This episode is all about the ways you can protect your peace this festive season, whether that’s navigating awkward family dynamics, staying true to your choices around food and drink or simply feeling empowered to honour your needs above the needs of others. Its an ideal listen for December and will set you up for success amongst the festivities.

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0047 How to have courageous conversations (5 simple steps)

    0047 How to have courageous conversations (5 simple steps)
    SEASON 4: 0047 Have courageous conversations with these 5 steps

    Knowing that you need to face a problem, redraw boundaries or even ask for a pay rise can leave you in a cold sweat. Why are we so afraid of having courageous conversations? In this episode I take you through my 5 step process to feeling confident, when you need to have a courageous or challenging conversation. It's not as hard as it seems, and with practice, you can face any situation feeling calm and in control.

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!
    And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0046 Make the most of the winter season - my top 5 tips

    0046 Make the most of the winter season - my top 5 tips
    It's that time of year (in the northern hemisphere at least) where the weather has changed and the dark nights have drawn in. It can be a tricky time, with enthusiasm and motivation dipping, and a feeling of wanting to hibernate and withdraw. This episode, I’m sharing my ride-or-die top 5 tips to thrive in the winter season. This is not a conversation about pushing through or hustling, this is a conversation about embracing seasonal change, adopting a different pace and creating a rhythm that works for you in the colder months.

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!

    And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0045 Rise above it - how to let go of drama in your life

    0045 Rise above it - how to let go of drama in your life
    SEASON 4: 0045 Rising above it - how to let go of drama in your life

    We all go through seasons in life where things feel more high voltage, more stressful, more dramatic. Often as we move through times of change and start to evolve, life, work and the people around us can feel full of friction and it can all feel a bit much. In this episode, I’m sharing my tried & tested wisdom on how to remain calm and navigate turbulent times - how to move with grace and lock in your inner peace when things around you are swirling. In this episode I’m sharing how you can move forward, honour your boundaries and focus on your journey, all with a feeling of connection & confidence.

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!

    And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0044 You need to start TRUSTING yourself!

    0044 You need to start TRUSTING yourself!
    SEASON 4: 0044 You need to start trusting yourself!

    This episode gets me energised and all fired up! Today on the Connected & Confident podcast, we are talking all about the incredible power that comes with actually trusting yourself. Exploring how many of us have been conditioned out of deep self belief and self trust, and asking the question - how could we change the world if we simply choose to trust and back ourselves? When you consider the first time you doubted yourself, and whose rules and limits you absorbed, isn’t it time to shake them off and choose YOU?

    I’m so excited to share this episode with you - thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0043 Clearing out, letting go & manifesting more

    0043 Clearing out, letting go & manifesting more
    SEASON 4: 0043 Clearing out, letting go, and making space for the new

    You might be more familiar with a spring clean, than an autumn clean - but when this season often sees us all spending more time indoors and at home, why not consider clearing out your space and shifting the energy up round about now? This is NOT an episode about organising your home, this is an episode about intentionally letting things go, embracing the cycles of life and doing all of it in the knowledge that so much more will flow your way, when you make space for it in your physical world. If you are manifesting something new, or are ready for an energy shake up - this episode is for you!

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0042 Lifestyle & Mindset Hacks to GET YOUR GROOVE BACK!

    0042 Lifestyle & Mindset Hacks to GET YOUR GROOVE BACK!
    SEASON 4: 0042 Lifestyle choices & mindset hacks to get your groove back

    After a little break, the Connected & Confident podcast is back! This episode is all about how you can implement small, simple lifestyle hacks into your life every day, to help you feel more like you’re living well. Or, as I describe it in this episode - living the high vibe life! After some time away and out of sync, it's time to get back into the groove and do all the things that make you feel amazing. Join me for this episode where I share my approach to the mindset, lifestyle and consciousness practices that help me to feel high vibe.

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0041 Embrace being a creator

    0041 Embrace being a creator
    Do you think of yourself as creative? If you do - what does that mean to you? And if you don’t, why not?

    Have you ever stopped to think about the labels we take on from other people? You’re so good at that, you’re so organised, you’re so creative…or not. And how much do we move through life unconsciously carrying these definitions of ourselves, which actually might not fit us at all?

    This episode is all about embracing creativity in any way you want to. Its a call to action to pick up that creative habit again, or start something just, just because you can. When you embrace being a creator, so much magic shows up for your life.

    As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.

    TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Knutsford, Cheshire in the UK. Full details to be announced, you can get your tickets now, right here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0040 The suprising lessons from Couch to 5k

    0040 The suprising lessons from Couch to 5k
    Have you ever decided to do something that is WAY out of your comfort zone? To actually go after something you have, perhaps for your whole life, always dismissed as ‘not for me’? That’s how I have always felt about running. So when I started Couch to 5K, I wasn’t exactly ‘all in for the in’.

    But after 2 months of showing up for it, 3 times a week, rain or shine, its been an illuminating experience. In this episode, I’m sharing the amazing life lessons that have come along and surprised me, as I’ve ticked off each week of progress. If you’re thinking about learning a new skill, or setting yourself a new challenge, this episode is full of motivation and examples of why these sorts of goals are worth going after - they bring so much more to life than you think they will.

    As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.
    TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Knutsford, Cheshire in the UK. Full details to be announced, you can get your tickets now, right here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0039 The power of a career pivot

    0039 The power of a career pivot
    Work and careers have changed exponentially in the last 3, 10, 20 years. And, if you look even further back than that, the way we work and create our careers now looks nothing like it did 40 or 50 years ago.

    I’ve been a fan of a career pivot for my whole career. From manchester to NYC to Hong Kong to Sydney and back to Manchester, my choice to continually pivot, try, learn and pivot again has given my life and career a fullness I dreamed of creating when I was in my late teens and starting to think about how I wanted my life to be.

    In this episode, we’re talking about the joys of a career pivot, the learnings and the magic it can bring. If you’re curious about shaking up your work, this episode is for you.

    As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.

    TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Knutsford, Cheshire in the UK. Full details to be announced, you can get your tickets now, right here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0038 Do you need to find your purpose?

    0038 Do you need to find your purpose?
    Do you ever feel a little bit, well, lost? Uncertain of the next step to take or if you’re on the right path? Have you ever been in a job, a relationship, a particular town or city and been consumed with a feeling of *this can’t be it* ?
    Its often these feelings that prompt us to start seeking deeper meaning, greater connection and a way to define ourselves in a new way. Often, we call this seeking - pursuit if purpose.
    In this episode, I’m sharing my take on finding your purpose and living with purpose - and my take on it might just surprise you.

    As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.

    TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Knutsford, Cheshire in the UK. Full details to be announced, you can get your tickets now, right here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!
    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0037 Improve your confidence NOW!

    0037 Improve your confidence NOW!
    Ah, confidence. A catch-all word that means a whole heap of different things to different people. It's often the word my clients use when I ask them how I can best support them as a coach - ‘I want to be more confident’ or ‘I want to feel more confident’ is a response I often hear.

    This episode we’re taking a closer look at what confidence is (and isn’t) and how you can take super simple, but massively powerful, steps forward, to start to grow your confidence in double quick time.

    As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.

    TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Knutsford, Cheshire in the UK. Full details to be announced, you can get your tickets now, right here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0036 How get rid of toxic productivity

    0036 How get rid of toxic productivity
    This episode takes a deep dive into a subject very close to my heart - toxic productivity.

    That feeling you have when you can't quite let yourself relax, switch off, and do nothing. The little voice somewhere in your system that makes you feel less than, if you’re not actively striving or working towards a project, task, or every day chore.

    Toxic productivity goes beyond workplace culture, it's part of a social conditioning - and this episode I’m talking all about what it might look like, to dismantle it all and choose differently.

    As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.

    TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Knutsford, Cheshire in the UK. Full details to be announced, get your tickets here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!

    And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0035 Do THIS to manifest your dream life

    0035 Do THIS to manifest your dream life
    I’m bringing back one of the most popular buzz-word topics in personal development this week, sharing my take on the one thing you need to do, to manifest the life you want.

    Is it really about the bank balance, or the Bentley? What can you do right now to bring everything you’re manifesting into your life.

    In this episode I’m talking about how you really start to *be* it so you can start to *see* it.

    What's your take on manifesting? I would love to hear your view! As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.

    TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Knutsford, Cheshire in the UK. Full details to be announced, you can register your interest and be the first to know about tickets, right here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!
    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0034 Perfection is a trap! Season 4

    0034 Perfection is a trap! Season 4
    Warning : BIG VIBES AHEAD!

    Welcome back to the podcast, I am so happy to have you here.

    This episode, I’m digging into our toxic but well meaning friend - perfectionism - and the impact it can have on our motivation, our consistency, and our feelings about our self worth.

    Have you ever noticed that, when we are going after a fresh start or a big goal, how easy it is to set ourselves up for failure by expecting everything to be perfect, completed, amazing - immediately? Have you ever experienced the pain of throwing your progress away because you feel like one set back means a full reset?

    Hear my take on where perfectionism comes from, how it shows up with good intentions, and how to manage it in this episode.

    As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.

    TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Knutsford, Cheshire in the UK. Full details to be announced, you can register your interest and be the first to know about tickets, right here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!

    And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!

    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/

    0033 Why you need a routine - The Summer Mini Series

    0033 Why you need a routine - The Summer Mini Series
    It's summertime, and the weather is (sometimes) fine! So it's time for a slightly different format - shorter, sharper episodes full of Connected & Confident wisdom, so you can tap into the connection as you enjoy all of the energy and brightness the summer has to offer.

    For the last episode in the summer mini series, we’re talking about the power of creating a routine that works for you. This isn’t about hacking your life or seizing the morning at 4am, it's my simple non negotiable routine that wraps around my life most days. We talk about the specific things that work for me, and take the conversation a little deeper to explore why the energy of a routine is so important to feel in control of your life.

    As always, my intention is for you to take what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t.
    REGISTER NOW for Fierce Friday, Live! On Friday 29th September in Cheshire / Manchester in the UK. Full details to be announced, you can register your interest and be the first to know about tickets, right here: https://workwithheatheradv.as.me/fiercefridaylive

    Thank you for listening and please follow / subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And if you love it, why not share it to your socials and tag me!
    Connect with me here and let me know how you found this episode!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamheatheragandevisser/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-agan-de-visser-16b8ab42/
    Website: https://hadv.co.uk/