
    Conquering Business Giants Podcast

    How to grow your business utilizing Godly principles Our mission is to walk alongside business leaders & entrepreneurs, helping them grow in their faith and positively impacting their business, family, personal life and community. Hosted by Dennis Hough, Tina Amrhein and Anthony 'Mack' Maccagnano
    en48 Episodes

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    Episodes (48)

    Before & After - EP 47

    Before & After - EP 47

    As a Christian, our testimony is typically broken into (1) our life before Christ, (2) the period in which we came to know and accept Christ into our lives, and (3) our life since accepting Christ and establishing a personal relationship with Our Lord and Savior. In accepting Christ into our hearts, who we were BEFORE has died and we are made anew thru Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

    This podcast episode challenges the idea that much like we were made anew upon accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that our journey is just beginning; that our AFTER is actually made up of a whole other series of BEFORE & AFTERs. Doesn’t God continue to work in our lives continually growing, developing, and strengthening us to continue building His Kingdom and utilizing us as part of His master plan? If so, isn’t He continually drawing us into new chapters or seasons of life that many times look and feel dramatically different than the season BEFORE.

    The Conquering Business Giants podcast trio - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio each share various ways that God works in our lives to continually transform each of us into new creations, shaping and molding us like clay [Episode 46]. The trio also discusses the important role that faith has on our worldly ability to let go of our current state [BEFORE] and allow ourselves to be moved into the unknown [AFTER] that God has planned for our lives.

    Hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; Conquering Business Giants is sponsored by Affirm Consulting and produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    The Art of Relinquishing - EP 48

    The Art of Relinquishing - EP 48

    Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.  [Luke 9:23]

    In our faith walk, why is it so difficult for us to relinquish certain situations or worldly things even though we know God has our best interest in mind and our faith lies within Him.

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio dive into the art, not science, of relinquishing ourselves and our circumstances. Tackling the tough question of, what challenges us as believers that inhibits our ability to relinquish our circumstances, our lives, and our worldly possessions over to God. The CBG trio discusses the various aspects of what triggers our humanly perspective that clouds our ability to relinquish things (ourselves, our actions, our belongings, our job, our family, etc.), especially in tough times or difficult circumstances.

    Hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; Conquering Business Giants is sponsored by Affirm Consulting and produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.


    Always in Transformation – EP 46

    Always in Transformation – EP 46

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack and Maurizio dive into the challenges we face with continuous change and transformation of who we are, how we lead others and overcoming in a dark world that is always pushing against our Godly calling, challenging who we are as Christians and disciples and encouraging us to give into the rewards of this world. The CBG trio discuss the various aspects of transformation, the ‘risk of rigidity’ and Maurizio proposes the importance of the 3 P’s (Purposeful, Prayerful, and Patience).

    Hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano  and Maurizio Landi; Conquering Business Giants is sponsored by Affirm Consulting and produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    Like clay in the hands of our Heavenly Father, always being shaped and molded, our lives and circumstances too are always changing. Then why do we inherently resist change when we know God is always transforming our lives and our surroundings to orchestrate His master plan? (Isaiah 64:8 / Jeremiah 18:1-6)

    As Christian business leaders, we face the added stress of leading others and our organizations to achieve new heights, overcome challenges, and also grow for the future. 

    Tackling ‘Uncertainty Fatigue’ and Transition – EP 45

    Tackling ‘Uncertainty Fatigue’ and Transition – EP 45

    This episode of the Conquering Business Giants podcast was originally live-streamed on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ConqueringBusinessGiants/) on May 4th, 2021. The live streaming event had the podcast trio venturing into new waters and with faces meant for podcasting, it was an adventure. Yeah, we experienced a few small technical issues but isn’t that what life is all about, venturing outside your comfort zone and working thru the ‘glitches’ life throws at us.

    With 45 episodes now under our belt, the mission of our podcast remains the same: share the skills, experiences, lessons learned, and insight that God has provided each of us to help others in business, leadership, and life.  (1 Peter 4:10)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio tackle questions and issues submitted by our listeners, including ‘uncertainty fatigue’ and how best to maneuver a career transition. 

    Hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; Conquering Business Giants is sponsored by Affirm Consulting and produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.


    The Power of Your Words - EP 43

    The Power of Your Words - EP 43

    If “actions speak louder than words”, then how much power lies in the words we speak to others? Actions in most cases can be undone but our words, and the things we say, cannot be unheard. So, why is it so important to choose our words wisely? As Christian business leaders, we face the same emotional struggles that everyone faces, yet we must guard our tongue against allowing our (negative) emotions to translate to words of anger, criticism, negativity, and hurt. (Proverbs 18:4 / Proverbs 12:18)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack and Maurizio challenge the various ways our words impact and influence others. Regardless of our intent and whether they are spoken in truth, your words are either building people up or tearing people down. How can we live more into the image of Christ by not allowing our negative emotions or intentions to choose our words, and just as important, is leaning not on our own understanding when it comes to when to speak and the timing of our words/message.

    Hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; Conquering Business Giants is sponsored by Affirm Consulting and produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.


    Anxious to Hear the Voice of Our Listeners – EP 44

    Anxious to Hear the Voice of Our Listeners – EP 44

    This episode of Conquering Business Giants is a preface to the upcoming Live podcast, which will air on Facebook Live on Tuesday, May 4th @ 7:30 pm EDT. The trio at Conquering Business Giants is anxious to hear from you, our listeners. The origin and mission of this podcast are to share ideas, insight, and perspective for you the Christina business leaders, who face challenges every day in the workplace, your faith walk, and your personal lives. Episode 45 will be an opportunity for our listeners throughout the world to join us in open dialogue to field your question, hear your comments & feedback and discuss new topics.  (Proverbs 1:5)

    Join us on Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 @ 7:30 pm EDT for the Conquering Business Giants Live podcast event on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ConqueringBusinessGiants/). In this Live episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio welcome you, our listeners, to join us in the discussion, bring forth new topics, and ask any question you are currently facing or have been challenged by. Whether you’ve never heard our podcast before or are an avid listener, we welcome you to join in on the Live podcast by providing your questions, feedback, and comments.

    Hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; Conquering Business Giants is sponsored by Affirm Consulting and produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.


    Are You Ready for the Breakthrough? - EP 42

    Are You Ready for the Breakthrough? - EP 42

    Merely desiring or verbally proclaiming the need for change in our lives (or our business) is not enough? Are we truly ready for the change that we want or desire?

    We know God isn’t holding us back out of punishment, so why the untimely delay in moving forward or out of our current situation/circumstances? Is it possible that we aren’t ready OR that we are holding onto things/ideals that make us unable to move forward? (Romans 12:12)

    Baseball analogy: You can’t steal second base if you’re standing on first. (Meaning if you want to advance, then you have to be willing to leave the security of where you are today and make a timely & dedicated effort to move forward). 

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio challenge the idea of what keeps us tethered to our current situation and circumstances despite our desire to want to leave where we are and move into another something better. 

    Hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; Conquering Business Giants is sponsored by Affirm Consulting and produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.


    Flowing Forward – Paddling in Unison – EP 41

    Flowing Forward – Paddling in Unison – EP 41

    How would you lead differently if you knew the outcome? Is great leadership reflected in the ‘process’ or the ‘results’? Doesn’t Christ teach us to be committed to the process and doing what’s right, knowing it’s part of the great plan that God has in store for you, your organization, and your company. We may desire results but if we do not stay focused on the process and committing ourselves to pour into the people within your organization, how can we ever expect great results? (Matthew 28:18-20)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio tackle the ideals of what great leadership looks like when your organization is in motion. As the leader (and coach) are you swimming across swim lanes to each member of your team, or are you standing on the side of the pool coaching from a perspective that lets you see the big picture? 

    Hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; Conquering Business Giants is sponsored by Affirm Consulting and produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.


    How Committed Are You? - EP 40

    How Committed Are You? - EP 40

    As a business leader, are you only committed to those who follow you or think like you?

    If others within your organization do not agree with your methodology or chosen path forward, should you be less committed to serving these individuals? Jesus taught us quite the contrary, as He washed the feet of His disciples, even though He knew many would deny Him and one would betray Him. (John 13:1-17)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio challenge the idea of always serving others with a pure heart, regardless of whether they agree with our ideas, values, methodologies, leadership style, etc.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.


    Trusting The Best Laid Plans - EP 39

    Trusting The Best Laid Plans - EP 39

    As business leaders, we tend to always be planning, whether it be planning for resolution, growth, or future endeavors. And try as we might and despite our best efforts, the ‘best-laid plans’ tend to always go awry. Does failed plans make you feel inferior as a business leader or make you question why you even plan in the first place? In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio dive into the challenges, insight, and opportunities that come to light when our best-laid plans go awry. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

    Do not miss this insightful Conquering Business Giants episode that will leave you feeling more confident than ever about trusting God’s master plan for our lives & businesses more than our worldly-ability to plan our way out of everything.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.


    Seeking the Keyholes – EP 38

    Seeking the Keyholes – EP 38

    How many times in life do we look for the big breakthroughs, perhaps seeking a ‘door of opportunity’ which we mentally picture in our head that’s it’s going to be the size of a barn door swung open. As Christians, we know the almighty power of God and many of us have experienced his miraculous breakthroughs or seen His workings in our lives, or the lives of others, to create ‘doors of opportunity’ from what looked like dead ends or impossible odds. (John 6:1-14)

    But how many of us embrace and seek the small ways that God is working in our lives. Utilizing us as His hands and feet in ways that may seem meniscal or indifferent, yet these small acts have a gigantic impact, not because of what we did but because of how God used it in a mighty way. 

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack and Maurizio are joined in studio by a good friend, amazing gospel singer & worship leader, and brother in Christ, Mr. O’Shay Reynolds. Join us and learn why John 11:22 is O’Shay’s go-to Bible verse.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    Walk by Faith, Lead with Affirmation – EP 37

    Walk by Faith, Lead with Affirmation – EP 37

    What does it mean to live a life truly devoted to walking by faith? Why is a leadership role, especially within business, is it so difficult to be vulnerable and transparent? Join us for a powerful episode of exploring why we can trust God both in the highest peaks and the deepest valleys of our life, and ways we can be better leaders, disciples, and followers of Christ.

    (Isaiah 55:6-7)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio are joined in studio by a good friend, fellow podcaster (God Stories Radio), brother in Christ, and producer of the Conquering Business Giants podcast, Fritz Amrhein. 

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    Starting Afresh in the New Year – EP 36

    Starting Afresh in the New Year – EP 36

    With all the uncertainties, stress, and ups & downs of 2020, are you optimistic or fearful of what 2021 holds for each of us? The excitement of the New Year has most people ready to put 2020 in the rearview mirror and the hopeful expectation to return to some level of normalcy. On this podcast episode of Conquering Business Giants, the trio challenges what is so transformational about midnight on December 31st, the uncertainty/hope that always resides from moving into a new year, and the proclamation of God that every day is a new beginning. (Isiah 40:31 / Jeremiah 29:11)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio are joined in studio by Pastor Chris Tabone of First United Methodist Church - Clermont. 

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    Always Learning – EP 35

    Always Learning – EP 35

    Most people have had one or more individuals in our life who made a lasting impact on us and who we are, or the person we have become. So, what was it that led that individual to have such an impact on your life? Perhaps they spoke encouraging words to you, saw you through a challenging time in your life, or maybe saw something in you that the rest of the world failed to see or say to you. As a believer, isn’t it reassuring knowing God has called person(s) like this into our lives, but just as important, whose life have we been called into to be that voice of encouragement, serve as a mentor or speak truth into?  (2 Timothy 1:7)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio welcome special guest, Tim Smith into the studio. Tim is a brother in Christ, former educator, high school football coach, independent business owner and now serves others in wealth management. 

    Tim challenges each of us to always be learning, serving one another, and looking for opportunities to mentor.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    The Faith Walk of Entrepreneurship – EP 34

    The Faith Walk of Entrepreneurship – EP 34

    Entrepreneurship can be exhilarating, challenging, fearful, or downright dreadful. The path of an entrepreneur is anything but a cakewalk, but rest assured, devoted faith can enhance your perspective, strengthen your steps, and dissipate the fear. So, whether you are experiencing great success or struggling every step of the way, the path of a Christian entrepreneur is a path of purpose, even in our toughest moments. (2 Corinthians 12: 7-10)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack, and Maurizio welcome special guest, Kayla Packer into the studio. Kayla is a sister in Christ, fellow degreed industrial engineer, and entrepreneur. She and her husband, Jefferson own and operate Ardor Spruce (@ardor_spruce) in Minneola, Florida. 

    Regardless of whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or merely aspire to own your business one day, do not miss this powerful episode of Conquering Business Giants.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    The Redemptive Power of Music – EP 33

    The Redemptive Power of Music – EP 33

    Music can be powerful, peaceful, uplifting and joyous, pulling us from dark places or lifting our spirit higher and higher. So, if you find yourself living in fear, doubt or despair maybe the redemptive power you need is merely a turn of the radio knob away [or streaming radio station away]. (2 Timothy 1:7)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack and Maurizio welcomes special guest, Bo Duke into the studio. Bo is a brother in Christ, musician, and worship leader at First United Methodist Church – Clermont (Clermont, FL).

    Do not let the sounds or silence of this world lull your faith or cloak the power or plan that God has masterfully woven into your life. Regardless of where you find yourself today, the redemptive and resurrection power of Christ Jesus is within you and maybe, just maybe, your ears need to hear the words, melody, and music to stir that power within you.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    Underqualified Leadership – EP 32

    Underqualified Leadership – EP 32

    Whether facing what appears to be insurmountable challenges or doubting if you are ready to move your organization forward, business leaders can many times be left feeling ‘underqualified’. As Christian business leaders though, we should be confident not in our own ability but the certainty of our heavenly Father. (2 Corinthians 3:5)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack and Maurizio discuss the idea of leadership via leaning further into Christ versus supported by our own abilities and know-how. God inevitably calls us into moments where He knows we are not fully prepared but instead uses those moments to stretch and grow us

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano  and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    The Outpouring: Serving More than Coffee – EP 31

    The Outpouring: Serving More than Coffee – EP 31

    As Business leaders, we tend to be hyper-focused on growing our businesses or working diligently to achieve our goals or next milestone. However, as Christ followers, are we not first called to serve others and instead of always being focused on accumulating, instead give to those in need? (Acts 20:35)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack and Maurizio welcomes special guest, Brent Joseph. Brent is a business leader, brother in Christ, and co-founder of The Outpouring coffee shop in Clermont, FL. However, The Outpouring is much more than just a coffee shop, it’s one of community’s hotspots for people to gather, meet, study and share life. Besides serving great coffee, which is roasted in-house, it is not unusual to see a group of local teens studying together, a bible study or even a women’s small group meeting in the comfy confines of The Outpouring. Beyond its role in the local South Lake County community, The Outpouring is the financial engine for funding an orphanage in Malawai, Africa and many water projects in the surrounding areas. Join us for this episode of the Conquering Business Giants podcast to learn more about Brent Joseph’s story and his insight to other business leaders.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano  and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    Success by Relinquishing Control – EP 30

    Success by Relinquishing Control – EP 30

    There are not many business owners who would say that “holding your business loosely” is the best advice they could offer to other business owners. Not having a tight control of every aspect of your business sounds risky at best, and many business leaders would likely argue that it’s a sure fire recipe for failure.  (Psalms 119)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack and Maurizio welcomes special guest, Steve Hooper. Steve is the Founder & President of Sunday Cool (www.sundaycool.com) and a fellow brother in Christ. From losing it all to #98 on the Inc. 5000 of America’s fastest growing businesses, Steve shares his faith walk and the lessons learned along the way, making this a Conquering Business Giants episode that you don’t want to miss.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.

    Thryving Business Leadership – EP 29

    Thryving Business Leadership – EP 29

    Leading with confidence & humility, may seem contradictory to some, however you might reconsider your stance after listening to this episode of Conquering Business Giants. As Christian business leaders, if in fact we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus, then what are each of us doing to live into that calling? (Ephesians 2:10)

    In this episode of Conquering Business Giants - Dennis, Mack and Maurizio welcomes special guest, Blake Bozarth into the studio. Blake is a brother in Christ, podcaster and the Founder & CEO of CoThryve (www.cothryve.co). Whether you are a first-time supervisor, entrepreneur or seasoned business leader, get ready for a wild ride filled with great insight on business leadership & discipleship and how it should impact our lives and the lives of those around us.

    Conquering Business Giants podcast is hosted by Dennis Hough, co-hosted by Anthony ‘Mack’ Maccagnano  and Maurizio Landi; produced by Fritz at GSR Podcast Productions.