
    Conservative Playbook

    Conservatives are not fighting progressives and moderate Republicans on an even playing field. Mainstream media, the education system, Hollywood, and powerful labor unions are all helping leftists and "RINOs" control the narrative. It might even be considered futile if constitutional conservatives didn't have one thing on our side: The Truth. In this podcast, Tammy and JD Rucker will offer strategies for conservatives to win on the policy and election fronts. The left may have the assets, but we have reality on our side. Let's use that to our advantage.
    enFreedom First Network31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    This show is moving to NOQ Report!

    This show is moving to NOQ Report!
    We are pleased to announce that we're consolidating the various podcasts that JD and Tammy Rucker do regarding politics to the NOQ Report Podcast! Please be sure to find us and subscribe there. Easiest way is to find us at noqreport.com
    Conservative Playbook
    enMarch 23, 2021

    If Trump's social media site is just another alternative, it's a bad idea

    If Trump's social media site is just another alternative, it's a bad idea
    Yesterday's tease that Donald Trump is starting his own social network in two or three months may end up being a good thing IF it's something special. If it's just an alternative to Facebook and Twitter that's MAGA-friendly, then it's not only not necessary but could actually be an embarrassment. He must either build something special or go to Gab or Parler.
    Conservative Playbook
    enMarch 22, 2021