
    Conversations I Wish I Could Have

    Hi there, this is Jo Self, Daughter of David Self – a collector of hippos and a self-proclaimed benevolent dictator. I am super thrilled to be launching my new podcast, Conversations I Wish I could have with my Dad. You might be wondering what this is all about. Honestly, it’s possibly a bit self-indulgent, but I also hope it will be both entertaining and informative. The biggest reason I’ve decided to do this is because I really miss talking with my dad. We used to have the best conversations. They would be political, intellectual, inspirational, humorous – really, a bit of everything. There was nothing, and I mean nothing, I couldn’t talk about with him. And nowadays, even though we are all connected via the web or social media, I feel like there isn’t always a safe space to have provocative conversations. Ones where opinions are allowed to be shared without the intention of changing anyone’s mind, but to purely connect and show a different viewpoint. During this first season, I’m covering topics from as simple a giving a bit of backstory on my Dad, Dave, but I’m also exploring what community means, how we grieve, euthanasia, conscious capitalism and more. We’re running the gambit. With that said, I hope you’ll tune in and give us a chance.
    enJo Self14 Episodes

    Episodes (14)

    Talking Conscious Capitalism with Thomas Eckschmidt

    Talking Conscious Capitalism with Thomas Eckschmidt
    My last guest of this season is Thomas Eckschmidt - Gabriela's Father, married to Ana Maria and an enthusiast of conscious capitalism. He was the founder of CC Brazil and is the CEO and founder of Conscious Business Journey. For years I had always talked about how amazing it would be to have a "Compassionate Capitalism" and that capitalism in and of itself is not a bad thing, just not implemented with a higher good in mind at all times. And then I discovered Conscious Capitalism. Join the conversation as I walk through what it means to be conscious in the business world and as a leader with one of my favorite people.

    Talking Leadership with Mike Ritz

    Talking Leadership with Mike Ritz
    My guest this week is Mike Ritz, the Executive Director of Leadership Rhode Island, a Gallup-certified Strengths Coach, and a lover of cats. He has been leading the charge to shift the idea of leadership and is on his way to RI becoming the first strengths-based state. My dad and I loved to chat about politics and what makes a good leader, heck, my dad always wanted to be a benevolent dictator. Listen as Mike and I explore where leadership is headed - and in the wake of all that's happening, it couldn't have come at a better time.

    Talking Parenting in the Digital Age with Madlin Mangrum

    Talking Parenting in the Digital Age with Madlin Mangrum
    Being a parent in this digital age is hard. I know. I've got a 6yo and am trying to navigate my way through in this new wild west. Fortunately, I know people. Madlin Mangrum is a homeschooling mom who also happens to be a friend and colleague as well as the founder of Unplugged Family. Join me as we chat about the challenges and possible solutions to bringing our kids up with technology.

    Talking Older Parents with Maghan Haggerty

    Talking Older Parents with Maghan Haggerty
    Did you know that the number of people becoming parents over the age of 40 has increased by 3% every year since 1982? And the average age of a first time parent in the is 26, up from 21 in 1972. In NY, that age is 32. I've welcomed Maghan Haggerty back for an interesting look at what it means to be the child of an older parent. Something, I myself, struggle with having become a mother just a month before I turned 41. She and I have differing views on this one, you might want to tune in and find out why.

    Talking Parenting and Advice with Manny Wolfe

    Talking Parenting and Advice with Manny Wolfe
    This week I'm chatting with best-selling author and speaker, Manny Wolfe, about parenting. We connected when he told me a story about how his estranged father still gave him some of the best advice, and it got me thinking... what advice did our parents give us that stuck? How are we affecting our own kids with our words or advice - even when we mean well? You just never know what will land and last. Parenting is truly the only test you’ll never pass with 100%. ***As a special bonus, Manny has generously offered you, my listeners, a free copy of his international best selling memoir, The Tao of the Unbreakable Man to get it, you can follow this bitly link, http://bit.ly/TAOFreeBook2020 Oh, and you may think he sounds a bit like Bob Odenkirk, at least my editor and I did.

    Talking Serendipity with David Zuniga

    Talking Serendipity with David Zuniga
    While David and I are talking serendipity and coincidences, it should be noted that this episode itself is full of them (and not just that he shares my dad's first name). Our recording disappeared, then reappeared out of nowhere.... and then, today is 02-20-20-20, Seems like perfect synchronicity. My guest, David, believes that in the fourth industrial revolution, the only thing that can save us from being replaced by a robot is the unleashing of human skills. His purpose is to create disruptive experiences meant to inspire people to have a wider vision of themselves for self empowerment. The rest should follow. And if the Universe has anything to say about it... I'm sure what follows will be perfect in alignment.

    Talking Afterlife and Mediums with Jorena and Elaine

    Talking Afterlife and Mediums with Jorena and Elaine
    I admit, I like to believe that there is something beyond. If nothing else, it comforts me to think that I have some guardian angels or at least have those who have passed are occasionally nearby. I’ve also had my own experiences that I couldn’t explain. Fortunately, I have amazing people in my circle of friends who have special gifts to tap into that. For Jorena, a medium, mom and a grandma finds all the joy her family, friends, music, art, photography, writing, spirituality, and all-natural living. Elaine is a mom of 4. Her day job has her working in food safety, but her passion is in tarot and intuition. She’s a mermaid at heart and will regularly find her by the seaside. When forced to be inside she loves the company of her candles, herbs, crystals, and cat Loki. As for me, I’ll keep saying hello to my dad when I see 10:13 on the clock.

    Talking Following Your Passion with Marc Mawhinney

    Talking Following Your Passion with Marc Mawhinney
    My father always said that if you did what you love the money would follow, but is that really true? I think it depends on how you go about it at the end of the day. Join me and my guest, Marc Mawhinney, Facebook group Guru of The Coaching Jungle, and a guy who says what's on his mind (which is one of the things I love most about him), as we explore the possibility of following your passion and making money while doing it. We've both managed to do so, so how did we do it? Enjoy the conversation.

    Talking Building Community with Carlos and Laurence of Happy Startup

    Talking Building Community with Carlos and Laurence of Happy Startup
    Laurence and Carlos are two of my favorite people in the world as well as being the co-founders of The Happy Startup School, an alternative business school that supports entrepreneurs and changemakers build businesses and do work that align with who they really are. They host transformational online programs, offline retreats (which is where I met them) and magical business festivals that connect people with themselves, each other and the world. They believe that building your own business is one of the best ways to create positive impact and in doing so parts of you will emerge that you did not know you had. Join their global community of business hippies and discover your role in the world before its too late. I hope you enjoy what they have to say as much as I did.

    Talking Grief and Death with Maghan Haggerty

    Talking Grief and Death with Maghan Haggerty
    Maghan is another Strengths enthusiast with a drive to help others recognize, appreciate, and celebrate the unique talents and gifts they have to bring to the world. She is also someone who has experienced great loss and knows the impact of being an adult orphan. In this episode we explore the process of death, grief and share some of those things we wish people would never say.

    Talking Euthanasia with Michael Dowell

    Talking Euthanasia with Michael Dowell
    My guest, Michael Dowell, is a father, swing dancer, and software guru whose latest hobbies are canvassing for Bernie Sanders and posting memes on Reddit. We haven't seen each other since high school, but you know, that's what Facebook is for. Well, he posted about assisted suicide awhile back and a person's right to take their own life. I knew then, I needed to have him on the show as euthanasia was a big topic for me and my dad, especially in his final days. As always, the path wanders a bit to a similar place - a deep need for true human connection.

    Remembering Dave

    Remembering Dave
    While many of you didn’t know my Dad, I think it’s important for others to share what they thought of him – so you out there in podcastland can get a better picture of why we’re remembering this guy at all. It’s another call-in, so please forgive the old-school radio aspect, but I hope you enjoy what old friends of my Dad’s have to say. Jon Harpst and Doug & Arlene Turner join me to take a trip down memory lane and paint a picture of the kind of guy my Dad was and what made him so special. **While not explicit content, there may be a couple of curse words**

    My Conversation with Samir Gupte

    My Conversation with Samir Gupte
    Samir Gupte. An agile, balanced, compassionate thought-leader, striving to be a weaver, “giver”, and multipotentialite, who desire to leave a trail of empowerment in his wake. This is the man who has had the biggest influence on me since my father has passed. He is responsible for the direction I have taken and leading me to my life's purpose - and he didn't even realize it. I couldn't have imagined a better guest as my first conversation. One that explores life as well as CliftonStrengths - my biggest passion.
    We spoke over the phone. Since I live in Lima, Peru, it's often the best way for me to connect with my guests. Enjoy the old school, radio call-in aspect of it!

    So, what is this all about anyway?

    So, what is this all about anyway?
    Today is 26 December, 2019 and I'm launching the podcast I've dreamed of doing for awhile now, Conversations I Wish I Could Have with My Dad. Today is just a brief intro to what this is all about and why I've decided to do this. Episodes will be launched weekly on Wednesdays, so tune in for our first full episode next week on 1 January, 2020, featuring my conversation with Samir Gupte - possibly the most influential person in my life since my dad passed.