
    Corbett Report Videos

    Videos created by The Corbett Report
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    Episodes (250)

    Navigating the River of Lies

    Navigating the River of Lies
    Last year, New Zealand activist Billy Te Kahike interviewed James for a documentary he was creating about the New Zealand government's response to the COVID scamdemic. Well, that documentary is now here. It's called River of Lies and it's available now at riveroflies.co.nz. Today James talks to Billy TK about his documentary and shows some of the raw interview footage that was recorded last year.

    How to Stop the WHO - #SolutionsWatch

    How to Stop the WHO - #SolutionsWatch
    We all know the problem by now: the World Health Organization is trying to override your health freedoms and abrogate your bodily autonomy in the name of their scamdemic agenda. But what is the solution? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the ideas, organizations and actions that are already in motion to derail the WHO tyranny and regain our medical sovereignty.

    Achieving Epstein Justice - #SolutionsWatch

    Achieving Epstein Justice - #SolutionsWatch
    Nick Bryant joins us today to discuss Epstein Justice, an organization he co-directs that is seeking justice for the victims of Jeffrey Epstein and his co-conspirators. Today we discuss the type of grassroots movement that will be needed to achieve true justice and to unseat the kakistocracy that is covering up these crimes. We also detail how everyday people can play a part in bringing about justice for these horrific crimes.

    Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis (2014)

    Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis (2014)
    FROM 2014: As supposedly “progressive” outlets once again scramble to throw their support behind the billionaire oligarchs and NGOs that have helped to destabilize the country, and as neocons unite with neoliberals in their agenda to carve up Ukraine for western interests, it remains to be seen what genuine alternative outlets will stand up against this blatant interference and stand up for the principle that it is up to the Ukrainian people, and no one else, to decide what happens in their country.

    Nichecasting - #SolutionsWatch

    Nichecasting - #SolutionsWatch
    So what do you call it when someone creates a specialty podcast that focuses very intently on a very niche area of interest or that very closely follows a short-lived event? Well, I call it nichecasting, but whatever you call it, today I explore that idea as a potential solution for how the independent media can keep people who want to know about very specific areas of interest informed about that topic.

    Pay It Forward - #SolutionsWatch

    Pay It Forward - #SolutionsWatch
    You've heard of paying it forward, haven't you? Instead of paying back someone's kindness, sometimes it is best to pay that kindness forward to someone else who is in need. If the independent media is trying to create a different model from the old establishment media, then, is it possible to create a model based on people paying forward their gratitude to a worthy cause? If so, how can that idea best be implemented? Join James as he muses on these questions with Aaron Smith of The Subtlecain Podcast.

    How Not to Build Community – #ProblemsWatch

    How Not to Build Community – #ProblemsWatch
    In this special live edition of #ProblemsWatch (that regular series where, week in and week out, I endlessly dwell on the problems we are facing and remind you that you are weak and powerless and unable to change anything), I tackle everyone’s big question: How can I (a terminally online person) completely and utterly FAIL to bring people together in the real world? Find out the top 10 tips for NOT building community in this week’s edition of everyone’s favourite demotivational podcast!