
    Courageous & Free with Jacquelyn Mack

    Courageous & Free was designed for busy business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, corporate executives, or anyone in a leadership position, as a FREE tool to efficiently and effectively get clear on what fulfillment, purpose, and confidence means to them BEFORE they’re sick and tired of running on fumes. 

    My genius and superpower is helping high performers create new boundaries and beliefs to lead them back to their truest desires — whether it’s escaping the 9 to 5 or falling back in love with it. 

    In other words? I help people live their dreams like a boss: with inspiration, the expectation of success, and the fearlessness to show up in their truth unapologetically while operating only from their zone of genius with ease — without apologies, and no shame for wanting it all and actually living and receiving with gratitude. 

    Hi I’m Jackie, Founder of Live Your Dreams Like a Boss (LYD LAB), BS Clearer, Confidence, Clarity & Wealth Coach former High Ticket Sales Consultant with decades of experience. I am also a recovering hustler, “make it happen momma” & perfectionist join me every week as we continue to do the shift work, break through boundaries, set new intentions, build new boundaries, and break free from paralyzing fears and limiting beliefs that are literally holding you back from Living Your Dreams Like a Boss. 

    After coaching many high performers, I can tell you that the thing people THINK has made them successful usually becomes the ONE thing that’s holding them back. 

    My promise and mission is to offer a free resources to empower you and others feeling stuck personally or professionally with the courage, clarity and confidence to radically change your life and experience all you desire abundantly and even in overflow always IN ALL THE WAYS. A richness in health, happiness, relationship, money, adventure, wealth, freedom, you name the desire and take intuitive INTENTIONAL aligned action - you can and will experience it. 

    Check it out you have nothing to loose but old stories, old beliefs and limits that no longer serve you and continue to keep you "stuck" and EVERYTHING to gain especially in the space of time and money FREEDOMS!

    In your corner, 
    Jackie xo

    en-usJacquelyn69 Episodes

    Episodes (69)

    Empower Your Life: Breaking Free from Top 11 Decision-Making Blocks Hindering Your Life by Design [These Blocks are Robbing You of Your Power, Success, & Fulfillment in Both Business and Life]

    Empower Your Life: Breaking Free from Top 11 Decision-Making Blocks Hindering Your Life by Design [These Blocks are Robbing You of Your Power, Success, & Fulfillment in Both Business and Life]

    Welcome to "Courageous and Free," the podcast that empowers you to break free from the top 10 decision-making blocks that are robbing you of your power, success, and fulfillment in both business and life. I'm your host, Jacquelyn Mack, and together, we'll embark on a transformative journey to reclaim your power and make decisions aligned with your authentic self.

    In each episode, we unravel the intricacies behind common decision-making pitfalls that obstruct living a life by design. From external opinions to the insidious nature of perfectionism, we dive deep into these challenges and provide actionable insights to help you overcome them.

    Episode Highlights:

    External Opinions: Unraveling Limiting Beliefs

    Explore how allowing others' opinions to overly influence decisions creates limiting beliefs, shaping your path.

    Fear of Failure: Breaking the Chains of False Evidence

    Dive into overcoming the fear of failure and discover how to recognize and challenge false evidence appearing real.

    Past Mistakes: Shifting from Limiting Beliefs to Growth

    Explore the power dynamics of past mistakes and how breaking free from them paves the way for growth and progress.

    Perfectionism: Defying the Chains of Delay

    Uncover the connection between perfectionism and decision paralysis, and embrace imperfection for progress.

    Comparison: Dissolving the Chains of Dissuasion

    Examine how comparing oneself to others impacts decision-making and discover ways to break free from this dissuasion.

    Societal Expectations: Embracing Authentic Alignment

    Challenge old paradigms and societal expectations, choosing to live in alignment with your authentic desires.

    Lack of Self-Trust: Liberating from Limiting Beliefs

    Break the chains of self-doubt and limiting beliefs, fostering self-trust in decision-making.

    Short-Term Gratification: Confronting the Sneaky Delay

    Explore the consequences of prioritizing short-term gains over long-term fulfillment and success.

    Imposter Syndrome: Dissuasion in Disguise

    Understand how imposter syndrome dissuades and blocks, hindering your journey toward authentic decision-making.

    Undefined Values: Crafting Clarity for Courageous Choices

    Develop the courage to define your values, ensuring decisions align with your authentic self, preventing dissatisfaction.

    All can be summarized into limiting beliefs, PERIOD. Especially those around money and time. 

    Don't let these decision-making blocks hold you back any longer. Join us on "Courageous and Free" as we empower your life, providing the tools to create radical breakthroughs in both business and life through supportive insights and activations you may need but definitely deserve to better make decisions that lead to genuine next level success and fulfillment. It's time to break free and live a life by design vs. one of old out dated default. 

    Subscribe and share now and let the empowerment begin!

    In your corner, 


    Remember it’s not just in the decisions alone its the COMMITMENT to the decisions - “Nothing happens until something happens ACTION is required and ALIGNED ACTION is key!” - Jacquelyn Mack 

    How many times have you decided and didn’t do the thing? It’s time to reset your operating system and re-wire it to what you desire, YOU DESERVE IT! Xo

    GRAB FREE TOOLS HERE:  https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 


    Unveiling the Journey to Massive Self-Love: Conquering Imposter Syndrome as the Transformative Gateway to Decision Mastery, Authentic Success, and Personal Growth

    Unveiling the Journey to Massive Self-Love: Conquering Imposter Syndrome as the Transformative Gateway to Decision Mastery, Authentic Success, and Personal Growth

    Embark on a profound exploration of conquering imposter syndrome in the latest episode of the "Courageous and Free" podcast with Jacquelyn Mack. This insightful discussion unravels the intricate web of imposter syndrome, shedding light on its prevalence among high achievers and its far-reaching impact on decision-making, personal growth, and the pursuit of authentic success.

    Introduction to Imposter Syndrome:
    Immerse yourself in the understanding of imposter syndrome, a persistent psychological phenomenon that manifests as self-doubt and the fear of being exposed as a fraud, even in the face of tangible success. This episode delves into the psychological intricacies, common signs, and symptoms, providing relatable examples that resonate with listeners.

    Segment 1: Understanding Imposter Syndrome:
    Define imposter syndrome and delve into its psychological aspects, emphasizing its toll on mental well-being. Explore common signs and symptoms with real-life examples, ensuring listeners grasp the nuanced behaviors and thought patterns associated with this phenomenon.

    Segment 2: The Connection to Decision Mastery:
    Uncover the intricate link between imposter syndrome and decision-making. Discuss how the fear of failure and inadequacy influences choices, hindering personal and professional growth. Real-life examples and case studies illustrate decision-making challenges, offering insights into navigating these hurdles and their impact on overall trajectory.

    Embark on this empowering journey, conquering imposter syndrome and paving the way for decision mastery, authentic success, and robust personal growth. Join us as we navigate the path to unlocking your true potential and living a life aligned with your aspirations.

    In your corner, 


    Remember it’s not just in the decisions alone its the COMMITMENT to the decisions - “Nothing happens until something happens ACTION is required and ALIGNED ACTION is key!” - Jacquelyn Mack 

    How many times have you decided and didn’t do the thing? It’s time to reset your operating system and re-wire it to what you desire, YOU DESERVE IT! Xo

    GRAB FREE TOOLS HERE:  https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    FOLLOW & CONNECT IN THE DM’S WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON LINKEDIN - www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=jacquelyn-mack-coaching

    #CourageousAndFree #ConquerImposterSyndrome #DecisionMastery #AuthenticSuccess #PersonalGrowth #TransformativeJourney

    Unmasking Self-Deception to Unlocking Limitless Success: for Personal Growth, Decision Mastery, and Impactful Leadership

    Unmasking Self-Deception to Unlocking Limitless Success: for Personal Growth, Decision Mastery, and Impactful Leadership

    Embark on a transformative journey with "Courageous and Free" podcast by Jacquelyn Mack! This episode unveils the intricate layers of SELF-DECEPTION and its profound impact on personal growth, decision mastery, and impactful leadership.

    Have you ever found yourself trapped in self-sabotage without realizing it? Join us as we explore the power of breaking through self-deception, providing actionable insights to elevate your personal and professional life!

    Discover the intricate ways self-deception affects personal growth, strains relationships, and clouds decision-making. This episode includes a special book recommendation, "Leadership and Self-Deception" by The Arbinger Institute, offering a deep dive into transformative leadership.

    COMMENT your insights and SHARE if you're committed to unlocking limitless success, decision mastery, and embracing a life by design! Ready to break free? JOIN the conversation below!

    #CourageousAndFree #DecisionMastery #LimitlessSuccess

    "Unmasking Self-Deception to Unlocking Limitless Success: for Personal Growth, Decision Mastery, and Impactful Leadership"

    Welcome back to "Courageous and Free," where we delve into breaking through self-deception for intentional personal and professional success.

    In this episode, shift your focus from self-sabotage to the profound impact of self-deception on life and relationships. Explore self-deception as the practice of allowing false beliefs to shape our reality.

    Key Discussion Points:

    🔍 The 4 Agreements Approach:
    Explore insights from "The Four Agreements," focusing on principles like taking nothing personally and making no assumptions. Learn how asking better questions mitigates self-deception.

    🤔 Breaking the Habits of Self-Deception:
    Understand the profound impact of self-deception on decision-making and emotional well-being. Delve into the importance of awareness in overcoming self-deceptive beliefs.

    🌐 The Ripple Effect on Others:
    Uncover how self-deception influences personal relationships, decision-making processes, and the emotional atmosphere in both personal and professional settings.

    🤝 Addressing Trust Issues:
    Explore how self-deception erodes self-trust and affects the trust others place in us. Learn why acknowledging uncomfortable truths is crucial for fostering trust and healthy relationships.

    📚 Book Recommendation: "Leadership and Self-Deception":
    Understand why "Leadership and Self-Deception" is a must-read for business owners and leaders. Discover how this transformative book provides valuable insights into breaking free from self-deception in leadership.


    Addressing self-deception involves cultivating self-awareness, embracing vulnerability, and seeking honest feedback. Learn how acknowledging uncomfortable truths fosters personal growth, strengthens relationships, and positively impacts both yourself and those around you.

    Remember, the journey from self-deception to authentic self-love is a powerful shift that leads to a life of fulfillment and impactful leadership. Join us in the next episode as we continue our exploration of intentional living on "Courageous and Free."

    In your corner, 


    Remember it’s not just in the decisions alone its the COMMITMENT to the decisions - “Nothing happens until something happens ACTION is required and ALIGNED ACTION is key!” - Jacquelyn Mack 

    How many times have you decided and didn’t do the thing? It’s time to reset your operating system and re-wire it to what you desire, YOU DESERVE IT! Xo

    GRAB FREE TOOLS HERE:  https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    FOLLOW & CONNECT IN THE DM’S WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/


    Master Your Mind: Release Self Sabotage, Fearful Thoughts & The Power THEY HAVE Over YOU & Your Decision Making: While Rewiring Your Brain to Unlock Your Next Level Potential [Decoding Joe Dispenza’s Formula for Success]

    Master Your Mind: Release Self Sabotage, Fearful Thoughts & The Power THEY HAVE Over YOU & Your Decision Making: While Rewiring Your Brain to Unlock Your Next Level Potential [Decoding Joe Dispenza’s Formula for Success]

    Welcome back to "Courageous and Free," where we unravel the keys to unlocking your true potential and possibilities. Join me in decoding Joe Dispenza’s powerful formula for success - "what fires together wires together" - delving into the electric signals in your brain.

    Discover how to release the grip of self-sabotage, procrastination, and limiting beliefs that may be subtly controlling your decision-making. It's time to empower yourself by rewiring your brain and unlocking your next level potential.

    Many navigate through self-sabotage without awareness, giving it unwarranted power. Recognize that these patterns are simply neural signals influenced by past experiences, designed by the primal brain to keep us in the familiar for perceived safety.

    Let's discuss the impact of past experiences on our tendencies. As a recovering people pleaser and former high-performer, I realized that high performance wasn't the answer. The pivotal moment was recognizing patterns, slowing down, and understanding how I showed up, reacted, and made decisions.

    My journey with the power of rewiring is a daily non-negotiable self-care priority. Trained by Tony Robbins and inspired by Joe Dispenza, I emphasize that it's not a one-time effort but an ongoing activation of awareness, courage, and clarity to achieve a radical breakthrough in life.

    Believe it or not, you have the power to physically change your brain. It's a continuous process, not a one-time fix. The tough love is that if you believe you can't, you're right. Choose to end self-sabotage and doubt controlling your life. Embrace discomfort for growth; the return on intention is incredible.

    If you desire more but feel stuck, join my 5 FREE laser coaching sessions every other week, called "Activate and Create" calls. Let's work together to rewire your thought patterns with courage, clarity, and confidence.

    Not ready for coaching? Try the "Power of a Reset" journal prompts - a gentle yet structured approach to pivot with courage, clarity, and confidence. Users have reported resetting each month with increased clarity, confidence, intention, and energetic momentum.

    Remember, what you aren't changing, you are choosing. Until next time, stay courageous and free.

    In your corner,


    GRAB FREE TOOLS HERE:  https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    FOLLOW & CONNECT IN THE DM’S WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    APPLY FOR JACQUELYN'S 1:1 RISE UUP EXPERIENCE HERE - https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    🌟 #BrainRewiring #CourageousAndFree

    Unlock Success & Fulfillment: The Neuroscience of Why Small Wins at The Start of Your Day Are Critical More Than Ever with Insight & Wisdom Inspired by Dr. Tommy Shavers

    Unlock Success & Fulfillment: The Neuroscience of Why Small Wins at The Start of Your Day Are Critical More Than Ever with Insight & Wisdom Inspired by Dr. Tommy Shavers

    Welcome to "Courageous and Free," where I, Jacquelyn Mack, your clarity coach and wealth activator, guide busy individuals like you through the journey of increasing success and fulfillment in both business and life. In this episode, we dive into the transformative power of creating small wins before starting your day, featuring insights from the brilliant Dr. Tommy Shavers, a leader in neuroscience and author of "The Next CEO."

    Episode Highlights:

    🧠 Neuroscience Unveiled: Understand the neuroplasticity of the brain and the profound impact of small wins on your daily routine.

    👥 Leadership Wisdom: Dr. Shavers shares his expertise on true leadership and the irreplaceable variable that makes it an intellectual property.

    🌅 Start Your Day Right: Learn practical strategies to incorporate small wins into your daily routine and set the stage for success.

    💡 Belief Systems and Wins: Explore the connection between belief systems, neuroplasticity, and the role of small wins in shaping a fulfilling life.

    🚀 Activating Your Wins: Discover the importance of intention, consciousness, and self-trust in designing a "Yes, and LIFE by Design."

    How to Connect:

    Ready to take action towards your dreams? Join us on this journey of intentional living. If you're seeking breakthroughs in belief systems, confidence, and success, DM me the word "activate" for a complimentary coaching session. Subscribe, review, and share this episode to inspire others on their path to courageous and free living. Let's create a life filled with purpose, clarity, and unstoppable success. 

    In your corner, 


    Remember it’s not just in the decisions alone its the COMMITMENT to the decisions - “Nothing happens until something happens ACTION is required and ALIGNED ACTION is key!” - Jacquelyn Mack 

    How many times have you decided and didn’t do the thing? It’s time to reset your operating system and re-wire it to what you desire, YOU DESERVE IT! Xo

    FOLLOW & CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    APPLY FOR JACQUELYN'S 1:1 RISE UUP EXPERIENCE HERE - https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching

    FREE VIDEO TRAING ON Avoid Burnout and Unlock Real Freedom in Business & Life. - Jacquelynmack.com

    BOOK A 1:1 ACTIVATE & CREATE CALL WITH JACQUELYN ($555 VALUE but free for my listeners). 🥳🥳🥳


    LISTEN TO JACQUELYN'S PODCAST, COURAGEOUS AND FREE -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/courageous-free-with-jacquelyn-mack/id1610961038

    CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON LINKEDIN - www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=jacquelyn-mack-coaching

    #SmallWins #NeuroscienceSuccess #CourageousAndFree

    Activating the Power of Possibility: Exploring the Transformative Magic of 'What If' and 'I Am' in Declarations and Energetics Harnessing the Creative Force of 'What If' Scenarios Results in a Life of Fulfillment and Success

    Activating the Power of Possibility: Exploring the Transformative Magic of 'What If' and 'I Am' in Declarations and Energetics  Harnessing the Creative Force of 'What If' Scenarios Results in a Life of Fulfillment and Success

    Welcome to "Courageous and Free" with Jacquelyn Mack, where we delve into the transformative POWER of 'What If' and 'I Am' in Declarations and Energetics. In this episode, we unlock the power of possibility, exploring how these two phrases can shape your reality, propel you forward, and create a life of fulfillment and success

    Discover the profound impact of "What If" and "I Am," and learn to anchor these declarations into your reality. Activate these powerful phrases with intention and align them with your vision, even if circumstances don't seem aligned yet.

    Power of Statements:

    Understand the energy behind these statements, realizing they can either hold you back or propel you forward. Explore the nuances of "What If" scenarios and learn to play with intention and consistency for transformative results.

    Universal Laws:

    Dive into the 12 universal laws that govern your life, focusing on the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. Understand how working with these laws can significantly enhance your life, bringing clarity, intention, and consistent positive results.

    Real-Life Examples:

    Explore real-life success stories where individuals embraced the power of "What If" to bring about positive change. From career transformations to relationship reinventions, witness the incredible possibilities that arise when asking empowering questions.

    The Domino Effect:

    Uncover the domino effect initiated by 'What If' scenarios, realizing the importance of focusing on positive possibilities. Learn to shift your mindset and entertain different scenarios to harness the creative force of imagination and curiosity.

    Declarations with 'I Am':

    Transition to the power of "I Am" statements and their role in self-declarations. Craft affirmations that support your vision, identity, and desired outcomes. Feel the energetic resonance created by these declarations and understand their role in shaping your vibrational frequency.

    The Energetics of 'I Am':

    Explore the energetic resonance of "I Am" statements and their alignment with positive affirmations and the law of attraction. Learn to anchor into the frequency you wish to experience, creating a powerful vibrational shift before the manifestation even occurs.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Reflect on the insights gained from this conversation and implement them into your life. Connect with Jacquelyn Mack for breakthrough opportunities and explore the show notes for valuable resources supporting your journey to a fulfilling and successful year.

    Subscribe, share, and stay tuned for more empowering discussions on the "Courageous and Free" podcast. 

    Remember, what you are not changing, you are choosing. 

    Let's create breakthroughs without breaking down. 

    Until next time, much love.


    Remember it’s not just in the decisions alone its the COMMITMENT to the decisions - “Nothing happens until something happens ACTION is required and ALIGNED ACTION is key!” - Jacquelyn Mack 

    How many times have you decided and didn’t do the thing? It’s time to reset your operating system and re-wire it to what you desire, YOU DESERVE IT! Xo

    FOLLOW & CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    APPLY FOR JACQUELYN'S 1:1 RISE UUP EXPERIENCE HERE - https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching

    FREE VIDEO TRAING ON Avoid Burnout and Unlock Real Freedom in Business & Life. - Jacquelynmack.com

    BOOK A 1:1 ACTIVATE & CREATE CALL WITH JACQUELYN ($555 VALUE but free for my listeners). 🥳🥳🥳

    Beyond Profit Celebrating Success, Breakthroughs, & Fulfillment in 2023 and Beyond: Unlocking Your Best Year Yet Through Intentional Living by Design, Reflection, Pivoting, Decision Mastery, Vision & Celebration

    Beyond Profit Celebrating Success, Breakthroughs, & Fulfillment in 2023 and Beyond: Unlocking Your Best Year Yet Through Intentional Living by Design, Reflection, Pivoting, Decision Mastery, Vision & Celebration

    In this episode on Courageous & Free we are going beyond profit, where we explore the dimensions of intentional success, radical breakthroughs, and massive fulfillment in 2023. Join us on a journey of intentional living by design, reflection, pivoting, decision mastery, vision, and celebration as we unlock the secrets to making this your best year yet.

    In this episode:

    Intentional Reflection and Celebration:
    Discover how pausing to recognize pivotal moments ensures alignment with your evolving vision. Learn about the importance of consistent decision-making that supports your journey.

    How you do anything is how you do everything:
    Explore the mindset of success beyond financial metrics. Celebrate a year of triumph, emphasizing a shift from equating success solely with financial impact to a more holistic perspective.

    Taking intentional breaks:
    Acknowledge the significance of taking full months off, aligning with personal fulfillment rather than just financial goals. Learn about the personal growth and breakthroughs that come from prioritizing well-being.

    Continuous desire for growth:
    Reflect on the perpetual desire for more, emphasizing the abundance of possibilities beyond a single focus. Whether it's money, happiness, or milestones, discover the untapped potential awaiting you.

    Embracing the journey:
    Tap into more possibilities and potential while savoring joy in the journey. Highlight the gift of the present moment and the collective desire for fulfillment.

    Living with intention to release regret:
    Explore the importance of making YES decisions aligned with personal goals. Learn about the significance of courage, declaration, and commitment, elaborated in a dedicated podcast episode.

    Creating breakthroughs with intention:
    Understand the critical nature of intentional breakthroughs over chance occurrences. Recognize areas where individuals often give away their power to circumstances, people, or limiting beliefs.

    Opportunity for change and growth:
    Empower yourself to realize that change is possible, either independently or with support. Discover the Rise Up self-study program as an opportunity for growth and expansion in both business and life.

    Reflect on when you last went all in on yourself and reconsider settling. Question when enough is enough and envision the possibility of your desires lying just beyond this podcast. Make 2024 your best year yet with an intentional approach.

    Connect with us through DMs, explore the provided links for further support, and look forward to future connections. Customize your 1:1 support and step into a future filled with love and fulfillment. 

    Until next time, in your corner, 

    Jackie xo

    Breaking Up with Resolutions and Embracing "'The Yes, And' Life by Design" [How to Align with Intention to Experience Your Best Most Fulfilled Year Yet!]

    Breaking Up with Resolutions and Embracing "'The Yes, And' Life by Design" [How to Align with Intention to Experience Your Best Most Fulfilled Year Yet!]

    Today I am guiding on this journey to break up with resolutions every year. And commit to intentional goal setting instead. In this Episode on Courageous & Free with Jacquelyn Mack, we're not just dismantling resolutions; we're crafting 'The Yes, And' Life by Design in order to experience your best and most fulfilled year yet!

    Join me as we delve into the tradition and science of of New Year's resolutions, transforming them into intentional goals with a 'Yes, And' philosophy. We uncover the psychology behind resolutions, emphasizing the power of clear desires and the importance of asking 'why' for transformative decision-making. Your quality of life is directly related to the quality of your decision making and the questions you ask yourself. This is GREAT news because YOU GET TO choose to pivot and level up at any time you DESIRE. xo

    Join us as we explore the science of habit formation, the power of discipline and how it contributes to true REAL freedom. Discover the RISE UUP experience and its role in mastering decision-making for a sustained, fulfilled life. 

    As external factors in life happen, learn how rewiring your subconscious mind, the operating system of 'how you do anything is how you do everything,' can empower you to navigate resilience during the challenges with confidence.

    Reflect on past resolutions with intention, adjusting goals based on stepping into your courage and tapping into your intuition, your vision, and the belief that anything is possible. Because during uncertainty ANYTHING is possible. 
     Whether it's January 1st or June 1st, seize the moment and set yourself up for success every month.

    In the conclusion, I invite you to connect with me for breakthrough opportunities and share your courageous journey. Like and subscribe for more empowering discussions on living a life filled with intention and experiencing massive fulfillment in both business and life. 

    Remember, courage and freedom are not just ideals; they are guiding principles for a life well-lived. Until next time, step into your courage daily. The easier it gets, the easier it truly gets. Sending you off with love. Bye for now!

    In your corner,


    Remember it’s not just in the decisions alone its the COMMITMENT to the decisions - “Nothing happens until something happens ACTION is required and ALIGNED ACTION is key!” - Jacquelyn Mack 

    How many times have you decided and didn’t do the thing? It’s time to reset your operating system and re-wire it to what you desire, YOU DESERVE IT! Xo

    FOLLOW & CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    APPLY FOR JACQUELYN'S 1:1 RISE UUP EXPERIENCE HERE - https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching

    FREE VIDEO TRAING ON Avoid Burnout and Unlock Real Freedom in Business & Life. - Jacquelynmack.com

    BOOK A 1:1 ACTIVATE & CREATE CALL WITH JACQUELYN ($555 VALUE but free for my listeners). 🥳🥳🥳


    LISTEN TO JACQUELYN'S PODCAST, COURAGEOUS AND FREE -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/courageous-free-with-jacquelyn-mack/id1610961038

    CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON LINKEDIN - www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=jacquelyn-mack-coaching

    Unlocking Your Possibilities Through Mastering Decisions: The Crucial Difference Between Deciding & Committing [Unleash Your Potential and Embrace Fulfillment in BOTH Life and Business THIS is The Yes, And Life by Design]

    Unlocking Your Possibilities Through Mastering Decisions: The Crucial Difference Between Deciding & Committing [Unleash Your Potential and Embrace Fulfillment in BOTH Life and Business THIS is The Yes, And Life by Design]

    Today we are jumping straight into more Decision Mastery, where we unravel the fine line between deciding and committing, unlocking the immense potential you've been leaving untapped.

    This is Why You Think The Way You Think & Continue to Show Up The Way You Do  . . . And You Are Leaving So Much Potential & Possibilities Unused

    In this episode, discover how Decision Mastery brings certainty even in uncertainty, opening the door to endless possibilities. We explore the personal responsibility tied to mastering decisions, releasing blame and shame as you navigate the delicate balance between deciding and committing.

    Learn the art of resetting decisions before commitment, avoiding the trap of regret. Explore the transformative power of Self-Trust in the decision-making process, diminishing limits and regret as you expand.

    We delve into the concept of Return on Intention (ROI), a key metric for success. By aligning actions with true commitment and taking personal responsibility, witness profound returns in health, personal life, and business life, free from blame or shame.

    Join us in creating a "Yes, and life by design," breaking free from limiting patterns and behaviors. Understand the impact of your choices on the regular, no longer settling for circumstances or situations unless you choose to.

    Challenge yourself to notice where you decide without committing and release that pattern. Decide, commit, and move forward with the intention your future self will thank you for.

    And if you're facing challenges or seeking guidance, don't hesitate to DM us. I generously gift 3-5 laser coaching sessions per week (unless we are on vacation), activating and creating visions of what's possible, especially in the space of uncertainty. Because we believe everything is possible, and your potential has been patiently waiting.

    Act now to secure one of the 4 remaining BLK FRI YAY VIP DAY BONUSES, a $3k value. Commit before 11/22 to experience the power of Decision Mastery.

    As always, my DMs are open. 

    Let's embark on this transformative journey together. 

    In your corner, 

    Jackie xoxo

    FOLLOW & CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    APPLY FOR JACQUELYN'S 1:1 RISE UUP EXPERIENCE HERE - https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching

    FREE VIDEO TRAING ON Avoid Burnout and Unlock Real Freedom in Business & Life. - Jacquelynmack.com

    BOOK A 1:1 ACTIVATE & CREATE CALL WITH JACQUELYN ($555 VALUE but free for my listeners). 🥳🥳🥳


    LISTEN TO JACQUELYN'S PODCAST, COURAGEOUS AND FREE -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/courageous-free-with-jacquelyn-mack/id1610961038

    CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON LINKEDIN - www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=jacquelyn-mack-coaching

    Black Friday Version Filled with MISSION CRITICAL Decision Mastery Moves [If APPLIED will CREATE the MOMENTUM for 2024 and Beyond]

    Black Friday Version Filled with MISSION CRITICAL Decision Mastery Moves [If APPLIED will CREATE the MOMENTUM for 2024 and Beyond]

    Courageous & Free with Jacquelyn Mack: BLK-FRIYAY! Specials Revealed! 🌟

    This Black Friday, experience a radical shift in how we approach deals and transformation. Join me, Jacquelyn Mack, as I redefine what Black Friday has felt like in the coaching space vs. what it could feel like with a more “giving” vs. “getting” type of vibe. 

    I mean Black Friday has always been right after Thanksgiving and yet it’s time to lay the “getting” vibes to rest. It doesn’t serve anyone’s best interest for the long term. 

    Let’s jump into what I am covering today, shall we? 

    🚫 My BLK FRI-YAY! is NOT about high-pressure sales or hurried decisions. It's about ease, flow, and the joy of serving generously. Learn how to make decisions with confidence and without regret for the YES. or the NO. Start to embrace and experience the "Yes, and LIFE by design" philosophy. By no longer having to choose “this” over “that” or settle due to any circumstance or situation. 

    💡 Discover how my method of Soul-ution Sales, works so well due to it being an aligned process that empowers both the client and the coach with logical thinking while tapping into intuition, ensuring decisions are exciting and regret-free. Remember, the quality of your life is tied to the quality of your questions. The quality of the questions you ask yourself and your clients! BOOM & YES!… it’s for us all or it’s a “not at all.”

    🖤 I decided and committed to participate in Black Friday the way I would love it to be and in a way I would love to experience if I was my client but even more so it was DESIGNED with INTENTION and YOU in MIND. Only offering abundant, no-brain-insane options that continue to SERVE my clients well into and beyond 2024. Empowering options of either a 1:1  mentorship or for massive breakthroughs or a self-paced self study option with the flexibility to upgrade into 1:1 services at any time. 

    🌟 So the question is not are your ready . .. because we never truly are. The REAL question is WILL YOU COMMIT to R.I.S.E. U.U.P. aka Radical Intentional Self Expansion to Unleash Unlimited Potential. 

    💥 Finally break free from limits, make confident decisions, and experience fulfillment, time freedom, and money freedom possibly for the first time ever?

    💻Apply now through the 🔗 https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    Message me for details here - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    Engage with me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=jacquelyn-mack-coaching

    You're ready, and you're worth it.

    Deep down YOU KNOW IT!

    Take a moment, ask yourself what would you love? 

    Right now stop and listen to your heart space. 

    In reality, you're just one decision away from your biggest breakthrough. 

    Can you feel it? 

    And remember, it’s a MISSION CRITICAL reminder  . .. . 

    What you are not changing, you are choosing. 

    In your corner, 

    Jackie xoxox

     #CourageousAndFree #Blackfriday #DecisionMastery

    FOLLOW & CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    APPLY FOR JACQUELYN'S 1:1 RISE UUP EXPERIENCE HERE - https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching

    FREE VIDEO TRAING ON Avoid Burnout and Unlock Real Freedom in Business & Life. -

    ABC’s of Entrepreneurship No One Talks About [The Strategy that Unlocks SUCCESS with ALL Strategies]

    ABC’s of Entrepreneurship No One Talks About   [The Strategy that Unlocks SUCCESS with ALL Strategies]

    Welcome to "Courageous & Free with Jacquelyn Mack," where we unravel the ABCs of Entrepreneurship that no one talks about, revealing the strategy that unlocks success with all strategies.

    A - A******** A***** and the Energetics: Ground yourself in your truth, your why, and your purpose. Because the purpose of life is to live out our purpose and enjoy the journey. It’s a practice in decision mastery, self leadership + trust. 

    B - Belief in Your B*******: Embrace the power within, even when faced with doubt. Never settle or give away your power to other people, circumstances, or situations. Clarity breeds confidence, rooted in your thoughts and beliefs. Clarity comes from the QUALITY of the questions you ask yourself. 

    C - Confidence in C*********: When aligned with energy and unwavering belief in your offerings, connecting becomes fun, easy, and simple. Authentic convos and conscious connections are experienced on the regular when you show up seeking to understand before being understood. Your clients have desires, and your solutions help bridge the gap. Be the person who experiences it now by making decisions that support your vision.

    In order to lead others one must first lead themself and this principles have been a solid foundation to every strategy I have implemented because it’s aligned in the truth and unwavering belief even when questioned. 

    Remember, it's not about "getting to" a goal; it's about being the person who does what's required to experience it. Does what’s required while honoring self and others and above all living according to The Four Agreements. 

    Say yes to taking action that fuels your vision and no to those that look tempting but are under neath really a distraction. In the repetition of persistence and consistency, rooted in a service mindset and a "I get to" attitude, you'll find the key to unlocking the success you desire. Join us as we explore the path to what it’s like to experience courageous entrepreneurship and true freedom.

    SELF-TRUST is Everything! With it, Everything is TRULY Possible + Earning Trust from Others is Effortless [I Reveal the Top 3 Blocks Directly Related to Self-Trust + Decision Mastery]

    SELF-TRUST is Everything! With it, Everything is TRULY Possible + Earning Trust from Others is Effortless [I Reveal the Top 3 Blocks Directly Related to Self-Trust + Decision Mastery]

    🗝️ TRUST is everything! 👀 Without it, nothing is possible. 🧠

    If you desire more fulfillment in business and life, but you're struggling with self-trust, you're not alone. Here are three reasons why people often don't trust themselves:

    1️⃣ Fear of Failure: Fear can be a powerful force, but it shouldn't hold you back. Fear often stems from a fear of failure, which can lead to self-doubt and inaction. Remember, failure is just a stepping stone, a “miss take”, an opportunity for growth and next level success.

    2️⃣ Past Mistakes: Your past doesn't define you. You are not your past mistakes. When you forgive and learn from your past, you gain true freedom. Release the weight of your past and trust in your abilities to move forward. You are worth it and you deserve it. Truly feel and KNOW this!

    3️⃣ External Validation: Seeking validation from others can erode your self-trust. It's essential to trust your instincts and judgment. You hold the power within you to make the right decisions. Be aware when you are giving your power away here and take it back with intention. 

    If you want to build self-trust and experience true freedom, I've got a gift for you – my Freedom Flip Formula. 🎁 It's the #1 prompt I've used in my 20 years of coaching to break free from what's holding you back. Get it for FREE at stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    Want to take this conversation further DM me "freedom" or "flip" on IG or LinkedIn. 

    Be the first to have it!

    Start by trusting yourself. Challenge your fears, release your past, and rely on your inner wisdom. 🌟

    Remember, self-trust is key to experiencing more fulfillment in business and life. So, are you ready to trust yourself and unlock your potential?

    In your corner, 


    💪🙏 #TrustYourself #SelfTrust #FreedomFlipFormula

    P.S. If you're feeling stuck or need a breakthrough, my DMs are always open. I have 3-5 Activate and Create Laser Coaching Sessions available each week on a first-come, first-serve basis. Let's work together to unlock your full potential and create your "YES, and Life by Design." 💥🚀

    For My High Performers & Over Achievers, Do NOT Start Your Day Without KNOWING THIS! [Listen Your Experiences In Life Will Forever Be Changed]

    For My High Performers & Over Achievers, Do NOT Start Your Day Without KNOWING THIS! [Listen Your Experiences In Life Will Forever Be Changed]

    How you do anything is how you do everything. 

    How you experience life on the regular is how you will continue to experience life on the regular no matter how many goals or things are on your bucket list. 

    If you are living a GREAT life this is GREAT NEWS!

    If you have been settling for GOOD or this is all there is then this is still GREAT NEWS because you can CHANGE, well if you have a burning desire to. 

    Otherwise you wont. 

    What you are NOT changing, you are choosing.

    Back to the GREAT NEWS!

    Your state in which your are in daily while on the the journey thinking doing and show up as the person who is intentional with their decisions, thoughts and actions IS exactly the same energy you will experience when experiencing the desire, dream or goal. 

    THIS is why it’s important to have clarity first

    Speaking with a functional medicine doc who coaches HNW High performers and how we will be collaborating in the very near future about this just yesterday
     Those who seem to be the most confident are not always clear nor have the courage to really know how limitless our possibilities when it comes to one’s desires in fulfillment in both biz and life. 
    It’s been a society and culture belief for generations so deep it's engrained in us to think and believe you have to work hard, hustle, grind for the money and then you will have the money freedom to create more time freedom. It's not true, it's not the only way to experience wealth and all we desire. Plus it is still to this day costing people their health relationships in what they value most. 

    Can you relate or know of someone who can?
    It does not have to be this way and going back to how you do anything is how you do everything if you hustle and grind and it becomes the only way to make the amount of money or create the amount of success you desire. . . . then that is the pattern you have now created as the only way to sustain that level of success and as we know hustle and grinding are sprints and NOT sustainable when your sprint is now a marathon and you are trying to run a business for a few decades. 
    So many of my clients started to build biz they did not love because they picked a strategy and executed the strategy from old patterns and behaviors only to be left with something they no longer loved or burned them out. This is with both corporate leaders and business owners. 
     Which left them feeling like the only option was to throw in the towel and invest in an exit strategy.

    And again, it doesn't have to be this way. 

    If you are searching for frameworks and proven methods to breakthrough you limits the ones you know of and the ones that are in your blind spot. 

    Let's connect https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    Oh YEAH Money Codes is finally set up as a self study option. This is the same Money Codes that has only been available for my 1:1 RISE UUP to Experience it All clients and it's now yours. 

    Grab it before the price goes up! 

    In your corner, 


    Living FROM Your Vision a Chapter from Project 369 The Key to Wealth Abundance and Prosperity [This Is WHAT I Would Focus On IF I HAD TO START OVER & The 2 Critical Components For Decision Mastery]

    Living FROM Your Vision a Chapter from Project 369 The Key to Wealth Abundance and Prosperity [This Is WHAT I Would Focus On IF I HAD TO START OVER & The 2 Critical Components For Decision Mastery]

    Living from your vision is quite simple once you understand that it’s simply thinking from your future self, making decisions from your future self and believing like your future self would believe. 

    Since you have never yet been your future self, up until now you must set aside time consistently to be curious to get to know your future self and the only way to do this is through imagining what it would be like to be the person living out your burning desires described in your vision. 

    Again to experience your vision you must first know what that is you desire, see it and feel all the juicy details, feel it as being the abundant person who is living a rich and wealthy live in all the ways described in your vision the financial ways, of course but also the abundance of love, connection, happiness, adventure, intention of all you desire to experience creating massive fulfillment. Feeling the gratitude for all that is because you are living your life by design. 

    At times it will feel like a daydream this is when you are thinking of your vision. Living from your is living life from the aligned action with conscious intention with a definiteness of your vision being your reality. 

    Once again David Kasneci explains how to do this in the most impeccable way in Project 369 The Key To Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity. 

    Short yet MASSIVELY IMPACTFUL section "Think From Your Vision" read in today's episode.

    You can grab a copy of the book or watch the rest of the video I cover the whole section word for word. xo

    LINK to grab your copy at my discount -  https://369project.com/products/369-manifestation-journal?sca_ref=3667471.GSNro2dfVl&variant=41151866732694

    In your corner,


    Looking to finally breakthrough and experience REAL Fulfillment, Time & Money Freedom check out my 1:1 RISE UUP Experience it All Experience & Self Study opportunities here https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    FOLLOW & CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON INSTAGRAM SHE GOES LIVE WEEKLY  - https://www.instagram.com/jacquelynmack/

    APPLY FOR JACQUELYN'S 1:1 RISE UUP EXPERIENCE HERE - https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching

    FREE VIDEO TRAING ON Avoid Burnout and Unlock Real Freedom in Business & Life. - Jacquelynmack.com

    BOOK A 1:1 ACTIVATE & CREATE CALL WITH JACQUELYN ($555 VALUE but free for my listeners). 🥳🥳🥳


    LISTEN TO JACQUELYN'S PODCAST, COURAGEOUS AND FREE -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/courageous-free-with-jacquelyn-mack/id1610961038

    CONNECT WITH JACQUELYN ON LINKEDIN - www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=jacquelyn-mack-coaching

    Your Lack of Money & Fulfillment in Life is NOT Due to the Money or Your Experience, Skills or Age - It Has Everything Thing to do with THIS 1 Thing & No it’s Not Confidence!

    Your Lack of Money & Fulfillment in Life is NOT Due to the Money or Your Experience, Skills or Age - It Has Everything Thing to do with THIS 1 Thing & No it’s Not Confidence!

    Do you believe that the lack money is the problem + what’s holding back your fulfillment?

    If so, you are right?

    And you will continue to be right and broke 

    But I can tell you it’s not the money 

    It’s not your age, experience, gifts or skillsets

    It’s your ******* and I cover it all in this short and IMPACTFUL episode

    Notice that there are not enough *'s to spell out confidence but this is the foundation to your confidence and unlocking real fulfillment, time and money freedom!

    In this episode I give you a few key examples of what you can implement immediately to change this for you, your money and those you love. 

    These are the same ideas that the wealthy do constantly because you and I both know they are not blaming themselves, circumstances or lack of money when things are not going according to what they desire. 

    They are taking ownership and action to what they can do to correct it and I share more in this episode. 

    hs episde is for recovering high performers 🏆, over achievers🥇, people pleasers 😳 + controlling leaders 🤯

    How you do anything, is how you do everything

    So how you experience anything, is how you experience everything

    I use to literally run my life a mile a minute jam packed with so many things I enjoyed doing as I continued to experience each level of success, Performance bonuses, Promotions …

    You name it

    What I did not realize I was hustling and grinding, it was disguised as . . . 

    Being efficient

    Being masterful with my time

    Being “the Boss” of my days

    Boy was I the fool

    My days were running me and the “efficiency” of go, go, go led me to burnout

    Not just once but twice 👀

    It cost me my health + relationships 

    And it wasn’t sustainable 😳

    Can you relate? 👀

    There never seems to be enough hours in a day to “get it all done”

    Or you thought that last launch or promotion that gave you a boost in financials was the key to the freedom part and yet you feel like you have not time to celebrate what you worked so hard for

    I can tell you and my clients and tell you, it doesn’t have to be this way. 

    Ihave created a free mini training that is still LIVE
    Check out here while it’s still FREE https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching 

    Who do you know that deserves to experience a more fulfilling and rich life?
    Who desires to end the hustle and grind, because it’s costing them their health, time freedom + relationships?

    Share this with them . . . 

    When you know better then you can do better. 

    It just takes 1 . . . thought, idea and aligned action that will truly send back a ROI on business + life that keeps on giving.

    Not that you know this what do you plan to do?

    Comment below, I love to take this convo further. 

    If you aren’t sure then I’d say let’s connect on an Activate + Create Call and have a breakthrough without a breakdown.

    Or message me any questions over on LinkedIn or I



    In your corner, 


    Follow @jacquelynmack to 🗝️

    3 Ways to Prevent Regret,Ditch the Try and Integrate These 3 Ways into a Consistent Practice [I am Certain Your Fulfillment, Time Freedom & Money Freedom Will All Benefit]

    3 Ways to Prevent Regret,Ditch the Try and Integrate These 3 Ways into a Consistent Practice [I am Certain Your Fulfillment, Time Freedom & Money Freedom Will All Benefit]

    Today we are diving is deep and efficiently on the three powerful ways to help you avoid regret and lead a life that's truly fulfilling in all the ways you desire to experience when it comes to the RICHNESS - LIFE truly gets to be if we decide, commit and allow. 

    #1 Go ALL IN on YOU - it’s as easy as it sounds when you KNOW what it means to truly COMMIT and do what I share in this episode vs. talk a good talk. Mere words won't cut it – true commitment requires action. It’s time to end the cycle of waiting until someday when . . . that is truly giving all your power away and delaying what you desire and deserve. 

    If you missed any part of previous podcast on going ALL IN go back and take notes you will ACTUALLY COMMIT to taking action on otherwise don’t bother and continue settling for what it to truly just be what is for some time until you not just decide but COMMIT to going ALL IN!

    If you haven’t figured it out yet, Committing to GOING ALL is  a critical step in preventing regret.

    #2 - CLARITY on your vision + VALUES - activating what it takes to start your journey in Decision Mastery - Regret often stems from not aligning our ACTIONS with our values and vision. Saying “Yes,” to things you don’t really want to do and “No” to the things you do really want to do. 

    #3 Know Yourself, Love Yourself, Trust Yourself, Be Yourself - a powerful reminder to stay true to yourself. 

    Recap . . . . 

    By REALLY going all in on yourself it requires REAL COMMITMENT like never before, having the courage to create clarity on your values and vision, and to make decisions that only support YOUR values + Vision and staying true to who you are, you can lead a courageous and free life, free from the weight of regret. 

    Freedom to do the things you desire to do. 

    Freedom from the things that have or could hold you back. 

    Don't miss out on integrating these life-changing lessons pick at least one and add it into your practice with intention and consistency and watch how your life starts to change for the better and I am CERTAIN you will REGRET less and LIVE FULLY more. 

    If you ever feel stuck or hung up on a challenging circumstance or situation have no fear I have exciting news. 

    CTA The Power of Reset Self Study is available to the public for the first time EVER and it is 70% OFF check out stan.store/jacquelynmackcoaching for immediate access once you PURCHASE. The first 10 will also receive a FREE Coaching SESSION with yours truly which is a $555 value for FREE - I know no brainer right?

    Lastly Please remember to “like” the episode, and give it a 5⭐️ review.  This is a passion project, so sharing your review encourages others to learn from past and future episodes. It takes a village. Please share with someone you love!

    What you are not CHANGING, you are CHOOSING.

    In your corner, 


    What It Truly Means To Go ALL IN, It’s NOT The Hustle Or Grind & It’s COSTING You Time, Money, Freedom & Fulfillment

    What It Truly Means To Go ALL IN, It’s NOT The Hustle Or Grind & It’s COSTING You Time, Money, Freedom & Fulfillment

    All In or All Out: Redefining Your Life's Blueprint for Fulfillment & Redefining Your Life's Blueprint for Fulfillment

    Discovering the essence of going "ALL IN" is the first step towards unlocking your true potential. Not fully committing to your goals and desires can lead to missed opportunities, financial setbacks, and a lack of fulfillment in life. Going "ALL IN" doesn't mean relentless grinding; instead, it involves embracing challenges outside your comfort zone. Often, it's easy to commit when success drives you forward, but what happens when that momentum fades? To reach new heights of success and fulfillment, you must transform into a different version of yourself, one that's more aligned with your goals.

    However, many people lack the awareness or courage to define this new version of themselves. The question is, who are you throughout this journey? Can you consistently show up as the person capable of achieving your desires? Going "ALL IN" applies to every aspect of your life—health, relationships, work, time, and financial freedom—all aimed at achieving true fulfillment. If you don't intentionally design your life, you'll default to a stagnant or worsening state because your desires evolve, and you must adapt.

    It's crucial to understand that your perception shapes your reality, and you have the power to choose anew. Consistent efforts, no matter how small, will not only elevate your fulfillment and success but also enable you to sustain and grow them. The question you should ask is, what is it costing you each month or year by not going "ALL IN" on yourself and your fulfillment in life? It could be affecting your health, relationships, freedom, or even your income.

    Are you compromising in one area to excel in another? Without a structured framework, you may struggle to clarify your vision and values and make decisions that align with them. So, who are you in this journey of experiencing your desires, and how committed are you to both the goals and the experience?

    Remember, your actions reveal your choices, and refusing to change is, in essence, choosing to stay the same. The cost of not fully committing to yourself and your dreams is immeasurable.

    Now is the time to take action and discover what it truly means to go "ALL IN" on yourself. Join me for an Activate & Create Call, where we'll delve into your goals, values, and the steps needed to design a fulfilling life. 


    Don't let another day pass without committing to your success and happiness. Your future self will thank you for making this choice. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

    In your corner, 


    What You Aren’t Changing You Are Choosing [Utilizing Neuro-Linguistic Programing’s 6 Logical Levels When Leveling Up Your Operating System]

    What You Aren’t Changing You Are Choosing [Utilizing Neuro-Linguistic Programing’s 6 Logical Levels When Leveling Up Your Operating System]

    Truth is what creates freedom even if it rocks your world at first. 

    What you are not changing, YOU ARE CHOOSING. 

    Let that land for you for a second. 

    Then ask yourself what do you want to change and why haven’t you changed it yet?

    Are you giving your power away to circumstances or situations? 

    If so here is a framework to stop. 

    In this episode we go over Neuro-Linguistic Programing’s 6 Logical Levels

    This NLP reframing and modeling is a process of identifying what is, is simply just “what is”.

    That we are choosing with intention and attention we are allowing to be “what is”. 
    BOOM noticing what you are noticing is KEY (awareness is step 1).

    Learn how to utilize the 6 logical levels of programing your subconscious mind aka your software system. 

    What fires together wires together.

    When was the last time you updated your software system.

    The shots you are not taking you are loosing.

    Risks you are not taking are opportunities you are missing out on. 

    TRUTH . . . 

    The major question is yet most are too busy to pause and ask is 

    How fulfilled are you? 

    What is taking away from your fulfillment and what is providing fulfillment. 

    It’s time to take inventory on your precious life because it’s short dear friend and we don’t know when will be our end. 

    This episode will be one you may want to copy and paste the link in your calendar and review on a monthly or quarterly basis. 

    This is foundational for Decision Mastery & Self Mastery!

    You are worth it + you DESERVE it.  

    Doors are still open for R.I.S.E. U.U.P. to Experience It ALL, for the next 24 hrs. 

    Here’s your chance to have my framework for living life by design: R.I.S.E. U.U.P. to Experience It ALL, is now open for enrollment! You will also receive a 1:1 jammed packed VIP day with Me in Orlando (think luxury WAVE hotel vibes, fueling food,+ adventures! )(normally $2,977 for the VIP day)

    Apply now through the link right here https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching  and be among one of the few  leaders who will actually experience the next level & are able to sustain it with ease, flow & fulfillment!

    POWER MOVE ⚡️share this with someone who would benefit from this today. 

    In your corner, 

    Jackie XOXO

    Top 11 Requirements for Self Mastery & Fulfillment [Commitment to Discipline Equals REAL Freedom & Consistency in Results in BOTH Business & Life]

    Top 11 Requirements for Self Mastery & Fulfillment [Commitment to Discipline Equals REAL Freedom & Consistency in Results in BOTH Business & Life]

    News FLASH - There are no short cuts or bio hacks 

    The closest thing I have found that does expedite the opportunity of transformation is habit stacking & hiring a coach (or 2 or 3). This is the raw real truth coming at you right here.

    Sooooo here is the good news . . . 

    What I share in this episode does NOT require hours of a morning routine to anchor into your highest potential

    I would highly suggest to listen to this with a pen and paper and allow yourself to actively be PRESENT  . .. And then ACTIVELY with intention apply something you learn today. 

    Knowledge only has power once you apply it!

    Awarenesss & Acknowlegement then Implement & Integrate at least one thing from today’s topic that activates, aligns and lands for you. 

    What you are not changing you are choosing . . . choosing to play small and I am here not to sugar coat any of it. Because we truly don’t know when our last breath will be . . . so it’s time to live out fullest potential while enjoying the ride. 

    I will outline them all here for you for my over achievers but the details as you know are in the episode. 

    Embodiment work - specifically with THIS one THING  . . . Commitments bestie 

    Discipline = freedom 

    Your Operating System 

    GET to do vs. HAVE to  

    Agreements & Assumptions - especially the kind that start with "U"

    The AAA Method Pivot 

    Control Unleashed  

    Working with the 12 LAWS 


    Knowing when the  subconscious mind is most vulnerable & receptive 

    No longer sacrificing x for y 

    It comes down to this: you WILL go ALL IN on YOU?
     You are worth it + you DESERVE it.  

    Here’s your chance to steal my framework for living life by design: R.I.S.E. U.U.P. to Experience It ALL, is now open for enrollment! You will also receive a 1:1 jammed packed VIP day with Me in Orlando (think luxury WAVE hotel vibes, fueling food,+ adventures! )(normally $2,977 for the VIP day)

    Apply now through the link right here https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching  and be among one of the few business leaders who will actually experience the next level & are able to sustain it with ease, flow & fulfillment!

    POWER MOVE ⚡️share this with someone who would benefit from this today. 

    In your corner, 

    Jackie XOXO

    "Self-Led" & “Leadership" 2 Distinct Requirements for Success [Are you a Self-Led Leader or Just a Leader?]

    "Self-Led" & “Leadership" 2 Distinct Requirements for Success [Are you a Self-Led Leader or Just a Leader?]

    Are you a Self-led Leader or just a Leader?👀

    “Self-led" and "leadership" are two concepts related to guiding and influencing others, but they have distinct meanings and implications.


    Being self-led means taking initiative and responsibility for one's own actions, decisions, and goals. 


    Leadership refers to the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others toward a common goal or vision. Leadership often involves a formal role or position within an organization or group, where the leader is responsible for directing and coordinating the efforts of a team. Key Differences are in the Areas of: (PS go into detail in this LIVE)

    • Focus:
    • Responsibility:
    • Scope of Influence:
    • Position:
    • Influence Style:

    The power of being a Self-led Leader vs. holding a Leadership Role is beyond empowering when it comes to Self Mastery, Decision Making and living a LIFE by DESIGN. 

    Which kind of leader are you? 

    Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

    Doors opened last week and close in 7 days!

    I’m thrilled to announce that enrollment for the fall round of R.I.S.E. U.U.P. to Experience It ALL is now OPEN!🥳

    🚀R.I.S.E. U.U.P. to Experience It ALL is my signature 1:1 & group mentorship experience that takes high performing business owners who are stuck at a level of success that lacks fulfillment and is stagnant time & money freedom through a radical breakthrough using my 3 step framework.🗝⏳💰

    🚀R.I.S.E. U.U.P. includes weekly group coaching calls, a supportive community, and access to all of my signature experiences, courses, videos and resources to guarantee growth in both your business & life, but also SO MUCH MORE than that!🤌🏼 (this program is my heart and soul!)💛

    It’s a collective group of high performing business owners who are all committed to serving at the highest level 💛, without sacrificing their fulfillment, time or money freedoms 🚀, living from their vivid vision ✨, mastering decision making 💥 , impacting the 🌍 by showing up in their fullest potential with ease and committed to living life by design which requires their highest expression in real time; becoming the most free versions of themselves.❤️

    The best part is releasing the old limits that have been in the way for years and some decades. 

    This program is for the high performing business owners who are fed up with the hustle and grind leading to more stagnancy in business and in life, forcing and “making it happen” based on their old business strategies (or lack of) and are ready to unlock 🔓 next level of growth, freedom & fulfillment.🗝⏳💰

    This is for the business owners who are tired of living by default and living out other people’s expectations vs. living out your own. 

    This for the business owners who are tired of wingin’ it and are ready to build a solid business around your dream life creating consistency in transformation and results through tangible, tactical strategies that 🗝 unlock next level potential and possibilities like magic ✨ 💥

    🤓🚀📈If that’s you, click the https://stan.store/JacquelynMackCoaching  to APPLY NOW and learn more about R.I.S.E. U.U.P. and how it’s going to change your business, life, and weekend to week long adventurous plans forever. . . 🌴✈️📣

    P.S… I’m offering over $3k in bonuses — the first 7 people in will 🗝 unlock over $3k in bonuses— including a 1:1 VIP Day in Orlando with me🌴(first come first serve). 🗝⏳💰 ✨

    Run, don’t walk, because those puppies will going to fast. 🗝⏳💰 ✨ 🛩️⚓️💛💥

