
    Cover 1 Roundup

    A Buffalo Bills podcast hosted by Rob Quinn & Kyle Silagyi, rounding up all the latest news, rumors and storylines surrounding the team.
    enCover 1 Sports63 Episodes

    Episodes (63)

    Free Agency Frenzy Roundup - Cover 1 Roundup

    Free Agency Frenzy Roundup - Cover 1 Roundup
    Free Agency is in full swing and many moves have been made. Gabe Davis to Jacksonville, Dion Dawkins extension, Guards getting tons of money, no QB movement (yet).

    David Faux and UberHansen will be with you breaking down the moves that have been made and updating you as new moves happen live.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

    Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think!


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    Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1.


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    Bills Offensive Overview with Free Agency and Draft Options - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Offensive Overview with Free Agency and Draft Options - Cover 1 Roundup
    With the NFL Combine in the books, and free agency right around the corner, it is time to look at what the Bills can do to improve their offensive roster. After a season where offensive coordinator Ken Dorsey was fired and replaced by Joe Brady, the Bills need to find a way to get new pieces to fit Brady's offense and replace impending free agents such as Gabe Davis, and Latavius Murray.

    David Faux and Co-Host UberHansen will breakdown the current state of the Bills' offensive roster, and explore as many options in free agency and the draft as possible.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

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    Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1.


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    The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
    Cover 1 Roundup
    enMarch 05, 2024

    A Deep Dive Into the Dominant Bills Defense - Cover 1 Roundup

    A Deep Dive Into the Dominant Bills Defense - Cover 1 Roundup
    It's time to start looking at the Bills' defense, where the departures are going, and how the Bills replace those players. More than that, how will all of these pieces, old and new, fit into the changes that are coming with new additions to the coaching staff.

    David Faux and Co-Host UberHansen will take a look at the current state of the defensive roster, what free agent additions can be brought in, and what draft prospects we like coming into the NFL combine this week.

    Sponsor link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGhmV3BGNkt6ZXNFYnBSTkhHTGRENWR6M1d5QXxBQ3Jtc0tseVc3WVdoYjU1S3Y0X0JUMDRJZzRPemhsWmdod3hPZ2JJRV9hVXJxc0VTeGpON1JMZnpkQVJONERLSDFsYXBhdWdVMTJLYi1ZbWcxUEw4WTd1T05taTQwa3JWaVZIbzhTWXZEZFduWHd1Uk9KUmpmcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Funderdogfantasy.com%2F&v=VUqmY3-PtCc Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

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    Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1.
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    The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=0s Introduction
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=341s Dune Part 2
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=393s Bills Defensive Line
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=692s Re-Sign DaQuan Jones?
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=1271s Bills Linebackers
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=2024s Bills Defensive Backs
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=2871s Potential Free Agent Safeties
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=2910s Taylor Rapp
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=2931s Alohi Gilman
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=2962s Jeremy Chinn
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=3016s Darnell Savage
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=3040s Kyle Dugger
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=3528s Ashtyn Davis
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=3638s Potential Free Agent Defensive Linemen
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=3782s Sheldon Rankins
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=3873s Austin Johnson
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=3930s Raekwon Davis
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=4064s Javon Kinlaw
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=4244s Emmanuel Ogbah
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=4278s Carl Lawson
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=4464s Brandon Graham
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=4762s 2024 NFL Draft prospects
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=4796s Cooper DeJean
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=5147s DeWayne Carter
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=5370s Byron Murphy II & T'Vondre Sweat
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=5418s Jer'Zhan Newton
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqmY3-PtCc&t=5662s Branden Fiske

    Navigating the NFC Coaching Cycle - Cover 1 Roundup

    Navigating the NFC Coaching Cycle - Cover 1 Roundup
    After a week off, the Cover 1 Roundup is back with more breakdowns of the latest NFL coaching cycle. With 4 new coaches in the NFC, and a slew of coordinators fired and hired, the NFC has reloaded and reset for the 2024 season.

    David Faux and co-host UberHansen will be talking through the coaching changes in the NFC as well as recapping some of the Bills’ latest coaching moves from the last few weeks.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/ Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

    Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think!
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    Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1.
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    The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.

    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:04:23 Ronald Curry QB Coach
    00:08:05 John Butler Out
    00:13:39 Jahmile Addae In
    00:19:05 Christian Taylor & DJ Mangas join Bills
    00:21:30 NFC East Coaching CHanges
    00:59:21 NFC North Coaching Changes
    01:12:13 NFC South Coaching Changes
    01:32:00 NFC West Coaching Changes

    AFC Coaching Cycle and Senior Bowl Talk - Cover 1 Roundup

    AFC Coaching Cycle and Senior Bowl Talk - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills are now heading into the offseason with new (official) hires at offensive and defensive coordinator, with Joe Brady and Bobby Babich leading the offense and defense respectively. These moves seem to coincide with the emergence of young coaches taking over the NFL; as the coaching cycle is now complete, it’s clear the NFL has been targeting younger coaches for both head coaching and coordinator hires.

    David Faux, and Co-host UberHansen, will be breaking down the 2024 coaching cycle, who might be on the hot seat coming into the season, and some speculation about trades and some Senior Bowl wrap up talk.

    (This show was pre-recorded on Sunday @ 7PM, any news that takes place after this recording will not included in this discussion as neither of the hosts have access to the quantum realm and, as such, cannot time travel).

    Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think!
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    Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1.
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    The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.

    NFL End of Season Roundup and 2024 Bills Offseason Primer - Cover 1 Roundup

    NFL End of Season Roundup and 2024 Bills Offseason Primer - Cover 1 Roundup
    With the 2023 season all but over we dive into some end of NFL season housekeeping as well as Some Bills specific takes on the upcoming offseason UberHansen and guest host Joe DeRosa from Cover 1 Under Review, will break down the Conference Championship Games, discuss NFL Awards, and shed some positivity on what to expect in the coming months for the Bills.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/ Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

    Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think!
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    Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1.
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    The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.

    Bills' season ends in familiar fashion, lose 27-24 to the Chiefs - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills' season ends in familiar fashion, lose 27-24 to the Chiefs - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills have been knocked out of the postseason. Another heartbreaking loss to an all-too familiar opponent in the Kansas City Chiefs brings the 2023 Bills campaign to a close.
    David Faux and co-host UberHansen will break down the game and mourn the end of a remarkable season for the Bills, while also examining some news around the league and how it all relates to the Bills.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

    Cover 1 would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and the show in general. Comment below and let us what you think!


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    Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1.


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    Bills Steal AFC East from Dolphins, Win 21-14 - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Steal AFC East from Dolphins, Win 21-14 - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills are the 2023 AFC East champions. For 4 straight years the Bills have exerted their dominance over this division, finding different ways to win and this year was no exception to that. Despite being 6-6 at the bye week, the Bills ripped off 5 straight wins to steal the division in the final week against their rival Miami Dolphins.

    David Faux and co-host UberHansen will be breaking down the huge, division-clinching win against the Dolphins and what the AFC playoff picture looks like.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

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    Become an 1nsider today: https://www.cover1.net/onepass/

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    Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1.


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    Bills Set to Clash for AFC East Title against Miami Dolphins - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Set to Clash for AFC East Title against Miami Dolphins - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills manage to sneak by the New England Patriots, winning 27-21, improving their record to 10-6 on the season. After going into the bye week at 6-6, the Bills have won 4 in a row, largely off the backs of a revitalized and rejuvenated defense led by head coach Sean McDermott while the offense has had a roller coaster ride with interim offensive coordinator, Joe Brady.

    David Faux, and co-host UberHansen will be breaking down yesterday’s game against the Patriots, and talking about the huge, division-deciding matchup in the regular season finale against the Miami Dolphins.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

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    James Cook Leads the Way as the Bills Continue their Playoff Push - Cover 1 Roundup

    James Cook Leads the Way as the Bills Continue their Playoff Push - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills lassoed the Dallas Cowboys, stunning them with 31-10 victory on Sunday. In rain, the Bills found unyielding success in the ground game with James Cook, and the defense clamped down on the hot “Texas Coast” offense. The Bills improved their record to 8-6, continuing their push for the playoffs.

    David Faux and co-host UberHansen will be breaking down yesterday’s game, the Bills’ chances for the playoffs after the win, and their challenges for the rest of the season.

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    Bills Outlast Chiefs & Cowboys Preview W/Preston Moore - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Outlast Chiefs & Cowboys Preview W/Preston Moore - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills are still in their playoff era. After yesterday’s win against the rival Chiefs, the Buffalo are now one of six(!) teams in the AFC with a 7-6 record. What does this mean for the Bills and their playoff hopes? Who do they need to lose moving forward? Is every game a must win now?

    In addition to answering all those questions, your hosts, David Faux and UberHansen, will also be joined by Preston Moore of KFDA NewsChannel10, and the Zollypod to help preview next week’s game against the Dallas Cowboys.

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    Bills Playoff Hopes After Week 13 & Chiefs Preview - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Playoff Hopes After Week 13 & Chiefs Preview - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills exit their bye week at 6-6 and look to take on the Kansas City Chiefs in week 14. After some games across the league that went in the Bills’ favor, they look to renew their playoff hopes themselves with a critical win against an all-too-familiar opponent.

    David Faux and Co-Host UberHansen will break down the action from week 13, and preview the upcoming Chiefs game (we promise not to mention Taylor Swift too much)*.

    *No guarantees

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    Bills Lose to Eagles Limping Into the Bye Week at 6-6 - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Lose to Eagles Limping Into the Bye Week at 6-6 - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Philadelphia Eagles did what they have done all season, and found a way to win a tough game. The Buffalo Bills did what they have done all season, and found a way to lose a tough game.

    On tonight’s episode, David Faux and Co-Host UberHansen will be taking a look at yesterday’s heartbreaker loss to the Philadelphia Eagles, and discussing where to go from here as the Bills enter their bye week at 6-6.
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    Buffalo Bills' Offense Ignites, Earns Huge Win Against The New York Jets - Cover 1 Roundup

    Buffalo Bills' Offense Ignites, Earns Huge Win Against The New York Jets - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Bills found a spark in the nick of time. After firing offensive coordinator Ken Dorsey, interim play caller Joe Brady took the reins against a formidable Jets defense, and delivered an excellent performance along with the rest of the offense, and the defense.

    David Faux and Co-Host UberHansen will be breaking down this win against the Jets, what it means for the Bills’ playoff hopes moving forward into the toughest part of their schedule, and doing a brief preview of the Philadelphia Eagles game next week.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

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    Buffalo Bills crumble against Cincinnati Bengals - Cover 1 Roundup

    Buffalo Bills crumble against Cincinnati Bengals - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills made a spirited comeback effort that ultimately fell short on Sunday Night Football as they lost to the Cincinnati Bengals, 24-18. The first two drives of the game promised a shootout that never came, as both teams struggled to put drives together in the 2nd half, but the Bengals did just enough to pull out the win over the Bills.

    On today’s show, David Faux and Co-Host UberHansen will be breaking down what happened in this game, where the Bills go from here, and how the season can be saved from where they are now.

    Sponsor link: https://underdogfantasy.com/Use promo code Cover1 when signing up and your first deposit will be matched up to $100

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    Trade Rumors & Bengals Preview W/Max Toscano - Cover 1 Roundup

    Trade Rumors & Bengals Preview W/Max Toscano - Cover 1 Roundup
    After a “get-right” game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Thursday Night Football, the Buffalo Bills now prepare for the team that knocked them out of the playoffs in 2022, the Cincinnati Bengals. As the trade deadline on Tuesday looms, the Bills have been asking around for some players they want to add to their roster.

    David Faux, along with co-host UberHansen and friend of the show, Max Toscano, will discuss some trade rumors surrounding the Bills and across the league, and break down the matchup between the Bills and the Bengals on Sunday Night Football.

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    Bills Fall Flat Against Patriots, What's Next? - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Fall Flat Against Patriots, What's Next? - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills played too close to the margins for a second straight week, and this time it bit them in the ass. An embarrassing loss to a moribund New England Patriots team brings more questions to a team that feels lost on offense, and dealing with too many injuries on defense.

    David Faux and Co-Host UberHansen will break down what happened during this game, do a little true or rubbish, and hopefully leave before the idea of seppuku becomes a tempting reality.

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    Bills Escape Against Giants, Offense Struggles - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Escape Against Giants, Offense Struggles - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills narrowly escaped defeat against the New York Giants, winning 14-9. An ugly to cap off an ugly Sunday of “football”, the Bills struggled to find any momentum, energy, and most importantly, points through most of the game.

    David Faux and Co-Host UberHansen will discuss, break down, and hopefully not yell too much about the game from last night, and if time, energy, and vocal cords permit, a brief preview of next week’s game against the New England Patriots.

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    Bills Lay Dud in London, Injuries Loom Large - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Lay Dud in London, Injuries Loom Large - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Buffalo Bills added insult to injury after losing 25-20 to the Jacksonville Jaguars, bringing their record to 3-2 on the season. While the loss itself is bad enough, the loss of key players Matt Milano and DaQuan Jones for the defense is even more of a gut punch.

    David Faux and co-host UberHansen will break down the loss, and detail the injury news the Bills are facing, along with some news and a brief preview of next week’s Giants game before a round of True or Rubbish.

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    Bills Beat Down Dolphins & Tre White Injury - Cover 1 Roundup

    Bills Beat Down Dolphins & Tre White Injury - Cover 1 Roundup
    The Bills had a difficult task in front of them defending the most prolific offense in football in the Miami Dolphins. Not only did the Bills win, but they held the Dolphins to 20 points, while scoring 48 on their division rival. The Bills started hot, putting their foot hard on the gas, and they never let up until the game was clearly out of hand.

    On tonight’s show, David Faux and co-host UberHansen will break down their thoughts on yesterday's game, and also discuss the unfortunate injury to Tre White and the potential return of Von Miller on the horizon.

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