
    Crazy Wisdom

    Have you found yourself experiencing a lot of stress recently? Do you want to be more creative? Stewart Alsop interviews successful creatives to find out how they work with and manage the stress that is inherent in creative work. He investigates the questions: "What is the connection between stress and creativity?"
    enStewart Alsop345 Episodes

    Episodes (345)

    Redefining Clouds: AI's Leap into Decentralization

    Redefining Clouds: AI's Leap into Decentralization

    In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, Stewart Alsop interviews Michelle Shocron, CEO and founder of Parsed, diving deep into the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the shift towards GPU-based computing for AI applications. They discuss how cloud services like AWS and Google Workspace are pivoting towards AI, leveraging models for various functions including storage and computation. Michelle shares insights about the increasing attraction of AI software as investments and AI-driven opportunities in cloud computing. The dialogue also explores the concept of decentralized computing and the potential for AI to operate independently, laying the groundwork for a world where AI can run locally on individual devices, reducing reliance on centralized services. They speculate on the future of AI technology's integration into social media and the internet, addressing the challenges of distinguishing real from fake content, and the implications for human interaction and information consumption. Lastly, Michelle introduces Parsed, detailing its mission to democratize AI accessibility and usage among businesses by overcoming the barrier of asking the right questions and optimizing AI application through a user-friendly platform.

    Check out the GPT we trained on the convo


    00:54 Exploring the Intersection of AI and Cloud Computing
    05:26 The Future of AI: Decentralization and Local Models
    10:59 The Impact of AI on Social Media and Internet Usage
    19:49 The Role of AI in Cybersecurity and Truth Detection
    25:30 The Shift in Work-Life Balance and Entrepreneurship in the AI Era
    27:40 The Impact of AI on Consumer Interaction
    28:03 The Responsibility and Uncertainty of AI in Business
    28:25 The Role of AI in Credit Systems and Predictive Models
    29:22 The Adoption and Branding of AI
    31:26 The Challenges and Potential of AI Chatbots
    33:37 The Unpredictability and Control of AI
    34:20 The Future of AI: Explainable AI and Access
    37:15 The Role of Open Source and Decentralization in AI
    42:50 The Power Dynamics in AI and Society
    45:11 The Journey of Building an AI Startup
    48:57 The Importance of Asking Better Questions in AI
    52:17 Conclusion: The Future of AI and How to Thrive

    Key Insights

    1. Decentralization of AI and Technology: There's a significant emphasis on how decentralization, driven by blockchain technologies, can offer an alternative to the current model dominated by private corporations and venture capital. This shift towards open-source development is seen as a potential future that challenges the status quo, highlighting the importance of incentives in promoting open-source projects.

    2. AI's Impact on Cloud Computing: The conversation touches on the evolving relationship between AI and cloud computing, suggesting that AI could significantly shift the landscape of cloud computing. This includes the potential for AI to become more attractive for investments and the way AI technologies are becoming central to companies traditionally focused on cloud services.

    3. Creative and Efficient AI Applications: The dialogue explores how AI, particularly in the form of chatbots and AI-driven models, can be tailored for specific niches like education, customer service, and private equity, suggesting a future where AI's versatility leads to more personalized and efficient applications.

    4. The Paradox of Choice and AI Adoption: Michelle discusses how one of the main challenges in AI adoption is the paradox of choice, where too many options lead to decision paralysis. Her startup aims to resolve this by helping companies develop an AI mindset and improve workforce productivity by simplifying choices and fostering creativity.

    5. Social Media and AI: There's an exploration of how AI is already deeply integrated into social media, affecting user experiences and behaviors. This includes discussions on how people interact with AI unknowingly through algorithms and the potential for AI to change content creation and consumption.

    6. Ethical and Societal Implications of AI: The conversation delves into broader philosophical questions about power, visibility, and the role of AI in society. This includes discussions on the nature of power, the potential for AI to redefine social structures, and the ethical responsibilities of AI developers.

    7. Future of AI Development: The discussion hints at the ongoing evolution of AI, including the shift towards more localized, decentralized AI models that could run independently of the internet, potentially changing how we interact with technology on a fundamental level.

    8. Overcoming the "Blank Page" Phenomenon: The idea that AI, specifically tools like ChatGPT, can help overcome the initial hurdle of starting a project or idea by providing prompts and suggestions, essentially serving as a catalyst for creativity.

    9. AI and the Job Market: Insights into how the rise of AI might change job landscapes, emphasizing the importance of adapting to and learning about AI to remain relevant in future job markets.

    10. Decentralized Entrepreneurship: The discussion points towards a trend of decentralized entrepreneurship, where individuals leverage digital platforms and AI to create new business models and revenue streams, challenging traditional employment and business practices.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enMarch 08, 2024

    From Silicon Dreams to AI Realities: Navigating Tech's Next Frontier

    From Silicon Dreams to AI Realities: Navigating Tech's Next Frontier

    The podcast episode features a conversation between Stewart Alsop III and his father, Stewart Alsop II, and their guest, Joe Schoendorf from Accel, a prominent venture capital firm. Joe shares his insights on the transition from the early PC computing industry to the rise of the internet and eventually to the AI revolution. They discuss factors like the creation of the cloud, AI, and other technological tools that have greatly accelerated the speed of innovation. The podcast also covers the history of Silicon Valley, the evolution of venture capital, and the roles of today's young CEOs in tech startups. Stories recalling specific incidents from Silicon Valley's history and influential personalities, like Mark Zuckerberg, are also shared.


    02:04 The Start of the Interview with Joe Schoendorf
    02:40 The Journey into Venture Capitalism
    04:04 The Story of Joe Schoendorf and Apple
    05:28 The Evolution of the Computer Industry
    11:07 The Transition from Instruments to Computers: Hewlett Packard
    17:17 The Rise and Fall of Tech Giants
    21:23 The Emergence of AI and the Future of Tech
    26:17 Recognizing Patterns in Business
    27:02 The Origin of Silicon Valley
    27:10 The Story of William Shockley
    32:14 The Impact of the Consciousness Revolution on the Computer Industry
    35:06 The Evolution of Silicon Valley and the Role of AI
    40:34 The Journey to Accel and the Facebook Investment

    Key Insights

    1. The Evolution of Silicon Valley and Venture Capital: The episode highlighted the historical context of Silicon Valley's evolution, emphasizing the shift from hardware and instruments to software and the internet. Joe Schoendorf shared anecdotes from his career to illustrate this transition, including his experiences with companies like HP and Apple. This reflects the broader trend of technological innovation driving economic and cultural shifts, underscoring the importance of adaptability and foresight in the tech industry.

    2. The Probabilistic Nature of AI Compared to Deterministic Computing: One of the central discussions revolved around the difference between traditional computing and AI. The past 50 years of computing were deterministic, where outcomes are predictable and repeatable. In contrast, AI is probabilistic, offering a different approach to problem-solving and innovation. This distinction underscores AI's potential to enhance personal agency through technology, promising a future where technology adapts to and learns from human behavior.

    3. The Importance of Young Talent in Shaping Technology's Future: Schoendorf pointed out that the key to predicting the future of technology lies in understanding where smart, young people choose to work. Unlike 20 years ago, when the aspiration was to work for established tech giants, today's talent is more inclined towards startups, especially in AI. This shift indicates a potential for significant disruption and the emergence of new leaders in the tech industry, as was seen in the transition from mainframes to personal computers and now to AI.

    4. The Role of the Cloud in Enabling AI: The conversation highlighted the cloud's pivotal role in AI's development. By providing a centralized repository of digital information that can be efficiently retrieved and processed, the cloud has made it possible to train AI systems in ways that were previously unattainable. This has led to rapid advancements in AI technology and its applications, signaling a new era of innovation driven by data accessibility and computational power.

    5. The Cyclical Nature of Technological Disruption and Leadership: Schoendorf reflected on the historical pattern where incumbents rarely survive major platform shifts, citing examples from the transitions from mainframes to minicomputers, and then to personal computers and the internet. This pattern suggests that the current AI revolution will likely give rise to new industry leaders, emphasizing the importance of innovation and adaptability in maintaining competitive advantage.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enMarch 04, 2024

    Identity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Journey Within

    Identity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Journey Within

    In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, Stewart Alsop is joined by Jack Thomas. Jack shares his transitions from nuclear engineering to philosophy and now machine learning, revealing his approach to learning and understanding complex concepts. They explore existential risks and the advantages and challenges of AI, the importance of understanding the mathematics behind machine learning, and the future of programming. Jack also shares his views on the positive and negative impacts of disruptive technologies, and the significance of adhering to ethics and morality when innovating.

    Check out this GPT we trained on the conversation


    00:00 Introduction and Guest Background

    01:00 The Art of Interviewing and the Impact of Celebrity

    02:17 Exploring the Concept of Identity

    03:07 The Balance Between Internal and External Identification

    04:08 The Influence of Fame and Public Perception

    12:43 The Journey of Self-Discovery and Career Transition

    16:27 Exploring the World of Machine Learning

    19:11 The Role of University in Career Development

    19:23 The Path to Becoming a Machine Learning Engineer

    28:53 The Intersection of Consciousness and Machine Learning

    30:16 The Future of OpenAI and Machine Learning

    30:43 The Evolution of Programming and the Role of ChatGPT

    31:27 The Shift from Commercialization to Research

    31:44 The Intersection of Research, Development, and Venture Capital

    32:49 The Future of Machine Learning Engineers

    33:09 The Impact of AI on Job Market and Workflows

    35:23 The Concept of Mechanistic Interpretability in AI

    37:02 The Existential Risks of AI

    37:13 The Ethics and Morality in AI Research

    38:24 The Influence of Funding on Research Direction

    40:04 The Existential Risks of AI: A Deeper Dive

    43:13 The Impact of AI on Human Behavior and Society

    48:39 The Need for Decentralization in AI

    56:02 The Role of Mathematics in Machine Learning

    01:00:30 Closing Thoughts and Contact Information

    Key Insights

    1. Existential Risks of AI: The conversation delves into the potential existential risks associated with AI, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations and safeguards to prevent unintended consequences as AI systems become more advanced and autonomous.

    2. Balancing Identity Sources: A significant part of the discussion revolves around the importance of finding a balance between internal and external sources of self-identity. This balance is crucial in navigating the complexities of modern society and the influence of technology on personal identity.

    3. AI's Potential and Ethical Implications: The episode explores the vast potential of AI in transforming various aspects of society, while also stressing the ethical implications of its development and deployment. It underscores the necessity of ethical frameworks to guide AI research and application.

    4. Learning Machine Learning Without Deep Mathematics: Stewart Alsop and Jack Thomas talk about the journey of understanding and applying machine learning without a heavy reliance on deep mathematical knowledge. They advocate for a more intuitive and application-focused approach to learning AI technologies.

    5. Disruptive Innovation and Technology: The concept of disruptive innovation is discussed, highlighting how new technologies can fundamentally change industries and societal norms. The conversation touches on the importance of being aware of these changes and adapting to them thoughtfully.

    6. Technological Advancement vs. Ethical Considerations: A key theme is the balancing act between leveraging the benefits of technological advancements, such as AI, and ensuring that ethical considerations are at the forefront of these developments to mitigate risks and societal impacts.

    7. Practical Applications of AI: The discussion also covers the practical applications of AI and machine learning in various fields, illustrating the transformative potential of these technologies in solving real-world problems while also pondering the ethical boundaries of such applications.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enMarch 01, 2024

    Digital Bridges: Uniting Cultures in a Fragmented World

    Digital Bridges: Uniting Cultures in a Fragmented World

    In this episode of Crazy Wisdom podcast, Stewart Alsop is joined by Sai Hossain, founder and CEO of Crowdcast. Sai reflects on the current state of the world and its conflicts, and the potential for collective consciousness acceleration. He also discusses his views on AI, including its potential positive and negative effects, and emphasizes his belief in it being used as a tool, arguing that its usage will be defined by those who create it. While discussing the concept of the singularity, Sai presents his vision for a future where technology and nature become less differentiated. He also shares thoughts on the evolution of communication, touching upon the possibilities presented by developments in live video and virtual communication technology like Crowdcast.

    Checkout this GPT we trained on this conversation


    00:02 Introduction and Guest Presentation

    00:44 Discussing Current Global Events and Personal Perspectives

    02:59 Exploring the Impact of Technology and Social Media

    04:22 Diving into Astrology and its Influence

    06:43 Debating the Consciousness of AI

    09:56 Exploring the Future of AI and its Potential Impact

    12:37 Discussing the Ethical Implications of AI Development

    16:58 The Role of Capitalism in AI Development

    23:25 The Future of Society and the Role of Experimentation

    26:10 The Current System Isn't Working: What's Next?

    26:34 The Evolution of Communication: From Writings to Live Video

    27:43 The Power of Blockchain and the Internet

    27:55 The Excitement of Experimentation and Failure

    28:24 The Impact of High Bandwidth Transfer of Ideas

    28:53 The Dynamics of Large Group vs Small Group Video Calls

    30:10 The Technical Challenges of Live Video and Audio

    34:03 The Role of AI in Solving Architectural Problems

    38:38 The Future of Live Video Communication

    41:20 The Singularity and the Future of Technology

    45:47 The Blurring Lines Between Technology and Nature

    Key Insights

    1. Accelerating Global Consciousness through AI: Sai discusses how artificial intelligence can be harnessed to significantly accelerate global consciousness, emphasizing the capacity of AI to augment human capabilities and foster a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness.

    2. Emotional Intelligence in the Technological Era: The conversation highlights the increasing importance of emotional intelligence as technology becomes more integrated into our lives. Sai underscores the need for individuals to develop emotional skills to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI and technology.

    3. AI's Dual Potential: Sai elaborates on the dual potential of AI, noting that it can serve as a powerful tool for good or ill based on the intentions behind its use. This insight stresses the responsibility of creators and users to guide AI's development and application ethically.

    4. Bridging Divides with Global Communication Technologies: The episode explores how advancements in global communication technologies have the potential to bridge cultural and geographical divides, enabling people from different parts of the world to connect, share, and understand each other more effectively.

    5. Ethical Considerations in AI Deployment: Sai advocates for the integration of ethical considerations and human values in the development and deployment of AI technologies, to ensure they benefit humanity as a whole and address societal challenges responsibly.

    6. Technology's Role in Creating an Interconnected Society: The discussion points to the role of technology in facilitating a more interconnected, empathetic global society. Sai envisions a future where technology supports deeper understanding and collaboration across global communities.

    7. Leveraging Technology for Global Collaboration and Understanding: Sai shares a vision for the future that involves leveraging technology not just for economic or entertainment purposes, but as a means to foster deeper global collaboration, understanding, and empathy among people, transcending borders and differences.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enFebruary 26, 2024

    Beyond the Binary: Nature, Networks, and New Identities

    Beyond the Binary: Nature, Networks, and New Identities

    In this podcast episode, the guest Zee Schwab discusses his innovative identity protocol that uses a reputation based indexing system, aiming to address the challenges of online identity verification. Zee is building Column. Zee Schwab shares his experience of transitioning from a medical background to launching a tech-based startup, which focuses on gathering and analyzing data to come up with new formulas. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding the creator behind a piece of content to determine its value. Both the host and guest debate on the potential risks and benefits of advancements in AI and how they may radically reshape our future. They delve into how LLMs and other technological tools are dominating humans' lives, raising concerns about the line between tool usage and reliance. In addition, they discuss their perspectives on the integration of technology and nature in the future architecture.

    Check out this GPT we trained on this episode


    00:02 Introduction and Guest Presentation

    00:43 The Problem of Online Identity Management

    00:53 Guest's Journey from Medicine to Tech

    02:07 The Birth of an Innovative Startup

    04:20 The Role of AI in Identity Verification

    04:51 The Impact of AI on Content Creation

    05:39 The Flaws of the Peer Review System

    06:05 The Power Dynamics in Academia

    06:08 The Role of Consensus in Decision Making

    06:50 The Evolution of Scientific Research

    10:16 The Challenges of Governance in Startups

    13:13 The Concept of Power and Control

    18:09 The Intersection of Physical and Conceptual Worlds

    19:33 The Role of Computation in Our Lives

    23:02 The Complexity of Human Communication

    28:17 The Struggles and Triumphs of Personal Journeys

    29:47 The Loneliness of Unconventional Perspectives

    30:13 Bridging the Gap Between Different Life Perspectives

    30:42 Appreciating the Beauty in Everyday Life

    31:31 The Balance Between Physical and Intellectual Worlds

    33:20 The Impact of Technology on Our Lives

    34:21 The Struggle of Navigating the Digital Age

    35:01 The Power and Danger of AI

    35:32 The Importance of Maintaining Control Over Technology

    39:13 The Challenge of Balancing Nature and Technology

    46:37 The Potential of AI in Architecture

    51:41 The Journey Towards Enlightenment

    52:51 The Future of Column and the Internet

    Key Insights

    1. Intersection of Technology and Nature: Zee Schwab emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between technological advancements and the natural world. The conversation explores how technology can be inspired by and harmonized with natural processes, suggesting that the most innovative solutions often mirror the complexity and efficiency found in nature.

    2. Innovative Identity Protocol: A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to discussing Zee's work on developing an innovative identity protocol. This system aims to enhance online identity verification processes by integrating a reputation-based indexing system. The idea is to create a more secure, trustworthy online environment where users' identities and reputations are transparent and verifiable, potentially reducing fraud and increasing accountability.

    3. Reputation-Based Indexing System: The proposed system not only verifies identity but also incorporates a user's reputation into their online profile. This concept could revolutionize the way online interactions and transactions are conducted, emphasizing trustworthiness and reliability. The discussion delves into the technical and ethical considerations of such a system, including privacy concerns and the potential for misuse.

    4. Impact of Technology on Society: The episode reflects on the broader implications of technological advancements on society. It considers both the positive potential of technology to solve complex problems and the risks associated with its unchecked use, such as data privacy issues and the digital divide.

    5. Integrating Ancient Wisdom: A recurring theme in the conversation is the value of integrating ancient wisdom into modern technological solutions. Zee Schwab argues that ancient philosophies and practices offer timeless insights that can inform the ethical use of technology, promote sustainability, and enhance wellbeing in a hyper-connected world.

    6. Critical Reflection on Technology: The episode encourages listeners to critically reflect on their relationship with technology. It prompts a consideration of how technology affects personal lives and societal structures, advocating for a mindful approach to tech adoption that respects individual privacy and promotes collective wellbeing.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enFebruary 19, 2024

    The Myth of the Singularity: A Realistic Perspective on AI's Future"

    The Myth of the Singularity: A Realistic Perspective on AI's Future"

    This is an interview for the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, where Stewart Alsop interviews AI strategist, Christian Ulstrup. Ullstrup shares his perspective on the progression and usage of Artificial Intelligence in businesses. He talks about the power of goal-setting in an organizational structure and highlights his belief towards goals being discovered rather than set. He further discloses his method to compile and make sense of huge amounts of proprietary information through Large Language Models (LLMs). They discuss the potential of AI memory, handling misinformation, and the rise of open-source AI models. The two also briefly touch upon the ideas of 'alignment' within a biological lens and its potential connection to AI, touching upon the philosophies of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.


    00:00 Introduction to the Crazy Wisdom Podcast
    00:39 Guest Introduction: Christian Ulstrup, AI Strategist
    00:54 Exploring the Latest in AI and its Impact
    01:13 The Role of Social Media in Information Dissemination
    02:07 Deep Dive into AI Alignment and its Challenges
    03:21 Exploring the Concept of Stress and its Contagious Nature
    04:17 The Future of AI and its Potential Impact
    05:06 The Role of Internet and Social Networks in Our Lives
    05:57 The Fear Surrounding AI and its Future
    06:20 The Concept of Effective Accelerationism and Deceleration
    07:07 The Relationship Between Technology and Adolescents
    08:02 The Importance of Goal Setting and its Impact
    09:33 The Role of AI in the Future of Consciousness
    16:33 The Emergence of AI and its Implications
    24:51 The Role of Memory in AI and Human Interaction
    27:24 The Importance of Reflection and Accurate Facts
    28:20 Using Transcripts for Real-Time Analysis
    28:54 The Power of AI in Real-Time Discussions
    29:03 The Role of AI in Goal Setting and Decision Making
    30:42 The Challenge of Misinformation in AI
    32:13 The Role of AI in Knowledge Management
    34:18 The Impact of AI on Memory and Information Retrieval
    35:04 The Potential Dangers of AI and Disinformation
    36:49 The Future of AI: Centralization vs Decentralization
    47:58 The Role of Open Source in AI Development
    54:04 How to Connect and Learn More
    55:39 Closing Remarks

    Key Insights

    1. AI Strategy and Innovation: Christian emphasizes the importance of a thoughtful AI strategy that aligns with the broader goals of an organization. He discusses how AI can drive innovation by automating tasks, enhancing decision-making processes, and creating new opportunities for business growth. Ullstrup highlights the need for companies to stay abreast of AI advancements to maintain a competitive edge.

    2. Productivity and AI Tools: The discussion covers how AI tools can significantly boost productivity by streamlining workflows and reducing the cognitive load on individuals. Ullstrup shares insights into how AI can assist in goal setting and knowledge management, enabling people to focus on more creative and high-level tasks.

    3. Philosophy and AI Alignment: A significant part of the conversation is dedicated to the philosophical aspects of AI, particularly the ethical considerations of AI development and its alignment with human values. Christian talks about the challenges of ensuring AI systems act in ways that are beneficial to humanity and the complexities involved in defining and programming these values.

    4. Individual Freedom and Data Centralization: Ullstrup expresses concerns about data centralization and its implications for individual freedom in the digital age. He advocates for a more decentralized approach to data management, where individuals have greater control over their personal information.

    5. Limits of Computational Advancements: The episode touches upon the potential limits of computational advancements, questioning the inevitability of the singularity—a point where AI surpasses human intelligence in all aspects. Christian suggests a more nuanced view of technological progress, emphasizing the importance of understanding the limitations and ensuring responsible development.

    6. Enhancing Human Capabilities: A recurring theme is the potential for AI to not only automate tasks but also to enhance human capabilities. Christian discusses how AI can complement human intelligence, fostering a deeper understanding of complex systems and enabling us to tackle problems beyond our current capabilities.

    7. Skepticism Towards the Singularity: Ullstrup shares a healthy skepticism towards the concept of the singularity, cautioning against overestimating the pace of AI development and underestimating the complexities involved in creating truly autonomous, superintelligent systems.

    8. Societal and Philosophical Implications: Finally, the episode explores the broader societal and philosophical implications of AI. It discusses how AI can transform our understanding of ourselves and the world, posing both opportunities and challenges that require thoughtful consideration and dialogue.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enFebruary 16, 2024

    Byte-Sized Brilliance: Crafting the Future with Creativity and Code

    Byte-Sized Brilliance: Crafting the Future with Creativity and Code

    Steven Vachani, a tech entrepreneur and early digital nomad (before it was cool and easy), shares his personal journey on the Crazy Wisdom podcast. His tech journey starts from his childhood experimentation with internet connectivity in the '80s, to establishing one of the first online food delivery businesses, and working with the early mass market online service, Free Lotto. This discussion also explores his experience co-founding Power.com, a company that aimed to create universal interfaces for users and assembling global remote teams to tackle unique challenges. Stephen speaks about his legal battles with giants like Facebook, and emphasizes the need for survival skills and ingenuity in such situations. He highlights the importance of focusing on personal unique skills, recognizing early talent, and demonstrating momentum in a startup to attract investors. 


    00:01 Introduction and Guest Background

    00:30 Early Days of Internet and Digital Nomadism

    00:43 Adventures in Hacking and Early Online Communities

    01:40 Innovation in the 80s and the Birth of Online Gaming

    04:34 The Journey to Silicon Valley

    05:23 The Evolution of Internet and the Start of Location Independence

    07:25 The Birth of Online Food Delivery

    14:07 The Journey of Entrepreneurship

    17:42 The Advent of Wireless Internet and Mobile Technology

    21:43 The Start of a Tech Company and the Challenges of Scaling

    27:46 The Power of Franchising and Scaling

    28:04 The Age of Social Media and Rapid User Growth

    28:45 The Art of Viral Marketing

    29:17 The Unexpected Investment Story

    30:41 The Power of Convertible Notes

    33:54 The Evolution of Marketing Strategies

    34:13 The Journey of Free Lotto

    36:27 The Power of Mass Marketed Businesses

    39:28 The Battle for Data Ownership

    44:11 The Future of Internet and Automation

    59:36 The Vision of a Connected Internet

    01:00:41 The Journey to Brazil

    01:01:38 Surviving the 2000 Crash and Finding Freedom

    01:02:05 Embracing Brazilian Culture and Setting Up an Incubator

    01:03:02 The Birth of Power.com

    01:04:24 The Revelation about Talent Distribution

    01:07:53 Building a Team in Brazil

    01:10:46 The Power of Networking and Talent Acquisition

    01:18:57 The Impact of Venture Capital Funding

    01:20:33 The Global Search for Talent

    01:28:06 Reflections on Cultural Connections

    01:29:22 Introduction to Cultural Connection

    01:29:35 Deep Dive into Latin Culture

    01:29:54 Exploring Brazil and Eastern Europe

    01:30:12 Music and Dance: A Personal Journey

    01:30:54 Building Relationships and Exploring Cultures

    01:31:26 Dancing and Music in Brazil

    01:31:49 Exploring Zouk and Lombada

    01:32:11 Life as a Digital Nomad

    01:32:14 Organizing and Participating in Carnivals

    01:32:59 Deep Dive into Brazilian Hip Hop

    01:33:17 Exploring Brazilian Funk

    01:33:41 Adventures in Brazil

    01:34:28 Becoming a Brazilian Citizen

    01:34:53 The Journey of a Digital Nomad 3.0

    01:35:23 Raising a Multilingual Family

    01:37:31 Building Companies and Living Life Remotely

    01:45:20 Problem Solving in Different Fields

    01:47:36 The Art of Resourcefulness

    01:51:25 The Journey of a Startup CEO

    Key Insights

    1. Early Adoption and Exploration of Technology: Steven's journey into the tech world began with his engagement in BBSs during the 1980s, emphasizing the profound impact early internet communities had on his career path.
    2. Innovation in Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship: He shares stories of pioneering in digital marketing, like his ventures into email marketing and online lotteries, demonstrating his knack for recognizing and capitalizing on emerging opportunities.
    3. The Importance of Resilience and Adaptability: Throughout the episode, Steven highlights the significance of resilience in the face of challenges and the need for adaptability in an ever-changing tech landscape.
    4. Harnessing Opportunities in Saturated Markets: Steven discusses how he navigated through competitive markets by innovating and finding new ways to approach seemingly saturated niches.
    5. Leveraging Non-Traditional Marketing Strategies: He elaborates on his approach to mass marketing, specifically how targeting a broad audience without specific targeting can be effective in certain industries, such as lotteries.
    6. Entrepreneurial Mindset and Continuous Learning: The conversation underscores the entrepreneurial mindset, characterized by continuous learning, seizing opportunities, and an unyielding drive to innovate.
    7. Building and Leading Teams: Steven shares his experiences in recruiting and leading teams, emphasizing the importance of finding and nurturing talent, and the role of leadership in steering vision and strategy.
    8. Challenges of Being a Pioneer: He reflects on the challenges and rewards of being a pioneer in the tech industry, including the trials of introducing new concepts and technologies ahead of their time.
    9. Vision for the Future and Innovation: The discussion also touches on Steven's vision for future technologies and his continuous pursuit of innovative solutions to complex problems.
    10. The Role of Early Tech Experiences: Finally, the episode delves into how Steven's early experiences with technology shaped his career, illustrating the long-term impact of early tech adoption on professional trajectories.
    Crazy Wisdom
    enFebruary 12, 2024

    The Alchemist of AI: Yucheng Low

    The Alchemist of AI: Yucheng Low

    In this episode of Crazy Wisdom Podcast, Yucheng Low, the co-founder and CEO of XetHub, discusses his journey through the field of machine learning, from earning his PhD at Carnegie Mellon University to leading his own startup. He dives into the differences between machine learning and AI, the importance of data management in the field, and the potential future of embedded ML models in applications. He also shares his perspective on the rapid evolution of technology and the implications it may have on society and job markets.

    Check out this GPT we trained on this conversation


    00:02 Introduction and Guest Presentation
    00:17 Understanding Machine Learning and AI
    03:08 The Role of Specialization in AI
    04:16 The Future of AI and its Limitations
    04:38 The Importance of Data in Machine Learning
    17:09 The Concept of AI Psychology
    19:34 Introduction to XetHub
    24:22 The Convenience and Limitations of Data Sharing
    25:10 Exploring the Basics of Programming and Backend Development
    25:36 Understanding S3 Buckets and Their Role in Machine Learning
    28:39 The Future of Machine Learning and Its Impact on Web Development
    29:38 The Role of Machine Learning in DevOps
    30:11 The Evolution of Machine Learning and Its Potential Impact on Society
    33:30 The Future of AI and Machine Learning in Everyday Applications
    37:29 Exploring the Concept of Mistral's Model of Experts
    44:08 The Impact of Machine Learning on Job Market and Society
    50:31 Closing Thoughts and Contact Information

    Key Insights

    1. Machine Learning vs. AI: Yucheng Low delineates machine learning as a subset of AI focused on algorithms that improve with experience, implying AI's broader scope towards achieving human-like versatility in problem-solving​​.

    2. Data's Paramount Importance: Emphasizing the critical role of data in machine learning, Yucheng discusses the challenges and innovations in data management and storage, underscoring that quality data is the cornerstone of effective AI solutions​​.

    3. AI in Everyday Applications: He envisions a future where AI and machine learning are seamlessly integrated into various applications, enhancing their utility and effectiveness without overt user interaction, suggesting a move towards more intelligent, context-aware technologies​​.

    4. Ethical and Societal Implications: The conversation touches on the ethical considerations and potential societal impacts of AI, including job displacement and the moral responsibilities of AI developers. Yucheng acknowledges the transformative potential of AI while cautioning against its unchecked application​​.

    5. The Evolution of Machine Learning: Reflecting on the rapid advancements in the field, Yucheng highlights the shift from traditional statistical models to more complex neural networks, discussing both the opportunities and challenges this evolution presents for understanding and interpreting AI behavior​​.

    6. AI's Future Directions: Speculating on the future of AI, Yucheng suggests that while foundational models and large language models (LLMs) represent significant progress, the field will continue to evolve, potentially requiring new paradigms for training and application to address the current limitations and fully realize AI's potential​​.

    7. Integration of AI into Devices: Discussing the technical aspects, Yucheng anticipates further miniaturization and optimization of AI models, enabling their deployment in a wider range of devices and applications, from smartphones to household gadgets, enhancing user experience through smarter, more responsive technology​​.

    8. AI and Human Augmentation: He reflects on AI's role as an augmentative tool rather than a replacement for human intelligence, stressing the importance of leveraging AI to enhance human capabilities and decision-making processes in various domains​​.

    9. Machine Learning DevOps and Infrastructure: Yucheng touches on the importance of infrastructure and DevOps in the machine learning ecosystem, suggesting that the development and operational aspects of AI are crucial for its scalability and effectiveness​​

    10. Philosophical and Predictive Aspects of AI: Finally, the discussion delves into the philosophical implications of AI's predictive capabilities, exploring the irony of technology designed to predict outcomes making it harder to foresee long-term societal changes, highlighting the complex interplay between AI advancements and their broader impact on humanity​​.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enFebruary 09, 2024

    Adam, Eve and AI: A Talk with Soledad D'Agostino

    Adam, Eve and AI: A Talk with Soledad D'Agostino

    In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, host Stewart Alsop interviews Soledad D'Agostino, a tech industry veteran with experience at Google, YouTube, and Microsoft. Throughout the discussion, they dive into her work in global marketing, the evolution of YouTube within Latin America, and her role in launching large livestream events for the platform. They take on topics like the impacts and potential of AI, how AI is revolutionizing the tech industry, and the philosophical questions it brings to the forefront such as the question of AI's sentience and the concept of a soul. Soledad emphasizes the importance of having 'people with healthy values' involved in the development and control of AI, viewing it as vital to the future of humanity.


    00:00 Introduction to the Crazy Wisdom Podcast

    00:40 Meet the Guest: Soledad D'Agostino

    01:15 Soledad's Journey from Buenos Aires to Google

    02:39 Exploring the Evolution of YouTube

    03:34 Behind the Scenes of Live Streaming

    05:45 The Rise of Twitch and the Future of Live Streaming

    08:56 The Impact of AI on the Tech Industry

    12:27 The Role of AI in Solving Global Challenges

    21:58 The Intersection of AI and Knowledge Management

    29:09 The Role of AI in Humanity's Future

    29:53 The Impact of AI on Different Industries

    30:38 The Inevitability of AI Integration

    31:02 The Power of Generative AI

    32:07 The Intersection of AI and Knowledge Management

    32:44 The Evolution of Search Engines and AI

    34:40 The Future of AI in Product Design and Art

    35:16 The Philosophical Implications of AI

    37:38 The Potential of AI in Problem Solving

    37:49 The Ethical Considerations of AI

    38:51 The Role of AI in Art and Design

    40:21 The Future of AI in Business and Society

    45:21 The Spiritual and Philosophical Questions Raised by AI

    52:10 The Future of AI in Biology and Environment

    55:05 The Need for Ethical Leadership in AI

    56:05 Conclusion and Contact Information

    Key Insights

    1. Career Path and Experience: Soledad discussed her journey from starting at Google in 2011 to work on Google Ads, transitioning to YouTube, and eventually spearheading the global marketing for Google Pixel Fold. She emphasized the evolution of her roles, highlighting her experience in marketing and product development across major tech companies.

    2. Evolution of YouTube and Live Streaming: Soledad played a crucial role in the development of YouTube in Latin America and then in live streaming globally from New York. She discussed the complexities and excitement of managing large-scale live events like Coachella and Lollapalooza, detailing the integration of brand partnerships and the challenges of live stream production.

    3. Impact of AI on Technology and Marketing: She expressed optimism about the potential of AI in revolutionizing various sectors, including marketing and technology. Soledad believes AI has been integral to Google's operations even before it became a forefront technology and sees it as a pivotal tool in addressing major global issues like the climate crisis.

    4. Philosophical and Ethical Considerations of AI: The conversation delved into the philosophical aspects of AI, particularly around creativity, art, and the human soul. Soledad pondered whether AI-generated art could possess the same emotional depth as human-created art, differentiating between technical perfection and the expression of a human soul in artistic works.

    5. AI in Product Design and Functional Applications: Soledad distinguished between AI applications in artistic creativity and functional design. She supported the use of AI in enhancing technical design, such as safer architectural structures, while expressing reservations about its role in pure artistic creation.

    6. AI, Humanity, and Future Challenges: The discussion touched on the broader implications of AI for humanity, drawing parallels with pivotal historical discoveries like nuclear energy. Soledad emphasized the importance of having people with sound values and intentions involved in AI development to ensure its benefits are maximized for humanity.

    7. Knowledge Management in Tech Companies: The conversation included a segment on knowledge management within tech companies, with a focus on Google’s approach. Soledad highlighted Google’s Knowledge Hub and other internal resources as key tools for disseminating and managing knowledge within the company.

    8. Personal Preferences and Public Presence: Soledad mentioned her limited public presence on social media, preferring professional platforms like LinkedIn for interactions and networking.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enFebruary 05, 2024

    From Early Apple to AI: Donna Dubinsky's Tech Odyssey

    From Early Apple to AI: Donna Dubinsky's Tech Odyssey

    This is a new series of Crazy Wisdom where I invited my dad Stewart Alsop II to bring people from his past as a tech journalist and uncover the best stories from the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s about the personal computing revolution and apply them to the AI revolution currently happening.

    Our first guest Donna Dubinsky talks about her career experiences at Apple, handheld innovator Handspring, her work as the CEO of Palm (of the Palm Pilot handheld mobile device), and current AI work at Numenta. She and Stewart Alsop II both go deep on how the personal computing industry led to the mobile revoltuions and now how we got to where we are today. Dubinsky encourages listeners to stay tuned to developments at NatCast, her current project associated with the CHIPS Act.

    If you subscribe to chatGPT4, check out this GPT we trained on the conversation


    00:00 Introduction to the Podcast and the AI Revolution
    00:50 The AI Bubble and Lessons from Past Revolutions
    01:28 Invitation to Engage with the Podcast
    02:04 Introducing the Special Guest: Donna Dubinsky
    02:31 Reminiscing about the Past: The Agenda Conference
    03:30 The Evolution of Computing Devices
    06:14 The Changing Landscape of the Computer Industry
    06:58 The Ubiquity of Computing and the Future of the Chips Industry
    08:11 The Evolution of Apple and Personal Device Preferences
    14:28 The Journey of Numenta and the Future of AI
    29:15 The Evolution of Mainframes and the Future of AI on Phones
    37:31 The Early Days of the Tech Community
    38:30 Transition from Mainframes to Personal Computing
    39:04 The Launch of the Palm Pilot
    41:30 The Evolution of the Microcomputer Business
    42:59 The Role of Government in Advancing Technology
    44:46 The Challenges of Manufacturing and Design in the Tech Industry
    01:08:05 The Impact of Pricing on Perceived Value
    01:09:17 The Highs and Lows of the Palm Pilot Journey
    01:12:26 Current Work in AI and the CHIPS Act

    Key Insights

    1. Early Days of Computing and Mainframes: Initially, computing was not a common feature on everyone's desk. Mainframes, the early giants of the computing world, were massive and expensive, accessible only to large corporations and the government. These machines were housed in special rooms and were far from being personal or portable​​​​.

    2. Transition to Client-Server Models and Personalization: Computing started evolving with the development of client-server architecture. From the large, centralized mainframes, the industry moved to a model where computing was more distributed. Time-sharing systems allowed multiple users to access mainframe resources, leading to a gradual democratization of computing power. This shift laid the groundwork for the development of personal computers​​.

    3. The Era of Desktops and Handheld Devices: The next significant shift was the move to desktops and eventually to handheld devices. This evolution represented a dramatic change in how people interacted with computers, making them more personal and portable. The podcast mentions how devices like the Apple II brought computing into educational settings, revolutionizing how people could use these tools​​​​.

    4. The Impact of the Palm Pilot: The Palm Pilot is highlighted as a significant milestone in personal computing. Before the Palm, handheld devices were simply smaller versions of existing technology. The Palm Pilot, however, adopted a different approach. It did not try to replicate all functionalities of a PC. For instance, it did not support printing directly, positioning itself as a window or client to the PC, thus embracing a kind of client-server model. This decision not only made the device more practical and focused but also less expensive to support​​.

    5. Evolution of Form Factors: The podcast discusses the evolution of computing devices in terms of form factors. There were three main form factors: desktop (too big to carry), notebook (fit in a briefcase), and handheld (fit in a pocket or purse). Each form factor was defined by how users could physically carry and interact with these devices. It was believed that devices falling between these form factors would not be successful, although this was later proven not entirely accurate with the success of intermediate devices like tablets​​.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enJanuary 29, 2024

    CUDA Chronicles: Decoding the AI Revolution

    CUDA Chronicles: Decoding the AI Revolution

    In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, Stewart Alsop interviews Nader Khalili, the CEO and Co-founder of BrevDev, a company making it easier to use GPUs for machine learning applications. They delve into the details of BrevDev's work, discussing AI infrastructure, the advantages of fine-tuning over training AI models from scratch, and the evolution of user experience with AI systems. Khalili shares insights about CUDA, a software suite used to leverage GPUs' power, and details how BrevDev simplifies this process. They also compare the work processes and results of remote vs non-remote work teams and share thoughts about future developments in AI. The broad spectrum of AI software applications is touched upon, highlighting the potential benefits for businesses.

    If you are a subscriber to GPT4 check out this GPT we trained on the episode


    00:00 Introduction to the Crazy Wisdom Podcast
    00:40 Guest Introduction: Nader Khalil, CEO of BrevDev
    00:49 Understanding BrevDev and its Role in GPU Usage
    01:40 Deep Dive into CUDA and its Importance in AI Applications
    02:40 Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities in AI Development
    03:37 The Intricacies of Distributed Computing and Programming
    05:12 The Role of Abstraction in Engineering and AI
    06:46 BrevDev's Approach to Simplifying GPU Configuration
    07:50 The Future of Fine Tuning and AI Development
    11:05 The Impact of AI on Business and Software Development
    22:00 The Role of Notebooks in Machine Learning and AI
    24:04 Addressing Infrastructure Problems in Tech
    24:21 The Challenges of Accessing GPUs
    25:06 The Art of Model Training and Optimization
    26:27 The Evolution of GPU Production
    28:09 The Role of GPUs in Model Training
    32:10 The Impact of AI on Business
    33:38 The Vibrant Tech Scene in San Francisco
    41:01 The Future of Deep Tech and AI
    43:32 Closing Remarks and Contact Information

    Key Insights

    1. Simplifying GPU Use with BrevDev: BrevDev focuses on making GPUs easily accessible and usable for various purposes, especially in AI and machine learning. The platform connects to different data centers, manages hardware requirements, and sets up necessary environments like CUDA and Python versions, essentially abstracting the complexities of configuring GPUs for end-users.

    2. Understanding CUDA: CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is pivotal for AI applications as it allows for more powerful operations on NVIDIA GPUs. Nader explains CUDA as a low-level, highly capable software suite that can be challenging for application developers used to working at higher abstraction levels.

    3. Evolution of AI Applications: The conversation touches upon the Cambrian explosion in AI, emphasizing that the current boom isn't just about more noise from existing AI practitioners but a significant expansion, including application developers transitioning to AI development. The key challenge is the abstraction layers and ensuring that application developers can work without needing to understand the lower-level intricacies like CUDA.

    4. Business Philosophy and Team Dynamics in Startups: Nader discusses the importance of having a close-knit, collaborative team, especially when dealing with complex and rapidly evolving technologies. He emphasizes the preference for in-person collaboration in the early stages of a startup to facilitate better information flow and decision-making.

    5. Fine-tuning vs. Training AI Models: The podcast sheds light on the distinction between training AI models from scratch and fine-tuning existing models. Fine-tuning is presented as a more accessible entry point for businesses looking to leverage AI, focusing on how businesses can use their unique data to enhance pre-trained models for specific applications.

    6. Future of GPUs and Computational Infrastructure: Nader talks about the advancements in GPU technology, like the transition from A100s to H100s, and the challenges in accessing and utilizing these resources efficiently. He also hints at the potential shifts in computational infrastructure with new startups innovating in the GPU space.

    7. The Role of San Francisco in Tech Innovation: The podcast touches on the cultural and entrepreneurial dynamics of San Francisco, emphasizing how the city attracts and fosters a community of builders and innovators, particularly in the tech and AI sectors.

    8. Advent of Distributed Computing and Future Paradigms: There's a philosophical discussion about the future of computing, particularly around distributed, peer-to-peer, network-based software and the impact of machine learning models that can process and compress vast amounts of high-dimensional data.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enJanuary 22, 2024

    Humanity's Universal Operating System: Discussing Magic, Business, and Urbit with Jonathan Pritchard

    Humanity's Universal Operating System: Discussing Magic, Business, and Urbit with Jonathan Pritchard

    In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, the Stewart Alsop interviews Jonathan Pritchard, a mentalist, sales trainer, and part of Zavant Enterprises. The pair delve into their shared interest in Urbit, a unique peer-to-peer server providing an alternative to the Internet. Jonathan shares his journey from beginning magic as a child and evolving into a corporate consultant and sales trainer using the same principles used in his performances. By applying science, psychology, and the understanding of human thought processes, Jonathan showcases how businesses can improve their practices, performance, and even web presence. He also discusses overcoming personal and technological barriers, understanding business losses and optimizing corporate interaction. Finally, he offers an insightful critique on today’s education, comparing it to the unexplored riches of magic techniques developed over millennia.

    Check out this GPT we trained on the conversation (if you are already subscribed to GPT4)


    00:00 Introduction to the Crazy Wisdom Podcast
    00:37 Guest Introduction: Jonathan Pritchard
    01:18 Exploring the Wackiness of Erbit
    01:43 Jonathan's Journey to Discover Erbit
    03:27 Understanding the Internet through the Lens of a Mentalist
    04:04 The Art of Mentalism and Mind Reading
    04:46 The Illusion of Understanding: A Mentalist's Perspective
    05:41 The Internet: A Monocrop of Consciousness
    09:06 The Future of the Internet: A Decentralized World
    10:01 The Challenges and Opportunities of Urbit
    11:42 Building a Community on Urbit
    27:47 The Intersection of Magic, Business, and Urbit
    31:32 The Art of Business and Magic
    31:49 Understanding the Human Mind and Magic
    32:59 The Universality of Magic Tricks
    35:25 The Impact of Magic on Personal Life
    35:50 The Power of Perception and Magic
    37:39 The Journey from Stage to Corporate World
    38:44 The Art of Negotiation and Presentation
    39:45 The Magic of Attracting and Retaining Attention
    42:13 The Influence of Magic on Branding
    46:02 The Intersection of Magic and Business
    57:25 The Power of Language and Translation
    58:17 The Role of Magic in Sales and Marketing
    01:01:55 Closing Remarks and Future Plans

    Key Insights:

    1. Mentalism and Business:

      • Pritchard's background as a mentalist gives him a unique perspective on human psychology and behavior, which he applies in business contexts.
      • He discusses the application of mentalist techniques in sales training, negotiations, and corporate presentations, emphasizing the importance of understanding human psychology and communication.
    2. Technology and Urbit:

      • Pritchard shares his fascination with Urbit, a decentralized computing platform. He sees it as aligning with his personal and professional philosophies.
      • He describes Urbit as a high-return investment, both technologically and philosophically, and appreciates its potential for creating a diverse and decentralized digital culture.
    3. Corporate Training and Personal Development:

      • Pritchard leverages his skills as a mentalist to train corporate teams in areas like sales, negotiation, and effective communication.
      • His approach in corporate training involves using magic and mentalism principles to engage and teach key business skills.
    4. Internet and Digital World Critique:

      • He criticizes the current state of the internet, describing it as a monoculture that limits diversity of thought and experience.
      • Pritchard advocates for a more fragmented, decentralized internet, like Urbit, to encourage more diverse and independent cultural development.
    5. Magic and Mentalism in Business:

      • The principles of magic and mentalism, according to Pritchard, can greatly influence business strategies, particularly in areas like marketing, branding, and customer engagement.
      • He emphasizes the importance of creating memorable experiences and connections, much like a good magic show does with its audience.
    6. Personal Branding and Marketing:

      • Pritchard discusses the significance of personal branding, using historical figures in magic as examples of successful branding and archetyping.
      • He suggests that the techniques used in magic for audience engagement can be effectively applied in marketing and building a personal brand.
    Crazy Wisdom
    enJanuary 15, 2024

    The Privacy Paradigm: Envisioning Decentralized AI in a Data-Driven World

    The Privacy Paradigm: Envisioning Decentralized AI in a Data-Driven World

    In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, Stewart Alsop interviews Sharon Zhang, co-founder and CTO of Personal.ai. They delve into the challenges and potential of autonomous AI agents, the role of data in machine learning, and the ongoing development of Personal.ai. Sharon shares how the utilization of various programming languages and architectures has shaped the AI system, which was designed to provide personalized experiences for every user while protecting their privacy. They also discuss the future of open-source data, the possibilities of data monetization, and the evolution of AI.

    Sign up for the model 2 event tomorrow (Jan 10th, 2024) where the Personal.AI team will present the new model they are releasing


    00:00 Introduction to the Crazy Wisdom Podcast
    00:40 Guest Introduction: Sharon Zhang, Co-founder and CTO at Personal.ai
    00:54 Discussing the Technical Aspects of Personal.ai
    02:16 Exploring the Evolution of Machine Learning
    03:27 The Journey of Automating Medical Transcription
    06:04 The Challenges of Building Personal AI
    12:00 The Importance of Data Sovereignty
    21:43 The Technicalities of Building APIs
    23:13 Understanding the Types of Data Used for Training Personal AI
    28:22 Understanding Language Models and Predictions
    28:57 Exploring Cause and Effect in Decision Making
    29:27 Linear vs Nonlinear Behavior
    30:11 The Theory of Mind and Predictability of Humans
    31:40 The Role of AI in Predicting Human Behavior
    32:40 Complexities of Predicting Human Behavior
    42:13 The Future of AI: Superintelligence and Autonomy
    48:11 The Challenge of Building Autonomous Agents
    53:55 The Potential of Open Source Data in AI Development
    55:21 Closing Remarks and Future Plans

    Key Themes

    1. Development of Personal AI: Sharon Zhang discussed the complexities in building personal.ai, emphasizing the importance of full-stack development with multiple languages like Java, Python, and JavaScript frameworks. The focus was on creating a unique AI experience that is tailored to individual users.

    2. Evolution of Machine Learning and AI: The conversation touched upon the history and evolution of AI and machine learning. Zhang reflected on the transition from support vector machines to more advanced techniques like transformers, highlighting the significant advancements in the field.

    3. Data Privacy and Decentralization in AI: A significant portion of the discussion revolved around data privacy, user sovereignty, and the decentralization of AI. Zhang emphasized the importance of users being able to control their data and the concept of a decentralized AI that operates on a personal level.

    4. Challenges in AI Development: The technical challenges in developing AI systems, such as building scalable and efficient data models, handling diverse data types, and creating dynamic, user-specific AI models were discussed. This included the complex infrastructure required for such an AI system.

    5. Future of AI and Autonomy: The podcast delved into the future of AI, specifically the concept of autonomous AI agents. The discussion included the current limitations and the potential evolution where AI could make independent decisions and possibly coexist with humans.

    6. Open Source and AI Data: The conversation highlighted the need for more open-source data to further AI development and the potential for a marketplace for data exchange. The challenges of data availability and quality in building effective AI models were also discussed.

    7. Impact of AI on Society: There was a philosophical discussion about the role of AI in society and its potential to be the next evolutionary step for humanity. This included thoughts on how AI might reshape our understanding of autonomy and decision-making.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enJanuary 08, 2024

    Christianity in the Era of AI: Insights from Matthew Bosch

    Christianity in the Era of AI: Insights from Matthew Bosch

    In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, Stewart Alsop explores various complex topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Christian faith and the potential impacts each one can have on modern society. Matthew Bosch shares his personal journey of converting to Christianity in adulthood, as well as his perspective on the intersection of religion and AI. He points out the potential dangers involved with AI, specifically regarding the human tendency for 'God Complex', and agrees with the host in asserting the necessity of a spiritual or higher power to help people navigate life's complexities. Both the Stewart and Matthew also express concern over how AI can potentially be used to 'hollow out' the human soul. Furthermore, Matthew shares several biblical stories and teachings to illustrate his points, including King Solomon's life and the concept of 'Just Wars'.

    If you are subscribed to GPT4 you can ask questions of what happened in the episode here


    00:39 Guest Introduction: Matthew Bosch

    01:09 Matthew's Journey to Christianity

    03:47 Understanding the Concept of Christianity

    05:03 Exploring the Mystery of the Holy Trinity

    10:25 The Concept of Salvation in Christianity

    13:15 The Intersection of Technology and Christianity

    17:51 The Ethical Dilemmas of AI in Business

    22:13 Investments and Nonviolence in Christianity

    23:02 Just War Theory and Modern Conflicts

    23:20 Automatization and Moral Complexity

    25:41 C.S. Lewis's Perspective on War and Religion

    27:17 Exploring Eastern Philosophies and Reincarnation

    30:00 The Role of God and Morality in Modern Society

    35:26 The Power of Technology and Its Implications

    39:03 Critiques of Organized Religion

    41:38 Finding Community and Living Values in Religion

    43:03 Closing Thoughts 

    Key Topics Discussed:

    1. Matthew Bosch's Personal Journey:

      • Transition from secular society to Christianity.
      • Reflections on finding faith and its impact on personal and professional life.
    2. The Role of Christianity in Modern Society:

      • Discussion on the relevance and application of Christian values in today's secular environment.
      • The challenge of maintaining faith in a technology-driven world.
    3. Intersection of AI and Spirituality:

      • Ethical implications of AI in society and its potential to influence human behavior and decision-making.
      • Debate on whether AI advancements are leading humanity towards or away from spiritual values.
    4. Understanding the Trinity:

      • A philosophical exploration of the Christian concept of the Trinity and its significance.
    5. The Concept of Salvation in Christianity:

      • Insights into the Christian perspective on salvation and its relevance in the contemporary world.
    6. Reflections on Biblical Stories and Their Modern-Day Parallels:

      • Parallels drawn between historical biblical events and current global and technological scenarios.
    7. Impact of Technology on Human Existence and Morality:

      • Discussion on how technological advancements are reshaping human morality and the potential consequences.
    8. The Role of the Church and Religion in Modern Times:

      • Critique of the church's approach to addressing contemporary issues and its evolution over time.
      • Personal views on the role and responsibilities of religious institutions today.
    Crazy Wisdom
    enJanuary 02, 2024

    Redefining 'Based': Simone Collins on Ideological Evolution

    Redefining 'Based': Simone Collins on Ideological Evolution

    The Crazy Wisdom Podcast features a wide-ranging conversation with Simone Collins, a serial entrepreneur, investor, and co-host of the Based Camp podcast. Topics explored include the concept of 'based' in the context of the podcast, the crisis of belief in authority, the role of AI in governance and its potential to improve bureaucratic efficiencies. Simone shared her views on the impact of demographic collapse on cities and illustrated the potential future of 'techno-feudalism' where power and money concentrate within isolated, secure communities. The discussion also touched upon the role of cryptocurrencies as an alternative during hyperinflation scenarios, based on experience in countries like Argentina. The episode ends with a brief discussion about the potential ways to evade an 'Argentine future' for the US, predicated on curbing bureaucratic waste.

    Here is a GPT we trained on this episode if you want to ask it questions (you need to be a subscriber to GPT4 to access)


    00:00 Introduction to the Crazy Wisdom Podcast
    00:40 Guest Introduction: Simone Collins
    01:04 Understanding the Term 'Based' in Podcasting
    02:19 Navigating Political Conversations in Progressive Cities
    02:45 Breaking Free from Restrictive Beliefs
    03:28 Hosting Diverse Dinner Parties
    04:15 Challenging Progressive Culture
    04:31 Personal Journey of Changing Political Beliefs
    06:03 The Limitations of Progressive Culture
    08:08 Engaging with Controversial Ideas
    15:46 The Patchwork Age: A New Era of Diverse Beliefs
    16:59 Technofeudalism: The Future of Cities and Infrastructure
    23:36 The Impact of Demographic Collapse
    26:28 European Influence and Immigration in Southern Brazil
    27:02 The Impact of Emigration on Argentina
    27:15 The Role of Tourism in Argentine Emigration
    27:40 Hyperinflation and its Effects on Infrastructure
    27:45 The Future of the U.S. Dollar in a Hyperinflated World
    29:09 The Role of Cryptocurrency in Economically Unstable Countries
    30:55 The Black Market and the U.S. Dollar in Argentina
    32:13 The Rise of Cryptocurrency in Argentina
    32:52 The Necessity of Cryptocurrency in Developing Countries
    33:08 The Adoption of Cryptocurrency by Non-Tech Savvy Individuals
    35:22 The Impact of AI on Bureaucracy
    35:44 The Role of AI in Government and Politics
    38:52 The Future of the U.S. Government in an AI-Driven World
    39:41 The Impact of AI on Corporate Governance
    40:30 The Role of AI in Reducing Government Bureaucracy
    44:11 The Future of the U.S. Government Amidst Demographic Collapse
    44:39 The Role of AI in the Future of Governance
    47:04 The Impact of Bureaucracy on the Argentine Economy
    47:57 The Future of the U.S. Economy Amidst Rising Debt
    49:36 The Role of AI in the Future of the U.S. Economy
    50:36 The Future of the U.S. Government Amidst Rising Debt
    51:05 The Role of AI in the Future of the U.S. Government
    51:38 The Future of the U.S. Government Amidst Rising Debt
    51:51 The Future of the U.S. Government Amidst Rising Debt
    52:34 Conclusion

    Key Insights

    1. The Concept of 'Based': Simone Collins discussed the term 'based,' highlighting its varied interpretations. Initially understood as someone comfortable with their beliefs, regardless of others' opinions, it has evolved to carry political connotations and baggage. The term now often implies a conservative leaning, especially when contrasted with progressive viewpoints.

    2. Cultural and Political Dynamics in New York City and San Francisco: Collins shared her experiences growing up in San Francisco and living in New York City, describing them as progressive environments where there's a prevalent culture of not tolerating differing opinions. She observed that progressive culture often equates being challenged or uncomfortable with personal attacks, impacting open dialogue.

    3. Diverse Dinner Parties and Political Dialogues: Collins and her husband host dinner parties in New York City, deliberately inviting a heterodox mix of people, including conservatives, progressives, and others with unconventional views. She noted that criticisms of these gatherings typically come from progressive attendees who feel uncomfortable with conservative perspectives.

    4. Personal Political Shifts: Stewart shared his journey of political and ideological transformation, particularly around the time of Donald Trump’s election. This shift was a process of questioning and reassessing his long-held beliefs.

    5. Demographic Collapse and its Implications: Collins expressed concerns about demographic collapse, particularly in countries like South Korea and Japan. She discussed how this phenomenon might lead to a decline in smaller cities and towns, with a corresponding rise in mega-cities or gated communities.

    6. The Role of AI in Future Societies: The conversation touched on the potential impact of AI on governance and societal structures. Collins speculated about a future of 'techno-feudalism,' where AI-driven communities could emerge, leading to a patchwork of different societal models.

    7. Cryptocurrency in Economies Facing Hyperinflation: The host and Collins discussed the practical use of cryptocurrencies in countries like Argentina and Venezuela, where traditional currencies are highly unstable. This situation contrasts with the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies in more stable economies like the U.S.

    8. Government Bureaucracy and Potential AI Solutions: Collins suggested that AI could streamline government functions and reduce bureaucracy. However, she acknowledged the challenge of implementing such changes due to entrenched interests and the complexity of government structures.

    9. Potential for Change in U.S. Governance: The conversation ended on a note of cautious optimism about the possibility of reforming U.S. governance structures, particularly at the state level, despite recognizing the significant challenges ahead.


    Crazy Wisdom
    enDecember 18, 2023

    The Myths and Realities of AI Consciousness

    The Myths and Realities of AI Consciousness

    In this episode, Sam Atman, a developer with a background in biochemistry, shares his insights on the discussions around artificial intelligence (AI) safety. Oppen dismisses concerns about AI becoming a rogue actor, attributing such fears to religious neurosis and misunderstanding of the nature of AI. He argues that AI systems, such as Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI, do not have personal motives or embodiment comparable to human intelligence. He also discusses AI's potential impact on creative fields such as art and music, and stresses the importance of tracing the connection between AI outputs and the training data. Finally, Oppen cautions against lobbying for government regulations on software and artificial intelligence, asserting that it could lead to dystopian outcomes.

    Show Notes

    00:02 Introduction and Guest Background

    00:17 Exploring Weird Software and Programming Languages

    01:09 Deep Dive into Hoon and Urbit

    03:51 The Current State and Future of Urbit

    10:26 AI Safetyism and the Regulation of GPUs and Software

    18:17 The Nature of Intelligence and Consciousness in AI

    25:43 The Misconceptions and Absurdities in AI Safetyism

    29:28 Understanding AI Alignment and Training

    30:14 AI Misconceptions and the Reality of AI Systems

    30:53 Exploring the Concept of Lossy Compression in AI

    31:04 The Impact of AI on Internet Accessibility

    31:45 Understanding Attention Transformers in AI

    32:39 AI and the Controversy of Training Data

    39:53 The Evolution of AI: From Simple Calculations to Complex Synthesis

    46:15 The Ethical Dilemma of AI in Art and Music

    50:48 The Legal Implications of AI in Art and Music

    54:09 Final Thoughts on AI: Potential, Misconceptions, and Future

    Key Insights

    1. Hoon's Uniqueness: Hoon, a programming language for the Urbit project, is noted for its unusual and esoteric qualities, resembling runes and creating a steep learning curve which filters for dedicated developers.

    2. Urbit's Development and Influence: Urbit, a new internet and permissionless network, is in a critical development phase. Although it has a small user base, it's highly active, with most users also contributing as developers.

    3. Urbit's Future Viability: Urbit's success may partly depend on the decline of conventional alternatives. It offers a private, peer-to-peer social media alternative, setting it apart from mainstream platforms.

    4. Concerns Over AI Regulation: There is skepticism about the push for government regulation of AI, particularly around the use of GPUs for AI development. This could lead to an administrative oversight over software, potentially stifling innovation.

    5. Artificial Intelligence Misconceptions: There's a critique of the belief that AI could develop dangerous autonomy or consciousness. AI, especially language models, are seen as sophisticated tools lacking the embodiment that characterizes human intelligence.

    6. Neural Networks and Machine Learning: The conversation touches on the evolution of AI, including the shift from voice-to-text and image classifiers to current large language models, highlighting the continuous advancement in AI capabilities.

    7. Generative Art and Copyright Issues: AI-generated art raises questions about copyright and the use of training data. Artists' concerns about AI models replicating their styles without compensation or acknowledgment are highlighted.

    8. Sampling Analogy in AI Art: The analogy between music sampling and AI-generated art is made, suggesting that AI art could face similar legal challenges regarding the use of original artists' work in training data.

    9. AI's Potential Misuse vs. Its Nature: While AI can be used negatively by bad actors, it's emphasized that AI itself won't become a bad actor, as it lacks agency and consciousness.

    10. Sam Atman's Online Presence: Finally, for those interested in following Sam's work, his main platform is Twitter, where he shares his thoughts and developments in his field.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enDecember 11, 2023

    Beyond LLMs: The Personal Touch of AI

    Beyond LLMs: The Personal Touch of AI

    In this episode, the host, Stewart Alsop, takes a deep dive with Suman Kanuganti, the co-founder and CEO of personal.ai. They discuss the concepts of Personal Language Models (PLM), artificial intelligence, and the UX of AI systems. Suman presents the idea of creating personalized AI for every individual to preserve their memory and enable people to interact with it, thus introducing a new way to retain and access human knowledge. They also touch upon the impacts of AI on the way history will be told and remembered in the future.

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    What are Suman's thoughts on the evolution of personal AI?

    Key Insights

    1. Introduction to Personal AI: Discussion on the concept of Personal AI, an AI version of oneself that leverages personal data, facts, and opinions to create interactive experiences for others.

    2. Origin of Personal AI: Suman Kanuganti shares his inspiration behind Personal AI, motivated by the loss of his mentor, Larry Bok, and the desire to maintain intellectual and emotional connections.

    3. Nature of Personal AI: Unlike current Large Language Models (LLMs), Personal AI focuses on individual memory, including context, location, and personal history. It grows over time, assimilating various aspects of an individual's life.

    4. Explicit vs. Implicit Memory: Exploration of the concept of explicit memory control in Personal AI, ensuring intellectual integrity, and distinguishing it from implicit inference.

    5. Personal AI's User Experience: Discussion on the evolution of the user experience in Personal AI, highlighting how it started before the hype of current LLMs like GPT-3.

    6. Integration with LLMs: Insight into how Personal AI integrates with general LLMs to enhance user experience and fill gaps in personal knowledge.

    7. Challenges and Solutions in Personal AI Development: Suman Kanuganti discusses overcoming challenges related to UX design, data training, and market adaptation.

    8. Future of AI Interaction: Speculation on the future modalities of interacting with AI, including voice, virtual avatars, and potential integration into the metaverse and synthetic biology.

    9. Vision and Persistence in Developing Personal AI: Suman Kanuganti reflects on the journey of developing Personal AI, emphasizing the importance of vision and overcoming resistance and challenges in the tech industry.

    10. Historical Implications of Personal AI: A closing thought on how Personal AI could change the way history is recorded and told, with individual memory shaping personal narratives.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enDecember 04, 2023

    Water as a Healer: Understanding Aguahara with Seba Tutt

    Water as a Healer: Understanding Aguahara with Seba Tutt

    This podcast features a discussion with Seba Tut, an expert practitioner and facilitator of Aguahara. They explore the concept of Aguahara, a therapeutic experience in water. Seba shares his view on its spiritual, practical, and therapeutic aspects, and how it fosters surrender, intuition, and adaptability. He also discusses the connections between Aguahara and broader cultural and technological trends, integrating perspectives from ancient wisdom, water therapies, and the challenges of modern life. The podcast also covers Seba's plans for sharing Aguahara through a round trip journey across Latin America and potentially further afield.

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    00:04 Introduction and Guest Presentation
    00:22 Understanding Aguahara: A Deep Dive
    02:46 The Origins and Evolution of Aguahara
    06:35 The Role of Water in Aguahara
    06:51 The Birth of Aguahara and Its Connection to Water
    14:18 Exploring the Practice of Aguahara
    27:14 The Healing Power of Aguahara
    35:18 The Aquatic Consciousness in Aguahara
    36:40 Discussing Life's Struggles and the Aquatic Revolution
    38:25 The Power of Empathy and the Impact of the Psychedelic Movement
    38:47 The Emergence of Holistic Views and the Power of Communication
    39:54 Exploring the Concept of Connected Minds and Astrology
    40:30 The Transition from Pisces to Aquarius Era
    41:42 The Power of Words and the Impact of AI
    43:29 The Potential of AI and the Age of Magic
    53:11 Exploring the Concept of Personal AI
    57:04 The Influence of Hollywood and the Perception of AI
    59:23 The Power of Touch and the Healing Potential of Water
    01:03:35 The Future of Aguahara and the Power of Community

    Key Points

    1. Definition of Aguahara: Seba Tut described Aguahara as difficult to define succinctly. It is seen as both a territory and an exploration, an aquatic experience that cannot be fully captured in a simple definition. It invites curiosity and personal experience to truly understand what it is.

    2. Origin and Influences: Aguahara is influenced by and considered a descendant of older practices like Watsu (water shiatsu) and Water Dance. These were developed independently in California and Switzerland, respectively. Aguahara also has roots in Jansu, another aquatic therapy developed in an Osho ashram in India.

    3. The Role of Water: Water is central to Aguahara, not just as a medium but as an element that influences the practice. The therapy often takes place in warm water, similar to body temperature, but can also be conducted in cooler waters. The water facilitates relaxation and movement.

    4. Connection to Other Practices: Aguahara draws from various traditions and practices, including tantric explorations, shiatsu massage, and dance. It is seen as a combination of these elements, adapted to an aquatic environment.

    5. Development and Evolution: Aguahara evolved through experimentation and collaboration among practitioners, who brought their learnings and understandings from other therapies and movement practices.

    6. Philosophical and Spiritual Aspects: The discussion touched on broader philosophical and spiritual themes, such as the mystery of water and the mind, the concept of surrender, and the interplay of intuition and intention.

    7. Practical Aspects of Aguahara Sessions: Sessions typically involve entering the water, surrendering to the experience, and allowing the facilitator to guide movements. The experience can be therapeutic and involves elements of touch, movement, and a deep connection with water.

    8. The Cultural and Social Context: The conversation also delved into the broader cultural and social implications of practices like Aguahara, discussing aspects like community, empathy, and the human connection with nature.

    Crazy Wisdom
    enNovember 27, 2023

    The Argentine Advantage: Thriving in a World of Uncertainty

    The Argentine Advantage: Thriving in a World of Uncertainty

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    This in-depth conversation provides invaluable insights into running a tech startup in Argentina. Former Rappi executive, Lucas Assad, discusses the challenges faced by businesses in an unpredictable economy marked by hyperinflation and rapid changes in exchange rates. Using his experiences in managing Rappi and his present venture dealing with imported construction materials, Lucas explains the complexities of Argentina's entrepreneurial ecosystem. One must be street-smart and agile, adept at handling the unpredictable. Equally, there's a resilience brought out in entrepreneurs dealing with these trying conditions. This podcast also takes a detour, analyzing the complexities of the food delivery business, the competition, and unrest in the marketplace, especially in comparison to the USA.

    00:02 Introduction and Guest Background
    01:11 Discussing Entrepreneurship in Argentina
    06:25 Impact of Government Policies on Business
    07:51 Exploring Successful Latin American Startups
    12:01 Challenges and Opportunities in Argentine Business Environment
    19:59 Effects of Currency Devaluation on Business
    24:20 Impact of Rappi on Argentine Market
    29:33 Unexpected Encounter and Introduction to Rappi
    29:58 Expansion of Rappi in Latin America
    31:55 Competition in the Food Delivery Market
    33:17 Challenges in the Food Delivery Business
    33:30 The Importance of Perfect Delivery
    34:33 Balancing Supply and Demand in Food Delivery
    35:10 The Role of Restaurants in the Delivery Ecosystem
    36:08 The Financial Aspects of Food Delivery
    44:17 The Impact of the Pandemic on Food Delivery
    45:34 The Future of Food Delivery Businesses
    50:27 Transition from Tech to Construction

    Key Discussion Points:

    1. Background and Introduction:

      • Lucas Assad, a friend of Nico (previously interviewed), is an entrepreneur with experience in both traditional business and the tech startup world. He transitioned from the pharmaceutical industry to tech startups, playing a significant role in Rappi's expansion in Argentina.
    2. Entrepreneurship in Argentina:

      • Discussion on the unique challenges and opportunities in Argentina due to political and economic instability. Examples include hyperinflation and rapidly changing laws.
      • The concept of being "street smart" (DNA in Spanish) in Argentina, highlighting the need for agility and adaptation in business.
    3. MercadoLibre and Rappi:

      • Insights into successful Latin American startups like MercadoLibre and Rappi.
      • The impact of these platforms on daily life and the economy.
      • Differences between MercadoLibre's evolution and Rappi's rapid expansion.
    4. Challenges of Food Delivery Business:

      • Exploring the operational difficulties of running a food delivery service like Rappi.
      • The importance of balancing supply and demand, and maintaining customer satisfaction.
      • The role of technology in managing logistics and enhancing customer experience.
    5. The Pandemic's Impact:

      • How Rappi adapted and grew during the pandemic, particularly in Argentina.
      • A notable surge in orders for products like ice cream and the importance of adapting offerings to consumer demands.
    6. Sustainability of VC-Funded Startups:

      • Discussion on whether companies like Rappi represent sustainable business models.
      • The role of venture capital in scaling businesses rapidly and the potential pitfalls of this approach.
    7. Lucas's Current Endeavors:

      • Transition from tech startups to a more traditional business model.
      • Lucas is currently involved in importing construction materials, aiming to capitalize on the anticipated construction boom in Argentina.
    8. Contact Information:

    Crazy Wisdom
    enNovember 21, 2023

    Business Beyond the Numbers: A Conversation with Maranda Dziekonski

    Business Beyond the Numbers: A Conversation with Maranda Dziekonski

    In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, host Stuart interviews Maranda Dziekonski, a CS executive and CCO. They talk about business, touching on topics like the importance of human aspects in business, the power of having a strong mission, and addressing company crises. Dikonsky also explains how she defines business and shares intriguing insights about the role of philosophy in business. Further, they discuss the state of manufacturing in the U.S. and how AI might affect the world of work. She also provides tips for startups on maturing while maintaining their core ethos. The conversation delves into contrasting the perceptions around the end of San Francisco's reign as a tech hub.

    00:02 Introduction and Guest Welcome
    00:23 Understanding Business: A Deep Dive
    01:03 The Importance of People in Business
    03:04 Bridging the Gap between Ideals and Reality in Business
    07:08 The Role of Philosophy in Business
    07:22 The Human Component in Business
    08:24 The Challenge of Measuring ROI
    09:20 The Value Cycle and Problem Statements
    20:26 The Future of Manufacturing
    23:29 The Impact of AI on the Tech Industry
    26:00 Chat GPT and its Impact
    26:30 Critical Thinking in the Age of AI
    28:26 Challenges of Dealing with Automated Systems
    29:50 The Pendulum Swing in Customer Service
    31:39 The Competitive Landscape of Startups
    32:39 Life's Challenges and Managing Stress
    37:42 The Hippie-Business Connection in Startups
    44:48 The Evolution of Tech Hubs: From Michigan to San Francisco
    46:54 Is San Francisco Dead? The Future of Tech Hubs


    1. Definition of Business

      • Maranda defines business as a transaction between two entities, which could involve exchanging money for a service or a service for another service.
    2. Learnings in Business

      • Emphasizes the importance of people in business.
      • Shares a personal experience from the SVB crisis, highlighting the value of transparency and honesty in leadership. Team members offered to delay their paychecks, illustrating the strength of a committed and inspired workforce.
    3. Bridging the Gap Between Ideals and Reality

      • Maranda stresses the need for flexibility and contingency planning in business.
      • Highlights the human component in business planning, accounting for personal desires, and motivations.
    4. Importance of Diverse Perspectives

      • Advocates for including multiple perspectives in business processes and decisions.
      • Discusses the culture of debate and openness in her current company, where challenging ideas, even those of higher executives, is encouraged.
    5. Philosophy and Business

      • Believes that business and philosophy are interlinked, especially when dealing with human behaviors and decisions.
      • Points out the human-driven nature of ROI (Return on Investment) and its subjective assessment.
    6. Handling Intangibles in Business

      • Discusses the challenges and methods of quantifying intangibles, like time savings in processes.
      • Shares experiences from her past roles to illustrate how intangibles can be made tangible through efficiency gains.
    7. Manufacturing and AI's Impact on Jobs

      • Reflects on her manufacturing background and the ongoing relevance of manufacturing jobs.
      • Discusses the potential disruptive impact of AI on tech jobs, emphasizing the need for critical thinking skills.
    8. Balancing Tangible and Intangible Aspects in Business

      • Highlights the unpredictability in business and life, advocating for adaptability and understanding that not everything can be measured or foreseen.
    9. Manufacturing in the U.S. and Global Supply Chain

      • Shares insights on the fragility of the supply chain and the complexities of onshoring manufacturing.
    10. Future of Work and Human Skills

    • Ponders over the future role of humans in an increasingly automated world, stressing the importance of skills that are uniquely human, like critical thinking.


    • Maranda’s insights reflect a deep understanding of the human element in business and the need for adaptability, diversity, and ethical leadership.
    • She stresses the importance of preserving company ethos during growth and balancing the drive for innovation with operational maturity.

    Notable Quotes

    • "People matter more than most leaders credit in their business plan."
    • "Flexibility is key in business; expect plans to fail and have backups."
    • "Multiple perspectives are crucial for a well-rounded business approach."
    • "Human behavior plays a significant role in ROI and business decisions."
    • "Efficiency and innovation can make intangible benefits tangible."
    • "Critical thinking will be a safeguard against automation in jobs."
    • "The unpredictability of life and business requires adaptability."
    • "Manufacturing's complexity cannot be overlooked in the push for onshoring."
    • "The future of work may pivot more towards uniquely human skills."
    • "Maintaining company ethos is crucial during growth and scaling."
    Crazy Wisdom
    enNovember 13, 2023