
    Creative Magic Club

    Welcome to Creative Magic Club! Together, we'll discover inspirational stories of creative entrepreneurs living out their dreams, doing the work they're MOST passionate about and building wealth in magical, FUN ways!

    enSarah Mac - Creative Entrepreneur, Copywriter for Coaches, Personal Brand Strategist, Entrepreneur Coaching156 Episodes

    Episodes (156)

    Wondering How to Increase Sales Quickly? Storytelling Marketing Leads to More Sales Less Work.

    Wondering How to Increase Sales Quickly? Storytelling Marketing Leads to More Sales Less Work.

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Wondering How to Increase Sales Quickly? Storytelling Marketing Leads to More Sales Less Work.


    Do you ever feel like your story isn’t interesting enough to make your online branding stand out? 


    Do you hold back from sharing stories that would leave you with a vulnerability hangover even though you KNOW you’re feeling the pull to share more deeply with your audience? 


    If you’ve been wondering how to tell your brand story then you’re going to LOVE this interview with Meredith Adams, CEO of Cactus Girl Media, as she shares how going public with her story of leaving a network marketing company helped her to launch her business helping clients with branding storytelling. 


    In this convo we dive into how storytelling marketing leads to faster sales from new potential clients and WHY you might be holding back from sharing the parts of your story that your clients need to hear from you. 


    You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of how having a brand storytelling framework is the most impactful thing you can do to establish credibility in your marketing, to confidently attract more clients and make more sales.


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    Lost your passion? Simple ways to stay EXCITED about your online coaching business!

    Lost your passion? Simple ways to stay EXCITED about your online coaching business!

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Lost your passion? Simple ways to stay EXCITED about your online coaching business!

    Do you ever feel like it feels stale or heavy to keep selling the same offers over and over in your online coaching business?

    Do you feel like you have to sacrifice your passion and excitement to stay consistent in your marketing?

    What if you could trust where your passion is leading you and allow your brand, offers and clients to evolve as you grow AND continue to hit your sales goals while having fun marketing online?!

    What if it’s not as much work as you might think to sustain your passion and excitement and in business?!

    If you have an ADHD brain, or you’re a multi-passionate creative who’s been resisting aspects of your work that don’t excite you, yet you KNOW you have to find a way through it to bring your big vision to life….

    … you’ll definitely want to tune into this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast to learn some surprisingly simple ways to tweak, pivot or simply get your passion back while growing a successful online business!

    Join me with my special guest, Jenesis Long, who is a Business Development coach who helps new coaches and consultants to develop their first offer and sell it online. She’s also the host of the Sustain Your Passion Podcast.

    If you’re wondering how to build a brand without getting bored, or getting caught up in wondering what kind of online business is most profitable, and you want to prioritize ENJOYING creative ways to market yourself and grow your business, this episode is definitely for you!

    Whether you want to take a big leap in a new direction, or you simply want to feel inspired about what you’re doing like you used to be when you started, you have the power to do it right now - this episode will show you how!

    Let’s go!

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    Social Media Metrics to Watch Out For While Growing Your Online Business

    Social Media Metrics to Watch Out For While Growing Your Online Business

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Social Media Metrics to Watch Out For While Growing Your Online Business

    Are you dreaming about your content reaching more clients and changing lives BUT you too often find yourself running down a rumination rabbit hole over how to get more likes on Instagram?!?!

    Are you leaking energy battling the instagram algorithm when all you really want is to clearly understand how to reach your target audience on social media and be growing your audience consistently?

    With endless strategies out there telling you how to grow your audience on instagram, as a creative entrepreneur it’s SO important to stay focused on the strategies and metrics that are going to consistently attract new clients without giving into overwhelm or unnecessary busywork.

    As a creative squiggly brain who has consistently attracted dream clients purely through organic social media marketing for the past 6 years, I’ve decided to share with you exactly how I have stayed sane using super basic social media analytics tools and instagram audience insights that help me create the content that attracts buyers.

    If you’re a creative change-maker who wants to be reaching more people with your organic content on social media, while keeping it FUN, tune into this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast to learn the social media metrics to keep an eye on to be growing your audience with dream clients WITHOUT spending hours a day on socials.

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    Growing Your Audience with Business Podcasting

    Growing Your Audience with Business Podcasting

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Growing Your Audience with Business Podcasting

    Do you ever feel like your content ends up getting sucked into oblivion by the algorithm, never to reach the many people it could support…?

    Are you spending hours creating content, without seeing your audience numbers grow?

    Imagine knowing every piece of content you create would only INCREASE in reach every day after you hit publish? That’s what happens when you leverage podcast SEO.

    And WAIT! Before you fall into a pile of resistance around this super powerful, and yes on the slightly more analytical end of business growth strategies, you’re going to want to hear what Juliana Barbati, host of the Online Marketing Simplified podcast, has to say about it on this week’s episode. 

    What if you discovered SEO can actually be super fun, and help you to understand your audience better while reaching more people with less work?!

    If you’re a creative brain with a big message and you want to reach a big audience without spending hours a day competing with the social media algorithm - this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast is for you!

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

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    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    Stop! Learn how to build a brand tone of voice using astrology

    Stop! Learn how to build a brand tone of voice using astrology

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Stop! Learn how to build a brand tone of voice using astrology

    Ever wonder how to build a personal brand without constantly referencing what OTHER people are doing online?

    Are you getting caught in comparison while figuring out how to grow your online business?

    What if instead you could be building a brand strategy by sourcing creative inspiration from your SOUL’S BLUEPRINT?!

    Figuring out how to build a brand can be so fun and creatively rewarding with the approach I share with you in this week’s Creative Magic Club podcast episode!

    If you're like most creative entrepreneurs, you want to be impacting thousands of people, but without sacrificing your authenticity, your values OR your personal life while you create your world-changing content!

    In today’s episode, I’m going to share a process you can use to leverage specific parts of your astrology chart to give you insights that will bring you more alignment and magnetism in your online branding.

    Whether you’ve been building a brand strategy for years, or it’s a new focus for you, these insights will give you clarity on your strengths, gifts and uniqueness AND make creating content so much more enjoyable!

    Let’s do this!


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    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    What is my North Node? Discover How to Make More Money with Astrology

    What is my North Node? Discover How to Make More Money with Astrology

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: What is my North Node? Discover How to Make More Money with Astrology. 


    Tune into this week’s Creative Magic Club episode to discover the parts of your astrology chart that will give you insights on the unique parts of your chart that have a lot to tell us about your relationship with money. 


    Toni Keniston shares how she discovered she wasn’t meant for a traditional career path and how looking at her chart helped her to make money moves that paid off and allowed her to grow a 6-figure income using her many gifts and talents in a multi-faceted business. 


    Toni tells us about how the Part of Fortune, North and South Node and Sirius placements can help you to understand your strengths and energy leaks to make more money in aligned ways that fulfill your soul’s purpose. 


    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    5 Easy Ways I’ve Made $3k-$10k in Recurring Monthly Revenue in my Online Coaching Business

    5 Easy Ways I’ve Made $3k-$10k in Recurring Monthly Revenue in my Online Coaching Business

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: 5 Easy Ways I’ve Made $3k-$10k in Recurring Monthly Revenue in my Online Coaching Business

    When I know how much money is coming in at the start of the month, I feel great about taking long weekends, going on vacation, taking creative days, or spontaneous days off to rest and restore.

    I keep very low overheads in my business, even with a team of two VAs, a bookkeeper, a coach and an energy healer to support me month to month.

    It feels so good knowing my recurring revenue is very often covering a high % of my expenses from day 1 of each month.

    This didn’t always use to be the case for me. How did I shift this?

    Tune into this week’s Creative Magic Club episode to learn a few easy ways I created recurring income in my business + how I create opportunities to bump up $3k-$10k in revenue to have multi-5-figure months in my online coaching business.

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    How to Create a Brand Identity as a Creative Entrepreneur

    How to Create a Brand Identity as a Creative Entrepreneur

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: How to Create a Brand Identity as a Creative Entrepreneur

    Do you ever overthink or feel boxed in when attempting to define yourself in your brand?

    Well luckily for you it’s about to get a whole lot easier to have fun expressing who you are through your business thanks to this epic interview with Robyn Savage, host of The Brand is You Podcast!

    In this juicy convo we dive into and loosen up some of the friction creative souls can feel when getting good at monetizing your MANY gifts and building a brand that makes serious ca$h!

    We chat specific and super helpful ways to create a brand identity as a creative entrepreneur that Robyn has used with success to build multiple 6 and 7 figure brands.

    You’ll definitely want to catch this one!

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    When Your Online Group Coaching Program Clients Aren't Getting Results

    When Your Online Group Coaching Program Clients Aren't Getting Results

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: When Your Online Group Coaching Program Clients Aren't Getting Results


    One of the most common fears I hear from clients is wondering if they’ll be able to help clients to achieve the same results in a group offer as they do when they work 1:1. So what do you do if the clients in your group offer aren’t getting results…?


    Well, first off, don’t freak out! As long as you’ve designed your offer intentionally, you’ll be setting your clients up for success to create the results they paid for your support with, whether it’s during the time you work together or afterwards. 


    Tune into this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast to find out how I set my clients up for success, and how I focus on the mindset that brings the best experience while delivering a group program - even when my client’s results aren’t visible yet!


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    Looking for a price increase justification? How I decide my group coaching programs prices.

    Looking for a price increase justification? How I decide my group coaching programs prices.

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Looking for a price increase justification? How I decide my group coaching programs prices

    I see you overthinking your prices!

    Pricing decisions are so so so personal, and therefore complex. And yet making the decision gets to be simple. Overthinking your pricing is THE biggest waste of your time.

    So I am sharing exactly how I decide on my group coaching program prices in this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast!

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

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    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    How I built a successful online business selling group coaching programs

    How I built a successful online business selling group coaching programs

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: How I built a successful online business selling group coaching programs



    Are you curious about the specifics of how I built a successful online business selling group coaching programs? Well I’m spilling the tea in this week’s podcast episode! 


    I’ve made $100,000s selling group coaching programs over the past 5 years and, most importantly, I’ve had a LOT of fun doing. 


    AND I have always had a pretty small audience, so I’m living proof that your desired income and impact is possible NOW! #noexcuses!


    I’m going to walk you through how I developed my group program offers to the place where I now have 4 signature offers that I’ve relaunched several times each year for the past 4 years in my biz, with each launch getting easier and involving less work each time! 


    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    Launch Strategy That WORKS for Manifesting Generators

    Launch Strategy That WORKS for Manifesting Generators

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Launch Strategy That WORKS for Manifesting Generators


    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by ALL THE DIFFERENT STRATEGIES to sell your stuff online? 


    Do you also have an inner rebel who HATES being told exactly what to do?


    Are you a manifesting generator (or generator) in Human Design?


    Yes?! Then you will LOVE this week’s podcast episode! As a mani-gen in Human Design the way I have successfully launched offers in my business month after month without getting bored or feeling stuck, has been to give myself permission to always do what feels GOOD to me. 


    That doesn’t mean I get to skip the inevitable discomfort of growth, but it does make it a hell of a lot easier to stay consistent on my path to what I want. 


    I attract a lot of MG & Generator clients and I’ve noticed there are a couple of key approaches to launching that make it fun and flexible, while ensuring they get great results every time. 


    I spill all the tea in this episode. 


    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

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    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    The Recession is IRRELEVANT to Your Business Success

    The Recession is IRRELEVANT to Your Business Success

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: The Recession is IRRELEVANT to Your Business Success 


    The recession is irrelevant to coaches and healers with an online business. 


    If you’ve had scarcity narratives around people not having any money take root in your thinking…. This week's podcast episode is for you. 


    Don’t let yourself get caught up in the story that people won’t be spending money because of the recession or allow it to hold you back from going for the big goals, dreams and impact you are here to make through your business. 


    Want to know why the recession is completely irrelevant to your ability to thrive in your business? Listen in to this 🔥 episode!


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    How I SIMPLIFY in Business as a Multi-Passionate Creative Person

    How I SIMPLIFY in Business as a Multi-Passionate Creative Person

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: How I SIMPLIFY in Business as a Multi-Passionate Creative Person

    If you have a tendency to take on a LOT of projects… or to overthink things and wonder what you ‘should’ be focusing on… tune into this week’s podcast episode to start simplifying AND having more fun while staying consistent in business and making space for your creative projects.

    I’m a recovering over-committer to multiple projects which would leave me frustrated when progress was slow and results took forever. In this episode I share how I simplify to stay focused on creating consistent income in my business, while having fun experimenting with other creative projects WITHOUT becoming overwhelmed or feeling restricted or bored.

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

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    3 reasons to raise your prices NOW

    3 reasons to raise your prices NOW

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: 3 reasons to raise your prices NOW

    Maybe you’ve seen posts on your scroll talking about how coaches who are charging high ticket should lower their prices. Or maybe you're just always in some kind of internal negotiation around your price points that leaves you in a ball of anxiety.

    This week’s podcast episode is for you. I’m here to remind you to raise your prices and WHY that’s important.

    Because I know you and I know you’re undercharging. And I also know WHY you're doing that. And I’m keenly aware of how you undercharging is actually a big disservice both to your clients and to the culture.

    This pep talk will light you up with confidence and conviction to charge the prices that are aligned for you to be receiving for your important work in the world!

    I’m so excited for you to listen to this one on repeat until you feel so rooted and confident in the price points that actually make sense for your business and life!! 🔥

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

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    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    What Sexual Trauma Has To Do With Your Money

    What Sexual Trauma Has To Do With Your Money

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: What Sexual Trauma Has To Do With Your Money 


    Sexual trauma and how it impacts our relationship with money is a topic I have been diving deep into in my upcoming book. I’ve been conducting some VERY interesting interviews with some incredible trauma therapists and I knew I had to start making more of these conversations public, so I invited Morgan Faulkner, a clinical social worker, therapist and previous client onto the podcast to share her wisdom with us. 


    Morgan’s expertise gives us a window into understanding the complexities of how trauma can play out day to day, and make it difficult to take the decisions and actions that allow us to live the lives we really want to experience. 


    Morgan also shares her story of how she went from not having enough money in her account to buy groceries, to having $20,000 saved within 6 months of dedicated work on her money mindset and business. 


    She’s amazing and I’m so excited to share this interview with you!


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    Launching: From rubbish to flourishing - How I got good at making money

    Launching: From rubbish to flourishing - How I got good at making money

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Launching: From rubbish to flourishing - How I got good at making money 


    I used to suck at launching my offers. I often simply wasn’t aware that I wasn’t following through on the actions that would bring me the result I wanted. When I focused on building the skill of simple, fun launching… obviously I started making a lot more money with more consistency. 


    In this week’s episode I break down the lessons and habits I had to integrate to consistently be signing clients every month into my coaching offers - plus the success traits that I see in client who succeed in their launches. 


    Grab a journal and take notes because when you apply what’s in this episode you’ll be hitting your income goals with more consistency! 


    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

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    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    The Mindset For Consistent Money + Energy

    The Mindset For Consistent Money + Energy

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: The Mindset For Consistent Money + Energy


    Dealing with Long Covid these past few months has brought even deeper lessons and growth for me when it comes to energy management and money consistency in my business. 


    Once again, last month was one of those months that brought big health challenges, while also being one of the highest income months in a while - and NOT because I was hustling. Far from it. I’ve learnt how to tighten up my boundaries to take the very best care of myself DESPITE all the extra bandwidth being eaten up by dealing with un-ideal life circumstances. 


    Building my business during a burnout taught me that lean, intentional, consistent action wins every time. And so does very intentional and consistent self care!


    Learning to rapidly get health conditions under control has been a skill I’ve got pretty good at  that has translated into my ability to generate consistent cash flow in my business. It all stems from the mindset and focus work I do every day as a non-negotiable committment.


    Tune into this week’s episode to fill your mind up with more evidence that you have the power to create everything you desire - from health, to energy, to cash and clients. No matter what sh*t-storm life is throwing your way!  


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    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    How to Pivot + Sell a New Offer with success

    How to Pivot + Sell a New Offer with success

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: How to Pivot + Sell a New Offer with success


    I learnt a lot pivoting from my copy agency to a coaching business. Saying yes to my desires has been a strategy that has served me well and kept me very happy in business. 


    In this week’s episode I break it down into the most important things to pay attention to when you’re pivoting to something new - whether that’s raising your prices, launching a new offer or starting an entirely new business!  


    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

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    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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    Get Your Business Bookkeeping Done in 5 Minutes a Day!

    Get Your Business Bookkeeping Done in 5 Minutes a Day!

    🎙️New Podcast Ep: Get Your Business Bookkeeping Done in 5 Minutes a Day!


    One of the hardest learning curves I’ve been through in business has been the accounting part. It would send my ADHD brain into meltdown, mega resistance and all kinds of disempowered thought spiraling. 


    Add to that my digital nomad lifestyle, spending significant amounts of time in 18 different countries and living in multiple currencies… my accounting was a hot mess for a minute there! 


    I WISH I had discovered Nicole Barham’s work in the early stages of my business! It was actually comforting to hear her share that she also struggled with accounting in her business EVEN though she’s a trained accountant! 


    Listen to my interview with Nicole this week to discover some life-changing shifts in perspective to get your finances in order in just a few minutes per day!


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    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

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