

    The preaching ministry of Calvary Chapel Old Towne in Orange, CA
    en735 Episodes

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    Episodes (735)

    The Open Door

    The Open Door

    "...they reported all that God had done through them and how He had opened, for the nations, a doorway of faith." Acts 14: 27 (lit.)

    What a blessed thing our Scriptures describe for us this morning: God pouring His Word and His Good News out into the non-Jewish world! If that had never happened, where would we be today! But it did happen dear ones! That door was flung wide open for you too! All you have to do is go through it! 

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA 

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    Get Back Up

    Get Back Up

    "...they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead, however..." Acts 14: 19

    There are two kinds of people in this world:  those who are blown and bent by the wind and those who stand up to it. Which one are you? This morning in Acts 14, my what a contrast we see! Those fickle, changeable Lystrians and the constant, faithful Paul! Let's take a look. 

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA 

    From the Pastors' series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lover of God


    Useless Things and the Living God

    Useless Things and the Living God

    "...that you should turn from these useless things to the Living God." Acts 14: 15

    That day when Paul preached in the city of Lystra, one man was truly listening. Though a crowd was there with him, we cannot speak for the others. So ingrained they were with the "useless things" of their culture that they seem not to have heard a word! And that makes the Lystrians an awful lot like Americans today! 

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God.


    Set Apart and Sent Out

    Set Apart and Sent Out

    "Now, having fasted and prayed and laid hands on them, they sent them forth..." Acts 13:3

    Here in the Book of Acts, we find the early church to be a mighty cross-cultural powerhouse! Powerfully gifted to serve a needy world, and powerfully enabled to proclaim the Good News to the lost. May the same be said of our church today! 

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    The Dangers of Misplaced Allegiance

    The Dangers of Misplaced Allegiance

    "...he examined the guards and commanded that they be put to death..." Acts 12: 19

    Let's face it People are frail, and not even Christians are an exception. No, not even that wonderful exemplary New Testament Church! When God answers their prayers and sets Peter free, they just  can't believe it! They call the messenger 'crazy'! What an exhortation to us all! Let's take a look. 

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA

    His Kingdom Comes

    His Kingdom Comes

    “...they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened to them of its own accord...”   Acts 12:10 NKJV

    How bleak and depressing the world looked that day for Peter and his church. His dear friend James had been run through with a sword, with crowds of evil people cheering it all on. The wicked King Herod now lays hands on Peter. Tomorrow is his ‘doomsday’. But hold on! Someone is praying!

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts, Dear Lovers of God

    Godly Men and Rotten Kings

    Godly Men and Rotten Kings

    "Now about that time, Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church." Acts 12:1

    Wherever the Kingdom of God advances, you can be sure that opposition will arise. This morning, Herod the 'People Pleaser', seeing that his murder of James has thrilled the populace, now lays hold of Peter. Oh, but, things don't work out too well for him this time. 

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA 

    From the Pastors' series: The Book of Acts: God's Church the Right Way

    When Prophets Speak

    When Prophets Speak

    "In those days, prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch..." Acts 11: 27

    Today, the Christian church is flooded with self-proclaimed "prophets" who make reckless proclamations that never come true. So...are they truly "prophets"? What is a "prophet"? What is his purpose? And how can we know if a person truly is one? Oh, very important questions. Let's all learn this well today, because the very integrity of God's Word is at stake! 

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson. Calvary Chapel Old Towne

    They Are Called 'Christians'

    They Are Called 'Christians'

    "...the disciples were first called 'Christians' in Antioch." Acts 11: 26

    It may be a word that world despises. It may a name that the forces of evil rise up against; but there is no greater title than the one first given to the believers in Antioch. 'Christian'! The word literally means 'belonging to Christ', implying loyalty and allegiance. Never be ashamed of it, dear faithful follower! 

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Doing Church the Right Way

    Silencing the Critics

    Silencing the Critics

    "When they heard these things, they became silent, and they glorified God saying 'Then God has also granted the Gentiles repentance to life.'" Acts 11: 18

    Peter was heavily criticized for befriending and consorting with the 'foreigners' in their day. It was a violation of age-old standards. But nothing can silence the critics more swiftly or thoroughly than changed lives! And that's what the Gospel always does!

    Message  by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Church Done Right


    For All Who Believe In His Name

    For All Who Believe In His Name

    "...that through Him, all who believe in His name will receive remission of sins." Acts 10: 48

    Where would we be if the events of this chapter had never happened? If Peter had not obeyed the Lord, set aside his prejudices, and faithfully preached the Good News to the non-Jews? We "gentiles" would have no hope, nor would all the rest of the world. This morning, Pastor Dave expounds upon the beauty of God's plan for the whole world. 

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA 

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts, Dear Lovers of God

    Obedience to God 1-10-21

    Obedience to God 1-10-21

    "But a voice spoke to him again the second time: 'What God has cleansed, you must not call common'." Acts 10:15

    The great disciple, Peter, was carrying within his heart the very same tendencies toward pride and prejudices that all of us have. But--praise His name!--God was going to do something about it!

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA. 

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    God Rescues His People

    God Rescues His People

    "Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified." Acts 9: 31

    In the wake of Saul, the Destoyer's, removal from the scene, the fledgling churches enter into a peaceful period where they are free to do what all Christians are called to do: they minister to the hurting, they heal the afflicted, they rescue the lost. 

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA

    From the Pastors Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    The Ultimate Outsider

    The Ultimate Outsider

    This morning we find our new believer, Saul (or 'Paul' as he soon will be) completely alone and cut off in this world. His former friends are his bitterest enemies. The Christian brothers don't trust him at all. he is the ultimate 'outsider'. Does that strike a chord? And yet he could be more safely 'in' if he tried.

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    A Street Called 'Straight'

    A Street Called 'Straight'

    "The Lord said to him: 'Arise and go to the street called 'Straight' and inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for--behold!--he prays!" Acts 9:11 NKJV

    Could it possibly be a coincidence? That this greatest conversion of all time--Saul the 'Destroyer' kneeling before Jesus!--should happen on 'Straight Street', of all places! Praise God! Goodness knows, the man has been on 'Crooked' long enough! Isn't it marvelous how our Savior works! 

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA   From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    Flat On His Face

    Flat On His Face

    "...he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying: 'Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?'" Acts 9: 4 It has to be one of the most dramatic moments in all the B ib le: the complete overthrow of a wicked man. Saul, the great persecutor, was the 'ravenous wolf' from the Tribe of Benjamin, prophesied by Jacob some 2000 years before. (Gen 49: 27). But hang on! He is just about to become a 'lamb'! 

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA  From the Pastors' series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    Spirit-Led and Full of Hope

    Spirit-Led and Full of Hope

    "Then the Spirit said to Philip: 'Go near and overtake this chariot...'" Acts 8: 29

    He was treasurer to the Queen of a thoroughly pagan land; a man of great authority and prestige! Who would ever expect him to come to the Lord? And yet, there he was: in the middle of the wilderness, driven by the dictates of a deep spiritual hunger! 

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA 

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    Freely Received, Freely Given

    Freely Received, Freely Given

    "But Peter said to him: 'May your money perish with you because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money.'"  Acts 8: 20 NKJV

    It is the bedrock foundation of the Gospel of Christ that not a thing we now have, as Christians, has come by our own means. Nothing  was 'bought', 'earned', 'acquired' by your own means, dear Christian, or mine. No. Jesus did all that on the Cross, and that's why it's called 'Gospel': 'Good News'!

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA 

    From the Pastors' series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    Of Fugitives and Missionaries

    Of Fugitives and Missionaries

    "Therefore, those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the Word..." Acts 8: 4

    What an amazing God we serve! He overthrows evil with good; turns trials into triumphs! This morning, our little church is 'scattered' under the fierce persecutions of the enemies of God. But God is in control! He just turns every fugitive into a missionary!

    Message by Pastor Dave Johnson, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA 

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God

    The Importance of Looking Up

    The Importance of Looking Up

    "...but he, being full of the Holy Spirit, looked up steadfastly into heaven..."    Acts 7: 55

    Stephen was the church's first martyr and what a model of courage he is! He knew the great risk  behind what he was doing and yet he did it anyway. He spoke Truth in the face of great e il and paid for it with his life. But--oh!--he 'looked up' dear ones! Let's you and I do the same! 

    Message by Pastor Rod Schorr, Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA 

    From the Pastors' Series: The Book of Acts: Dear Lovers of God