
    Culture of Convenience

    Business, like life, moves fast. It’s hard to keep up with the changing needs of both customers and employees. In the Culture of Convenience™ podcast, host Jeff Kahler talks with experts from a variety of industries to discuss issues related to people, processes, technology, and operations.
    enJeff Kahler100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 0107 | WTF (Where's the Friction?!?): Work Ethic and Integrity

    Episode 0107 | WTF (Where's the Friction?!?): Work Ethic and Integrity

    When it comes to hiring, how do you judge whether a candidate has a stellar work ethic and integrity? In this week's episode, Jeff Kahler asks his friend, mentor, and coach, Steve Goble, to discuss how to find these people - and better yet, how to be one.


    How do you determine work ethic and integrity in your new hires? We want to know! Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0106 | Sidekick Launch: Here To Help

    Episode 0106 | Sidekick Launch: Here To Help

    Introducing Sidekick! trainingGrid® will soon have their very own support dog to assist users. Customer support is the backbone of any organization who values the customer experience, and this week, Support Manager Mike Singer joins Jeff and Producer Kelly to explain how Sidekick can help users within the LMS. And just because we love dogs, Jeff also interviews Lori and Jennifer, who help train "sidekicks" in the community--because support can come in all shapes and sizes!


    Do you have a best or worst experience in customer service you would like to share? We want to hear it! Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0105 | Too Happy at Work?! Season 9 Recap!

    Episode 0105 | Too Happy at Work?! Season 9 Recap!
    It's already time for our season 9 recap and our listeners have sent in some of their most interesting work situations. From accusations of being too happy at work, to missing floor squeegees, to Darth Vader entering a meeting, Jeff Kahler is offering his best advice for each scenario.
    Do you agree with Jeff? What would you do in these situations? We want to know! Email us at Producer@CultureofConvenience.com or discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0104 | Power Employees: What It Takes To Move Up the Ranks!

    Episode 0104 | Power Employees: What It Takes To Move Up the Ranks!

    What does it take to be a power employee? This week Producer Kelly puts Tom Hart, RTO's Director of Business Development and convenience industry whiz kid, into the hot seat. In this episode they discuss the amazing job opportunities available convenience and Tom gives a lot of credit to the role mentorship plays in becoming a power employee.


    What qualities make up a power employee? Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0103 | App Chat: Using Cell Phones at Work, for Work!

    Episode 0103 | App Chat: Using Cell Phones at Work, for Work!

    trainingGrid® is launching their very own app! This couldn't happen without a lot of planning and careful consideration. In this episode, Jeff Kahler discusses everything that had to be taken into account while developing the app. Just because something is a good idea, that doesn't mean it's a good idea for everyone - and just because you CAN do something to help your customers, doesn't mean it WILL. Find out all the details in this episode.


    How do you feel about using apps for training employees? Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0102 | Bitcoin Fraud: Yes This IS a Thing!

    Episode 0102 | Bitcoin Fraud: Yes This IS a Thing!

    Scammers work hard – but RTO is working even harder to keep your organization safe from Bitcoin fraud. In this week's episode, Jeff Kahler shares how a call from a client made him rethink how to protect you and your team from Bitcoin scams.

    Does your organization have a plan for training and dealing with scammers?  Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0101 | How Convenience Is Getting Even More Competitive!

    Episode 0101 | How Convenience Is Getting Even More Competitive!

    These days it seems like everyone wants a piece of the convenience pie. Restaurants, grocery chains, movie theaters - everyone wants to find new ways to increase convenience for their customers. How can you up your game and ensure you're truly building a culture of convenience? Find out in this week's episode!


    How has your business adapted to be more convenient? Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0100 | The (Lost) Art of Celebration: 100th Episode

    Episode 0100 | The (Lost) Art of Celebration: 100th Episode

    Welcome to our 100th episode!! This week we're talking celebrations. Often when an organization doesn't know how to do something well, they just don't do it. In this episode, Jeff Kahler discusses how to recognize and celebrate the people in your company. He also shares his reservations about recognition and discovers he is not alone! Learn how to better acknowledge a job well done. Thank you all for listening and here's to another 100 episodes!


    How do you recognize your employees? Let us know! Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0099 | Work Life Balance: What Does It Even MEAN?!?

    Episode 0099 | Work Life Balance: What Does It Even MEAN?!?

    Much like the fabled Fountain of Youth or the quest for the holy grail, achieving work-life balance often seems like a never-ending journey. Everyone is pursuing it, but the real question is: what do you do with it once you find it? This week Jeff Kahler breaks down the psychology behind work-life balance and shares some great ideas on how to achieve it.


    Do you believe you have a good grasp on work-life balance? Let us know! Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0098 | Loyalty Programs: Where Have All the Followers Gone?

    Episode 0098 | Loyalty Programs: Where Have All the Followers Gone?

    Loyalty programs pop up in a variety of ways - but how effective are they when it comes to ROI? This week Jeff Kahler discusses 2023 trends for loyalty clubs and shares best practices for getting the most out of your program.


    How do you make a loyalty program work? And what causes people to be loyal to you? We want to hear your thoughts! Discuss in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0097 | Loss Leaders: What Are You Giving Up To Get?!

    Episode 0097 | Loss Leaders: What Are You Giving Up To Get?!

    A loss leader is a strategy typically found in the retail space, but you can create one for any business. This week Jeff Kahler shares his very unconventional use of a loss leader and provides 4 important tips on how to avoid undervaluing yourself or your business.


    How have you utilized loss leaders to create value for your organization? Share in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0096 | Generational Technology: Necessity is the Father of Invention

    Episode 0096 | Generational Technology: Necessity is the Father of Invention

    Younger generations often look down on the older generations for being inept with technology. However, Jeff Kahler has decided it's time to end to this false stereotype. In this week's episode, Jeff and Kelly discuss what each generation brings to the table with technology and inventions. Each generation's progress stands on top of the previous generation's creativity.


    Do you have a story about how different generations use technology? Share in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0095 | Generational Diversity

    Episode 0095 | Generational Diversity

    From baby boomers to Generation Z, lately it seems like a lot of people are really focused on the differences between generations. In this week's episode, Jeff Kahler is breaking down what each generation brings to your organization and unpacks the differences and similarities between us all.


    How have you promoted teamwork between generations? We want to hear your story! Share in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0094 | Listener Emails: Season 8 Recap

    Episode 0094 | Listener Emails: Season 8 Recap

    What do irrational fears, uncomfortable truths, and Jeff Kahler reading minds have in common? It's all happening in the Season 8 Recap! Don't miss this week's episode, where tensions are running high and the emails from listeners just keep rolling in…


    We want to know: what was your favorite moment from season 8? Share in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0093 | State of the Labor Market

    Episode 0093 | State of the Labor Market

    What are the new trends in hiring and recruiting since the Great Resignation? This week, Jeff Kahler invites Jessica Blake-Dean from High's Stores, based in Baltimore, onto the show to discuss her strategy for recruiting and hiring talent in 2023.


    How has your recruiting strategy evolved? We want to know! Share in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0092 | Complexities of Compliance

    Episode 0092 | Complexities of Compliance

    Do you find compliance laws confusing? You're not alone. The laws for maintaining compliance within an organization are numerous, varied, and can sometimes be complicated. This week, Jeff Kahler interviews RTO's very own Laura Wentling, Director of Government Affairs, to truly understand the complexities of staying compliant.


    Do have a story about maintaining compliance within your organization? We want to hear it! Share in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0091 | Conflict Management: It's a Tough Soft Skill

    Episode 0091 | Conflict Management: It's a Tough Soft Skill
    Producer Kelly has decided to kick off the new year by focusing on conflict management, and she puts Jeff Kahler to the test - literally. How do his soft skills hold up in in a situation of conflict? Find out in this episode, and test your own skills along with us!
    Did your soft skills pass the test? We want to know! Share in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/

    Episode 0090 | Intellectual Capital: You're More Valuable Than You Think!

    Episode 0090 | Intellectual Capital: You're More Valuable Than You Think!

    Intellectual property is a very real, tangible thing - but what about the intangible intellectual capital? This week, Jeff Kahler discusses the three pillars of intellectual capital. Your organization may be worth more than you think!


    How do you rank in intellectual capital? We want to know! Listen to this week’s podcast and share your response in the comments at: https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0089 | Marketing to Singles Pays Double!

    Episode 0089 | Marketing to Singles Pays Double!

    Did you know nearly 3 in 10 households consist of just one person? With more and more American households being made up of singles, it's time to start shifting focus to this growing demographic. This week, Jeff Kahler provides some quick tips and ideas on how you can take marketing to singles to the next level - even in the convenience world!


    Do you have any marketing tips to share? Leave them in the comments at https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.

    Episode 0088 | Robotics in Convenience

    Episode 0088 | Robotics in Convenience
    Robots are becoming more and more prevalent in our day-to-day lives. This week, Jeff Kahler discusses the highs and lows of robotics as well as the fears people (and Kelly) have as we adapt to the increasing role robots have in our lives.
    How do you feel about robots? Share your thoughts in the comments at https://www.cultureofconvenience.com/.