

    The Dprogram Podcast is for those who want to develop a relationship with God and for the chosen few who need guidance on this journey called life. Our discussions are based on biblical prinicples with a modern day conversational tone using references and personal experiences from me the host and others. The objective is for you to leave an episode with encouragement to face the days ahead as each of our days are numbered. The motto of Dprogram is "what is a life if it doesn't change others". This was inspired by the famous Zig Ziglar quote "If you give enough people what they want, then you get what you want". We are all servants for the lord and that may not sound appealing but according to Matthew 6:33 which reads "seek ye first the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need". Let me help you get everything you need.
    enChildren of Israel16 Episodes

    Episodes (16)

    Judah Rise Day 4

    Judah Rise Day 4
    C.R.E.A.M Cash rules everything around me, get tha get tha money dolla dolla bills yalllllll.

    Have you ever thought about why we have to borrow to acquire the things we need like housing? This should confirm that we are in a system that doesn't care about human rights but about monetary gain that can be created out of thin air. It's a hoax, smoky mirrors...listen for more info.

    Judah Rise Day 3

    Judah Rise Day 3

    1. Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
    • When you're convicted by the holy ghost a supernatural experience takes place and the battle will be won not by your own will but the will of God. If you’re battling with something ask God to remove the desire.
    • Listen to the Prayer for Judah, this is mainly towards the young black men commiting murder and the young black women in fornication. MOST of this behavior is due to the music we listen to that is being funded by..you guessed it the Ashkenazi Jews.
    • Judah stop selling your people out for a check!

    judah rise day 2

    judah rise day 2
    The United States government adopted the same principles as that of Egypt and Babylon. We need to come out of agreement with Satan's devices. The Bible is a book of covenants and the only way to break covenants that you forged or that are in your bloodline is by prayer and fasting. You need to come out of agreement by repenting and renouncing those covenants and renewing your covenant with God. The Bible reiterates this multiple times in different scriptures
    1. Deuteronomy 5:9, Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them; for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me,
    2. Exodus 34:7, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation
    The same applies if you make a covenant with God, that he will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you
    1. Genesis 17:7, And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.

    Judah Rise Day 1

    Judah Rise Day 1
    In episode one we discuss being held captive in the land of our enemies and where we really come from. If you connect the historical dots it will confirm that we are God's chosen people, everyone knows it except us. Although we come from the bloodline of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, we chose to worship false Idols and that's why were still in bondage today. The only way to break free is repent for worshipping false idols, renounce the agreement we made with the Devil by worhsipping the false idols and renew our covenant with the one and true living God. Stay tuned for links and references on our true birth place.

    I fasted 40 days

    I fasted 40 days
    FASTING- Mathew 17:21, How be it this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

    PRAYER- James 5:16, Confess your faults, one to another, and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer or a righteous man availeth much.

    PERSECUTION- Matthew 5:10, Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    FAITH- Romans 10:17, So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of God.

    IT'S A WRAP! We'll be back soon with Season 2.

    False Idols

    False Idols
    When you put anything before God this is a form of idol worship. Idols can be celebrities, clothing, TV Shows, Jewelry, and many other things. God showed me that one of the main problems with people especially Black people is we value materialistic things above all else. I thought it was because most of us came up with nothing, no true money or wealth so when we get some we just buy everything the oppressor sells us, it's really backward if you think about it. The same people who mock you, make money off you and you happily worship their products, this makes no sense to me. Until we can put away the false idols and come back to Christ we are destined for hell. Scripture says "If any man should follow me he must deny himself". You have to come out of agreement with all these worldly things. Below are some references you should really check out to understand this better.

    Pastor Stephen Darby discussed "Who we are" and the end and the beginning.
    Pastor Stephen Darby discussed "Negroland"
    Chris Juby breaks down each chapter of the Bible in a very easy read


    Addictions, most of us have faced them or will face them. Some of us have a strong will and that is a blessing from God, while others may need Gods grace to help them overcome addictions. If you start making excuses for doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing, it's probably an addiction, If you can't tell your kids what it is you're doing, it's probably an addiction and most of all if you try and hide it or feel bad after doing it, it's probably an addiction. Addictions come in many forms so while you may not be strung out on cocaine, you might be addicted to posting pics online. Whatever the case is Isaiah 53:5 says in short "with his stripes we are healed". GLORY BE TO GOD. What this means is that whatever the addiction is if you commit your will to God you will be healed because the stripes represent the beating that Jesus took on the cross for our sins, because he did this his spirit now lives in us and we have the power to break these addictions.

    know god, know yourself

    know god, know yourself
    A collection of audio clips used to describe that we are more than just flesh and blood. We are all multi-dimensional beings and this earthly suit we have will one day die and our souls will live on. Most people have been lied to by the white man's "Christianity". Today's church will be persecuted for trying to accept "everybody". God can forgive anyone no matter what the sin, as long as they confess the sin and truly want to change, I don't care what the sin is homosexuality, adultery, pornography even pedophilia, but that doesn't mean you won't reap what you sow, you will pay for your sins but look at the bright side, at least you won't end up in hell.

    Link to "How I Got Saved"
    -check back for updates

    Inspiration for this episode came from Matthew ch 13 "Parable of the Sower".

    the truth we ignore

    the truth we ignore
    Why do we borrow to buy things we can't afford? Is it because that's what were supposed to do? Who benefits from that? If you ask yourself these types of questions then this Podcast is for you. I detail some of my experiences in real estate, how we have been programmed to think a certain way by this system in America and how to break the cycle and develop a relationship with God.