
    Daniel's Nemesis Podcast

    Salvaging a terrible novel has never been so difficult. It all started with aliens invading after the First World War. But that was never enough. The novel became more surreal, less conventional. And publishers rejected it. That was 20 years ago. Many years later, the writer, Daniel’s Nemesis, returned to his debut fiction to see what could be done with it. This podcast series is the story of one writer, trying to dissect his 20-year old novel, chapter by chapter, but being hindered by his former self who is there to defend it. From bumpy beginnings, this podcast series flourishes into a surreal drama of how one should express themself. The internal conflict any writer has as to what part of their work is actually good, and what needs to go. And that fear of never being able to reproduce a quality of writing that seemed to have come out of nowhere.
    en-gbDaniel Luzio71 Episodes

    Episodes (71)

    Verbal Emesis 2 (Or, back on the radio for the Danegade Master)

    Verbal Emesis 2 (Or, back on the radio for the Danegade Master)

    Welcome back to the ultimate say-nothing podcast, the Daniel’s Nemesis Podcast. 
    Let it wash over you, and pay attention to whatever you want, even if that’s the sound more than the content. 

    Today I’m not saying much about Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Strikes Again and doing more radio shows. 

    There's an accompanying video to this episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ


    Verbal Emesis 1 (Fern Brady, Mortimer & Whitehouse, The Machinist, Being a Radio DJ)

    Verbal Emesis 1 (Fern Brady, Mortimer & Whitehouse, The Machinist, Being a Radio DJ)

    An audio blog with a twist. I briefly mention Paul Whitehouse and Bob Mortimer's Gone Fishing, Fern Brady's Strong Female Character, and 2004's film The Machinist. I also talk about doing a link as a radio DJ.

    I'm also doing more on TikTok and YouTube - shorts and full-length videos (that look good) to accompany these episodes. 

    X, Squared - CATCH UP 4, Chapters 16 - 21. FINALE! (Or... No, Jimmy Carr does not make an appearance, sorry)

    X, Squared - CATCH UP 4, Chapters 16 - 21. FINALE! (Or... No, Jimmy Carr does not make an appearance, sorry)

    STRONG LANGUAGE and noisy bits. Also, no Jimmy Carr for reasons you will find out. 

    Yes, it’s a Catch-Up episode, and it’s the finale, wrapping up X, Squared: the novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a mess that’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a hoot!

    Will I be able to tie up all the threads? 

    It’s the Daniel’s Nemesis Podcast episode to end all Daniel’s Nemesis Podcast episodes. 

    Enjoy, and don’t overthink it!


    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    AUDIO: Search ‘Daniels Nemesis’ in your podcast provider for the full audio series, or check out this website: https://danielsnemesis.libsyn.com/

    What are your thoughts on this episode? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared - Final Exam! (Another quick quiz about novel X, Squared)

    X, Squared - Final Exam! (Another quick quiz about novel X, Squared)

    Daniel’s Nemesis is currently sulking and will be back in a couple of weeks if he hasn’t rage-quit his own narrative. 

    So, I’m back with another quick quiz. My voice is different as I’m like many of the identities across this universe who have been reimagined, but my function remains. 

    I am just I. A personal pronoun adjacent to reality, not in the realm of imagination, merely digital sounds for this singular purpose. And I’m totally non-canon.

    You did well in the midterms, but we’ve learned a lot more since then. 

    How much have you been paying attention to the Daniel’s Nemesis novel X, Squared

    It’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a mess that’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a hoot! And sometimes a quiz. 

    It’s time for the Final Exam! 

    1.  When locked up in the police cells, how are they able to get out?

    2.  What kind of sandwich does Crunchy make?

    3.  Why does Crunchy want to kill Hemmingway?

    4.  Why does Mitsuko not want an office job?

    5.  Why does Crunchy not want the bubble to exist?

    6.  How does Crunchy reward Hemmingway’s hard work?

    7.  Who is Bateman?

    8.  What does Crunchy learn in the non-space that resembles death yet is not death?

    9.  What joint decision do Crunchy and Mitsuko make in the only instance of them working together?

    10.  How does Crunchy overcome his demons?

    11.  This being a Daniel’s Nemesis novel, does Crunchy die at the end?



    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared - Chapter 21 FINALE (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    X, Squared - Chapter 21 FINALE (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    Crunchy reaches the end of his story in this final chapter.  

    In Chapter 21 of audiobook X, Squared, Crunchy and Mitsuko learn the results of all the actions they have taken. Is it a happy ending? 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a mess that’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 


    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared - Chapter 20 (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    X, Squared - Chapter 20 (audiobook novel of original fiction)


    Crunchy meets an old friend who may help.  

    In Chapter 20 of audiobook X, Squared, Crunchy and Mitsuko follow through with their plan. But is it the best plan? It is Hemmingway’s former special friend, after all. 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a mess that’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.


    X, Squared - Chapter 19 (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    X, Squared - Chapter 19 (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    Crunchy is out of the frying pan, and back into the fire. 

    In Chapter 19 of audiobook X, Squared, it’s time for Crunchy to start taking control, and figure out what needs to be done. With him, as always, is his trusted companion Mitsuko.  

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a mess that’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared - Chapter 18 (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    X, Squared - Chapter 18 (audiobook novel of original fiction)


    Crunchy got his desire but is it what he really wanted? 

    In Chapter 18 of audiobook X, Squared, Crunchy finally faces up to some big issues that he’s been avoiding. Many would say it’s too late, like, very definitely too late. However, the fact that he is able to confront these issues suggests that there’s still a way forward. 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a mess that’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 


    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared - Chapter 17 (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    X, Squared - Chapter 17 (audiobook novel of original fiction)


    Crunchy finds himself all alone in the big blue ball thing. 

    In Chapter 17 of audiobook X, Squared, Crunchy has to decide what his next move is. Either way, it’s going to be destructive. It’s like the trolley problem, but would you want to be the one to pull that lever? 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a mess that’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.


    X, Squared - Chapter 16 (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    X, Squared - Chapter 16 (audiobook novel of original fiction)


    What could be inside the big blue ball thing? Happiness? Joy? Happiness and joy? And love? What does the disclaimer say again? 

    In Chapter 16 of audiobook X, Squared, Crunchy is confronted by the essence of Crunchiness. And he goes for a bit of a walk. Sometimes with breaks. 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a mess that’s a novel that’s a podcast that’s an audio drama that’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared - CATCH UP 3, Chapters 11 - 15 (Or, VENGE-FEST!!!!!!!!)

    X, Squared - CATCH UP 3, Chapters 11 - 15 (Or, VENGE-FEST!!!!!!!!)
    X, Squared - Chapters 11 - 15. Venge-Fest!

    STRONG LANGUAGE. As usual. Sometimes bleeped ineffectually. 

    Yes, it’s a Catch-Up episode. Remember the ‘dumbest thing I have ever done’? Well, mathematically, if x = ‘the dumbest thing I have ever done’, then this is THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE, SQUARED! Play along, if you DARE!!!

    And, it’s unusual for me to say this in a Catch-Up episode, but please forgive the terrible accents. 

    It's a novel that's a podcast that's an audio drama that's a mess that's a novel that's a podcast that's an audio drama that's a hoot! The Daniel's Nemesis Podcast!


    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    AUDIO: Search ‘Daniels Nemesis’ in your podcast provider for the full audio series, or check out this website: https://danielsnemesis.libsyn.com/

    What are your thoughts on this episode? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.


    X, Squared - Chapter 15 (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    X, Squared - Chapter 15 (audiobook novel of original fiction)

    There’s a new attraction in London, so Crunchy and Hemmingway decide to go and have a look. Mitsuko discovers the joys of domesticity. 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.


    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 14

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 14

    The team need to work together because united, they will never be divided. But, the dream team have always been able to do that, right? It’s not like there’s anything at stake, and massive things are beginning to happen in London, is there? It’s just another chapter, Chapter 14, in fact, of X, Squared.

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    Amazon Audible

    Must Read

    Bestselling fiction

    New York Times Best Sellers

    Summer Reads

    Winter Reads

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 13, Part 3

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 13, Part 3

    Crunchy, Mitsuko, and Hemmingway all confront their own uncomfortable truths. Might just as well end the novel here as this where they will each give up, right? 

    Chapter 13 (Part 3) is where the novel takes a much darker tone that will be present for the rest of the story. 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.



    Amazon Audible

    Must Read

    Bestselling fiction

    New York Times Best Sellers

    Summer Reads

    Winter Reads

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 13, Part 2

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 13, Part 2

    Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy. Crunchy gets what he wants, Mitsuko gets what she wants, Hemmingway gets a boo-boo. Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy. 

    Chapter 13 (Part 2), and this is where the novel takes a much darker tone that will be present for the rest of the story. 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 13, Part 1

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 13, Part 1

    Crunchy debates who is better: Spiderman or Superman. I mean, that’s obvious, right? 

    The rest of the gang find out what their immediate future is to hold. Happiness for everyone, as usual. LOTS OF GOOD THINGS!

    Chapter 13, and this is where the novel takes a much darker tone that will be present for the rest of the story. 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 12

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 12

    Chapter 12, and Crunchy wants a cup of tea and a marmite sandwich. How does he come up with these wacky ideas? 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 11

    X, Squared (an audio novel) - Chapter 11

    Chapter 11, and finding themselves in some real trouble, it’s time for Crunchy to save the gang again! Oh, Crunchy, how do you do it? 

    X, Squared - the latest audiobook novel by Daniel’s Nemesis, follows nervous young wreck Crunchy as he begins work experience at the mysterious organisation The FIB. Things soon decline into a world inspired by German Expressionism and early 2000s Japanese Horror movies. 

    It’s a hoot!

    (Please forgive the accents!) 

    There are separate episodes where I give analysis and discussion about the chapters. Check out the feed for those catch-up episodes. One has already been released to explain the origins of the novel. 

    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    What are your thoughts on this and previous chapters? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    X, Squared - CATCH UP 2, Chapters 6 to 10 analysis (Or, Job Appraisal)

    X, Squared - CATCH UP 2, Chapters 6 to 10 analysis (Or, Job Appraisal)

    Chapters 6 - 10. Act 2 Part 1. Fun and Games. So, let’s examine how Crunchy and the others deal with this new world that they are entering. 

    Yes, it’s a Catch-up episode. So, some analysis is needed! 

    STRONG LANGUAGE. As usual. 

    GENERAL NOTES - 0:30


    YouTube channel with full episodes, just the chapters, and podcast highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2-GH1Zuc9He6NKtwr1CeQ 

    AUDIO: Search ‘Daniels Nemesis’ in your podcast provider for the full audio series, or check out this website: https://danielsnemesis.libsyn.com/

    What are your thoughts on this episode? Have you spotted something that I have missed? Tell me your thoughts at danielsnemesis@gmail.com

    You can also find me on Twitter to know when a new episode is released at @DanielsNemesis, though nothing much happens there.

    #DanielsNemesis #XBook #Audiobook #Audiobooks #Books #novel #Surreal #Scifi #fiction #Narration #OriginalFiction #ASMR #ASMRFiction