
    Dante's History

    The poem is allegorical, with multiple meanings. Each episode will cover a canto at a time, summarizing and interpreting the poem based on dozens of commentaries. Check the website for further reading.
    enMallon Khan25 Episodes

    Episodes (25)

    Inferno: Canto 24 - The Den of Snakes

    Inferno: Canto 24 - The Den of Snakes
    In this canto, Dante and Virgil finally make it out of the sixth subring of the 8th circle. As they cross the next bolgia, a disgruntled voice draws them down to take a closer look. They discover the seventh subring is full of snakes and thieves. Our travelers speak with one of these thieves, a political opponent of Dante's, who tells them about his greatest crime and offers the pilgrim a discouraging prophecy.

    Inferno: Canto 10 - The Soulless Nobles

    Inferno: Canto 10 - The Soulless Nobles
    In this canto our duo walk among the tombs of the city of the dead where they meet two once feuding aristocrats who must now share a grave for eternity. We'll learn about the noble Epicureans and their views on the immortal soul and get further insight into the poet's view of the past , present, and future of the civil war in his homeland of Florence.

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    Inferno: Canto 7 - The Fools of Fortune

    Inferno: Canto 7 - The Fools of Fortune
    In this canto, the pilgrim and his guide encounter the demon Plutus, god of wealth in the Forth Circle. Here they observe the plight of the Avaricious and Prodigal, those who lust hoard or waste wealth. We'll learn a bit about the nature of fortune before entering the fifth circle, where the angry and sullen reside.